12-Vanguard~ fRIDAY~ APRIL 13. 2012
JTF razes 50 illegal oil refineries BY EMMAAMAIIE&GODWiN OGHRE
and some of the people who spoke to \.bnguard, claJ.med that l,Jle 011 refinHE JOint Task mgactlV1tJe5 w erebetng Force, JTF, code- carned out by oil Uueves nam,ed OpelOlJon Pulo . and nOllocals StueJd, yesterday, fillded Some already refined and raz.ed over SO illegal dlesel 10 1,000 drums of all refinenes al 19budu- 300 htres and no fewer Agbalokpe village In Okpe Locel Government Area of Delta State. The soldiers, number· 109 40, were5ald to have been led 10 the operabon by a sernor 1TF operatJve. They combed the illegal oil rehneries, covenng an area of five kilomelers on both sIdes, along the creek of River Ethiope The illegal all bunkere~ seemed to have got wmd of the "rnvllSIon ," as all the re.b.nenes were deserted when the sol-
than 100 local vessels used to transport crude all, WeTe dISCovered by the task force, mduding buckets, shovels and over 50 underground storage tanks. Also uncovered were more than 100 surface
tanks WIth more than 10,OOO-·htre storage capadty, all of which were destroyed Meanwhile, It was gathered that the operaUon would conUOue today.
YO-GOVERNOR U Godswill Akpa.blO of Akwa lbom State. has
cal1~ on Nabonai Emergency Management Agency, NEMA to devise modem ways of nunLm.l.Z.i..Dg tragic modents to reduce the bigh ~teof deaths 10 thP country Akpablo gave the charge, yesterday, at the 2nd South·South Emer·
HE meetmg of South.South lead. ers under the aegis· of BRACED, the aaonym for" Bayelsa, Rivers , An'a lbom, CroAss RIver; Edo and Delta states sched· uled for today 10 Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, has been postponed A statement by BRACED chauman and governor of Cross Rlver
SUMMIT: The Deputy Go' ·ernor 01 Akl4'a Ibom Stille. AfT. Nslmil Ekere (mJddle), flanked from l efl by Cbalrma n of the Sena ' e ~mmitlee on Special Duties, enator Oever I ldsikpo; and the Diredor General 01 the NaUoDal Emergency Managemen l Agency (NEMA), Alba}f Mohammed SldJ, during the second Soutb-SouthEmergency Managl!IDcnl Summit myan1scd b'y NEMA 011 Le MerldJen lbom Holel and Golf Resort, Uyo, res teroar:
gency Management Summit, lD Uyo. Akwa Ibom State Present al the sumnut were the Senate Comrrultee ChAinnan on SpedaJ DutJes, Senator Oever Selabo, dccomparued by the Director·General of NEMA. Me. Mohammed Sanntsldl He stressed the need for the agency to be senous III respond· mg to such tragedIes as road acodents and bomb
blasts He SIlld: "We want to set> a countrywherp there
senous response to tragedy because one may oat know who IS 10· volved If NEMA does not respond with love . hard work and dedJcation. their staff may, through delay, be callS109 the death of thelt sibhngs. Disaster management must be everybody 's busmess IS
state government for the agricultural entelJlnse BUlEM groups from 27 benefici· gesture . She urged Gove.rnor ary commurubes . "The millal amount ENIN-EDO State Ada..m..s Osb.tombole to Government, yes- prevail on lus coUeagues covers the crop enterpnses wbJch are time terday, disbursed over .10 the South-South to ® N41 mil.lion to flllDlers m ~etoenco~geagn bound. The livestock and 27 commumtles across cultuntl developmenl In aquaculture WhIch Me not particularly lime the three senatonal dis· the region. lncts of the state. She satd: "We WlSb to bound Me expected to commence after this bme. Mrs . Irene Jumbo· express 011.r heartfelt lbeakuze, National Pr0- gTahtude to Governor We appeal to you to asSlSI. us lD remindmg your gramme Coordinator, Osbi.omhole on the occa- colleagues, the goverCommuruty-based Natu- SIon of the Hag -off of tJns nors of the Niger Delta ral Resou.rce Manage· year's planting season -states,to pay theucoun· ment Programme. dunng and disbursement of terpart funds and ensure the presentation, at Gov- funds 10 the initial sum the deduction of the loernme.nt House Benin of N41.6 million to the cal government's contriCity, commended the CBNRMP.ND facilitated buuon at source."
