100Vanguard. TUESDAY, MAROf 6, 2012
NEWS Delta community protests alleged attacks by Fulani herdsmen BY fESTUS AI'ION
killed, maimed or missmg as a result of the invasion by the herdsmen m Uwheru. Some of the leaders who spoke mcluded Mr Darucllsama. Ollef Emmanuel Utuoma and Mrs ChnsUana Etagbadare.. They aUeged that the herdsmen had been unleashing mayhem on their people for some
Abayoml Adestudft
GHElLl - I NDI GENES of Uwheru clan, Ughelli North lDcal Government Area, DeUa Slale, s tonned the slate House ot Assembly, Asaboll, yesterday, protesting IOcessant aUacks on the people by HausaIFulani herdsmen. The protesters besieged the House of Assembly complex. With placards to register thear gnevances before the House leadership The protesting viUagers, who conducted themselves peacefully, dISplayed photographs of some indigenes of the commumty, who were
Dickson vows to tackle insecurity
Dickson appoints new Accountant General
VlS(J; Leone,
Goodluck J o nifthan (I~1t/ recei,j ng ,js iling Presid~"t Ernest Koromif of Si~rra 11It! iJrrva} of th e Jif ller for if If'Vrking visit. ill th t! Presidential VII/if, AbU/if. yesterday. Photo
-As JTF warns trouble makers BVSA\1UELOYADU 'G IlA AGOAY BAYELSA State GoVl.!Tnllle'\t said It wtll E
tack.le insncunty head on and Owh out culUSts and cnmma1s (rom tht" state ~rSenake Dtck son made the pledge In Yenagoa wtule commlS elating wIth families 01 lhe oUicel'!> and mcn or the Nigenao mili tary, po~cr and civilians reportedly tilled by a gang ot sea pirates, recenUy The remams ot lheslarn olficen wt>.re recovered Sunday by local dIvers and navall>ersonn~ deployed to comb the
It was yathered that mastennand or the k:illings and the leader ot
the gang, who spear headed the attack, IdenWied as Shedraek Itoko-luwel, popularly known as Mommy ~Icr, was
kiUed during a gun du~ with naval patrol team The governor, in a statement by hiS Senior SpecaJ AssIStant, Media and Public Alfalrs, Mr Darucllworiso-Martson, condemned lhe lollings and called on perpetrators of evil and thelt sponsors to deslSt trom such Vlolence Rellerallng the current admuuslrabon·s zero tol-
ela nc!' (0 1 cnme and cnmlriilllt)' In the state. lhegovernorsllld . "Govt'rnm ent is working 10 consonanc e with the vanoUi se!:'wlly oullits such as thf" JTF, Police and State Secunty S~ Ice, SSS, to be on top of the slluaUon. The governor tasked lhe otizen5 10 be more Vlgllanl and report actiVlties ot cullls{$ and
of Akwa Ib om State, Mr Nsuna Ekere. bas charged the newly~ected ward executives of tbe Peoples' DemocraUc Party, PDP. an the 329 ward!l 01 the stale to be unrelentmg U1 carry109 the party faithful along 10 thf' dlscharge 01 thell (unctions. Speakmg after the ward
congress 111 his Edemaya Ward I, In Iltol Abasi Local Government Area ,
GIlA cnmmals to the appropriate aUlhonues Meanwhile, ITF m the Niger Della, codenamed Operation Pulo ShIeld,
has said the attack on 115 personnel and otheralroc· Illes comrrulted 10 the last three months "had been staged by a tew different and uncoordinated groups of Itinerant cnmlnais operaliny 10 the Niger Delta-
Rivers tackles food insecurity with three farm villages BY JIMITOTA ONOY·
UM .
ORT liAR COURT-RIVERS State Government is to set up three fann villages m the stale as part of efforts to tackle the problem of tood insecunty 10 the country. The stale governor, Mr Chibwke Amaeclu. who
made t1us known at Government I-l ouse, Port IIa.rcourt, dunng an 10teraclton WIth the media. srud the state would go mto partnership wilh LR Group of Israel. at a cost ot $ I 40 million The governor, who spoke through the Ouet ExecutIVe Dlrector, Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency.
