Page 28. TH ISDAY. Vol. 17. No. 6182
Tu esday, Mouch 21, 20]2
. agnc
Developing Agric Value Chain through Infonnation Spread Standing beh.veen successful and unsuccessful ventures usually is the availability or the absence of useful infonllati011. This is the major reason why Skill Enhancement Centre (SENCE), Enhancing Financial Innovation and Access (EFinA) and the Lagos State Ministn} of Agriculture and Cooperatives have worked together to pravide useful agribusiness infonl1ation through their forthcoming expo. Crusoe Osagie reports lIllllg f' ~ r OYer 40 per ocnl of the NlIlJOn's Gross DoITutIc Product (GOP) and ptJYid. '"' efI1'in),ntTll for man: people tI1.YI any ~ _ I~ of the nanon's economy. gnculturc _.qu:.blyi5the 5IeaOrw,th the keys t) Nigeria'.. K'OItOOUc~ . MinistC't 01 Agriculture 100 Rural ~1opr",:1'I. Or. Akin ....'Unmi Adesllla. ha5 001: -ninced "'-'Qnls ~ he endlessly makes II case for agriruro e to br: twldled by !he country's leaders as its p;oOi'IlOri:I5c~lI!e indtp:;lide,1tt and cnIunad
an prtIYt 10 be very difficult. ~ is no one place you an ,0 10 and Jet aU the mfOfmlllOfl)'OO need on agnc:uhurt, the 'A'OrSI p1Irt IS IJJI: eva! having a pilot 10 go and get infor· matioo. 8111. in the ooune of !IoinJ my rcse&'dl l round QUI thIt _ have a kit of tnSlIlUlCS in Nigma who can ac:tuaIly provide yoJ with information oot people don't knaw of Ihcir nislenoc and soh', ing Ihat prublem is my inlC1eSt III agricuI~: Ibok said.
naooral !iCCUm)
Agric the New Frontier
turn, food ~ty 111 Nigeria 15 TIQW • m.1Ilt'r d national secunl)'_ ·'Niger;. musI ~ from As,;u (IlUfIblCi by lapping illlO all of il . tcSOUI'OCS of itll fannes aauss die MJOIl .00\l:ring II SI'I'ef n:voIulion that will maLt "igcria 5Clf·~um. u~nt in food production:' ,\dcsltl:l sui ~We: ITIUSI tuln "igena lfIlO. bmIdbaslet· • oower hou!ir fOl floOd pnxb:uon. To do so. we l1USf mal.e I( fundamo=nLaI p;lradigm shirt: AgrKulD.nl15' 'U-Ine5S, IJJI:. de\'dopmenl ~ grunme II mISt be 5truCtUred. developed. ~ and fin3u:ed as a busUlt5$:' he 3ddtd. Apparently n! ~p'Jndmg 10 thIS nnuooaJ (lanon ;all 10 ~;IIIlP QgrC\lI~ in Nigeria. tht I...ago5 Stale Minisuy " f Agncul~ and Cooperalh'e5: EnhallCmg Firuocill InnovallOll and Access 'EF1IlA1 and Sk.ill L.nhanoernenl Coute (SENCE) ~ dI:vded • IInlque approach to dealing ....ith .he ~e of !.law agncu!turnI growth and hdoprnrrI The groups solid the: pomllO start form 15 male· !fig infonnalfon"n the!leCCOr .vailable. They hI\'C: , bled an agncut!ur.tJ exhibition for March 29- 30 III Lap lind the uniqueness of tim fah is thai Illformation I'ICCI:SW)' for booRing Irrvestmcnl in JgricuItun! across !he enbre value chain is the : hief conmodily for display at the C"uy Hall. Lagos Island ~ of the expo. Speakin! on tI:~ ddails of !he prosramme. which wiD brint ICgethI::r ,nlerTWional l:plCUlrur. II OIIanl5ltiolls, machine fabntllont , 19o
She said in I'I!'ttIII DrTES,llo!: oflight andanenoon has been cfumed at the!CClOr Illd all of. sudden thae is • lot of tallC by CYel}body about agricuJlUre. And undtrstnnding the r-s for people who are hrer.ue in tillS YeIlllR now dofmnatcd by !!mall hokJer farmers. she stressed !hal the forth ooming expo was essential. ~Al.:J die poinl is !hat we need people who ~ In(ft: cdl.alcd who can bnng In 5Ophlsocauon imo the seaor,bcause if_am channd the type 01 energy which Ihe private .gedor has il1lO !hal IlR:IIthenlbelJcyethal ....'eaft:gomglO_.rmp
ing illlp\1'Yel'llCll and adding
Ibok eJl:pWncd thaa the target audience for the f:1ir include eYCrybody who has an IIlI£reSIm agriedWng rarmen who went into agrialI-~ with the linle knowledce that !hey had. not Icnowirtg !hat !here is I kit In(ft: !hat !hey em know in mb to ochieo.<e 1IXn. and also those who have in~ in going into agricuhlm or who II'e Iookmg for im'eSlmefll opportunities.