Foundallon, a non-gove rnmental orgarusabon he founded to glVe men· tOrshlP to the youth He SIlld : "Wlnle It IS true that there IS a challenge of moral decadence amongst today's youth, the governor did not make any sucb sweepmg statement that tends to gIve the unpres· sion that every smgle youth lD the country IS II deYlanL"
now hold on Sunday. Those expected to attend the meeb.ng mclude the Chief of Staff to Pre5l' dent Goodluck:Jooathan. OtiefMikeOghladomhe, the six South-South states governors, Senators, MmlSf.ers and House of Representatlveli members from the region and Speakers of the state HousesofAssemblylOlhe tegJ.on
Izagbo marks 60th birthday wit h book presentation
Edo disburses N41m to farmers BY SIMON EBEG-
er State, Mr. Chnsuan Ita, yesterday, described lIIS false and mlsleadmg, media report , qUOhng the governor as SIl)'lOg that the younger gener· aUon lacked dlSOpbne, hard work and dlgruty Ita, m a statement, saJd the report was a dlstorHon of what the governor
Akpabio tasks NEMA on minimizing tragic incidents BY TOI\'Y l'\'YONG
Press Secre C HIEF tery to Governor liyellmokeofCross RIv-
S-South leaders meeting State, Senator liyel Impostponed oke, SIlld the meetmg will
Youths of IgbuduAghalokpe commulllty also ned the commuruty to ~lIVold arrest Despite the absence of Ihe operato rs , it was gathered that there was eYldence of fresh oil reo hnrng actlYllles et the illegal rehnenes AI 12noon, when the task force stormed the locauolls, only women end children were seen
Imoke, most youth-friendly sllld at a meeUng of the goy-Aide Bridge • Leadership
Important that whIle they diSCUSS at the sumtnll. they should also dlSCUSS the-aspect of love bec ause that IS ODe of the most impOrtant thmgs that IS lackiog In Nigeria. Outside approachmg your work Wlth passton. you must love your JOb and the yeople because if you don't Jove them, even the way you carry the Ylrtuns can lead to their death "Love can help prevent major dISasters In the country. If Nlgenans love one another. they would nol go about planung bombs in churches to kill hundreds of people There Iii need to bnng back morallty m our ed· ucational system where every chLld will be educated to know that there 15 one God, no matter the religIOn, reverence hun, love and be tolerimt Wltb one another." Dlfector-Geneta.1 of NE.MA. Mr. Sannlsidl, thanked the governor for collaborallng WIth the agency to organise the workshop for the SouthSouth Zone, descnbiog disaster as destructwe and capital mtensive m nature. " It
USINESSMAN B and prOmlDelIt Delta State pohuClan, Chief Austin Iz.agbo. turns 60 tomorrow. To mark the anruversary, he will present a book on pohucaJ leadership 10 Nigeria entitled Rebranding Nlgena.
The event which will hold at the CtYlC Centre, Vlctona Island. Lagos. 15 expected to bong together many proIll.lOent poll. hClans and buslDess: men . Governor of Delta State Governor. Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan. IS expected to be the special guest of honour MinISter of Niger Delta. Elder Godsday Orubebe, will chau the occasion while one of Nigena ·s QTeatest smgers, Dnyeka Onwuenu, and her band would entertain the guests. Chief lzagbo, theoWDer of Can.u l.uruted and
CroWD Medla u.m.ned. has ID the paSI 3S years. been a very active pIa)'. er 10 both the pubhc and
T Mrs.
H E 10th year re membrance of lal~ Margaret AgbodJe holds loda)" at OwhUli! 10 Udu I....oCaI Govemment Area of Della State The remembrance church sernce Will take place at the God's Gracp Mirustry Inc, Qvwian. to ~ followed b)" a recepbon at Qwhase Pnmary School, by Orhuwhorun Junction, Udu. Delta State
u te Mrs. Agbodje
Inform the general public that tt. above
applied 10 !he Cofporate Man Commission, AI:lu!a, for reg.st1ation under SeclJon "C'" d !he ~ IIOd AI\led t.tatunAct 1990
mentioned ministry _
The Trusr-s,4,.: I _Evanv*t Ucha Emmanuel 2. Evangeisl [MB.] /feytnWa Ucha 3. s.suw Ngozi Christain Aims AndObjet;tives;
I Futfiling the Greal ComrnI5Sion 2. 0eiwnn0II of captives Anyob;ecbon 10 the regrstnlbon should be Icwwarded 10 tne Registrar..General, Ccrporate Affairs Commission, PIoI: .20, Tigris Crescent. orr Aguiyi Irons! Street. Maltamal, Abuja, WlItw128 dayS of this publication 0bkImII Chian.kwatam Esq.. 37, Azikiwe Road , Umuahia.