58-Vanguard. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2012
. Vanguard CLASSIFIED ~~~~
08 IUD 0 I, lormf>r1y known "'nd ",ddl('''i''if>d ot"i \110;5 Ifunllnya Onymyp Ohiudo, nnw WI .. h In bp known and addr(,o;"if>d olIS "'1t.. ['ullanya Onymyf' Ek('np' MiJduka_All formE'! doC'"umf'nlll TPmcltn 1;ahd Gpllf'Tal pubhc plPl'I<;p I .. k(' notp
MOIiAMMED -I, fonnt'rly known lind addrf'~s('d a .. Mrll IIauwa Ladull Mohammt'd. IIOW WISh to bf> known and addr('lIs('d ao; Mill Shafa·al Hauwa Mahammf'd All form('r dorumE'ol~ rE'mam vahd ("tf'n('tal puhlic plf'a"f" laktnull"
EZEll -I. formf'fly known and addrf' .... t'd a" r-.Ii .... EZf'h Anayn fWIINJpltf', nuw willh 10 bp known anrl addrp""ipd ""i 1\.lr.. E7_UqWU Anayo Brn('C"lf'tlf' All fnrmf'r dl1f'umpnl .. I('malll 1;ahd NTI Kaduna Nndmdl Atlklw" '!m\'(,I~lt)', Awka .. od qf'nt"faillubhc plf>""f'
OYEKUNLE-t lonnrrly known anct addrf''1sed o'JS MISS OYf'kunle Juhanah 8unnll. nnw ¥n<;.h tn I,.. known ,lnd ad.hf"'owri as MIS Alf'Wnlf' Juhanllh BunnI! All lormp( dor-umf'nt"i rf'II1<111\ valid r."nfORlI puhl!! plf'ft"f' Iftkl" twlr
AGBANA I 'ormt"r1y known lind addTf-'S'Ird i,.. Mi~"i ';rllf"l' Wpnumo AqMnll, nllw WI"ih In bf' kno\\n and addre505ed as Mrs Adawllirn Gracf' Wrmlnlo. All former do{"umpnts rf-'miUn vahd DI .. mond Bank Pk" anti qpn('~~!)UbhC
lIKO I. Inrmf'tly known and addr,",~ a"i MI .. s EmedlOnQ Elun lIkl1, nnw WIsh to be known and addt{'''ised d!t Mrs Emf'dlonq Emf'm Efhonq All formf>I documents r{'m .. in valid General public nlpit<;p Ilike nnlf"
ETIM I, IOrMlPlly known and addr{'ssrtl as Mlu Ehm GoodnE'ss Nyonq, now WISh 10 be known and .. ddre ..5ed lUi Mrs Obi Gondness Ekamma. Alllormel documenls remain valid Gf>npral public please lake notp
OMOFOMA I, formerly known and actdre"i!u!d .,.. MI"" Adesua Omoloma, nnw wish 10 Ix- known and IIddr('ssf'd 115 Mrs Adf'lIua OmodlOn All formf'r documents remalO valid, GE-neral public , plE'ilse take notf' SOLOMON ( formerly known and IIddTf" .... pd as MI"" Solomon MI"ilenon Arah, now Wish 10 btknown and addrf' .. srd a .. Mr.. MI .. If"lIon Arah Virtor All lormE'r dnCUmenl"i rf'maln ..-alid :"llger DE'lIa Un I v (> r S I I y, NYSC lind q{'nf'ral pubhf" pl{'a .. f' lakf' nolP CIIA~'fPION ·
KPATEGIIE - I , fotmf'tly known and addlE'" .... d ilS "'11'I!Ii trrunruA Champu," Kpa1f'Qhr, nllw ",", .. h In hf' knnwn and ~rtdlf's~f'd II" '""i hlflml'l I)r,hlkor Idl.'h ,\11 olmer !..Ior-lIm"n'" rpmAln ,,,h.t NVSC "nct ll'ller<llpll'T'lilcs;hf)lIlrl I
, ... ~"
GBEMRE I, formerly known lind IIddressE'd <1S Mi ..s Lisa Emunbomp Ghemre, now Wl5h to bE' known aod addressed .. s Mrs. LIsa Emuobome Edale All 10rmN dOCllmf'nlS (("mam valid, General public please take nolp
UMAH E I formerly known and IIddlf"'iS<"d as Mi"lI Uwahf' Mary OnYls, flOW Wish 10 IIf' known and addtf"ll«!d a'l Mrs_ Ogh .. ,a Mary OnYls All formf'1 dorumf'nts rpmaln valid General public plE'aliE' tak{' notr