A-lbom Dep Gov tasks new PDP ward executives on unity e pUTY Governor
Ekere asked the ward executives to be mag nalllmous and reconciliatoryin victory to engender conlinuing peace and uruty In the party He expressed sallsfactlon With the conduct of the exerose across the state. pomung out that It reOected the confidence of the party fillthful III the leadership of Governor Godswill Akpablo The Deputy Governor satd II was clear trom the
enthuslosm tor the ex· erclSe that the PDP was well-entrenched in the state, predictlOg thai the party would conUnue to rule the state for a long Ume to come. He lauded the PDP members m tus ward tor thear massive tum-out and orderly conduct dunng the congress and for walllng patienUy for the arnval of the congress officials and rnatenaa
RSSDA, Mr Noble Pepple, said the government would provide $IOOmilbon wtule the Israeli partner would ptoVlde the balanceof $40 million fo rlhe proJectNoble said about 3,000 hectares of hmd to(mecharused fa.nnlng wouLd be carved out (or the project In Behe part of the state. li e d escribed the LR Group of Israel as one of the biggest firms in that country Wllh focus on agncuJture and agro-mdustrial p rojects across the world 1·le sald -In the case of Rivers State, we WlU develop a pubbcJp"vate partnership project that IS focused on dev~oping a 3,000 hectare mecharuzed farm in Etche, Ri vers Stale and the (.ann will also have a malor agroprocessmg centre. - In addition, the Uurd component of the project wtll be the development of three major modern fannmy villages •
ENAGOAY BAYElSA State Governor, Mr Henry Dickson, has appointed Mr AseirnoJoseph as the new .AcUng Accountant Gel1eral of Bayclsa State The appointment tak~s immedlate effect. M.r. Joseph takes over from Mr. f-nancis Okuko ro, former stale .AcUng Accountant GeneraL Joseph's appoullment, accord.1Og to a statement by the governor's Seruor
yea", They srud the actJvilJes of the herdsmen had led to wanton destruclton of their property, includmg crops and farm lands . alleging thal some mdl genes of the commumty. had been killed , while Innocent women and guls had been raped by the cattle herdsmen
Speoal AsSis tant, Media and Publicity, Mr. Dan · lei Iwo ruo-Markson, IS commg at a cruaal Ume, given the administration's resolve to plug and prevent all wastages and leakages In the '!"'em Hesald --nus IS In accordance With Governor Dickson's VISion to reduce drasucally the cost of governance and to enthrone transparency, accountability and sound Mcal dlSClpbne In the management of govern ment's rtnances."
Nigeria has only 16,000 phannaclsts, says PSN boss BYGA.8RIEL
ENOC I"IOLAS E ENIN -FORMER B Edo State Chairman of the Phannaceull· ca l SOCIely of Nlgena, PSN, Mr. Osi ta Idemlli. weekend, In Okada, la· mented the dearth of pharmacists in Nlgena. saymg lhal the country has only 16,000 phanna. ruts in an estunated PoP-
wallon of over 160 million people Idemth, who spoke at the induction of 63 pharmacists of Igblnedlon Uruverslty, Okada. mto the profesSIOn, Insisted that Nigena was well 0[1 the mark to phannaceuhcal setvlces and called for radical solution to address the shortagt" of phannaosts In the coun.')'
FG urged to expedite action onPIB H E f-ecletal Govern ment hfts been urged to expedite aclton in fine turung and harmoruzmg the Petroleum Industry BIU to enable government to forward same 10 the National As sembly A lagos -based human "ghts Jawyrr; Mr Jonathan Edhebru, who sPoke WIth newsmen. noted that
the Bill IS supposed to regulate the oll and gas industry. He urged the Federal Government not to poiJhClSe passage 01 the Dill as it has polenhal for conSiderable Im pact on lhe economy Edhebru said -Apart [rom generallng employment . the bill would boost the capital market and stimulate economic growth -