l~Van uard. THURSDAY, NOVEMBE.R 1, 201Z
Business/lndustrv SON to halt products testing in Ghana, S-Africa STOR IES BY FRANKLIN ALL!
TANIlAJIDS Or-gafU sallon of Nigeria (SON) has commenced mows to stop tetmg of imported products at J.aboratones In Ghana and South Afnca. lluswill takeeftect lrom20lJ. AcronImgIy. u..Agency
h11115tarted bUlk:hng a bJr·
...... 15~«n>c tW!' at theOgba area 01 Lagoo SON Dtrector General. Or. JO&eph Odwnodu. disclOSN that the faoltty would house 15 standard l<llboratones comprunng tesung rooms, trdlrung rooms Wlth dttferent ad· mlJU5l1a~ fuOCUons, a rese"rch I"culty for reo
sem:h otgo\JU5o'lbons, con· Ictence rooms and support
sWl faaltties. He recalled unpalalo'lble tn5tanas whm the agency had to take the samples oflJTlported goods toGha· na. and South Afnc" for .-.g. """ he""" would stop when the ongomg prqect 15 completed The Director Gener"l sald that the fact that Ni· gena has to be m:koned Wlth when it comes to products standardiso'll1on globally inspired the
H e abo satd that the SON LRboralory btnldmg will e1"borale st"ndards and testmg of Imported goods. do our testmg and &so hepothe IVIbonI who do not have standards and
quality laboratory to test therstoo The laboratory. will also serve as a ~ centre for scholars and researchers as revenu~ming actMty, wtuch ~ said is one of the_ reasonsexp.e..bclund os _ ln9 his plans toe:rpMd the
Pl"Oject further, the D-G, who wtU add another IS WIboratones. Sllld it 15 not too much a task gtven that In terms of stMdarcbsabon
equtpment. Nigena is still far behind other countnes of the world. IJb Egypt wtuch has oo.-er 90 lo'Iboratones
Coca-Cola phases out returnable glass bottles across plants I E Coca-Coola Com T,panv has start~
phasmg out retum<llble glass bottle. (rgb) iKTOU Its produ cllon pl"nts worldWJd~
AcCOrdlngl.,., the Com·
Indulge 'feel good' festival boosts family recreation BY NAOMI UZOR DULCE Nig~n" Ud hal used its ' Feel Good' Fesllm (FGF) to boost f"rnily recrNUOn. sui theocompany'l Managing Director, Dr slSl Ablol" The eveo:nt which took place in t.agc. at JhalOOI<ll c"rdens. along Murt"l" Moh"mmed A.uport Road, atlr<llcted
-many fanulJes born d1fJf!fof the st"te Major brands from PZ Cussons, Prom"sidor, ~t pilrts
l\JpuIar Foods. Nutnama. Grand Cereal Otls Ud. Gwnness, '-"tdkwn. ~ MIN bt up lI'leenl1regllfdel With tls bnght brand· ed J'"lIow nag. Dr Abtola described lhe
eYenI M "Ur lim 01 Its klnd In Ntgma,,, wuuung com· bination of outdoor wellness, free medical screen· mg and tarruly rt!CfMbon It is a concept I would ltke to see become an annual event. and COp1ed not only by all st<lltes III Nlgena. but one that should be happily _ e d by """" COWllries In Atnca.
pany has ~I~ed mlo " partnership wtth JBF Industnes Ud 10 further ""P""'I global production of p"Ck"glhg m"tenal made from pllmts The company had been refilling the reo:tumableo: bottlesstnCe 1932butAld it no long~ mak~ busi' ness sense 10 continue dOll1g so Ronald leWIS. VIce PresldenVOu~ Ptocurrment~atTheCoca·
Cola Company Said Utili Ihe suppl.,. po'Irtnershlp Wllh JBF Indusln" will help Coc<ll-Cola conUnue Its INdership In bnnglng ~abl~. lower-carbon plastiCS 10 th~ markl"t· plltC1!:<IInd m~t~com pany c101e-r to lis ta19f!'t of USing pia III bollie pack. agmq tf'Chnology In IIll of Its plasuc bottles by 2020
DeNoTT makes case for devt of agricultural produces T '\ YIIJ\ Norlh Hunk J..ITank 1000NoTn h-u for the df"Vf"'lop menl of <IIgnrullur,,1 pmduce:: In the State Thl~ ,ubrnl~~lon ..... a~ mad(' by Iht' group "I " s)'lllpollUm held In bo'I Wllh Ihf"'themf"', -r"pping thf'" EconomiC and SOClo-c"ullllral Rtrhf!S 01 ~It" North Nf"'"A' Irlf"aS for Betle-r FUlutMIn It communlqllt'SIQnt'd by Prof Fnc Aloh lInd Prof Joseplull~ Alu· manfth. Chairman and Vire Ch.outpE"rson. Fll"'C· utlVt' Commlttf"'f"'. ,aid DeNo rr noted that delta north commurutlf""S havt' relallvf'" comparative lId· vantagf"S III many "qn· cultural comm()(hllesl~· terpnses InCludmg arMIf'" crops (CMSftva. yaml. tr~ CTOp& lru~r. oLi palmI. and vf'gMabl(' CTOp& (10· mato. pmeapplpl, live· stock (goat), aquaculture and tuh lannlng. among c"l1~
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II sllld the agncultural posl-h"rvMI SubsKlor, po'IrtlcuUlrl.,.; proce:slnq. storagf'. dlStnbuhon lInd marketutq are W'f). 'II\.-eak, thereby subc:hllnq 11M'! ag. ncultural commodity valUf"'ChlllhS M a resulL the full benE!fils of valU!' addlbon to rftW agncultural produce <IIr~ not r~h$ed by the fannets. aqnbusi' ness oJ>f'rators and local commwubf"'S