MORGANUWANDU-I, fotmf'rly known and addrps .. ed as Mi!;s l\Iorql'lo lIwandu Lynder Ezillku, now wi~h 10 bl" known dnd IIddrp .. s{'d a!; MI!'i. Alole Lyndpr Etla ku All lormpr dncument"i remalO valid f'tE'Ilf'ral pubhc piplisp take nOle
ONIFADE I, formf'tly known ftnd addrro;sf'd .\'1 Mr Omla.l(" Emmanut·1 Ablodlln, nnw wl"h to bp known anti .,r1drf1c<;f'd .... t-tr \l.1.'ylr'!<..l f.mm"nIlPI "hlOttl'fl \ll forme, dlJ llmP'1'" "llllll ~h' r 11 nlflhlil
W@rldNews Obama victory infuriates Pakistani drone victims T ilE
roars celebrating Ule ~+ electJon of U.S Pres.!dent Bl'lrack Obllma on teleVISion gIve Mohammad Rehman Khan a seanng headache. as years of grlpl and angN comE' rushmgbMk ThE' 28-yt"iH-old Paklstalll accused the presldrnt of robbtng tum 01 hIS falher, three brothers ond a ll('phC'o't" allltilled In II US_ drone anuan attock a month after Obama flrsl took o!fie<" '"The same person who attackt"d my home has gotten re-electl"d, he lold Reuters 10 the caplta1. Islamabad, where he ned an.er ttl(> attack on hiS village in South Wazmsilifl. o~ofsevera1 ethOlc Pashlun tflbal area" on Ihe Afghan border. "Since yesterday, the pressure on my brain has mcreased J remember all 01 the pcun .agAin." In his re-election campatgn. Obama gaVE' no mdicabon he would hall o r alter the drone program, which he embraced m his first term to kill al Oaedll and Taltban militants in Paloslan and AlghMuslan WIthout nslting Amencan hv", Dmncnnl«!s ate lughJv unpopular among many
Paktslams, who consIder Ihem a vlolatloll 01 sovereignty that causp unacceptdble civlilan cc\SullllJes "Wh('nf'ver he has a chance, Obama Will bite Mw;hm5 like a snake Look at 00w many JX'Ople he has kJlled WIth dronf' attacks, Scl.Jd (Iali Abdul Jabar, whose23·year-old R
son was kJUed UI such a bombIng AnalyslS say anger over Ihp unmanned alf("tan may havp helped Ihe Taliban gatn recrUits, comphcatmg eflorts to stablllzp the umul)· bordN region bf"twf'f'n Paklstflln and Afghamstan Thai could also tunder Obama's plan
to WIlhdrfllw II.S Ironl>'! fmmAlqhal1t<;Ioll1l1120l-4 Ob<l~a aulhorl7.pd nearly 100 drone slnkf'S In Pak.tllll\n dunnq hl"i 11I'st fom YMrs In nlflf"f". more than SIX hOles Ihf' number dUtlng Ihp at:immlSlralloll ol( ~"'P \\' BWih, acnudll}(1 tQ lhe N("\\'l\rrl(>nra f-nC\l}(I"IIOII poll')' m"illtulf'
'f~n s tep on., U.S ~-.1\1I111, the J"outh ~iI:
/lag during;m ilntJ·Amerlran rally organ.lz.,.d hI Sh"h,,'" JiUl1 .if l-~· lslaml pil.rl,: In ""shit"'." l'eC'f"ntJ,
wing of the Reulenf!Fif,,,zAziz
Syrian president vows to 'live and die' in Syria under a new
President Bashar III-Assad inSISts he will "live and die" in Syni!o, even as countnes aHN him safp
FAO slashes grain forcasts, wor1dfood prices stay high
