Curtains fall on Archibuilt as architect!} plan Construction expo centre BY JUDE N JOKU
CE Prasident, Arc Namadi Sambo has
pledged Ule support of the Federal Government to any initia1iv., oractivity that will
Climate Change: Nigeria moves to work out achievable nei~otlatlon points BY ROll~·11 AlAYI, ,Ibuja
and promote an efleetive and qualilative building and construction industly in the countly. He panicularly pleged the ~Upp:lrt of the government engaged in building afford able m ass housing _ The Vice Preside nt who represenl&d P re s iden t Goodluck Jonathan at the )USt concl ud ed 22'" edillnn oi Archibuilt , /I yearly hCll5illg a nd cons [lllction materials exh ibition onJdluu.J br Ihe Nlgen doll h mitutE of J..i.::hitccIS, N lA. 51atW th ai n ol ,ncdningfui
de \' elopuumt ciln l a ke pliit"ii in N lgena wnhQUI ilia cor.lriburions of Thi;; yEar's livenl act'ord-
ing to the orga msers, ....'<'1.5 II ShOW -p19Cil of class, effiCleRC}' and Ihe pow er of ill-
novarion as exempWiwd by Ih e vanous exhibilor$ within iUld outside Nigeria. The exhib illon featured sponsors m the diffilrent a.fllilS of th e built envitun~ men! sector s uch <1.0$ LafugH, Berger Paints, Nob&! Carpels and BNL N_IA President, Arc.
O lstunJi BoIu ,,1; 0 said Ihe .. n::hlfecis h a\'1! sus tliine d Archibuill for lh e pas t 22 ),6a rs, noted Ih<l.t through this progriUll, the NlA h as provided a platlon:n for access to infonnation, technical data of building ma ti!ridis and construction technology that h ave influenced quality and cost efficient de-livelY of bull ding projects in the coontry. 1hrtM.lgh tllis program the institute has continued to support govemment in policy evolution
and fannularion m at h ave positively Impa cted the buill environment in the country," he said. Arc. Bolu s a id the new thrust of ATchibuill is 10 encourage Ih" transfer o f slciUs and lechnology by produceI".!i of building and construction m a t6ria.1s 10 our a.rt.\.5aos and tra.:lasmen throu gh the practical demonslrations of processes and procedures for building and installations. He called for th e coUabo-
ration of n!lE\'ant o.geru:::J&S of g.-:wEmmen t towards Ihe a c hi evement of the A rchib uilt's loft)' goals since, a .::cording to him, such a dllve if; in supporl of the pl asent adrrunistra· rion 's transformatio n prog nnn, . He called on the Federal govemmenl to allocate to the Institute, five hoo41"8S of land a t the PCT for the developmenl of a world clalis Construction Expo Centre.
AS nations prepare for the 17th DlHtlng of the Conference o( Parties (COP) 10 the United t lallolU FramrMork Convention on Cimale Change rur-..FCCq holding in Durban, South Afric:a this Novembe~ Nigeria appealS to have al last woken up to Ihe challeng, ~ allead. The Fw· eral Governmenl seams til have fim.Uy realised Ibal il needs to pul its house in ordar if the counby is 10 g4in from the multi·lllllOnll 6trolls being put m p!nce 10 ~t n abons COmbal clirll4te change. Since .ha Umled N61ioos Convention came IIlto .efiect lD 1995, ( Olmines wh kh am ~rty to th .. Dnv6ntklll have been n ee ung annuall y 1.:1 rE-view Ihe glob51 pwgrass on tt.e cl;3.I ! ; n~mg pral:. lem oi climate change. Until COP 1.5 h~ld in C"panhage n . n D6::OJn\ber 2;)09, nOl mut:h 01 olt",r,nou I,as baan dew::" I..d I ... Uli. issue cJ Dimal .. Ch ~ ga m N i ,!e<1!1. E\'";;,n It. O ,gh l·h giil1.i. !It..S ctontUJ uad ,,) pa...tU!1pil.ti in \.t € CMf'<:: tlI 9' 01 n.rti~ <L'~ bltConung 6. p i!oiTf 10 I h~ j';~ .. to Protc.c.. ~ tn. i ad.r4i GO\'_ e rnm e nt h .!d un w Cop cnh !lgan , Dc l l h.:.l i- ttaa l.. ;i the luu e of Oimate ':ha l1SE E.5 a 5um.:i:i':'IY iJ;;u e Ii;! th e mlltion 's d ,;;ve.lop melli. no\~·e.... er. follt.\\'tIlg a su;;:ca.> i'ul outing in {)enmari,', wr.en N igeria l ~ Ihi! tJtican GlOup mille te.:hnicai negoaation al the me t ir,g, Ih.a amtuda 10 dunate ch~ge in l 18 cou.ntry h <os shUtt :! pos:cion. Anomer significant Bctor mal tnggaro1d enndlJ. :ed im eres t Oil tha pan of the Fi!deral ~VEffillilOllt was tl.e l udt.lan move by someslillas totm tha challalge of cW ilille tnanga b~ on . These s i llies lad by the. Delr< S tal e Goveillor Emmanuel Uduilgha n bnd l<l.gos State Governor Babanmde Fasholc. h egan to rally tT"fUS~V&i logethr:r 10 fashion out policil!!. thai would Enhdl ,c a th03 adaptation of their people to Ihe !ising imp<l.ct (f clinl!.te change. The interests of Ihe S late Govemors ,vcre bowever nOl surprising M the warning signs of thlo extrelLe ev~nts of cl.irnate change ware alrudy chan91..l9 trom yellCow 10
Contracts, procurements conduit pipes for corruption - · ICPCboss
"". F
• A:i Hun mlllistar tash:; QS to ChdCk Inflation 01 cDntracts
Br the tioli! Nigeria "'".ill to Canrun for CO? 16, il was dear !hlll thEre wal "1leed for a nationd : oIldoora ticn b etwO!en the Fedaral ~ammel1 t, thE :: (a tl!S dnd Ih i! corportlle entities cpeuting Ul N.igeru. to \ .-o;X ou t awpanon and rmtigation strategiES. With the eilOIU c.i thfi Uriri!d Nations Developm~n t Programme, UJ'. D p, th~ then /l.1inis tel of EnvU-onmEnt, J ohn Odey col1l.ID.6nciid wock 011 the National Clim<lte Changll Policy and the National Strate gic Policy (; f Adal'lalion. T h " docl.lmenls had reached all Ildvanced st5ge before th 1 Mirri..;ler bov:ed out of office in May tlUi yen. Apart & 1m the docum03nl, the Federal Governmen t also had sel'eral s lalr:ehalders discussion wilh coipordte bodir.s and SHinl " s lales on how 10 rali \' lhe nation forward on the cha.ltenga3 ahead. With less than 60 cltys 10 COPt 7, thu Fcd6.ra1 Minisny of Environment, the civil socielY orgarUZ.1tiollS and seme frontline ,Iale governors ara moving al leven~h speed 10 work out a national po!Iitioli tha t woul;1 form Ihe basis of negotilltion in Soudl Abica. This pOSldon, t.ccording to stakeholders have 10 be domastically focused unlike in the past when Nigelia had lnerely !,O along with the position oltheAfria:.n Groupand wben LID is Ililt availahle, that of Group 77 plus China within d .1I UNPCCC The pOlition of these groups especially that If plus China had largely Dean merelt' metaphoric to Kig.wia'ii intt:resl...
