--,VoIII" 9!lI!lIrd, MONDA." OCTO.llft 17r ZOI I
PJi.P~OIlEMtNTJAND""C~NR~OCTtON C_QmRA~TOR S Project: 450 MW Azura-EdD Independent Power Plant, Nigeria
LAUNCHING: From l eft; Mrs. !anro OlulVo l e, Operations Manager. GOII'; Mr. Maro Olrunola, General Maoagerand MT. Akln Sa lu, MllrheUng Manager, al U,e l!June'" and introdudion of GOIv, a l ow cosl digital terrestJal Ielevlsloo sen'lce from fdulUchoLse slable In IhadaD, Saturday. Photo: Dare Fasube.
Daniel alleges plot to malign him DEOKUTA~
A FORMER Governor 01 Ogun Slate,
Otunha Gbcnga Daniel, being prose::uted by the Economic and FioaDdal Crimes C o mmission , EFCC ov ~ r a ll eged corruption whil e in o ffi c e , has accused unna med individuals a nd groups o( deliberately planting stories an~ peddling inaccu rate reports meant to paint him in bad Ug ht and give th~ impression of guill even before the conclusion 'lf his tria l at an AbeoJ~ uta H igb Court. Speiling lhrough ML Adeybenro Adeba njo, his Med ii' Assista nt , Daniel apl'eale d to aU concerne d to allow the ru le of la w to preva il and the ca'ise of justice to be serve1. Accord iog 10 the stalerllent. "In Ule last (ew day! , especia ll y follo wing the anaignment of the fonner Governor of OgUIl Sta le , Olunba Gbenga Danie l, by the Economic and Fin e. nci ~1 Crim e s Commission , EFCC, we have noticed a deliberate p lanting of stories and peddling (.f inaccura te re ports ml'i.U1t 10 paint the lorm~1 gove rnor in bad Ught md give the impression of guilt even
before the conclusion o f making Ihe round was the triaJ at an Abeokuta th a t N 5 8 billion was High Court. involved in the "For ins tance one of a llegation brought those w h o were said to against lhe governor but have been anested by the at lhe beginning of the EFCC, Mr. Wa le . trial the sum total of the Ajisebut u , Managing aJlegation brought by the Director o f lhe 21st EFCC amounted 10 less Century Technologies than N5 billion. And it Limited, was described in should be noted tballhe vario u s reports as an case against the former associate o ( Ot unba governor re mains an Daniel. There is no truth a llegalion until whatsoever in Ulat claim otherwise determined by as the man in question is the i:ourt. Contrary to tlle actually linked to a former i nfo rmation being governor of th e state who peddled, no member of served before the tenure t h e adminis tration o f of Danie l. Before the O tunba Daniel has been a_rraignme n t, the news arrested ."
D O - EK ITI MEDIA aide A Ch ief Segun Oni, fonner 10
gove rnor of Ek.iti State, Mr. Lere Olavinka h as d e scribed ,,;s " tola l falsehood" claim by Ihe State government Ulal it has completed five roads proj ects wit h in its first year. Fayemi had in a Iwop il g e adve rtis e ment in TIle Notion newspaper of yesterday claimed that his gove rnme n t
FAOAMA III: Ondo disburses N151m to comrnurVties BY DAl"O JOHNSON
KURE OVER NI S I. -4 mi ll ion has been disbursed to at te as t 3 1 FADAMA Community Associations In Codo Slate unde r the FADAMA III Projec t in Ule la sl two years. The Cou' missioner for Ag ricultU rl~ Mr. Ademola O lo runfemi , said 67 FADAMA user's groups h ad !'lIsa t en e filed from the d isbuJSement in 1 ~ loca l govErnme nt a re as
o f the stale. Olorun lerni during the di s tribution 01 the c h equ e s 10 the b e n e ficiaries noted that the benefiting groups an d associations h ad mel condiUons for asse SS ing the fund . He said : " Under tbe project , -41 small s ca le community owned infrastru c t ure such as market s taUs, boreho les a nd c ulverts a re either O:lgoing in th1:! state."
