48-Vanguud. ntU~Y~ MAY3. 2012
PDP put Edo in reverse gearBY VICTOR A H IU MAYOUNG
O VERNO R Adams Oshiomboll' o f Edo
State bas said tba' his c:JYe" old adrninistJation ~ rescued the!>1ate from tbebrlnks and the rewne geat wrought by the opposition Peoples Democrabc Party. PDP. S~ .. thel."'IDoy rally bll!ld at Samuel Ogbemudia Slad1um, Benin aly, the governor said that PD~ wbkb ruled the stale lor 10~, ran aground all the il'.d ustries in the stale.. ML Peter Okhlria, QUel Press Se :rdl:ay, o>s. to the GoYemoc; q\:oled the thr~+year
governor as saying: MRemember Bendel Brewery was run dawn by
Oshiomhole Obasanjo got t'l AhUJa, the
gales ot the plantpad been """",--
thePOPgovemmenL They mismanaged it As I speak. 'Nt!: are going to pay over Nt billion tosettleliabilities in Bendel Brewery to AMillN. "Who mismanaged Okpilla Cement Factory? Who did all the WUIUWW1l oveI Ute J wee Factory in Ebor that never produced any Juicel "'Ibu remember the abraCXldabro over a fertilizer pJant that never prod'- anytItingl "1bey brought fertilizer
Reacting to the recent comment by Edo PDP
from elsewbereaod.invited
anybodyso nobodybomof man can kill me. I'm sad that we last many lives and spilled much blood."
President Olusegun Obasanjo to come and commission it. Belore
dJ.ainnan, Dan Orbih that the govenor was C'UlptIble for the weekend crash in which bis convoywas bit by
a 911 10ny, Osbiomhole sald the statement bad dearly revealed the real mastermind behind the inddenL Hesaid: wnteyarrnnged tharawn acddent in Atuze -""",_.Theythougl< I would be in my regular vehicle. I've never killed
ONI INE fAIR : From leFl- Nikl! KoJiJ"'OIe, Heild, Sales Ecobiulk.· Adeo/a Azl!eze, ChairpenoD. H omt!lJ in AfiUlagemt!lJt n1d Business. WIMBIZ;
Christopber AggrelJ. BDM Zaris FaslJions and Style (Suc:r:essfuJ GNBO beneficiary). and Juliel EhimUitD, Country Manager. Coogle Nigeria. during NigeriiUI business online web fair in Lagos.
Take over primary school teachers' salaries, Delta Speaker urges FG PEAKER. Delta Stale
S Hon. Victor
H ouse ofAssernbly. RL
Oel ei, bas called on tbe Federal Govenmeot to take over
would lay a solid foundation for effective development at the grassroots, adding Ihal the ma;or problem confronting the Jocal cowrils was the JliIYlDenL of pnmaryschool
Delta State, the Speaker said it was not the fault of Delta State Government.
U:Je finandalblmierl on.lDCal governments acr:.ss the
teactes' sa1aoes wtnch has
~opmentat that level
but the contractors who cnUed. rncbilisaboo lees and abandon their work. He said the legislature bad been able toc:heckmate soch contractors through unscheduled visits to their
On theslow p<ta!olwork. by some contractors in
JliIYIDerll at pr:imat} schools teachers'salariE!s t•• reduce
He told newslQen in l move
Asaba that such
sites be proper assessments
£RQMO: From le /l-A/ro pop !lIar. Kas; Afrs. AJdnoJiJ Anu, winner al the of VilaJoam 'promo draw:JI, and AIr. Peter Folik~, Director ~{ilTkeling and Sales, VilAfoam PIc. at VUa(oam Day Out with Customer:! b eld ill Vitafoam Comfort Centre, SuruJere, Lag os, on S unday.
