14-Vangual"'d. MONDAY. MAY 7. 2012
NEWS FGto regulate confennent of chieftaincy
HMO promises better health care BYVlCTORAHIUMA· YOUNG
~ overnmenl,
weekend. srud it •vill soon rollout requirelnel ~ forUle awanIol--.cv_by lraditional rulers. It also unveiled the logo, Do it
righl- 'J1t.zn.Wm1 Nigeria, with a view h' lnsl1ll honesty and inl'!9rity in Nigenans Dlrector·Gen,·ral of Nallonal Orh ntallon Agency, NOA. ,.1.[ Mike Omen. who dJsd JSed Uus in AhUJa. weekeod, saId lhere should be ao honest wayolconlcmng ,Iward on those that really ,Jeserved it to mollYate peo) lie. Hesaidtlv.as~~
out of the way In hODOUr people because ( f money rather than bani 'IOrk. Omen. whostat2:d this at a pressconfererK"!onDoil right - 1klllslOf'm Nigeria campaign in Mu a. called
for the adoptio 1 of the second stanza of the nationalarthem a i oational prayer 10 all public functions to promote common creed alld the cause of a people united.
PPPRA sanction!; Swiss oil coy BUJA-tN Its determlna iI-'R to entrench trans )arenc), and accountabiL ty ill the downstrrdD) st'o 1m; the Petroleum P'oducts Pncmg Regulatory Agency. PPPPA, has sanctioned I'UMEX Petroleum Ltd an oil trading com party (rom Switzerllllld over refusal to submit I,Dlportant documents fln its operations in Niyeria.
of the PPPR.~ Mr. Reginald Slallle'J~ confirmed the sanction in llIl Interv;ewwith ne\ ISrnen in Abuja. yestenlay It will be recaJed that Stanley, last NC'vem~ vowed to ent! rone a regime 01 tnlnspf'.rency in the downstreau . .sector, warning pel roleum market.ess "to she pe up or siup oulofthe industry.He said NlMEX was sandUonedfortUlingto provide doc JTnents relating to 1l.5' shutUe v essels, wh ich loaded from the moU eJ te'ssel as .... ell es Its
·locu lllenlc.l on on the IIllLJ.bth-el.
ael O]t
B U J A PROHEA.lTH H ealth Management Organisation, ProHea.lth. HMO, a subsidiary of Nigeria Social lnsurance Trust Fund, NSITF. has annol1DCed its resolve to prtMdequality health care services to NIgerians Chairman ProHeaith /!t.NN.IYE.RSA.Rl'; From lefl- Prol nole Soyinka. CoVHnor Rolimi Amechj of Riven S tille iUJd Chief HMO limited, Dr. Rlchan:I Ajir,oJa OgunsoJa, daring lbe 20th iHUJlVe.r5iU]' of Tan us Communications Limited and Taurus Rooks Ucbe who spoke in Ab~ limited dinner in Lagos. PHOTO; Bunmi Azeez. said thatdespil.eUJe robust and IertiIe prospect afbeallh imurance schemes, Nigerians were yet to take advantage of the
Rainstorm kills 18, destroys 500 homes in Zamfara DY SMtl NU I BRAtilM USA U RA1NSTORM wrecked havoc in Zamfara State, weekend. Irilling DO
fewer than 18 persons and destroying about 500 housesin Maradun. Kaura Namoda and Gusau local gavernment aJ"Eli!! of U1e
\bnguard gathered that
tbestmn tbalstmed i!l.9p:n when residents bad retired into lhcir homes was _byheavyr.oinfull thai lasted fur one hour. 'Those who lost their lives in Marndun. acron:ling to
IITA warns agai.nst cassava exportation K
UBWA(Fcn-THE International Ins !lt ule for Tropical Agr cultwe, IITA, has "-'aI'led Nigeria agalnSt cas· ava export. saying the country would not get fuU value from the exp.rt m A Station Manager. Mr :>lusegun Adunoye, ma d e this known to newsmen in Kubwa, a
satellite town in Ahuja, yesterday. Adunoye said - If Nigeria expor s its cassava, It wtll aoly be refined and iold hack to us at exorbitant orices We should r.ot ~I'0rt our cassava Instead, we should encourage other countnes that need cassava Lo come and open iodusby In Ngena.
