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e ~usinessWORLD UN Warns on Current Climate Mitigation Efforts

ll1ursday, October 27, 2011

Page '16. T.HISDAY. Vol. 16. No. 6030


nevi- Uni~PN~liohs-~ H;!$ .'WamnI thaI

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inl~alional~rrOlts to nlltigate climate change woe 11Is\Jffic i~nl lo llnect me gool of kerping

gltbl] w;lmring ' to br:low 2 deglec:5 Celsius ,::Ibm"C plc-indusil iaJ levels. Also. pl~ns for a multi-billicfl dollar fund to help developing countries deal with climate chang!:! , has hit a big bruner,;'lS courltries could not agree 00 the: design oflill'; ru~d . TIle repQI1. rele~.M-1 a 11100Ih before a m.1jor runJerenre .un' ~ te is....ue is held In Durban . Sou th AfriC'a. [cirl out a list of options 10 achieve the target. llK:St inch.!dc man: cUt~ in greenhouse g.'l5C:S flurn additional :;ecton. Stronger l'CCO\Inting rules Ixl!h with in the UN r'r.uncworl;: Convention on aimat!: a\a!l~ (UNr-ccq and through other multilateral and Ilomestic stt;Ilegies, sharing miligation clroils bn!"Cd on countries' Cl:!pacilies or contributions Iii the: ~em,and legally binding commitmcnts. ll1e 11!'port. ' Building the Climp.te Change S~y 1111d Analysi:o of Approaches'. was publiMted by ti l'! UN Envuurnnent Programme (UNEP) ~Jld the: World RCSUUJtt:S Institute (WRJ).a global cnvil'Q!lrn'!ntal tllink tank with til'! suppon of tile I rishC-Q\~TJeflt. • . It R:Viel\"ed fTY"tn: than 130 proposals put fonvanl by governments , ooo-govemmental organisatioru (NGOs). ;!.nd :nd!:rnics to design a clirniIle Tq!ime capable of de1h't'<ing adequatc mitigation, accoo..l illg to a UN re i=:. AI t1I'!c upcoming climate lIlCd:ing in Durban. counlric::! ha\'e tl-= opportunity to tum lhese ideas into RCtioll nOOSI'1l110 bridge thc ambition gap neuI· · alto truly have ~n impact. It is the latesl in a lung series of UN IIo-ami ngs thai world is f<lUing behind in the banlc againsl global warming. Just I ~t month, ala Leaders' Dialogue on aim ale Chan~ 1lI\ the evc ofllle high-le\,l:1 ses.~ioo of the Gener:tl Assembly. Secmary-Gc:II1:r.l1 Ban

-As climare change fun crhitsbarrier •

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Slon£$ by Abi"ibola Akosile Ki·nlOOO ul}lcd govcmn1<:n!s to show grelltcr oomrnitmenL . ScientiS15.S:3Y ~al kerping to the 2-degrecs CelsiUS'lirnit O'In Ule course ortlle 21st a:ntu· ry is cnx:iallo Rvcrt wide:5pre:1d di~"lSters. from tile di5.lppear.u)ct:s of 100y·lying island nHtiOll ~ under rising ~as and scaring droughts. famines. extre nle: Slonns and flooding, to tIle ~ tinction of spccies. ''The analysis pnJ,·idcd in thi~ neW report oITers many opIions Ihal calt happen either in ! the fon11.11 lIegotintions or as complernentary measures ehcwhere, options that I;lIJt assist the more than 190 Unital Nations Member States mo'·e quickly to harvest the opportunilies of a transition to a cli!p3te resilient. Io\y-carbon, resourt:e-efncient· Gmen Economy:' UNEP Executive: Director, Achim Steina. said. The report highlighted the need to mobilise a r.mgc of public and pri\'tlte seaor groups al the internallonal . nationaJ and sub-national lev· cis. who can aXlIriw\e 10 dim.lIe gOI'emartce. emi.~ion m1uetions ~l1d adaptatioo investment. It ~ !hat the issue of legally binding oommitmel1ts is central 10 lIebates ahead of Dwban and noled that it is possible 10 wild upoo existing UNFCCC pro:e5SC.'! 10 slI"ength. en the climate regime and r:lisc theol'e1'1lll level of ambition to reach the !'1fllcI. In a related de-.~lopment, the decision on thc stalled d im:lIc (hangc rund cllrne on Tuesd"y "1 a meeting of an international committee tasked with designing tllC: fund in tinle ror go\'.

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-A1goal without a plan is just a .wish . I ' -OqstacJes are those frightful things .you see when y~ri iake ,. I your eyes off you r goal. , L • • • • Po,,: - . -Do or 0 0 not. There IS no try. ::. ,.' . ,,_,-.. I . "Oi) as!fa!." as you can see, and when you get there ,you will see fartl~er.