Co"emment Support
~And I dunk thai: as much as govmunc:na is doml' kit 10 ImproYe thelilCCtor, the pm'llte sec· tor abo needs 10 be IIXn actively involY&!d and supponcd by the gtl\anmc:nt and becausIe agri. t'Ul~ has not bctfI pbI:ed in the fore-m..t.' kit of people aft: unawan: of its vast potentW. "labobelicYethalthisnewtm!doHundingf« the KldOr. peop'e will begin 10 1ake.1xncf kd and rcaldc thIl ~ is • lot JOIIII on !here and abo I kit of opportunitjc::s 10 make po5II1Ye~. b.rtlom;' 5he stressed. Pointing OIJt that the theme of dte expo is 'Agriculture the New Frontier. Acces5 to infmna· tim in Nigerian Ag:riculruraI Seaor', she said the reason for the theme was because "indeed agriculttft is the DeW fromjo- and everybody owa- the 1au ckades has been ~ng on oil in Nigeria•• oountry that ~ 10 be known for agri~ in the pest. ~, IBlochemical producen;, financill ~ I tantmber the groundnut pyrwnjds 0( the Institutions IIm1Jng othcn. Managing Direatlr of past whidI have all disappeamt, 5(1, 1 belit:Ye!hat SENCE. Mn. 0J0 Ibok. said 111 was set 10 to.t I _ sOOuld 10 back 10 !hal CI'J .nd thai is wby I JUCCC:SSfuI fair think that the theme of the fair 'Agrict1Iture the Aa:ordio.J1O hr.r, the ~ fOf this rair .....ho New Frontier, Access 10 infOlmllion' is \U}' rdeall have serious inletalm agriculfuR;, decided 10 VII1I beauIe foryw 10 do bPsiness and do it wdI !IIpF in Igrieulnnl ~ on the: plM. you need information and if you don'l know • • rom of ~im r:I slT*gic mrormadon. ",ia you _ Jdlit!1 00, the tNna:s _that)'W wiD tt.:y believe is ~ 10 prtlfllOCIe the. seaor likely WI;' she SIXI. lI::n)N its entire .... tue chain. ~ 10 her, --rbefinllhina is thIIl waDI ., ~.,._ '''~ in a&ricuJIllre and ~ . ~ Ibe ~ that wUh;on)e 10_ fair 10 M:anubou, dways _Jed 10 participate in that ~ tnd (or Ihi:np Ihq did not know be(~, which could be be F*'1hR:c yeas I have been kJokia&. whaI oTpeaI beIp 10 them , so t.icaUy I ...... 10 see ImI r:I apicullure 10 10 into, I newt reaDy ..... peqIIe mme 10 !he fair IIXI ro -.y willi bJuwI..