consider induding a qu4fltity surveyor on Ihe Board or the ICPC. t-t"flE Indfipendenl Cor According 10 him, "your .1 rupl Practices and. role is critical in assessing other l1!i.aled offences Com- the value of public contracls mission, Icre has said that and procuremenls which awMd of pu blic conlTacls 4llI oft6n the conduit pipes and p rocu rement are Ihe far much of the corruption conduit p i pes through in ou r dear country today H • which mosl of the people ContinUing, the ICPC conuptly enrich th em- b oss said: " Nigeria neecb selves UI th e country loday. its professionals to rise 10 the Acting Chairman of challenge of nation ICPC,Mz: Bako AbduUahi, building and one of t ha a lawye~ who disclosed on important ways of nation l11uISday in AbuJa al the building is by leadership 2011 Quantity Surveying with integrity. I look forAssembly and Colloquium, ward to Ihe day when organisw by the Quantity 'quantity swveyors will rise Surveyors Registration and claim leadership Board of Nigena, OSRBN positbns among Nigerian in conjunction with the Ni- professionA.l s. Quantity geruHI lnstitute of Qua.n.ti~, smveying as a profession is Surl'l:\,ors , NIOS, urged vel)' stJotegic and important SUl"I'eYors 10 use Ih e ll pro· in the fighi agains l fesslonaJ.i.;;m 1.;:0 laci.:le COf- corru p tion a nd the rupti .;:o u In p u bhc trA nsformation a genda of ins nruiIc;ns . tr. e F ederal G overnmam The th e me o i Ih. confer- u n der Pres ldi!DI GoodIuc k .. ncew.5.S "Quantlt)" SU IVE)" J o na than. Your thame fCor 1119 ...n.:l the Anti· C arro}>. tr.lS ass embl}" M hI.;vl.l\g n ou Crulo:Ju e . AchieVing \"<Jua jor " 'foner i.ll Pro Jecl Vdue i(".r j,-io ne r ill P,.;:oj6d C(,sts In N lyftl1 .. ", h, my Cos ~ 1;, Nlilc na" bumblfl \i~M ~ v"l)' apt. ti!l.. .....bjw1=lli, \ /he. GlJSel"l'c.d 1i\ -5..U1 5lId of CGnl il~ 111."1' lhll.t ':''''''1' pr.; lor.:Js "lC' si;r,ll!icanc. in mooe m ,b y IWP:<!:> d,[",d c..r. tL~ Loo.rd Nig~'15 ". :.f ........ [;· ~~mlpnc.u i.s_nOilS .-_d llUl!t:.b.l I., j .:l the con· iili~ II .... IC?;: n cr.~·.,n,r r.Sl ~,-, cu.:.n CCL:>1 ~llelTS tha i gr~ii ".;i rh!l.! ....... ill1l'".l<o u t "Ler. 1:. n o gre.51.. r way tr. Pl .:..~ .. ~hm ill;.r ,.~ ... r. \iry iour· .lcrr,l oIU U(lle n ,l.Ir h' G.:iar· 'i-·:·\i,t· '" r"H~5 1 1l9':hl lOt;: • s t !) ',1 o rt,er' f, r::.i",sSlons tor,,, ,;:! } J". ". 'J': ,. .,j fl , ~ lJ". -'.' \; 1),;,t(.11•. :;,Jr .;i llnc~ . ~Il ""·;:.t .... ".. ." ~. - ',,1 L> ,'1 _
core value thai is lacking in many of our profusions an d professionals in N igeria today". "If our Ouantity Survey. ors do Iheir work as true professionals with integrity an d compelence it will bring down the cost of public contracts and procurements . This will in turn bring down the cosl ol90\1emance and free resources for provision of social serv_ ices like education, health hOU.5ing, electricity, water transport and security. The C&U.5e of evelyday corruption in Nigeria has been traced 10 Jcck of these basic services," h e said Minister 01 ~cb, Housing and Urban Development, Ms . Arnal Pepple told the quantity sUlVeyors that they h< a Vlla.l role to p lay in addressing the issue of corrup tion ill p u blic phces In the
countT)'o Quantil), s u rveyor s as impartial judgi!5 in project costing Ms. Pepple noted thai the role, if performed wi th iUl independent mind, gives th e quanlity surve),or the "'g of an "impania.l judge~ in determining Ihe actual cost 01 projects and their cost effectivenESS. "I admit thot quantity surveyors by their training and professional Bxperience, could play II significant role in Ihe 4nti-corruption crusade and complement the effoIU oflhe anti-conuption agendas such lIS Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, independent Corrupt Practic~ and Allied Matters Commission, ICPC, Code of Conducl Bur e l!lI , C C P /lnd Bureau of Pu blic Procurement. BP?