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• \~hat keeps me going is goals. , .. .


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~mentsl()'lIpPrn\tUledesigital l lexlmonth·sUN Climate (hange ronfereoce in Durban , South Arrirn. L."lS1 year, negolintors from 194 n.1tions agreed to ~:l1e the 'GlttfL Oimntc Fund· tu channcl·up to US$IOO hillidn a yearby 2020 10 del'C loping (UIlT). tries. according to a release by tile Naiionnl Coordinator. Climnte Change NC lwotk Nigeria (CCN Nigeria). Port Hnn:ourt. Rivers State. M r. Surveyor Elik. . 1l1e statement noled that del'cll:lf!i ng ('QUntrie.~ had warned tim.! control of tile fund by tile dollOf nations - and the wrdcn of OOrciucrncy that entail~ - WOtIId limit their ability to make good usc of it. The Least DcI-eloped Countries - 48 of UIe: poorest nations in Afiin and Asia that are partitularIy vu lner:lble to clinllltc eh:U1gc - 1\'eI'e represented on tile aJ1llmittec by Bangladesh and Zambia. wtKJSe negoliators h."ld, fmm the outset. called for a radically new approath. TItcy arguc:d Hlat national climate-<;hangc trust funds in dc\~loping nations should be able to acces..~ the Green aimate Fund directly. r:lthcr th.1"

nt:Xf". AI the sixleenth ConfereTlCe of Parties (COP I6) to the UN Framework Convention on Oimale Change in Callcun in Dea:ml:rr 20 10 the de\'dopcd countries agreed to sel a new Green Oimnle Fund (GCl-) 10 channel up 10 USSlOO billion ~ yt:arstarting rrom 2020

Harmonise Versions of Fiscal Responsibility Bill, Edo Urged he Edo Slate Government


has been urged to har· monise tile: \'ilIiou:! vcrsions ofule: F~<caI Responsibility Bill for lhe Jl3S-"'3gc or tile Stale House of Assembly. TIle: mil was made against tile tD::kpuund th.1t the P\.Iblic Procurement Law and Fiscal RC'iponsibility La\\'~ are bolh essential for the cntrendnnent of good gol'cmana: pr:K;tia:s in tlle state. TIle: dcmand \\';ll; contained in a communique!. joint ly ~ al the end of a roondL1b1e 0I'll.'Uliscd by tile Africa Nehlun( ror En\'ironment and &onomie JustXt: (ANEEl) I3cnin City. Erlo State. II was jointly signed by the E.'Cl:uti\~ Director of ANEfJ . Dal'id Ugolor: a~linnan. Gani Fawchinmi Mon::nlelll for Good Go\-emance. Mr. Kaduna Eboigbodin: Chnimlan . Conference uf Non Government Organisat iOll~ (CONGO). Edo

St.1\c, Mr. AIl.<tin Qsal<uc: and the Chairman. Nigeria Union of Joumalists. Edo Stale Cool1<:il. Mr. r1id,ly Oba.nor. TIlt. forum focused on the 'Strengulening Oil Rcvcnuc Manageme nt in Niger Delta Project being supported by Ihe Nnrwegian Government '. It was allcndcd by O\'CT]O Partic. ipants drown from vnriou.~ civil society" groops. media. Nigeria nar Asooci"tion. Acadernia anlI GoI-emmcnl. 1l1c Edo Statc Attorney Gener.ll and CommissionCT for J~tiCl:. ScniQl" Special Assistrun to tile Edo Slare GO'I-cmor on Civil Society R5 wcll as Repre;enlativr: of the Speaker Edo St.1te House of I\~·'erllbly. allcnUal dlC: n oundtable. Thc round table was (on...cncd 10 review the Edo Slate Publk: PmUlIen1!:nt 13i11 ru f· rentl v before tile Edo Stale 11uu-.\eof As..-;cmblv nnd h:uness Civil Society inputs into lhe Bill . A critiqueo!the Bill tk\-el·

opa:! by J\NEEI and was ~­ sented 10 partidpants witlll1'lOl"e ideas. llle forum commendcd tllC: Edo GO\lernmenl for corni ng up with the Edo Slate Public Procurelllem Dill and lJlECd Ihe Edo S l~tc Hou~ of A!I..<cmbly to tJ:pcditc :Ktions on its pa.'! . sage. ANEEJ·~ critique of tile: Bill was adopted as CSOs wOIking docume nt ~nd parlicip.mts ngrecd to makc inplIIs into the docuTIK"nt withi nonc week. TIle Ci\'iI Society deqation \\uuld furm~lly prese!1I Ihe fin.,1 CSC).; docun-=nl to the Edo SIatc House of /\ SSC1nbly and toc Attorney GeTICrol mtd Conl111i:oosiooner fOl" Jll~iI:c. &li. State. 1here 1v;tS also ~ .:all on CSC).; nnll the mcdin in ~1e Slnle 10 ooild S)"llC:f}?)" anc.I follow Llp with the rw St3te HT)IJSC of A!I..'<elllbly for a pasS3L'C of the Edo SI-1tc Public Procurement Bill.

