P.ge 36, THIS DAY, Vol. 16, No. 5908
Monday, June 27, 2011
more business news
Advertisers to Honour Senators at·38th AGM Assot:;OItion of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria (AAAN) is set to hold its 38th Annual Gener..1 Meeling/Congress rlUm July 1 - 9 3l !he Equity Reson Hotel. (r'Omlerly Gateway 1I00el). Ijehu·Ode Oguo 5[:l.(t. Attording to a st.:nement wued by the uecuth'c Ser;nt.:uy the Association, Mr. ukan FacIolapo. copy of he
Stader by Rahu m Akillgbolll ""hich ....'35 made avai lable to Tl-IISDAY,IhcAGM. with the theme. 'Globalismg NigerilUl Advertising: ProspectS &. Challcnges', will also be used to felicitate wi th f\I.'O senior Ad~rtising JnCliliOOC1S. who wen:: rtttntly ekck:d senators of !he Feder.l1 Republic or
Nigeria. n-.e t\\'O men arc- Senator Akin Odunsi. a fonner President or the Association and the Chainnan. Rosabe l Un Bumcft Advertising. lind Senator Solomoo EWUg3 , Chairman.Adpure Adl-ertising Umiled. Fadolapo Rtso indicated thaI professi0031advenisin~ pnc1itioners and other industry st.1keholdc:ni will engage the
platform ror a robuSI intellectual and practical discourse on Nigerian creatrvity in the gJob. aI m.tr\:cting communicaJjons busilll:M,
He also said it would afford delcgatc::5 and participants the opportunity to evaJua~ the math"C ingenuity of Nigerian advertising agcncie:s and their contributions to creativity in advertising glOOalJy. Aa:ording to the exccullve
~t..u)'; "One of the major highlights of the Am. I ""ill be the election of new cucutives to steer the ship of the Association for the next 12 month<;. This is subsequent upon the upiration of the tenure of the incumbc-nt exccuti\'e commiuc-e led by Mr. Funmi Onabolu as President. The Funmi Onabolu-kd Exro ....as elected at the 361h AGMICongrcs:s election ""'0
ycar5 ago in &lugu SlaIC··. Contenc\cn ror the post or the Prr:sidcut, as m"Calcd by the statement; are Mr. longley EITU lhe incumbent Vic-e President and Chief Executive of Angels Communications; Mr. Rufal Ladipo, an ExOfficio and the Otief ~ecul h"C of STB-McCann ' Lag05 and Mr. Emabo.Emokpac. Executil-e Vice Chairman, Lowe Linla.~ .
CSR: Shoprite Restates Commibnent to Human Devt hOPfiI C, a leading supermarket across Africa with growing pn=scncc in Nigeria. has conti nued the facililalion of iu bimonthly Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) iniTiath'c l:lgged ' Help-Change.;.
S :l
Life' .
To date. the organisation and its customers have colIccth'dy donated more than NI. 7SODOO.oo to the lesser privilcged in its communities in thi s way_ I'. statement inued in Lagos indicated thai this month. the managemenl or Ihe Lekki and Sumlere branches of the group has given a collection of N600DOO,OO 10 the heads of SOS children villages and The lillie Saints Orphanage: both homes are localed in the Palmgrol-e area of Lagos state ~nd ..... ere eslablil'hcd to cater for orphans. abused and abandoned children . Acting manager for Ihe Enugu branch of Shoprite. Mr. F3bi:1n Abantu ...... hile presenting shopping vouche"" to the represcnmtives of SOS I·illage. was quoted to hne said "there is no sct (JlInlmct.er to 5electing. v.hich
orphanage home to visit. arter colloting what has been contribuled by customers in the change-I -li fe box pl3CCd in every OUllet every month e-nd. managers an: then on the lookout for charity homes that have not been visited and needs support to take care. of the- less privile-ged" _ He furthcr noted that after their visil they do a rollow up on the plldage to be sure they are judiciously utilised _ Responding on behalf of the ch:u;ties: the head offund raising and e-ommunicalions, Mrs Uche Odiasc:. thanked Shoprite for coming to visi t the home: more-so. ror the shoppin g vouc hc-r which would give the mothers of the home lIIe opportunity of taking lheir children on a family shopping al Shoprite 10 gel ilrms for the home. She however implored olher corporate bodies 10 join in this ste p and show love to Ihe len privile-ged in the society. She re iter-ued lIIat the change a li re package will go a long wily in the lil'cs of Ihe c hildren , and thanked the managemcnt of Shoprite for putting smilc-s on the faces of their children.
