30 _ Vnn gua Td~ MONDI\y' AUGUST 8 , 201 ,
-, -bt!&01ftllWlI0'~tOli llUllllilff1~W}il fL[[l4ImlLlWf[1&~if1lill &Y;iWWll (Uf~"5~-,- ...,,' Executive. Mr_ Segun Agbllje sll.id : "Cons cious of our reputation u: II. listening bank. we hllve always sought newwll.}'1 to serve' our customers better. Opera.iionaUy. these eiloTts centre on providing convenient and affordable services, wiUlout compromising qUlllity. Many Urnes, thIs has entailed t b e introduction of cUlling-edge technology to ensure our customers can access banking service compilfable with what is obtainable Internationally. It Is in this vein that we recently migrated to a new technology plalform called the Superdome server. This enterprise upgrade hlld been carelully planned with the aim of improving our service delivery In line with Plojected growth in our cus tomer base. Un fortunately, this prolect may als o hllve caused some Inconveniences 10 our customers who ha ve remained loyal and supportive over time. 'We however assure that the r ewards and dividends will be reaped in the fonn of more se<:ure, stll.ble and efficient banking services. "For over 10 years, the Superdome - liP's IIl!.gship, high-end Integrity server - has powered some of the wor ld's most demllnding. mission critical environments and is suited as the solution of choice for enterprise-class customers who require high availability, ricb virtuallza.tion capabilities. and lo n g-term invest ment protection. subscriber bas a. du ly registered Mobile Money enllbled S I M card . Services offered on the AWARDS In recognition 01 its innovlltive p latlonn include; phone to-cash service c u lt ure, GTBank has transfers. scratch card upload, over the years been a recipient phone to p h one transfers. of 5ever",1 awards for superior airtime p u rcha se a.mongst financial pe rf ormance, others . customer service delivery, Comment.ing on tb e excellent shll.le ~onnance and partn ership. Agba je s>'lid ma n agement efficienc;y. The "countin g on GfBank's robust bank was recenUy IIdjudged the Banldng and IT infrastructure and MTN's expertise In the 201 1 Most Customer-Focused Bank in Nigerill (Corporate) by communications Industry, the KPMG. Also recently, the premobile money partnership bas eminen t Intemlltional fi nance gone II. step further In bring magazine, Euromoney. for the banking ,ervlces closer to the third consecutive year named Ute po p ula ti o n - especiall y t he bank -Best Bank in Nigeria." u nb anked who are more Ij.kely to h ave II. ceU-phone than a bank 路 High li ghting how the blink e m e r ged t h e wi n ne r of the account". award. EU11:Imoney Editor. Clive A dis tin ctive featu re of th e Horwood said: -Although the GTBank Mobile Money service bank Is 'o nly 20 years old. it \s Is It's capaci ty to a llow the n agshlp Insti tution lor the subscribers whose SIM Cards h ave been duly registered lD Une sector, employing up_to_date ban king practices and with Nig eria Commun ications techn ology to grow organically Comoli ssion (NCe) recent into Doe of the coun try's li ve dir ective, t o send cas h to biggest banKs. With its London reci p ients t hat do n ot h ave mobile phon es or bank shll.le listing. GTBank femains \he fi rm favourite In terms of a.ccounts. All the rktplentneeds corporate t rans p a r ency. is 10 vbit the nearestaccrediled governance, risk mll.l1agement MTN agent to cash o u t th e and consistency of profitability./un". Speaking at the event, Agbaje. To subscribe for this service. any MTN subscriber can send attributed the >'Iward to a conscious adherence to th e the SMS. "Money" to 400 and principles of profession>'llism, follow the instruction prompts. fina n c i al excellence and Subscriben who do not have a integrity by the Blink, which Mobile Money enabled SIM can have translated Into the elfect a SlM swap a t any MIN d evelo pme nt of a strong. stable authorized dealer or Connect lind prolitl!.ble brand that the cenU"e. public 1& willing to associate Prior to this and In a.pparen l with. He also reiterated that the response to tb e growing awa. rd II t es timony to the pl!.tronage of its services d e dication and efforts of all particularly it s e lectronic GTBank staff in ensuring thai banking services, GTBank the Bftnk continually sets new recenUy upgr(lded Its Information heights in banldng 6ce!lence in technology to enhance quality of Ni geri a and oth er coun tri es its service delivery. In II. stl!.tement announcing the upgrade, where It operates. Managing Dir ec tor/C hief