Anambra LG Hails Obi over Link Road


·LLl<:al glll'emml nf dulioll ill l.ogos: It'/le,.,. an th" I'D/us?

__ going IhmttgII a third party such as the Wurld 8~nk. - which cnt~ils long delays. tJ:=ivc . paperwork. ..Afte1" six months of tcnse negotiations. the Least De\"cI~ CUlintrics seemed to h~\"e ~ 1 1C­ ettded in ulelr Uern.1nd for ptm·isions for l.Iirect acces..~ to be included in thc rinalte.'I. But in uLe committee·s rinal mccting on I II Ocloher. the United St.1tCS and Saudi Ar.llIia withdrew thei r support for the OVer.lll dcsi!!!l supported by ;:,.11 othn-count~ ba:;Hl~ of «()f\terns abom oIher aspects of the ttJ:t. Tre"Uf Manuclthe fOlTTlCr fllmnte minister of South Afrka. who ro-dmiled the meeting \\'it h Kjcli llnnd ofNon\lIy. c.:.111cd the outcome 'sul>optimal' . Gcnnany ~Ioo ClIpres~ fnlSlrotion and dis· appoi ntment. and said thnt tile committcc·s fail · ure 10 agree a design "will likely resu lt in not having the Gmen Climntc Fund this }'ear or lhe

ile billion·naira UmUCle Anmn/Mmi-1t.1 /\nam link road in Anambm Wcst Local Gn~emll1ellt Area. \\'ith a 111~s:s il'c bridge being (OTl.~tru(:\ctI by the State gOY . ernmcnt. has dmwn commen· dmion by the people. TIlC: s poke.~nmn of the people alltl fontter IkplIIY Go\-emor or Allarnbra Stale. i'rince Chincrlu Emt"kn. who spoJ..e to n~ wsll1cn in Awlm. SOlid before the adl'en t of the ( 1I1T('111 "d1l1inistr:l ti on. Ihe peoplc of thc area had 110 hope of cI·cr gClling SlIdt a prujcel. He noted tlmt it h~1l LIlHkr· Sl:ored tl~ cUITCnt Go'·cmor Pclrr Obi"s pcTKhalll fllr o~ning ur the ~r~<~rooIs . ,uI11i ~ hillinn n~iro pmjcrt i~ a hllse rinandnl borde!l on the stale :lIld ~ l11e wuo ld hn'·e preferred th;'L soch development be conCClltr:lted in the mb.1n area where It wiH he highly Yisib l ~ so as to cnhalKc t l ~ polilieal profile of the adm iniSIr:ltion ;· Em~ka <1:1101. Exp laining tl~ inll'onancc of tile n:~1d. he 5.1id on Cl'nI· pletiull. il would en"ble (UI1\· mulers reach the st"te capilal

From Elllelm O.wlldf/ in Icss than JO m;lIIltCli. :llld cnc{lUrogc peeple tllli\~ ill nlr:ll are :ls and 110 to lIolk 10 Ihe dt ics. A(:(:ord ing to Ihe fUlmer deputy £OlenlO r.l hc~ "-:IS an urgent lltt<..i 10 clled.: tltc rllral urban urift taking pl at.~ in lhe (:I'll[llr.... as SIKh h;IU been dri ving ·the )"r)Illh illlr'l ( rime when lhe~' f3ilcd tv gct work in the dtie~ . lk alw ~aiu thc ff'~tI would enrouroge the ymuh In lakc to other useful el.ucn\·· DIll"!; Ii~e famlins and li ~hll1g . j u ~t a.~ it \\(Kdu lm n1(: n~l \" benefitlllC: pr<1po:;ro 3irpnrt iiI the illl11K:'dlale vici nil)" ur the 1l.J.1\1 3.< II"cll a~ !lie: Orient Pclrniculll Cf'1I11'an~ in the area. EIT~~a ~_" id by t l~ ge s t1l1~. GOl"crnor Obi h ~d · !,;cpt lI i~ ( ampais n pr{l1l1i~ of d.~\'e l· 0llinS the emile $t3I e. lit" p edgetl Ihe t:QllIinucd ~(l r­ ~n of the Anmnbl3 \\'e~t pn:1fl1c for the Obi ~..rl11ill i< , trntion 11~ we ll :IS their c"opcrnti{HI. Ihu~

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