FG Assures N·
Adequate~ has
made and if it is nece<;S;lry 10
Ulgrd ~ mlo tr afrnid thrmts of inadequall.- Ii.lOtI supply arismg from the I"l.'tUlI flood ~ which alTectOO many 5I3tI!s of the Fec\ealion. , Ie ~~ the il5l5Ur.tnt1! when thc Minister of Statt' lor Federal Capital Tenilory. Mrs. OIajumoke Akinjide, k.-d iI d~tion of rcr residen~ and derici 10 pay SaIIah h0mage to the president and Via:
Or lim out II) ~ ~ ITUticaI treatmmt.- ~ !lI""lU do so. the
Pre5idmGocdlu:k~ 0'II'P.f
Presidmt Namadi Sambo al the Presidenrial Villa in Ahuja.
The pn!5Ident staled
had STouns in the National
the Ft>dernl Guvenment ~
Strategic ~ wtw:h wnukI
t>e ~ mto the sygem
lie sud, '"N"~ 5hlukl not ~ afr.tid liul lhere milIy be h~ll1 t1l1! L,ndor~
., (rOO ~ as iI
ItSUft d !he
fo;xJ irOdenL \Ok haw ~
pins m our 5triItq;ic I\'S!fY(5. "lllI! ~d It-e IiIrrnIitrm tha t ha"" beo:n afflrtld by the I'f'CeIlI flood n not so high. '"'\oIk have enough grains in
"''e willdmole I
!he rliJtion
is ~ by food 5hot1itge.
~ l"he
peopIr IuJnfing ~ are do-
mg so al their risks an:! not ill
Ihe ~ ~ d d.... a:aatry.-
"" .......
pl'e'lKlml nolet!. He il9!UJtXI Muo;tim pilgrims Iml If.- If1Cidcrrt that Io:t 10 It.! dtoportation ri N"~ femaJe JlI~ wwld ml: h! ~ -u..t. tnI' stale Ih.lt ~ inddo'1t
of tI-e dep:rtltim c:i (JlJI" k rna lc pilgJun!: will nul happm again. 1l1ere wert' !lIOITIe ~ live la~ on our part which ~ loi. ~ ;we abmdy ~inIothem .. v ~ fulu ~ fXnIm.'tlCC'.- he said &rfiE!t Vn 1'reoIidm: SJnbJ had pr.1~ ror the Almighty Allah In stlu1¢Ul h> pteDnI to crobIe t..n SlXDS'iuIy c:IrM! the ship nf tnmsfonnation in the CUUIltry. i ht> I~ luosu:xnU:d in providing Sl'CUrity and adequate supply ri powo'" 10 the ~ f-lehnsabo ~
rtniJncia l support to states affl'dftJ by the ~ I100d d isitstet: ..It is our pra)"!l'" thai Anah would mntin ue 10 grant you SlJCI:I'!I!; in the tr.msfonn;.tion agenda.. I call 00 an Nigrriano; to suppor1 the presiclL'nl and con tinue to pray m.. the administJatiufl S) that we (all tr.msform Nigeria !nIo a devdopOO country; Sambo
enoouragro ...om
The pm;idl'nI Nlgmare to continue 10 Jl'I"iIy for the ~ iIOO unity d Ihfo nation.. Silylng thai the Administralion was wortdng hard to OIo-en:ome its pn9!l1t
challenges induding security Gt k ~ p\oH cr<I!'h in
~ .1\damaw;15tJte ~ Gm'enu'" Oa:mbaba Sunw d "IimtJa g". . Jon,ltmn cWtbOO that t'lID:!i5Iry ilmlngemertt ...-uuld lX" m.Ie 10 get the fpY'l'!D'D proper medical a re. -Ai.dI.,......w;tlb i!Tt! being
The R:T Minister 01 St ;li£ (OfTlmcndc....:! the presKknt (or bringing democr.ttic dividends
llOlJght~ ~ widl Itc pn'alo!!I8:Q; mu-pnus ;md stakeholdO:s in traR't~ the agricultural stekJt
saying it renairW5J focused on value man whI!re N'' 8f!N ha5 comparath'l!! advantage Speaking il t the recent agri. hSreIs rutrdtlble ITll'l.'tinf; in Abi.tja. J>ermann 5ermaoy in tre.fu:lerail Mirio;try ~ AgrinJI-lure aOO Rural DUdopilOll, Or. ~ IJy8ncm.I" saKI d1e guvernmenl was 00mmi1tl'd to USIng agriculll1l1.' to attract investments into dll! country
......... " .... ~by oftmng Ioun-es better retum'; for in~ in fmi1iser,
!Il.ICh asagrirullure.. ~ oil and g<I$Akinjide prayed kx" God's favour and din.'dion upon the president ."xI his family Iocnlble!tun ~!heir askr ~ jAOW •• • 01 thc country am thc..people
ilIl! a~
th:! of rnodI!m lire
mills and high quarrty GmaVCI flour mils by the P'i"* srtJI; The N'o geian I ~
put in pfat'e 10 impnnot! bank lending to the agrio.lIlural :tl'do(". he cxp1., ined 1lele,.the pcrmiJJOlt ~ lilly nord. lODWeYeI; muId mt be ~lIy im~il'd
withluI: ~ from th e ~~ h il lte l'J'D!lirt;
c;tr.otegic pe1'tJ1er;fips wilh d1l!'