~ ~ Ihin& I MIUId Ilk 10 adtie¥e is b "So for me 10 ~ in apiallftft; fully I peopk 10 come 10 the fair aMI find DnetinB 1hey ~~ wa)'SfiFuinc inlonnalion IOmabk _ CID&,&ke.aidJelhalhryaafilllMoo. Thelhinl nc. make JOOd dEcisioas.. And for the. PI6t d1RIe . one is 10 see peiOP.Ie w;bo. aft: abady 'irNoIwd .. tan I t.Yc dis«Ntred Iha geai", inlonnaion ,the agricukwIl "*-tbIiii flOltins waY' of brin,·
opportunities lik£ this 10 IXNne and show people wtIIl they IMYe bctfI damg. "Well you know thIt the blind is like the IJJb or business for L..agos beause most offices aft: on the bland. And the fair wiD ho&d on .1lusday and • Friday 5(1 .....e those !he Wand 50 that • lac people WIU find it OOI\\"C\imI: 10 dash in from thelr OffICeS, sec: what is happening at the fair and go beck 10 work.~ she added
ITIOI1: value 10 thcir
businc:ssc:s:' she said.
Ibck said !hey ....~ lucky 10 F' the _tentioo
Fair Participation Ibok wd!hey areexpeaing SO aprusations only. because thai is the ntlmber of scands the \CI'IIJe an 1CCOfTUT1OdIte, so they M:I to taiklr the number r:I piUtlCIpenlS 10 fit m "The programme is 5lIrtm& on Man::h 29 and will I'OlInd off on M:vch 31), "'"'C: relt!hat il will be the best time 10 gel people's a"mlion because II is not the beginrung of the yar when everybody IS UYlllg k) F' WO gear and not the middle 01 the yearwherl they will be pianrung \"3CItions,so Chis 15 a \'ef)' Ideal nme "CertaInly I believe so ald we plan to make " • yearly affair because we tJao.'C: JOIIen fMT1ImlIJS
the ~or Agricul~ and the rninistty to partner them. The ministty.lItCOrding 10 her, 1w ......hoIe kit or iniuativc:s !hal. they have bctfI working on over the yeaB and dlis Iiso (lft!SeflI5 an opportunity ror them toc:ome and ~ dleir ~Its. "As I said earlier most pecpIe doo't know I ..... hoIe kit about .....h:!I: 15 being done in the sector. They hal'!; .:1UaIly gone ~ r.. m dc:I'C:Ioping the agricultural KOOr in L..ap 5IaIe and they .Iso relt II WlSI"ltC'e5Saf)' to w;e ttus medium to ~ what they bctfI domg over the last couple of yan "And then for EFinA 1115 I British CkM:mmen1 funded otpnisation and tIus year they ~ fCItUImg on rlOlncing agrieuIl~ 5(1 for diem it is also .n oppOItUllIty to see how thr::y CIfl help move the sector forward. ~A kit of the SIakdJokkn have 10 many SIlitm i _ ....iDd! are enooumerm .....hen IJ)'ing 10 rc:ad\ them, bccaIse it is diffJCUJ110 Jd. thru addresses as they do IlOl have any websites and it has not bctfI easy. you hive to be ell"t:remely ingenious in findina aJnt-=t addresses and I\IITlt$ but the minule you an:: Ible to readt them, you a:re w:ry weU m::ei1'Cd. Aa:ording 10 her, '"the respcmc:s have boc:ft ~ good b:tau:se these institutes ~ IookinB for
from ~ ",ho
to anend
Because the uuth IS WI ~ IS • lot of inf(Jffl'll+ lion about the 5CCIOr .... hlCh peopk fleII:d and those who have them an:: equally willing 10 share them "We bdlC"Ye thai many people ~ limlled m their desm 10 gel into agricu~ by scan::icy 01 infOlllllbCll and It is ~ Important for peqIIe 10 be enli,ghlaled about ... haI: they unend 10 do or Invest in. 5(1 we beUeYe ...~ ....-ill make • kit of impact throogh this Iiur and by the lime ic has hdd ror I number of yean ttw- positive impact woukl be ~y feh in the.sector and the In the nation'S
"""""" . "We will also
up information from III par.
oopancs 00 our .....ebslte 50 that people can hive elcaronic: access 10 III the VItal infonnation e¥C:n afIer the fair has ended,~ Jhe said.