complete d fj e ro- IkoroCke me s i, New Iyin NTA- ll awe bye pass, 1gede· ll awe, Ayed e Gede-Omu and lIaweErinjiyan roads . Reacting to the claim, O layinka sa id in a sta tenlenl issued in AdoEkiU yeste rday Ulat the roads were comp leted and already in use long tim e be lo re Fayemi became governor. He said : "We re ad with amazement a lwopage adVertisement. in Tile Nalion newspaper of yes te rd ay on Fayemi's achievements, and one ca nn o t but wonder how shameless a government can be, in search o( justification (or the huge resources available to it. "For the avoidanc@ of doubt , lje ro- Ikdro Okemesi , New fyinNTA- ll awe bye pass , Igedc.lIawe and AyedeGed e- Omu we re completed close to one year before Fayeml became governor. " Eklh people , w h o have use d these roads be lore the Salami judgme nt lhal install ed Fa ye mi can b ear witness.
Project Bacltground Azura Power West Arrica limited ("Azura" or -Azura Power" or "the Company·) is developing the Azura-Edo Indep'endent Power Plant (also known as the -Azura-Edo IPP· or -the IPP~ or the ·project")whidl is located in Edo Slate, Nigeria. The first phase of this IPP consists of an open cycle gas turbine (OCGT) power plant with a capacity or 450 MW. Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Contractor Role . Azura-Edo IPP inlends 10 hire the services of an engineering. procurement, and construction company (the -EPC Contractor) with experience in delivering large scale complex projects. The appointed EPC Conlractor will be responsible for ensuring delivery of a fully wrapped turnkey EPC contracl comprising Ihe following ilems:
• • " • • • •
450 MW gas-fired open cycle plant. compriSing three or four gas turbines each with a net output at sile conditions of between 110 and 160MW; Gas receivingslalion (metering, gas healing and scrubbing , elc): The electrical swilchyard. which shan be located within the boundaries of the facility site; The 330KV connection to the adjacent Benin North Sub Station: Borehole water supply, storage and connection; Equlpmentlransportalion ; Long term service agreement.
The EPC Contractor win be responsible for project management, design, engineering, procurement of equipment and materials, construction, including civil works. construction management, training of operations and maintena nce personnel, commissioning, slart-up, and performance l ests fOf the Project on a turnkey basis. Azura Power now invites eligible EPC finns to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interesl ed firms must provide sufficien t infonnaUon to support their qualifications to perform Ihe services in respecl of this request for Expressions of Inlerest (Eol). Additional informalion may be obtained from, and completed submissions should be returned simultaneously to QQ1h the addresses shown below by 17:00 (Greenwich Mean TIme)on4 November2011 . Attention: Ms. Marie Marketis, E-mail: MM@amayacap.com; Atlention: Ms Jade Montenegro, E-maIl: J.Montenegro@aldwych-iotemational com. In an effort to ensure the highest quality of work, AzUrc1 Power will preferentially invite bids from firms that can demonstrate having recenUy provided EPC services on at least five projeclS in the past fi ve years. each project with a value exceeding US$100 million, of which at least two are on a full lurnkey EPC basis. and at teast two involve the design , procuremenl. and erection of gas turbine based power plants with Individual gas lurbines of greater than 100MW. Experience of working In Sub-Sahara Africa is also desirable. Azura Power wishes for this international experience to be complemented with utilisation of in--counlry exper1ise. Within two weeks of the receipt of the Expressions or Interest, Azura Power will issue notificaUon to those pre-selected parties of their pre-qualification and Issue along with the notificalion, a Project Tender Package which will further detail the tender process and limescales. Azura Power will not be responsible lor or accept any cost involved in the preparation or submission of expressions or interest and does nol bind itself 10 accept or pre-qualify any such expression of interest.
Azura Power West Africa Ltd. 51. Nicholas House, Catholic Mission Street, Lagos, Nigeria .