8-Vanguan:l~ MONDAY. JUNE 11. 2011
NEWS Police arrest 2 over Ekiti robbery BYC8ENGAARrY1BI
~ tate Police Command bas made headwi!y towards illTesting the armed bandits that robbed. a first ge:lenltion bank in Ado- Ekiti a fortnight &gO in which no fewuthlU'l lOUveswerelost, 11$ two of the alleged robbers have been arrested. Briefingmembenofthe Rllice Community Relations Canmittee, PCRc, during the Zone 8 meeting of the body. comprisiDg of Ekiti, Kwara
From right: Coordina lor, Rural Access and Alobiilly ProJeel, ";'~:',. ,':::.'!.: _o.;_.~~:: Ade}'em1: Engr. Ubandoma U/anmu: Mr. Frederlk AllnMeI and Task Team uade, at the Inspection ol1wo Farm settlement by World Bank iUsisted in Osun S tate Agricultural Developmen t Programme. OSSADEP. and Rural Access and Mobilily Project in f wo. Osun Slate yesterday-
Oyo workers shelve planned strike as Lam intervenes DVOLAAJAYI BADAN-FORMER Governor of Oyo.State, Alhaji lamidi Adesina has intervened in the disagreement between Governor Ablola AjiInobi and "...orkers in the state, letlding to a suspension of planned strike over the N 18,000 newminimum wage that .....·ould have commenced toda)·. A1baji Ade:sina, at a get·together organised by Senator Olufemi lMlIehin represent· ing Oyo South Senatorial
Dlstrictin theNalimal~-
bly for his supporters in the 33Ioca1~ent~ revealed how letlders of the workers visited him for possible solution to the brewing crisis.
The ev~t attracteq ehlef· tairu of the Action Congress of Nigeria. ACN, in the slale including former State Olainnan of the part}'. Olief Samuel Farlnu, Chief Akin Oke, Mr. Sarafadeen Ali. fonner Chief of Staff in the administration of Senator Rashidi Ladoja and Stale Secretaryoftbeparly.M.t.Wasiu OIatunbosun. The ex-governor said h e appealed to the wollrers to allow reasons prevail a.s thL mmediate past admirifsfraiondidnotmean well for th e stale by appl"ll'Ving the paymenlofthenewwage. Accordingtohim: ''''''cdon't want any confusion in the ~te.. I have spoken with the governor lU'Id the leaders of thewotken.lbeyha...epromlsed to showundestanding. \\~don'lwanttheworken 10 go on strike so that people 01 Oyo Slate who voted for us won't suffer." Following the former gOY· ernor 's piea a nd other stakeholders in the state, the worken have shelved the planned strike.
AI. a congress ~d ftt_ tended by thousands of the \\'Otkers, the State Olainnan
of Nigeria LWour Congress,
Beshir Olanrewaju, persuaded public workers in the state not to go on strike. He argued thfttit"...outdbe
counter-productive If the workers embillked on strike
when their May Salary had not been paid
••.. Obasanjo wades into Ondo PDP crisis BY DAYO JOHNSON
K U RE - FORME R Presidenl Olusegun Obasanjobas waded into the crisis rocking the Peoples Democratic Party, PDp, In D ndo Slate. Obasanjo 'w ho is the O!.airm.an of PDP's Board 01' 1hJs.. lee. B01; reportedly directed the party to democratize the leadefSh.lp of the party at the $late level. The crisis In the party WII$ occasioned by the purported suspension af the lonner Defe nce Minister. Tokunbo Kayode, SAN, and the list of 10 leaden oftheparty senllo Presidenl Goodluck Jonathan lor political appoi n t men t s Reacting, <II. group opposed to the suspension of Prince Kayode and the tisl also M nounced_lbesuspel5ionofthe former governor O lusegun Agaguand5aCkoftileDiT¥ Dalro·led state Executive C om m I I l e e H O\Ye\'er, at a meetingwilh the Interim Management Comminee.IMC,ofthepany led by Prof O lu Agbi, the fonnerPresidentadvisedthat aU facti ons s hould $heath their swords. Accocding to the Publicity Secretary of the IMC, Prince Mike Omogbehin in Akure, the former president said tbe partyshould holdacongreu toelectitsleaders lU'Idnot foist leadershiponmembefsofthe pat y
Omogbehin in a statement said "at ill meeting 01 Saturday, the IMC designed a model that would suit Ondo State and approved the conveningof astakeholders meet_ ing for Thuml<ly June 16th, 2011 . Themeetingwblch will hold in Akure and will COIIIprise 20 leaden; from each
local government area, as weU<'I!i aU immediatepastNational and State Assembly member s Ornogbehin, said that in order Ioensurethe success of the meeting, the IMC set up a taskforceheadedbyProfOlu AI:foi who is the Chainnan or IMe
Ekiti teachers vow to continue strike over wages BY GUENCA ARIYlB I
J\. DO-EKITl-TEACH i"URsinEkitiStatehave VO\ved to continue their 00going industrial action over imprOYed wages until tbeir demands aTe met by the sUIte 9 0 v ern men t . Theteachen. un~the~ ot Nigeria UnionolTeachern, NUt ha...e stayed aU <w_ti~_ ovei a weekago to protes! aIlegedindisaiminalepayme:lt of enhanced salary scale to state workers by the governmen I The stale govemment, however,~edto theteachers
loca1JofIthe strikesincenone of thestalesinthe South~
zonehadpaidsuchaSCClleto the leac hers. The government last week conveyed a meetingwben:it Intim!lted the stakeholders about the fresh demands of thetcachers. The government lold them that It would be difficult to
meet its obligations to the peopleof the state. if fou:ed to pay tb e newenhanced.S4lMy scale to the teachers and called for understanding, The striking teacbers said there wt!fesome allawances "thatare peculiar to their profession a pp roved for them since Allgust 2008,H~_ Ingthalleachen wEkiti State had been e:o)oytng the allowances. Someofth ealllJWllllces included "examination al· lowance,5 per cent; hazard alIO\YanCe,5per cent; learned societyaDowance, 2.5 perceot and tew:h1ngInducunentallowance, 15 per cent, since J a nuary 2009. ~ Theysaid: 'Thattheimple-Ole:ltalion of the allowances started during the regime of Rl Hon1\mji Odeyern1<'1!i acting governor of Ekiti State. WhenChiefSegunOnicame In, he started paying and the present adrninlslration had paidrorsixOlonthsbeforethe issue of relativity came in."
