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Adesina is the Best Agric Minister Ever, Say Graduates The \~ for Agriculture ~Iopmml,.

Dr:. Alwtwwru Adeuw. Iw hem described ;a:§ the bet pmon e\o'et 10 occupy thr seal 5iI'ICe the rruni5try was ~ 1lus was the rondusion of

.trod Rural

• C'05II 5eCbOn

01 partiop;ants


production. m,Hut-

the four.week 0Igribusines5


........ """'uo.d by """'"

ing. processmg.. agnbuslness

College 01 AnunaI Health IIOd


""""""'" .........

Oyo SUoe Over 250


parbci~ted U1 the tr.tuung programme on fishene5 and poultry The curriculum

and getbng iIICU:!I5 10 fin.un At thr end 01 tIv COUISI!'. oi thr 90 gradwlt'5 in the fishene5 programme got 400 fingerlings and fa.>ds to nurture !he ~ for four


months. free of ~. AbouiI4l ................. in thr poultry rounc. Each of

Dry Season: NEMA Prepares for Hannattan Fire In .. bKI.


""'" _

Ire< 01 dwg>'.

100 wy4d dUcks and feeds for three months. One of the partiapanls. AlhoI}i 0w0Labi Idris. pr;used AdesiN for the prognmme-only God an rewW tum. I thought II was • mere pLly tniJ I WJt hm. Vk weft bkm

Ihmugh nil"""" tho<xy '""

qill dreaming."

"""""'" ""Tho8e w...... who performed be-

Ra.studJ Odur\illya. howt-ver. ~ Wlth the govmvnmt to conWlue the programme: '" want government to ronbnue A lot of PftlPW hL'ft.' ilte mll.'rprertuer'!J and n.>tln..<d

Dw 75 P'f" 0!I1t \o\~ dropped. The rnuuster tIo15 troughl me how to fish. and has given me fishes for me to go and multtply, he is the best in the lustory of Nigen.t. .. M.>d.>m _ An)<>. who

lOOk pout In !he pouIlry (I)Ur.5II! remarbd Ihm: .. I ~\''e ~ seen a ttunz like tht5 ~ I came ~ for the four..week I:r.I.JJUtlg.

They p~ us «DJITto

rnodation. tN..'Y gave me 100 ducb, three months feeds to feed them to the pOUlt of .."..,. '"" N5.1ll) " .....,.., them honw. It lOS as d I


Another partlciprMl,. ~'Ir

...... Tho~ """"

ronbnue and abo hod • way 01 encouragmg the youths to show mcft inle'cst5," he Ytd. Af~ Ma~. who lOOk the tril1nUlg ~ on fbhmes Wi15 run of PI ." she n."CCYed her fin~ ft.oeds and transport fure in-Ib.dan last Fnday; In M words: ., am 100 happy lit talk now becuie I dOlfl want to start O1II'Ig.

prevent • ~

0CCWT"enCI! 01 anothI.'r ~ 01 the mawutudc! Wltne:!t;ed ~ft.'Q!fW:~acJQllb

"""'J<'" -......,.,.." ............ """"" (NEMA)

h.JI inirugw';tted a ~


fire .uw:i bush burning durw.g tiE hamattiln SII.'lI.'D\. The Bfnal mrrmabL'e • II> tn.1p out the most ~ -~mrty~arfIHil .my likdihood of futl.lre reoCXI.'UtU'Cr 01 disIsIcI:5 ~ bush and INBet fire dW1Ol!l: !he hmn;w;Jn and dry !lI'IB.n In .. stUI:menl .-wd by Its l-wad cI Public: Relations. Mz:.

Yushau ",;uroj

SN~. ~



IBn ~


less dm'U'18 dunng the ~ months

lI).Jvoid ~

oun.age on the lugh~r Tht' stlteI:ntnt ;a.ho quuk'd

are IJIJe:u" General cJ NE\tA.

MuNmzn.t Suu-5ida,. ci sOOatIng the cnoper;.bon of



n.ltoW ageroes In proUtIng the (DIlU1\wube5 .md hdpng 10 build the culture c:J ~



Chai.rrMn of tN! Pr~tial ComnittH on Rood R~ief. Alhajl Aliko Dangote (leftl.1d Ri~ State GoYemoc-. Mr. Rotlmi AmHchl dwing a oMit to the flood relief camp In RiYC!l"S State by the committH- weflend

"..",... Sani-Sicb !ipCIo:z whale l\"I."I:r\'-

WOIks Minister Decries

Gunmen Kidnap Ex-Altomey-General inEnugu

EFCC Probes All'f:.:! N2m~c Loan raud, Detention of Fanners

-what loW' SlW U1 Ihe 0.,. Brdse.\'/;'I)'~ ~SJW two~ Ihere an::! AS:.

Clvistophe< Islgum


this )ftf &om are aJmlU'UI(5 apnst the b.lnk bnn::h. the

ro: IhLw 10 attend 10 them. but few kibnetre!I 10 the aaidmI



• <DUn.

AbandonedVehicles on Highways Adlbe ErMnyonu .8ero>Gty t. tnse- c:J \'\brb,. Mr, MiJ,z Od!rrere\ ms 00n:0d the .t:adJlll; ~ \UU5 altt..~~~~

We d !he foeder.lI Srifnv ~1R&l"_ .-d refusallD ~ tfen.