organ8xlll!l iI pbtfur:tn b the!ll."ctor ilnd &~t to l.'VOIve the be5t ~ d malor1!; agMcull~ ''"tIC chan a rrofi~ '''tfllure ~ (0(
pm-ate SI..'I..'1Ir k' triock agrit:ul-
attractmgGlpitl l ln\~t!-
tumI~rtisourpl;onlll inl(',~ToI~ rmc.1Ilctiun,. stur.lge, r"~ and m.,rh-ting inln
"'\~ an!
In eff!Oellrl1m that is ((mm farm to forkr
,,,,' ..','r"j'l: ""\'~I _
Iklodt~ w~
r~T. ~
(lrporati(nc HI
tHld .selling marlo...~
IITA Proffers TIps to Tackle Food Insecurity
with deYeiopment pa~ dlro- (AS'" t6Jtiuo 6;n:t ~ ~
diflemll: !lOCUs d dle lD:nlm)'
Agribusiness: FG Seeks Strong Private Sector Partnership l"he Federal
l -R: Chief &ec:uttw Officer OES . Badejo ~ ~ Director, Oeptfnrlze. Uche Oimirt; Managing Director, Tasaniola.". Ootun Sanusl; Oepartmeflt of ~ R~~ official " . Oozie Irrechukwu at the inaugur.ltion of the Chapter of the International Associmon of Dri!Iing Contractors (IAOC) in lagos_ recently
Food Sl.'CUrity in AfriGI Will ~ ~
with iodated fuefling a !iIen.'lf' of bR ~ in 110 otheJwi:o;oe dSn.-JI situItD1. oris; deo.:i5M! ~ an:! ..,kcn ~ aHo;t 91\0111. . fames to gJUW au.: and mon." ~tU.JbIe 00Jl!I1he ~ was made by the Di"-'C1of General of ~
throug h its n:mblMtm with
indigcrwlus agro-mil'lCl'<ll5 ;md available organic rcsoun:t'51~~~ 0.JI1hat
di'leernioating the knowledge 01 1St'M and dco.'cloping ~IJves b its adoption ~ sbro as a cha llenge for
I~ lnk'I:MtionaJ Institute 01 Trupic:al Agriculture (lITA),
na tinn.,1 pl.;tnner.l lind rural
devdopmml 5p ...ci" l is~ lind I dmc elfttdently. would result . , mon." productiw ;mel susIainabIe agricuItUR". Imf"'O"'Xl hoo.riehokI and rcgion.11 food ~ and ~ ircJrneo; ~ smalHJcaIoc fo1lmers. ll'c Mriol Unm'~ Ahuja c:Io:t:tratiorI ~ fcrti~ an C.R;Hl ~ whKtt to!; ~ that efforts 10 redUD!.' hungt!I- ~ the (U"ltincn t must
Dr..-NIcr.or1ya ~ J\dd:re<r6ing participants Cr.owfunl Fund lin-
itt the
nu;d ~ in Australia., ~
noto!d tholl in spite of the pmgre!iII made in crop illipomwu.t, " - !IOil rertility ...J f1lIlJ:01t dqlII.im cmtinue lo premt huge obstacles to !Il'a.II'ing the needed hiuvests. The DiRrlor-General's tx&tim'! is supported by I"l"Cel I slUllies by' ini\ in the Gmot.
Amh inAl1.9a - - - - ' - - - - - -- 1'lr l;urn C.,.-emmenl has ~
ilsa::mmitm!'nllD IhI!
dc\-dcprnmI of the nt:n-ool (!l(. IlDI1 ~ e;pritDy ngrirultuml OJJTImoditE!, widl a view to ~ tm'r lost glory. "'finl5ln-d~ bTr.Jr;Ie arw:l '"'~ I:>': 5lmud. <Jrtan.