and Kogi sUItes weekend, the State CommissIoner of f\Ilice, Mr O layinka Balogun told the gathering that the efforts of the comm.and to arrest the bandits yielded result as two of the robbers had been arr esled The CP hmvever; refused 10 give details on how the suspects wt!I'e arrested, saying they would soon be paraded. \bnguaId, hO\YeVer, gathered thallhe security gadget:Jin the bankprovided leod, especially pictures oJ the bandits and their operlll:ions.
Anti-terrorism law: PENGASSAN hails Jonathan DYvtcrORAHIUMA· YOUNG '1A.1O RKERSinNigeria's
Y Y Petroleum Industry, have commended Presidell GoodIuck Jonathan for signIng Inlo law the Terrorism Pte\'mtion.and Money laundering Prohibition Dills. Under theumhreUaofthe~ troleum and Natural Gas Senlor Stalf Assttdation of Nigeria, PENGASSAN, how-
ever. called on the president to tackle the rising cases III in-
security iD the country espedally, tbespm:ofbomhblasts roddng parts 01 the country and resurgence of kidnappin 9 The senior oU workes also condftnned the loss of UYes and property In Ibadan, the
Oyo stale capital caused by the intra-wUon crisis in the Na tional Union of Road uansport 'Mnkers. NURJW Oyo State cbapter and the killing 01 two pastors in Somo by Boko Haram sect; .and the kidnap of five youth corps m e mhers a l O m adem e, [lc,o,-me l.ocal Go....ernment of Ri vers State. The association called lor an O\Ierhaui of the securi~' in th ee c ountry, lauded efforts of the Federal Government 10 check terrorIsm lU'Id money laundertng , PENGASSAN's President, Comrade Babatunde Ogun. lamented thaI issues of tenorIsm .and money laundering had been of qre:al challenge not only to Nigeria hut a1so • the e ntire wo rld .
Coca-Cola holds on to Ogunsanya, Amosun's Chief of Staff appointee BY KOLADE lAREW,uU
~e indications that
Coca-Cola lnternationa1, em· ployers to Mr. Segun Ogunsanya, who was appointed Chief of Staff toOgun Slate Gover nor, Senator
IbikunleAmo5un. DUl)'notrelease him to assume his new
""'Case «-
to twoweek:s after the appointment was annwnced. M£ Ogunsanya is yet to assume dulles. E:lplaining the inabilityof M.t. Ouns.anya to'resume, 5enlor SpedalAs5lstAnttoGovemor
Amosun, Funmi Wakarna, said his present employers, Coca-Cola lnternational, had maintained that he fulfiUed the mandatory disengagementprocedureas well <'I!iperiodofnoticecontainedin his contract of service, ()gunsanya 15 presently the Managing Director of Coca Cola. Kenya and e::Iecutive committee member of the E4st lU'Id South Africa operations of the company. H e returned to Kenya to fOl'm alise his finftl withdrawal rrorn the service. but disa:w- . ered thatasatop aecutive, it WII$ not easy to leave as he th oug ht
Nigeria-Malaysia business council to boost agric I CER I A'S agricultural sedor may receive the much needed boost as Malaysian entJepre:leun are set to storm thecountrywilh a wide range of Innovative solutions for Its agricuJtural and lood
A ccording
Consult, the brains behind th is year's Ag ribusiness Forum . which holds b etween 11 - 15 July. In Kua.l a Lumpur, Malaysia, the forum is another bold step by the NigeriaMalaysia BUsiness Council to help turn aroun d the fortunes oJ the sector.