!~~=~~~,I prlcmd the JlRI5PCU"
Safe Water for Africa to Spend $2.5m in Nigeria afe WIICI" for Afric. (S WA) Pannenhip has disdosed tis plans 10 spend 2.5 million doIllIfS in providin, safe drinking
faci lities '« 43 c:om-munities -.:nm Nigeril. This is 001 of I toW of 20 million doImn inlended 10 provide 5U5tIil1lbie ax:ess k) we drinking IUter for fh~ million peopk' by lOll beginnin£ wi h Nigeri., Ghana and Ubdl in 2012. The SWA pa~ip is • pri ....le 5«lo r initiative of Coca.coll Nigeril PIc, Nigerian Botlling Company. 0iIge0 Pk. Gui""lntS$ Nigeria PIc. n Danjuma FoundIUon. Inlema,jooa) Finance eorporalion (1FC) WIlier
Heal lh
internaliona.l (Yo HJ ). AI ~ PflJIp'UTUTte launl::h In LagOi. the Chier Devek»pmenl
of such models in India. Ghana, Banaladesh and !be
WHI, Mr. Sameer Mithai , said that the vision ofWHI is
10 play . cet1tnll ruM!; in brinl' ing Slfe. quality water 10 the lwo billion people around the world who do not u...oe it. He Slid thaI the establish, mentofW~HealthCenaa
in lhese communities will enhance their access to safe water II an affordable cost. ltelpmg to solve the g,,*-, thallenge of waterborne dil-
He explained that. the awn· ptny has • susWnabIe model under which it c:onstrucIS I
Wiler Health~,
lng 5on"1e:rm opeBtioru:, maintenance and quality scr· vices fOf • low initial ~ time~t.
He also said thaI CWTmtly the company runs about sao
Philippines. He said th:tt the projecc would also provide employ. ment opportunities fOf the.
Ioc:aI communities
people who woold be trained and IIIowed 10 run the facili· ties wbea they atllin the: right Lt!ChniaI standIrd and inde-
He added that the racility they Mve in Ghana is fully
run by Ghanaians "we don't jus! put the: f.cilily and move 01.11. we Ire the~ to ensure iu He said thai WHI would empkJy 115.. mud! local ra:b-
noklcY and resources thIiIare
.vail.bM!;, purchase some c:quipmenllike pipes and generator5
Iotally. explainiJIIlhlt
the project will mitilily run on gmerUarI bef(n being powem1 by lOIar enefI)'.
C.ndlct.tes tnlm Auto """-try
S - 8yl!arsol~ ,
• "-'1, Auto Jndu:suy NHD only Ippry.
• Good Communication "He9O!latlng 5IdIIs
• 8e.1ow 30 Yelrs
• Must
1MI '~rget
.-nd cte.dl,"- ~n
.. , .
• Computw Itnowledge
, "'
• Min imum 5 yellrs
• Computer Uter1tte, Knowledge 01 Talty 9. must. • Team !)Ieyer wttn good mmmuniaotlol\ sk.III, to eDrnmuniaotl! with 01 lilt
Unlvl!t"$I"ty Degree
• DMEJ DAE/HND/OAIP!: LDglstlet:
with 1·2
yea,.. <!lfpel1el'lU!
Good spoken Efl9l!sh sktU.
Cendld.tes from nMcalt.'ity or Il!letom
Cll'"efen-ed .
teV$. ~ethod pf
A p pllq Upn;
AppllcaUo" (rom eandldates who nu tnt! a1terla must eon.sist: (I) An applk;zlt!on letter. (II) Curriculum vl~ tr'ldudl"9 cont.ct number; email ~drl!SS a! w!!l l as contact Information of tnretl r l!1l!ret!S. Allapplatlon. to be a~ to!
Job'Oklamot o not later than 31st March 2012 .