e BI~sinessWORLD
Tuesd ay, M ay 21), 2012
THl SDAY, Vol. 11, No. 6245, Page 33
FG t'O Boost Cocoa Production with N5.6m
he: I'cdcnJ Gu >etnmenl Il3S mlendoJ Ib «'mmn menl I~ Itt. III nt ·uhurt.: tnlln,romUlllo>n 1I4end1,
!USl IS II. pledrct.! ' ) retc.u: N.5.6 milllOO'l CIlIJn&n»t fund 10 !1It Inl-~Tmllon:>1 Cocoo Cooruin;liiflS q.m·sauoo (ICCO) In b.lIlIl~OC:UlproJUC
From )'fomi Aki"su.y;
new oohflC' da 11 porIal
he Food
AI n ~ u.ltIl rc of the Umle:l NIIlIOf" U;Af.) and the InlcrnallOnll 11511 UIC ror and
Apphed SY,ICl"U AJlalY$ls
(IIASA) allm '0 IiC P unlock the plant!"S p.1lCTliallo feed I rapidly growing POI'"lolion The Global Agn --c."OklgI' cal Zones (G ..\EZ) Punal dcvcJoped
toy FA') a..d UASA
IS • pbnnlllJ!
10:" de ;lpIt.:d 10
By CnufX Osagie
dcsa'ibed (jod,W-- prod1ICt~, 00lCd thII if ~ and ~1I rocutm by the goverument and all Slwholdl:n;,l1 'M1Uld creele bctlef jobs- and wealth for tllC popul.lCC ''If we nllnqe nur oot:OI very well, Niacm will POl rcx:us 100 much oa oil, CCIDJI IS kq 10 the economy of DJUrIwho
COCOII 1$ - .
II")' and III as lugh umc we scepped up dfOftS 10 put COCOII
mits rightfulplacc \Vc~tak· Ill" 51cp1 ~ pilying ( M
-....-J'""" plannen' and decUIOn
the: rouotty ,., hnisler of Stale for- Trade and IlJ\It.:SImcnt, Dr S:unuc:1 Onnm, Slalcd Ihis while. receWlng lhe: ICCO leam led III
FAO, IlA5A La Lmcil Online Effor t fo r Food Production developed
DUeetor-. Dr KonanlC lucien,
I,) CRlmale agncuI I1Ir.Il prodIa::tion potent'aIs and variabililY under differenl
en'lllonmc:ntal and manageITICnl sccnanos, IIlcludin& eli· matK:oondillOll5,managcmenl rqlfTlt.:l, WIteJ aWJl3bi.l ily and \cYe1~ of mpuu
coun~ IUnchn, whid! IS oYQ"OO pel"cenI,1Qd Nl~mil lion ,.:iD be reIca5CIl in the Ot.:ll few days.. "Bdore !he adYt.:1II of oil. cocoa was 00t.: or !he map" upon produce and means of rOfCign udlange in the c0untry. ThaI 15 why !hi! adrninistnIUOIl D (l'lllll it the mucb
needed attcnuon IS It ton' mooted Inunenst.: ly 10 lhc ecooomy berM the UI5COYCr)' of oil". he: stated 1ltc mln lSler lhe:rd(Jf"e pledJCd the lovcmlTlCnt's tochnical and 0IhcJ wppon I,) the. CIIpIlISlllioo I,) t.:n:IbIt.: It SlIIXI:ed In IIlI 1I1'ICCWIICnt III me country r.... the benefit 0( all. Earlier, the ICCO ICAm leader explained thai lhe orprusalIm was workan& on an in&c:mational project ID Jeenfon:e the Cl.f*ilY of COCOII produa:rs in the West Afiican region by ensurinl effeCtIvE
ManagcroflCCO. Mr Yunusa Abubakar, informed !hat par! of !heir ainu was 10 produce JOOd ~ 10 the intCflUOOQa/
chaJlcnp affecun& flVll'lCfS and ~ production Without
IIJlprovcment in p-odUCIWlIy; and we mu5I ent:O.lrare local
ing .-enc:ss among fanners
AOObakar [unha saes.st.:d lilt need 10 mcoura~ naoonaI InSllrutJ(XlS 10 ~ In coco. IC5eart.:h and prodoct1on and addrIratn& the issues d pcstI affectm& OOCOI prodocuon tn
COCOIl pnc:d.