' ['R: EacUJi.w Dirtdor, CoqKJmIt, /nJD"rUJIiQntJ/, ' m't$lmrnJ IJ/Id Trnuruy, rhilip IktauIr, Group" fanagin, Oirrdar, Union IInnlr. "f Nigeria P/c,M~ "-un'" Ol'bodu and F.xUlltir't Dirtdor, CQmmoriaf lhmldng (NCN1hJ and Pllblic Stt:for, AUraji I brahim KK"fIrgalln, durill, fhe Ban" intu'Qc/;'w 1tSJion KithfinonciilljaumalW aI fill MllStln CtnIn in Utgos...JrCtlllly
Macleans Partners NCO to Clean Lagos Community n a bid 10 promote govemmcm's efforts on ow;mnmental cleanliness, Macleans. the toothpasle from brnod GlaloS mit hKJ ioe Consumer
Nigeria (GSK) Pic. has p3ft nered Passion Iiouse 10 clean up Amukoko. a subU/b in Irelodun local Counci l l:Je\'dopmcnt Area of Lagos State.
Agric Commodity Prices not Likely to Fall Soon - UN hC intelTllltionat cummu· nil)' wilt be flltin g highcJ food pria:s and \'OID.tilil)' in commodity martds ror some time, according to. new report by the Uniled Nations Food and Agriculture ~anis:l.lion (FAO) and the ~anisruion for Economic Coopcnl1on ;mil [)e,."dopment (OECO) Ih:u. ails for greater ilwestmcnt in agricultLIlt!. The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 20 11 2020 says that a good ~"CSI in the C'OfTIi ng months should push COflunodily prices do\\"n fitJm the extreme levels seen earlier this }'eOU. acconiin, to I UN release. (h'Cr the coming decade:, 00wC\'a", rea! prices for «Teals could :1I't!r.tge as much as 20 per CJ:ru higt.::r and those for meats as much B.'i 30 per cenl higher. compam:ito 2001-10. •• FAO states in a news relea~ . adding that these projet:tions are well below the peak pm levels experienced in 2007.()8 and again this year. " In the- CUITt!Ilt mlum context. price volatility could rnnain a fe-ature of agricultural marltcts.1I1d C'Ohercnt policies iII'C required 10 both reduce \'tIlatiliIY and limil itS negalll-e
impactS;' said FAD Dirttlor Gmerol.Jxques Diouf. Ihc key solution 10 the problem will be boosting im'e5tmCnt in Igricu[1llfC and reinforcing ntr.tI development in developing countries. whcre 98 per cent of the hun gry pe0ple Ih-e today alld wileTt! population is expccled 10 illC'ft!D.SC by 47 pcr ccnt OYer the next decades:' He added that effom should focus in patticular on smallholders in low-incorttt fooddefICit t'OUntries.
The latest publication fol · lows the release ofFAO's bian· nual Food Outlook earlier this monlll. which said Ih:u. globil rood prices are [ikely to remain high for the rest of this year and into 20 12 due to dwindling stockl and only small produc. tion incn:ases for the majoril)'
The OECD-FAO rcpofIsecs g10baI agricullUr:\I production
gmv.'ing more slowly OI"C:T the next dc:cadc than in the past to years. with rann output C.\pected to ri~ \lY 1.7 per cent almll-
al ly, oompaml to the 2.6 per cent growth nile of the past
In addition, it states that per capita food consumption will expand most rl'pidly in Eastern Europe, Asia and Latin AmerKa. with demand incn:a.sing the highest for meat. dairy prodtJCU. \qctable oils and sup. GloDaI production in lhe fISheries sector, which is covCre.d by the repon ror !he firsl time, is projected to incn:asc by 1.3 percent annually 10 2020.
