Tue.doy, January 31, lOU
Poge 26, T H ISDAY, Vol. 17 No. 6126
news FG to Audit Impact of Fuel Subsidy Removal on Trade BusinessWORLD
IlU:' of TrIde. and Investn'lt:nl. Dr OIutq;un -'I!an... hal
inled tbkt the mlnlsuy had IDalIUI'III.<!d II team to conduct an audit of !he ImpKl of (u!) subsidy removal on die ".de sectof Almp. who StI~ Ihu when he m:chu1 lOp offidais of tbt NatlOfUll Al5oc:iatlOll 01 Ni,cnaa TJ1Idcn ~) m Abu,..
INDUSTRY From Yemi Akinsuyi .~
abo live usurance: that dQmestic IBeX. promotion would form !he c:cn of. new tRde "ralclY beln, put torelhn' by the nurustry 1be mInlJlcr" Mid the pro-
posed bill on made in Nigma &oods wooki foculi on ptIlrt)na&c of products !hat NIF"a h.u 1M capKlly 10 produc:e wtuch W'OUld boost cffortJ at pmmotilllihe revi tIlisation of the automobile. 1U1.1e and pluuauxiustnel ""hen passed into ..W He a1JO CApW.ncd hi any waiver to be p'IIMed by the federal 10000000rllCnt would hcocd'onh be ICaOr-JpCClrlC
u,*,orlhetnnsfOl'TlllllJOtlAI aaenda 01 JOVeflID'rUt The rntnistry • .a:ordinllo the nurustc:r. wu bcinJ rq»IItlOftled to become • centre of trwIc agreements. data,
.t.atiSUCI and lnde-related information, agtU.U1, with !he rcquw of NAN1'S that trade IWlSlJCI needed 10 be beeJed up 10 ~ the country mate mformed decWoos used the: opportu_
Ogun to Spend 55% of 2012 Budget on Capital Projects Ii
8, Kunl. A derinokun
Ratto (or 2012 is 55:45 as
the mectinl 10 UlVIIe the lUOCiation to ,.iota bands .... Ith him to tum the sedor
nlty 0(
Pres.tdenl of NANTS, Mr. Ketl Uboha, in his presenUl000 commended JOwanment for KpOSllioninJ the tnde and Invatmcnl leCtor sueulaa the need for the mlmstry to Wlbhsh iue.lf u the nauonll hub ror lovern· menl's cc:ooonuc: tTanSfont'Ul000 agenda. The NANTS president
..... Me
development noted that impon dUlies, which is Ni8enl'. second ,ncome eamcr, rides on the pfalfonn of nde and dlSlributions He the~r(ft charJcd the man· lstry 10 accord lndc and mYeSlmcnlS the pnonty il desenu ,n the nauOl\.II dc:YekJpmcnt scbcmc
""","'-"-......0...,. ......... Ogun _
..... ""'.
WhUe )] JD"cznI of Ihc bud-
whdt CIUT'CIItJy houtcs the nllJOnI.l leChn;aJ c:omnuttee secretarlll ror Ni8enl's OCJOllitlOrl of the EconomIC
'The «ntnl database, lit iUa.scd, was esxnual l i the hllhly tecb.uC.l1 Ind complex natu~ of conte:mporat)' trIde and its nqoo.l-
He revealed
...... J1:6J.,1011.1lasillo
the unpor-
tanct of lnde in naUonal
(EPA), was CUrRntly c:a. ctucbaa I dcLailcd 1tSl1n& MIl analystS oa all tnde IJR& menu enlered ,nlO by Niaml, Includina thole stiI under coosidcntion, II its coolrlbutlon 10 Niaena'i tntdc policy review a.emK Whtle callcnr; oa the ..ru.liIl)' 10 punuc In tDdu.slnaIiIIItJOn masta plan lIS a m=tpt for creahn8 jobs In order • reduct the Import-dcpcndcll nature 0( the economy, dIr: Pfeudcm abo Red the JO"" c:mmcnt 10 formally collaborate WIth NANTS 10 flCiJi. Ulte the ena:uncnl of I compcutlOCl Ilw In Nigena He also IOOghtl revIeW 01 all 61sting tnde agreemena and to susll1n lOCh revtcWI pmodtcaJJy; estabhsh I daa. buelcentm hbrvy 1ft che m1ntSlry I I a IOU:lCe of trIdt ~lMed c:apK.lly blukhn, for
p1 wi1I be fi.adod &om . " . , 61 JD" cznI wiD be
[""""'-Fe:dmiim ..............