51. years of hOMeles!>nMS ' COJIlIlJUi::J iram
page J;i
cried thE absen ce of reo litibJE s lo..osW::s th a t t.Could be used in pl.mning . A t:::::arding 10 hun, Ibfi hous· ing defiot af 17 milli.;:on m.!lY L", mOTi! b . of of Ih i nun:.ber of }'.;:oU1h~ guchlal!ng from [ r.," tu·
tiiir)' u~utun ons " r,o retJi ..W[, Ir• ':'\-.To ",cc~lnrnc;.
ria~l o ; 1
World Habll<i l Dii.j' Speaki ug on Ihe theme o f Ih u. )'a.u 'l World H aollat Ct.\, -'·Ctti..s and C lima. t e C hb " ge ', M ; AucdiJI U !: I ., J th a t Nigeria iti in II. ~ i.:.n ir.. r.t Ot b ;in g a ,·'t:o:n ,:-, ( t r,e a d ... ri., t if. c u. .If dl;;ngc: u J i~ S s:r...,g 1':;: de n i try,,:.rl:· I:' H,· 0:1' ,, ~ ~ ,II ~ I, ... ,(l
Naad for Fa, atfotaa c:.llabGt.itkm
Speaking witD \ '.luguard H.;)mes'" F.Of1e::iy DO Ibis issUE, th e h c.f Ine SPiC.!! o: b.:.I"<9!f unil oi the F,,:!eTII.I Mirusuy of E m' lionment. Dr nd .. jr.J e A.d 6.juw~n rih; dcsa:! th .u;Jt ri!> ~ \\ ell p r"pa.."i:IJ U-.J..I 100e a,OI....lO 10 eru ura that Gur p~r•.i.tion in .5, ut! , Ju rica yi Elds to!l g ibl ii cli .-id fr, cis ...._... .:'-'rding Hi 1 m., Ihe O "' l"b .. n '::o,m ru[ lfe ~ CI lip Ill' u:' i .\ :uJ:. t ~r c.f E ,\l.o':'/ ." I.. n l, h tt jiE. H 6dlza "" iaii.s.fu. h ad tl , I!:...-; ~ j d ,;;: t5osl: g: ,'l:', TI; it in r.a!pEct 0:.1 now Ie; dn-;'c K if·ena .. T'SJtl:Jf'::>ti.;u lr. JjurlUn. '\i'. h aVE t.-eL""'I \J-:.rl..h.", ,'::'U I,O th ~ d.=: _ .:11, d f" ~'::'.il: :;"lg s :l::1"\'.sblE p OS::lOr. f • • :. . \ rJI .!ri,'c 0,,( r..1i .dp~I ~i1 ii, Du rb ~n . 0.:.r " .IiH l e..:. .... 1' ::;. 1 i~ rEIl;'\", >"" ltin U , 0 b c I' tl,: I. h ....... ,.. :.. .-..Itcr W6.~ I ,,1,1 SMI: II"" Tf'; t mt .. r-lJ'.L.':;; I " .~ :X... ..noJf."" .u .•1... 1 ,. II..:.!..IIZ. t:n u.:.:., [r:- .......:i.}l\,~ ::.
It \ ,-U. a.I;,~ I€~l 0 :.1 If,f IJ TI,I ~UIl.LJ .. ~ wI. n ,,!od:I.'£r :J.i I:.I DO TO Ini E..i:. _"!>[L ,1to.. ':'::'1.d . ::i! Of! £ .... _..1 ,ltr, I,-,:....ri iI. ;::';.;Ul,,, h,i: in,"i.~ .:.r. :1,;0 11:'001,:..1 r. . .;.:!,; 10 :~ .J-. ;,.! r:.; "'_ ;,.;::\ .::.: .::..:..::......111 ....i. <i; I ~'" , I . .. , ,_.1!. .. , ~f t.,h"l, _" · t . J. 1..1.3,-·"