... ...-..,"""""' ....... ~",oo~

.... ~ wrcJ If'eCllP'l; ~bOn"'mon!edXnl

0I"'~ ............ s-t rncmber.t of thr FRSC N\.... ~ the penchant to o1bIrdon ,,'ehdes tNt were IJlvoh'\'d In ~\ts whd\

........ - . -

on the tvghways. 1re n*'iIiter was angry Mtt ~ IWOlUldtns in Ii!s than 10 miIUe5 on the spot .t {)vy "Rn--er bndge wtuch _

.....,.,.., b y of mde .rodental \'dudes &om the scme cI acodents, and ItLnoatl.'nl!d to rqo1 the iktl'llbe of FRSC opnab\"e5 to theu- Corps Marslu1.

~}<IU h.n~

AS: pan. n-

l'i~.ntlamP'lg 10 tale ~ ttr IBJI!' WIth FRS("

Capo ....,.,..,..........

~on tR!a:aiuillD .. "

of the PreJdcnt Goodlud Jonathm

adnurustrabOO 10


debver on tIw Ahn prqect. the rrunist.:r unng the inspKtIon of the cbang stages 01 the first and second phMt of the 5.lgounu-8crnn ro.d ~QtIOn work aiJ the tt.rd pNse wiD a:JIl1mI!ra """"""'tdy .... "'" .".,..,... lion 01 the first and second phase In Man::h 2013. A.cron:hng to tum. -"The rmd IS part cllhf tr:m5-AfncI

"""" . . . """""'0.._

"","~y """""'"" from ... 10 Morrbasa. (K.en}'3). You will recaJl tNt M~ PftosIdent In Ius f"IoltIOn-wJde speech.. sui Ius adnurustr:Jtion will deti.ver

on lis tr.msform.1tion agen:b.

"".. m-ty ~WYIh same

~Ene> v~


Nnamdi Azlkiwe Uruvemty and .. rwo-ttme AtfOI'ney em. l'JaI ri the old Anarrbr.I State, Prd. IlochI Ol:afor (SAN) wa yatertWy abducted by 5OlN.'


Tho "'"'" V; WoII!laho ... ~ ... thtJJIO Anambr.i Stare ~p


The Policr Public Relations <Jffio!r (PPRO) In ~ M~ ~ AlNraIzu.IDIId 11iSJAY L1~ Dl the eo.~ )tiled.I\I, tNl the modenl ocrul"ftd at oabcM.Il 8 LnL. .t the victIm', ~ on f""u1cer A\.-enuc in Independence u)'OU1., Enugu SUI<

members of . '5 turuly corw:errung the tnCdent,. saymg. -rhe poln would soon uncover the reasons behmd . . (OWo<) Iodrop """ ......


He oJdded '"We ue alread\l

"""'" "'" ..... "'"

Finanaal Crime CorrurusIion tvve CDITWfUla!d IrM!!tIfpbIXlIn;:, ~ d Ii:3u:l.

that the


ol the pebbon II recelwed on CJdc.tIft" 2-1. !ius ymr fn:m the

an:!: ~ deIoma1 d ana)))

us by ~ ~tus bmily and we wu.dd !OOn maR out tindInp kMwn 10 the press, but wt' would not divulge the

hedsnvn..w:f ~ in g.r,. and Glade l..oc1I Government AreiI5 01 &uchi Stalt'.. An agOO.IIl:ul:aIloon~· If18 to N2 million was ,.w to h."i\.... bem di::'ibur.icd to the hndsren and farmers in the IWO~ by the ~ br;.dl


5er1Sltive ones !lO as not to sabota~ our In\lt5t1gi1bons.MtwtwhiIe • SbIIm'd1l &on Okalor", r.mul)' read. "With regret MId gtr.'1 ~ we wish to ~ tNt Prof I10du A.. Qk.1for (SAN), has

""'" ~ "'" """"'""

JUdge cJ

~pl;uned vtslt WM ~ .. result

The CDnU1U!I5ion


~ on inIomabOn gM"n

ill tus ~ IJl EZlUgu. -Oblor WIl5. ~ Anw;uzu saJd CA:lIor was Attorney ~I of the old .bout .......... '" _ ...... Anambn State as weLl as a he _ whtsked Away by the former- Vo-- O\ancellor of 'Iln..und1 Azlkwe Univesty, gunmon. Awb.. Please fOUl us." prayw;u about drivang out when. ing to Alnu~ Cod lor hI.s he w..s pdo:l- Amiuuu !iIId IIIllN:'C1li11te safe release Thr PPRO said the police fn:m Ius Qptors.. Thank you. -

...... ,...

tradJbDnal ruler and


01. bonL THlSOAY gathemt tNt there were MlegalJOns of maI~tmerIt .nd df:tention

01 "'" """""'"" d~ IOilns ~ dnve, aIItgtdly ~'\'d .. tr.JdibcnilI ruIft- and .t Shari;} roun jUdge m the area WIth the illeged axvuv;mce of the bank. 1he ERX operatives wt!!'e sud 10 Nlvt' \I$bld the a.I6I ~ a pebbon the commiI!Jicn t«Eiwrl on 0:rl:Jer 24.

comrnumlle5 ." the two kx:aI\'l¥oIlhrstille.

ThP bend"Ja.U1Ct ~ ~ edJy CiIjokd to ope'I MX'OWlt WIth the 00nk branch !O oilS to

btndit &on «I ~ ard ar.mI futerdry loan to beast


""" tXn It AIlegrd tNt the vilbgm ~ dean'\'d to re:JerYe' Ihr loons ~ In 2009, wtuch were ~ &-eoe rangJng from N35)'(XX) to N1 orullion. It _ also alIegrd tNl the


an ~ wh:I oIIdrd..


~t>b:iitJIe~ IJon5 ~

the farmI!rs and

the laW. .. Iht tradib::nU ruler and the farmln.wm! ~ who rouJd I'leItheI- wntr nor read m Engti>h Iongu;ogr

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