Marketing Executives Take Seats in CMO Council
he CMO Council has announcal new additions to iu Telionalleadenhip group in the /'. Iiddlc East. Africa. A.5.i1 PacifIC vd India_ AttOfdilltl to an agency report. the new list include the Chief M:uketing OffiCCf. VisafOlit Communications Nigcria; Pamg Sen. Centr.oJ Markcting Group Lead, MicrosoR Saudi ARbia; Loai Bafaqech. Senior VICe Prt!sidem &: Hea:I of Wealth M:magc:mc-nt, Mashrftj Bank; Onw Asp, General /'.13nagcr Consumer Markeling, Phitips Electronics India: Vllikl Bancrjoe and 2J other marketing o:cculn-es spread atI"06S the four rqkwts
The report .!.so ~ tII:IIl the announcement comes on the ho::ls of two highly SUtteS5ful Advisory Board meetings in Dubai, UAE and Sandton. South Africa, t3dl of ....hich "'lIS mended by more than 30 5eIIior m:arkdcn ~ting many of the world's fon::nlOSl BloB and BtoC br.uwls. A joint lathering of the CMO Council"s APAC and lndia Advisory Boards is SCI for July 21st in Sinppore. 11Ie new board mcrntrn ""ill join their peen in sharing insighlS and JlIO"Kling valuable Iocaliz.ed inpul fOf CMO Council rcstardl and authority leadc:rship progr;unrno. As nt:lIkcting ndm
dedia!ed 10 best pr.tcbce and high-klt!1 knowledge c.~dlanlle, these 1'Oir:es SCf\"e as a critiCIIl l"idqIost lIS the CMO Council C'OfIliIlUC5 to !fVW and l10ild new initmilu.
DICjloric:s I'efl'=ted include banking, investnenl. insurunce. navel. hospitalily, reta il. tethnololY, consumer clectmnics. c-ntCl'lainment. person:LI care MId packaged goods_ ~We're .eldin. brano:l rtpre5CfWItion ICfOSS all rnll\el ategorie5 and are thrilled 10 halt! 5IJIIlC of the most inll(l\'.lItile and in nucntial mlllkCfm in dynamic. f:l$!-gm'-linll regions oontritM· ing o:penir.e and best prar:licc atvit'e:-
The brand's partnership wilh Pauion House. a nongO\l.'IT1menlnl organisation, was also supported by lhe St:rIC Wasle Lagos Man::Jgcmenl Authori ty (LAWMA) to dC31 major zones of Amukoko. 1he premium brand nlso provitJed fu:e dental checks and prodoct sampling 10 Q\'CI" 1,000 p:!Ilicipants. The !-Iumafl Rc-souTt:C5 DirtXlor GSK. Mr. Michacl S hobowale; Chairperson. lfelodun LocaJ Council l:Je\'e1opmenl Aro. Al haja Kudirat Adigu n; Environ mollal Health Officer. Ifdodun LCDI'.. Mr. Richard Tdla. and otha top management learn of GSK as well as the genaal public and sludents from moos schools that particiJOal in the dean up ~sc. Speaking :l the dean up cxerrisc. Mr, Shobow;l/e who led the- GS K tearn noted thal, tl~ is a strong synergy 1x1wc-cn a healt hy . mvironment and a heallhy oral emilY, He stated that. amtplementi ng gOl"mlmO'lt efforu in keeping Ihe drainages and Ihe Sirms dean especially at this nUny season informed their SlII>" pori and conlribulion to the dean up a'l well offering fn:e denial checks 10 the propJe. "We lR hm: 10 rcstille our commi tment 10 mv im nmmta! fortification and assure ou r COnSumm of quality product that is ablc
to strengthen their teeth from inside out. [t is also 10 play out our mission of improving lhequality orhuman life by cn:tlling people to do IflOtt-, rl.'d bella" and Ih-e longer:' Mr. Shobowale said. He rurther explaincU Ihill. tl lodeans has sho\\T\ grcu rommitmott to pmmOliug. protecting and educati ng Nigerians on the need to take good ewe ofthcir or.d aJl.'ity by supporting various initia. ti\"es 0110'" the years. "!\'Iaclcans collaboraled wi th the Lagos Slate M inistry or Health 10 improve or.!l hniene in schools. \\t supportoJ communities this yoy through our Community for Donal Heallh Educalion Scheme \\; Ih lhe help of final }"e:. Dental students in thc Unh-ersilies. \\e also suppontd the DenIal association on \\brld Ornl Health Day:' hemumClllled. Also spe:lking at the '"CT1ue, Mr. Tella c:ommcndcd GSK for the long standing qual ity produds .-rd the promotion of omI hygiene in Nigaia. 8I;ecuti ve Dirttlor. Pas~on Boose. Mr. Alex Akhi glx, said the 0Ig:nisalion's palnmhtp ....ith the «!OSum(f goods manufacturer was borne oot of the fact Ihat the brand was known for helping people keep healthy by having good I' oral hygiene.