ID IUrtIu- irnptun! ..... f.UDM1J
\hmugJ> """"
1 1e~"""'0IStn"
I~ okbt cuIlmoted pLmb in the ~ AfrilAwo i!iUb-region
aOd highly resptrlOO iIflIlIl& olhels lhoJl
~ ralJI;JnaI
...,..., .......... ..........
lr3diOOnal vaIuc5..
fh:o~smJz".g .... ~
Oynrr.rT>i desoibed Ifus a,... h'Y I" rno,jemil!iing the 9I:C'
Ihe!'m;Jnd mDn."Itinmi Africa's
0IUfcir.- tad " nunufacturiq;
tor an:! making il illtracti\~ for yuuths towan.15 en5UJing ~ 1(I....d production. l'n"f*"~1IYW ~ IAiftlffto
wrth Ilxus on kdanuts ;mel
rou .... tric5 to incn....ooc f('ftil~ use frum the ~I (I t/ha to ,,1 least so t/ha by 201't to boost agricullur.J1 producbon. Participa.-.ts,,1 tI-I? Cr.lIwkIn:t Fund wn~ i.-.dudcd the ChiL'f EIIl'CUtWe OffKn (If the ro AR. DL Frank Rijsh!Jmm. and tl'C ~ cmeraJ. Inter· 11311ona1 Food Policy Re!eard1 ino;titul!' fFPRI, Dr ~
TIle ilfmUiIl mn~ is II key eYml i.... Au:slTil""'s in lt.'miItJonaI ~I alcndar. It ilttr.ocb d~ menl pn*ssionaIs, dt<dsIon rm~~~
1'6'1*. bnres. ID'l!O'\~ eduaolols. studenl$, ,100 oI:OCr
""'''''''''''')"!iU's ThIS
theme, !he
M'enl WIth the Scr.lInb~
Mon! fwd. U>se tilOO?' also markro the
bq;inby ~ tI!I!II"\'t'ft'!y
Crawford Fund's 25th an·
dq*k:d svils., T1'('Ommends
FG to Develop Non-oil Sector through Agriculture
l~·f\.omr-un:u:I ,,~l'!t·I5-
a TTllD'1S Inoven.une the
bitter-kob industry in Abuj;o. 010m notru wilh dlsplt.-a$UIT that ~fheo products h;:o"l' ~ ... ~. for doo!dcs " it.'bt much pr0m06on
~p.tI'I!rty~~iiN !_~~~h~ national fno.'W.I WClinty. ~ earnings" and said
" " " ond " " " " Ortom.said tt.... fP\~ Wl!!i Mldy to ~ a _ mto kLobrJlltl= irvJl.I5by
' Iifoe
gmding pmaxiun". pack.~ ~ ;mel mam-tmK 0( the ~ the rod ... IllollCir'nR Ih! {'(1'It'l{'ITli bi5lef1t:t d tt.-.crop Ihruugh imr""'ro prod..:1,. ~ing. fMlkiing and Cl<f"Jf1 hl ~
elI('CUINe ch;rirm.m n4' tl.. imE'r. I\o1honal cnrtfe'ena:.Tt Afnca's IndlgcntJU5 "iflmu1ml'<, Ie \IS. Pmf BuJ.'1jo Akin~""" ....Id tJ... group "''as fnnned In htriubtoe tiP e>epIt'lr.ltir" iWld ~t.TI of the fekoctcd rn'I"" III the
d~nunll')' gmttak' htglu k>-'t'J of jot> opporturuht~ tn tl'dure I""'-my and raN< mC'nmf'" ft.....the fam,c,.o and Iht- cnomtry il< a \\ I.nk-
a~ tTII'bnlll' CT('ak" n"vJum.,.
{u'hmod.1y'" lie
IIrmittiE'!; wroCll'11'T8.nl
d..'o-onktn'n't"WW~ 1i.... 1hf initii1Ir.~ ., n'J'O"i1i...... k..L1J!uls and bitu-kol.i! indlNry It.... ('(1)ounit~..1hanl~ of tt.. CDl.It1b). saki d.. !>Irntry>;ic
mrnmodltil!<; n>\11J ....,.....'1' II!'
t!:c rmjor dJaBrrt;es Iadru!
r-'Nlfl1l Itl.the ~~."''''''f'rl}. and KtJI1o"" . 'r., ."".~ Al-<1 .,.-.eakL-2;;"1 ta' hnet~
..... Jo - ,b-- i •• ,: " .. "'V 'in\~~k:aoI~
mbmlilbnn.11 markM!o Akin)"-"ni ....tro tlloll II ..... a!' n1\'m~
h'!two (">.lnon;o(TTO
and~~uJiJrTl!; ~'rurm. ax.! ('I.'''lrl: l"I'It-I!'fJ\'<
ill Ill(' "limuliml .nelu'ln
In h...f ft"ITI<!n.... IIOf' UUI"lh"f m<...roin/olnr d K AIS. II..atl1E'! Ak."n.~ th.~ " .... >'<11<.., rlan!'o Im,'{' brMl M-I"~f'd In TT1iltw It.- ~tim"Llnt<; Uld~ III(' o;uul1hy n'TV ~,..,;d
J"fnfilat."· h' NiJ;,roa""
thor ' .. tun'