J A GOVERNOR Mallam lsa Yuguda of B U
A -
Bauchi State has said the state had never had malor incident of mse=urity SUlCe 2009. He also said what obt.tined was media hypes about attacks which neve.r existed. addmg Ulat Bauchi State cha ~le[ of Peoples Democratic Party, PDp, was lllte.ct, contrary to repc rts in some quarters thai men:bers of the party
"Wewould not gel value for oureHort OlJ[."ewestart
exporting cassava. There must be p~ and \-alueaddition inNru:a.he added.
The statioo manager said tbe world had turned Af:1.ca to a (arm wbere raw materials came from, describing tbe development as perpetual enslavemenL
wer .. div-ded
S, eaktlgat UleWada~ ria
.Al::UJi! "'~~helf'd
party's national secretarial, Mallam Yuguda said : -We are here not only to pay a cowtesy visit on you and
attacks here and there.. which never existed.. "Politically. the entire Bauchi State~ is PDP The opposition L,ed to ",Tedr. havoc during the presidential electil"us llIld other elecb.O[lll bu ' loda)" have remained sil!lll 0: w 'a '11
1begm~ wbocalled
but to wish you well and Lo pray for you and molirm. to you and as5wt! lVlllhat our kJyaIty to you as our party cbainnan is unaIIoy<d.• IOnmilyamoog_
fwrther gathered that apart from Maradun town, several lnuses were damaged at Dosara, Gidan Kano. ~andDamamo.
all in Maardun Local """""",,,,,til<_ lbe stale has. therefore,
constituted. a 17-man conuniUee to identi...·y those affected and also assess the
alent of damage by the
-... The deputy governor.
AIhaji Ibrahim \\akala who disclosed. this yesterday wbiIedooating Nt million
a delegation o( the state chapter o[ PDP on a visil to the party's National Chairman, Alhaji Bamanga Thkw; \Uguda said: -we are one family. We have enjoyed relative peace in our stale in the wne and since 2009 we have neo.-et bad a major tncidence. of insecurity
___ ...... _about
1..amJaJa State Emergency Manage.ment Agency, ZEMA. included : Rabi Yar'jangebe, Mallama Halima, Saadatu, Aisha Yarkandare and Sirajo Garba. 10 persons were also reportedly killed in Kaura Namoda. whileooe person reportedly died in Gu.au.
Yuguda blames religious, political crises on media hype BY H ENRYUMOIlU
the nation's
IeiKIers not to discriminate
against any N.igerian because of either his tribal emactioI! or the reliuion he confessed, addina that mr,'.Jn.'19'·oth!>~·w!2
';!!1,,"!'n ~ ••q
to the Yidims or the stonn in the area on behalf of the state government, explained that the COlIlDli1eewa'i espec:ted to recommend long term solutious and further ~totbevidims..
The comm.iUee has Sama.ila Aliyu Maradun and L<rwali Na fl.1alam as chairman and secretary, hSpe::ti:vely.
committee will col!aborate with offiriaIs oftbe SatiooaI
Emergency Mar.agemenl Agency. NEMA : amIara
Agency. ZEMA. and ro.-laradun Emirate Council Ln its assignment. !-Ie added that the stale government wo..tld soon prm.ide relief ma: :.aJs and trerlstufl to ~.. ..., ~'1 all
Speaking dunng the Annual General Meeting oIlbecompany. Uchesaid National Heallh lnsurance Scbemes. Nt·OS, stabstics sbowm that only about 8 per cent of Ule Nigenan population bad a fonn of
"'He """ """""""'said :
otbeBlth insurance is yet. to be embraced by Nigt!lian
""""""" _
wrhe average Nigerian
t h _ by""""'"
of health insurance and prefers his comIort zone:
the out of pocket expenditure for healthcare ser-ices. This has made markdmg heeIlh insurarx:1:! a dauntiB:J task.-
Nigerians urged to imbibe cultural values "'" ....ANA.GlNG [)rirector
1 V ~IW!!" P'rei:s. Lagos.
" " " - A g - "'" w-gOO """"""" not to .... sigbt of tbe country's abundant and diversified cuIure. Agbedo, whose """"""'" pWlisbed the recently launched book.. TheGlaoousReign otOnu
N'Oba £redjuawa, told De\Oo"SlDell In liIgos that this will. assist in the IDOIi:lI. reorientationofthesoaety.
He 5llI.d: "Vk have been able to meet the needs of Nigerians in e'\'8Y area of human endeavour. With erudite_and prolific writers on oW" stable, we have blazed the trail lD broadeningkom..1edgeand academl~ fronlier" of "\'~!i"'na .. ~