&om Ihr. Aa::tlIn cerlI) and CIptlaI ........ (32 ".anI)
0.5 per
A 1urd.:r 1:n:IldcM'tI d Iht
1»cIFf dvws ... 61p:r cznI d Ihc IutF .-;0 be .spcnI; on !be
........ ~.~ a.tnini.-..on's s.c.dinaI
IITA Pledges Support for Cocoa Transformation
lrllliaa b
... pm 10 NIIF"I'·• c-u. . . . ~ dbn. a IIl1e COd) ~ 011 cbAJIir I ~ 0( he ~ in be __ t few ye.s. Spea&:aIt) !hE: 1.. 1lUIe pIaN IQ hdpheaumy •• lte~ men! 0( ..... quad .y and deIn pInq "'*"lil1Il-:Jt ~
In Ihe IQOI pIIII peleSad., !he mmIbm 0( Ite
Ti .... " . . . Afro1cL .. UTA, . . ., DTA RmUi 10 dq*'Y ~-=ro-portillOOnllQ
.-ps b rapt .d . . . I'IIbD JlIt'IIlIPDI 0( imp ¥rd maJL The~ i1 • • ~ dd.I..J~. ~(~ IIml
W1IIh tap ydd Itw ..,11 ~ !he n:omtt 0( 6;rm:n and
a!\-.t'nITDlId Jnd kIOII .........,. 0( alC'!. " - t JW'
lihJ:b •
0Ind0 PIr.:, Mr Wale inIbI hlllOIId!he tbAe 0( ~u A.d-iloc Cormvnec 011 A:tr\lI ~ IhII tubIIdy Idw:me ... 1It:uRd '\IJhm ~ 0( no..-.nee were ...."...Io~ .. vdaIn 0( Ihe M!dt:ni ~ CtuDI (Ar)'s ~ wt.d! Jq» -..t . . only I CIOII'..-y . . ... • _ 26 p:ad ..... and 5lXXlmern1: ~ . . . &oIitics ,noold ~pMC 1ft ruel
( v.
The B l"incssTEAM l'!es!I!f ..... E4Ir Gl:D1rEGeE
I ic aUepd ... p:qlic who
-'- _-.no
' - fI) ~ .. lib
po!U::ts.. _ .ao..at 10 J*1D' P* W1d ~ IIIIIIrIaS ...tccft
~ Mft: pveD ~
frfWO [J.RJ jhu.IiAIFti&o4
e.JOR:II ..... _
.w.ES BED ,..".. CIpIIf
IIIocaon 2A-1on ....
lhItu . -..tIo ~ Ix::fCft fIe~lO .... public pre1mPbOn, Ifp:d It.- !be
By Ejiofor Alih
... - '
.u.:-I 10 be
.. he
aMn: ~ l¥_ ~ anlIlIad ~ .., &a.iuknl bmdiciIrd 0( !be PmoIcum Suwan furId (PSF) He .-d ... NlF'- _ ft lUll ~ 0( he fur::! u-ty, Iddq IhII b: ICheme only mmtuxs Ihe nwmcn for 1be~ .. Ihr. . . . . . «* 0( fud and the ~ IlIpI-
..... """ ......
T...... ~.JmIIIc:d ... the ~ _DIll wwtJDUt IRq'
t.d ~theeaee . . . . "" tic laid his
po..,.- ....... die mu.y
-"""""'-.. .... ........, , , -, (PPI'RA ) IhouId be aIIawcd 110 IUI'i he sub-
OIW opuuon ~ IbuIed Con.,..s IhII ~ 1CpII:Ia:I .. 2A Iw::an wiD Jd IIIacIIoII W1d __
PPI'RA • pM1 conIribuwd 110 !he
crnc:rar:nce 0( bnd~ ~ ~
the ,-.. we
'i1Ic FfC pJcIira ..... cd"bl~lO~
. -, . . . . ' - _ ' " 261d1i1 CMJds.:l500JnapaIJ .... •FECpmcbne iii*)' ~, fie __-..:dduooll
.. \he ~ 0( lIE fuad 110 1ICkIdcpc:q*, ......, . . ~ JM ~ Ia 0Iber WOIdl. !hey did IlOl (Il10'11 pcMlI a.ionI; hy' dI:.I fill own . . . ..m,; dEy_IDlIIIIIJtoediatle nde bI.c.o(.tIdIal, WI: btnd __ • !tluade and _ fit ead 0( tbr dIy hi • wb:tI:
*' diIb-
aaN 6ma. ThIlByfltlmE is _'by we t- ~ __ 1:II.iIr
JOII" s:h W1d ewaJ anc 0( . .
~ 10 povtdt ba 0( . . . . klBd aait..t IidwF catd'aIcs, yau will CII;IIOe 10 fie oondrtIIIr:m 0( who is raDy ~ fiE! in ct.. aJtd'Y Ind
........ -.. wn.c
.t.Ie~y by the ruks"
-""'F'mlIcum SuppJrt Fwd
'\IJhm b ~ CDI . . hIIta It.t the putT1I pnce, b: pa. aICIl QIIIra:I • maney, wbdI • J-.l • at.idy. WheII theft: • CI'I'Cf.ftlCtMl)', dW. IS, wben ~ ...... «*iI_lt.tthe~ pr;ct, we ~ t.:k 10 fie . - . mmf- f'u eumPe, cbq fIE V.,.. Acb . . -..ta the prad Jnle'" N65 tnt fir; mdtoil P'1Oe~ IoUJper t.rd, !he nwketm J.:I bet III the fund. I ~tIIIII ~ bid.: NI..6biUion t.i: ., !he
Faimi~~ IIt_
On !he II&.cF .motIIIl . . 0 . ~~.u.ty ~Tnbt.-d~
• the - - . pkya- .. he __ WllbtMr D MIIiI aWcta ~ N'IF'l-QIfII.-p:aIy a:.J II:rrIWJIb • CO'l'Dned e&JaWY (I oYa'" I~JXI) JftIlion lirra, .:I __ 'c:wn ... "'---" _ ~