N1.9bn fertilizer fund diverted in Agric Ministry -N2bn returned as Reps cttee calls for documents BYEMMM' O VUAKPO
BUJA--FEDERAL MUmnyatAgoa>l!ure
bas been queried by the
Auditor-General of the Federalion OYB" an bIleged N1.9billionscambmdering on divenrioo otfund£ i:Jr Ute punf>are 01.,..",... This was teY&lled by the
2lnJaOOitrep:xtdU:eoffice madeavaiJ.abie to Hooseof Representatives J.d-boc Committee on Public
Chairman of the Committee. Mt. Solomon OlalDlkan. directed the Pmnanenl Seaetaryio the ministry to produce docu· DlIf!D1ed evidence that the said. amount was refunded as he cJai.rnW. today. AJ..e meeting with officia1s oftheminisuy. theauditors had reportedly asked the Pennanent Secretary. Dr. Ezekiel. Oyernomi, what be !mew about the funds and why it was diverted. Oyenomi had _ _ that the funds wen! used for
the Garara and Azure WiIledaIls prtJject. while "N2
billion was returned to where it was lillllally Asked by Olarnikan to
refund and abo why ooly N1: billion was refunded instead of the initial N 1.9
billion. Oyemoni was all.egedly unable to gtve a convincing explanation because at the time the money was allegedly diverted, he was not the "'"""""" Secma>y.
Insecurity: Arewa youths back Azazi BY DAPO AKINRFfON
AYCF, ~\iu::na SI:dtima
.... """" ........ """P castigating the-NSt,Gn National __
berate the NSA. serurity agenoesshould Iookar. ways of nippmg the insecurity problems in the bl.rl.
Addressing a press conference in Lagos,
"""'""'" ShBlnna""" "'"
_lJenornbolU, """""-"""""'"
...... thon remng """"""
POe b1he~ olrr&r.ml' 'in the
averUrcomments, sectm.ty ageocH'S should eldeavour to look at the fundamental
Shettimasaid rnht rthan
rcused •
Shet:'OIa ;oud : MAzazl's
office L5 not political He 0YIeS a duty to Nigeria.1be secunty iSSue in Nigerul makes the swvivai of the nauon more unportanl than
O;ernona was also unable to mention the name of the Minister at the time the money was allegedly
withdrawn. but an offiaal quiddy""""""" Mallam AdamuBe!lo. Olamikan immediately suggested that the minister be summoned to answer queries 00 wbytbehud was; diverted from the purchase of fertilizerto 0'lSlJletic work.
on III waterf&ll. Oyemoru then promised to make available all necessary docwnenlabons on howtbe
Uduaghan organises cancer screening for women " SABA-WORRlEDby
with only three haVlng
of cerVlcal and breast cancer among Nigerian women. wile of the Delta SlaleGovemor. Deaconess Roli Uduaghan m
said the seminar was among senE'S of campalgllS to educate the public on current information, research outcomes and methods of self-examination for earlier detection in cancer awareness.
~e ux:essanl deaths occasioned by the menace
amjWJction with Pink Pearl
Foundation, weekend, organised a senunar and screening on cervical and breast cancer in Asaba,
Delta Slate. Theone-day event which
was held at the Master Key
Fellowship Centre had over 100 women screened
NDO Slate Government will O today commission 290
later refunded.
No< """"""'" 0lamiI<an -..oo.d""'oolyonginal copteS of bank statements
olthe removal of oil sUlsJdy on residents of the state.
and memorand urn raISed
during the transactions should be presented today
eIecbonsbysomepoliboaos who telt that because they lost their dwK:es for the ....,deocy they will make
ry1:CHNOLOGV Afnca, .I. organizers of Titans of Thch Award has honoured the O:u.el Execubve Officer of Computer Warehowe Group, ewe. Mt. Austin Okere With the award of
the nation ungovernable."
~tyot!he It!ar2012
of commenls made dunng
lbe state's ComausslDner lor Information. Mr Kayode Alrinmade. made lhis known in a statement in Akure, yesterday, He said the gestwewas to ease transportation problems
across the slate.
CWG boss gets ICT award
bylhe-...-s.c....y. Also, auditors are expected to produce documents to convmce the COmmttleeon three tractors that were said to have disappeared between the Owem and Ibadan storage
a political party. "Nigerians are all aware
She noted that the P1nk Pearl RMmdation has saved many women who were detected with breast c:arlCI7 by taking them for tmatrneni.s and picking up thebill.s.
Ondo launches 290 vehicles vehicles for public use as one of the measures put Ul place to cushion the effect
moneyW<l!i uansferred and
lump in tharbreasts. The Delta State First Lady
recogruses those who are
making true difference by their contributions either duecUy or mdirectly m iocreamlg African conI.enl.s
10 ICf products and Services m the emerglJlg