GTBANK: A boost of excellent service to agriculture uaranty nus t Bank has extended its established culture of excellent service to (armers across the counlry lhe reby contributing to e fforts to unlock the economic potentia l of th e agricu lt ural
Thro u gh its participation io the Commercll!. l Agriculture Credit Scheme, a lot of sma.ll and medium fanners now enjoy and leverage on the multiI'le alVcud winning excellent service delive ry of the: bank to boos t tbelr capacity, increase prnduclion and employ more Nigerians. ''CUftrl\.Dty 1tu ~ t Dank believes strongly tllat Ag riculture holds a lot of economic promise. A!!.!IIU stllkeholders beg-In to de-risk the sector, we b e lieve tbe profitability pote ntials inherent in the sector will be enougli to attract financing an d make it II. sustainable pro[ltable bUSIness for banks like ours said Segun Agbaje. Chief Exe cutive of the H
Bank Based on this strong believe , GTBank. ha s moved to contribute significanlly to the development ollhe agricultural SectOL
Under the CACS. the bank h as disbursed N5 .S5 b illion in loans to eight (8) commercial IIgricultural projects across the country. The funds provided by the b ilOk h",ve been utilized for almost lill aspects of agriculture fro m oup to an imal farming to fishery. Commending the CACS initiative, the bank ,ald, HCACS has performed better than the previous schelDes beclluse it provides finnnce lor th e co untry's agricultural val ue c hain (prod uction, processing, s to rage a.n d marketi n g) . Beneficiaries of CACS have been performing satisfactorily and are hllPPY sin~ they pay lower in terest rates WIder the scheme than cnmmercia l ra t es that wou ld otherwise h ave bee n app licable. Besides it contribution lh roug h CACS, GTBftnk have extended fac il ities to h u n dreds of customers of the bank In various aspecl!l ollhe Agriculture value c hain. Establlshed in 1990, Guaranty Trust Dank hilS g rown organically to become o n e of Afdca's forernost fina n cial servi~s groui禄 with operations Ipread across al l Anglophone West African countries (Nigeria, Gambia, Ghana, liberia . Sienll b~ n~) a nd the United Kingdom. The Blink hal a n asset base of over Nl trillion, sh a reholders funds o f over 190 billion Na Ira and e mploys over 5000 people. Cultur;e o f Inn ovaUve Servten ()1.路er the yeMs, the bank hIlS es tablis hed a re putation fOr mno'l'll.tive and excel1en't ba.nking services. The uank is acc red ited with
'''',O<lle,GMD/CEO, GTBank 5uch innovlltions a s the introduction of online banking in 1990. making it possible for customers to access their accounts and conduct transactions bom any branch In the bank's n e twork.. In 2006. the bank laun ched GTCo nnect. a fully interactive se rvice contact centre that allows customers con duct 90 per cent o f banking transactions vi", p h one from anywhere in the wor ld. In 2009, the bank launched tbe GTCred8 stu den t accoun t to enable u n dergraduates take greater conUol o f t h eir fi na n ces and encour>'lge finllDdai disci pline in the future leaders of tom orrow. The bank'. other Innovative p rod u cts and solutions include
inte r-bartk transfers . The bank also offers excellent debit and credit card services. Guaranty lhIst Bank is credited with being the filS t company to Issue a Naira denominated MasterCard- an inn ovative card solution that can be used In over 2 10 countries worldwide t o make payments and receive casb In the local cunency o f any country wben abroad Customers of the bank are kept abreast of transactions on their accounts through GeNS, Ule bank'i SMS and electronic transactions. Recently. Guuan ty Trust Bank in t roduced its mob ile mO ll ey prod u c t in II. wo rl d -class partnershi p with MTN to the Nigerian Market. T h is
In 2006, the bank launched GTConnect, a fully interactive service contact centre that allows custome rs conduct 90 pe r cent of banking transactions via phone from anywhere iIi the w orld
an E_branch. where customers can perform transactions electronically wtth no human Interfa ce ; Drive Through banking, a sen,.;cewhich enables customers to withdraw funds and make enquires from the comfort of their cats "S well as GTDankOn-Wheels. II. fully mobile banking br ancb. The bank's in l ~TDet banking platform is a notch above its contemporaries in that it Is enabled to support
devel opment Is pUJ5uant 10 an approval. in-prindple gran ted by the Central BMk of Nigeria for" p ilot roll-out 01 mobile money services. The GTBllnk Mobile Money service is designed to be II. convenient, secure and aHordftble wl!.y of sendJng money using II. mobile phone. The service, which is currently available to all MTN subscnbers c.an be accessed with any mobile phone as long II~ the