Iddin,ihat "ICCO is workml Iwd 10 help unpove the SlXO-econom IC fire of OOCOI farmers
and producing OIIUntneli" "We have re/l hscd thai po1'tffy is one of the major
Abo speaIrin&, the Prop:!
bccMnc thIS will Ie.. IIllemallOllAI
in general. In tus remarks, ,he: eomul, ICCO on pc:sIl alders,
!ant 10
Dr Roy Bateman, satd the proJCCl, wlud! was In parts, 'It'OU1d cr-.:aIC lwarcncB
among the productnl coon-
by20S0 fec.I I ....-oriol ,,'pulallOn cxpcctL"tl 10 qjlJ':I5~ 9 bilhon
Much (.f tho I elC$$af)' IWI'-Ih ... 111 nCCIJ 10 be
achlCvcd b1. I""~l Sill!! !hi: amounl of nod pro 10 'Cd on uisllng agrio,:ul'UIlII 11>00. IS mo5l of the "'Ofkrsl esl flum-
ben, used
WaICl"scart::II'I1S .lIlIJIliCr limll-
Ing f""1I" f,. an I t ,p IOSJOn And inlCMlrlCll10fl of food production llilll occu ,,-uhJn a dmngJllJ: dlmaOt, 1:ljUlnng adapmlKII1 und n"I1~ Uloo and \. i!1 I\:i1.t 1('1 tit 'U$ll inablc 10 ~.:l :gu.ud fUIUflr
U': of lhe
A cnllCll fU"ll Sk P tn __ 1aI1\3b1} 111lt!m1f) III! fo 'lI ~ duc11011 III 10 elll.c Il!'
13.1." Ilml ..'111111 uc 0 plague Ihe ramlln,;! 5«iOl" in many p;uuof Ihr "001.
.. 1It~ II\eft... 'I 1112C<lbk ylCkJ g;qlS oIIkJ .... h 11 ~ dlCnl, allollillig 1,.- 11 c fonnu·
IiIhon I,r
tippmt'"~! '11\'e5I"
tllC"nl IlitliI.~d .. 1 IC pruvi· of ;,opp!l!pl1. $t JI,IOfIto folf11lCl'li 10 hdp I"I~" p'Oduce
IIJUfe I,ltll,r :I.) P:ln'IZ KroutuiI\..In I"'.: 1,,. 01 FAa', l.Illll 111,,1 Y- oller 'h\ ,II If! n.e I.-m ""..:1;1 f 'P ~r0et'5 to til.: J"l"elcl(I;elt::'t' ... ~n n..:.w fl)u.. h 1,0.' a 1101 , ..1u:IJIy pndu........"I h<. \ ., u•.-h f..od II ....... , -.e ~~ Ie r 1I(fII.IuI:, III!! If .!ppI'Iipl to!
IlIpnUl InhlK I"i:- e lJId llK.wlai!o,'t.: ~It ~'1O!11 Such l!'-'rs un bo quite ",!<ie. for «aIfll,1e :I P!CCtlt FAa 5tLk1y rCJlI/lII It.. I in 10m!! rund arc:;a of U...cr-I Europe ,he Canasu. ~Ild Cenlral A!i1l.,c:rop produ 1.101 by small rarmers, ~ltCiaJly f, r.;cn:a1, lJUIlUnulow l15 kwu..IIUI
of poi'·o"..1 The wa-Id II: 'IOn "'Ith tht
)0.4() pc1UfIf
highest y~ld ~-P'
I~ sub-
Mna Ccr 21 yiciJ!. Afut:a IS ...-tole. JlYe long hoven:d aruund I':' k>ll5 per hectar-c. cOlllpared U. In Ivcr· yidoJ or torR 1 [t1flS pahecllJt in Iix- (k-vt.loping world ... ",hoi<A new onhn; doilll paruI developed by r..a and !he SaiIOlr.lfI III
ImemRIIOIIII hl5lnUIIC: ror ~r.r~~ !:eJ~:!l)I~ ~~~~..:
Tel: 010 3000 5470 I 010 3408 3874 I Email; InloU,mlllimlted.eom I 'WWW .jrrlgllmlt~.com I wwwlaceboolo..com/)mglld
Showrooml: Abul_ ' '--90_' Port, H..-cowt j kino 111wtd.,.
ranners on the
~ of pcsoc!dcs, Inulling and 10 r.ed lt,lIle OOllilborallOll
b3rot :II1d I IC1nl! the
lugh he
me couno-y and me sub-n!pCIn
dw!llen~ c.f elll.tak clwl~ AcrortiIn& 10 F.-a, Sllm:lle5. workJ rood fWdllCtl)ft needs
land is
JlOIIlIal oul.
help 10 Klenll' f I rc.1.!i for II1CJti$t\.lI'obaI food produc:· IIOfl whllt m;nnc, Inll! natuJal ~,
or COCOII dnnb,
lie also inrormed !hal I price. hSI manalemcnl ~ been dt.:Yclopcd 10 let Ni!Cf\al'l farmcrs know how 10 rnanar-.::
lucIO! li5&Cd ~ /i~ on.. ,_1OjiO "",;00 U Nileria, Cote d' I'IOllc. Cameroon, Ghana, and Thao, sayin,ibat Nlgm.. has been I very imponanl mt.mber or lceo SI1lCe 1972 alld IIso a par! of prevIOUS inu:rnatiooa1
To taelle musl be
and 5IakchoIdcrs by prvvidin! ttauunl on !1:$pOIlSibie pesocitJc II5C and 10 enhance 1nstJ. luUonal capaclly to mormor
ACC01.fiDI 10 AOObakar, NJ.6 million had beell approved under ~ Conumn Fund foc commodiues rOf" pests oontrol and (l'Ckinl for Nlgc:nan cocoa fannen,
the nghl skills po'lCftY. lher-.::.