36 -Va nguard .. MONDAY. MAY 14.
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F i nancialvanguan::J
---------------------------------------------------------Lagos disburses N32m worth of agricultural inputs to farmers ...Acquires land for farming In ByOL\sUN KAN'l.II AKO" ) Babatunde G Fashola of Lagos Siale led ltd ninistrltlion done O/ernor
bas a lot 10 make the transknnation agenda in the stale ~ success. The present administration has built a 20.000 metric tonnes p e r annunl Rice Milling Plant' at the Agro-In d us lrial Park, Imota to boost capacity orthe local rice production and have tremendously increased the hectaJeage rice plantation from 30 ba to 450 ha and is planning to incr-ease production to 1000 ba. A lot of work had also been done in the cassava sector of the lrl nsformallon Agenda. II hl!.rt dclmeated areas (lround [koroc:: u, Epe and IbeJu Lekki axis a1 Cassava Producuon and P ocessmg Belt (CPPB). wh~re incentives lor cassava
other states
production, processing ilnd marketing would be concentrated. This IS to promote employment, rural development and reduce poverty through the economics of cassava production A modern cassava processing plant to produce High Quality Cassava A o ur (HOCF) has been processed for constructio n in the CPPB. In the Aqua culture valuechain the sta te government aimed at creating an enabling environment to achieve o ne million metric tons of fish sustainability within five years and to generate five hundred thousand jobs within Lagos State that would lead the nntion Being the foremost stale with the greatest potential in aquaculture, the stale has Invested m the following areas Ha tchenes developmenl, cage and pen
culture usmg water bodies, fish estate Ilnd clusters, fish processing plants. fish feed ml.lling and inputs development, research and extension among others. Thus, as part of effort to boost local production ot various ag ricultural produce. the state government has acquired land trom ne.ighbo uring s t ates for framing pwposes for the ever increasing populace in the stale. w ho was Fa.s hola . rep resented by his d e puty, Mrs Orelope AdeJo ke· AdetuUre. disclosed this at the officia.i pres e ntation of farmi ng equipmen t to beneficia ries and commissioning of farm service centre, Oko·Oba, Agege. Lagos . The event which also marked the 2012 Farmers Appreciation Day, the second of its kind. to celebrate and appreciate the efforts of farmers and fishermen In the state witnessed the
State Economic distribution 01 vanous Empowerment and agncultural inputs worth over Development Strategy N32 million at 40 percent (LASEEDS) documenlas well subSIdy by the state as the resolutions of the government to benefidaries. Ehingbeli summit and the Accordmg to Fashola, who Millennium Development staled thai the measure also Goals (MDGs) . It also tallies aimed at bringing service with the objectives of closer to farmers and establishing the farm servJ.ce stak.eholders, promised that by year 2025, the statewouJd . centre to train more people in sustainable food production", produce at least 20 to 2S he added. percent of its food needs He said Ihat the s t ate locally and 60 percent ta rget government had commenced by 20S0. the process of decentralizing He noted that the centre had tbe entre by replica ting it in trainedJ DOO tanners si..nce its the five divisions of the state Incep tion in all aspect o f in ord er t o bring service Livesto ck, poultry. piggery closer to the people. and snail p roOuction. noted "1lle slate has commenced that the country was faced the purchase ot lend from with the challenge of feeding other states In order to its huge population and food achieve its food security security was being threatened agenda . An uample IS by rising food prices. which Oshogbo, where we would is a major sign of food crisis soon commence the planting in Nigeria. of cash and food crops like "Food security which is one pmeapple. alms and olher of the cardinal programmes of hIgh value crops to sustam the ten·pomt agenda of my our people. admmistration 15 also an integra l part of the Lagos
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Council (ItE.q Central WaDe G. 4'** (CWQ. _ _ of _ _ '_ofCioil
Eugiaea: inc Camai &&:tiauj, Fca.lilae &: Wbad Wuolreos(NU' e FWW)._il ... r _ _, _ our awn His"<i CJ;. ~COIIRq)E) LC. ~ on pur W1cwiiiDuu as the EzIIie of Eduw_n KilJ&dwu in Ukwuani Local GuvatWUEutAieaafDetb Scm. on fob}' I .... 2012. Your posDon and COitulaibllEf1t to q:ucr&.u.o1re iead'"rshfp wfrife. you _'" ""T III:fiIoe it rradIo unionism prompted your CO'iliiNAlfC, to chowitg you as the. mo>r preferred to ascendi~ the tfrraae..
_.lel_Ole. of Ezhie
Ezionum Kingdom
We ~'T~ to Goo to enoow ,!'t';t nid1 Hlare n~sOolli ilaO stren+Jth .:> ~'Oll ;,(ot ti'e ajfaf' of ,'!lOllY ~lHl<li;L