LOBAL supply of k~· cerE'al staples mcluding wheal is to t1ghtE'n sharply 10 the 2012113 crop seoil!ion ofllJ wheat and maize output fee.b the pinch of the worst U,S drought 10 more than hall II ct'nlury. data Irom the Untied Naltons food agency showed Separate figure .. mrucalcd 1I.'5l.J.ght casing of prcssure on overall food pnces on Thursday, but thE' Food and Agriculture Orqanisatlon's (FAO) global index stayed close to levels seen In lhe 2008 cnsu: when (<:'101:1 nots broke oul 10 some count_n"'! n\P' FAa's ;.Io\·"mhe r
Food Outlook reporl pointed 10 conhnulnq preuurE' on grains output in the current season follOWing thIS y('ar's droughts 10 kl!y producer regions from th(" Block Sea lothe U,S. cornbell Whpat production, wblch has also .. uffered heavily in Ih(" droughll in a"itern Europe clnd central AsII'l, was sl!Cn falllng 5.5 percent to 661 mUhon tonnes, the agency srud World crrel'lls produchon 15 e.xpected to fall 2.7 percf"nt 10 2.28-4 billion tannes in the 2012'13 season, at s~ud, InmmlOg sllghtlv ItS previous oUtDut 10~~1 of 2.2B6 bilh('O" lonnf'!!
passage 111 exchangp for halhng a gruesome CIvil waf. "I'm not a puppet, and I was not made by the West to go to Ihe West or 10 anyolhercouotry, hE' told RUSSia Thday 1V -I am Synan_I was made In Syna and 10 hve and dIP In Syna" lIe also made an omlnow; Ihmal against foreign Inlerventlon, saying It would have a "dommo Impact" on Iht' world Meanwhile, Iht" Red ("ross has ..aid It "c,,-n·t cope" Wllh IhE' worserung situallon 111 Syrii'l "The humaflltanan SItuatIon 1$ gettlOq W015e despite the scope olille operalion Increasmg, 5l'lld Pf"tf'r Maurer. ptpsldent of the Inlemal1onalCommlltl"f' of the Red Cross I(CRO Meanwlule, Pr(";ldenl As!;ad has lold RtJsSlan 1V that he Will not IPave Syria <t'\' suqqt"5It"(1 bylhf' UK pnlllP MlII'I!>lpf It C::fJmes i!!f ~1;na. :lh'ld,.t-l nPP"J'IIIIOn 1]1 '''00; <!lire m_ Ing ~ r-,Illl to ~s 'rut" J R
"I am not II puppet. I wasn't madehyttK"West I'm Synan and 1 hal'f' 10 live II.nd dlt" U\ Synll." Mr Assdd told thp Russia TOO,,-)' 1V challtlf'l " (thmk that the ('051 of foretgn IIIVa5lOn of S\Tla, If II happened, wO\lld hP greatE'f Ihan one Ihat Ihe wholp ......orld call a'fom," hp told Ru"i"u'I Tooa)" "BecausE' II I!lN(, W('t(' problems III Sytla. parucularlyM weart",h{' illSt basllon of Sf'Cuhmsm. stablhty and me.n..lel1rP 111 the r(>(Jlon. II WIll havf' "- do~ tmp.!lct that v.1.l1 alfE"Ct the world from tht' Allanllc Ocpan to the PaCIfic Orean
"And you know 115 Impticallomol1 thp,....t 01 lile world 1 do no! Hunk that the W("'II IS rnovltlq III thl!; dll('('IIOII, bill If they do, no OI1P ran predlC"1 whal will h",p,,,..n al\Pt AI·,\$sad''I commen11 ! IImt" attf'r Bnl!'1h Pnme Pl.11I11~!..,.nll,,·'t:i(",f!IYIf"r<J"
broacl.-.I th.- Ide "'1 I1Il'1ng fit 5111" pa!t!U\Qf"
l!lkp'!II blo-, f I