14-V........'I ..FRlMY.MAYt .. 2Ot2
NEWS Nwobu-A1or dismisses expulsion from APGA BY MOSES NOS LKE
congress bad been beld, which meant that slate emcutiveoCAPGAdid not
PECIAL fuhiser to
Governor Pae·an 011
Parks and Mar lets in Anambra State Chief Nwmu-AJot hasd3ailed ... .,.,..-,_l\l'GA.by Victor Umeb as illegal. vexatious,. null a.m void andafooe&d wh~ Accon:liug to biJ: 1,. the so called state uec: lIl:i"w! of APGA is not e1(ded by congress as reql ~ by consbtullon but handpicked and .nstalled by'hc:lorUme:.1.l- ..eadded that the party's IDI st.tulloD staledthatlheeur .i:M!:was e!ected tbroug.3 W ud local government al d state congresses. Si. yir 9 n- the past seve:l yeus. [l(J waId, local gm'"E'lIllf.eD or state
Resaid: "nU:eerorebas
pawes wba1soever to sanction oreqJeI any party IX)
" Umeb simply ordered his illegal cronies to call a
press conference and announce my ezpulsion to the world in order to impugn my inlegreity and that of Anambra State
Govemof. "I and my two roUeagues
are still members 01 APGA and will continue to be members until VJdor Umeh removed and the party restructured," Thet'@fore, the talk of apu1s1on by an illegal gang is a IIUSnomer and a Joke of the~· be
S-£ast PDP blasts Buhari
Sen OkOflkwo tasks ~st goVS 0 development ENATOR Annie ha; c.'arged g(J\.~ oft:Ie~OI_lh East to inilla.e a '~<Jional
del.'clopruenJil~ ~tbat
\\ill make thtoza Ie envy of N:.genars. Oko->...i..-wo
11 a
;t;ttement bybs 'I~Add.:et and CoorthDhtt
:0 K -e;s
19b:) Re!l.Lj,:sa :l~'e, ~'Ir_
0I;hns U9''''1.
t f!:loaned
of states
represemedAnambra State In Ute sixth Senate On why a South East b..ue:Xlntshouldbetbebest he 'noted that ~our '"ef' .. wned experts 10 aU 'leld.s 01 endea....our and Jkf·.lStry ~th!'c.oosuItants l±'~ ?W'Sleto ~ locally .IDo
:,a:e na:Io:talI}
.,t:'!..t!C~ -,\~.:l
la...-.ies5 thei: ~lOOallalents j)~ .1 ::ra..~::na~::e
East geopoIiuc:a zone. "Now oc.: ga-.e:nors should me o:t tb ! uccasmn with one acron and giV1! Wi a delivl:'ra lie idea·
.:1rO..nd IE ~::DaJO! KI!'r; not 'Zae costs. ~ be saul. Emphas:zlng lheneed [or •.lfgenCj. the Senator cautioned that "as our people o!:.o! agaIn return oolneindroYes bom Wljust dIsplacements lD their places o!abotk>and trade,
packed regIOnal b !uepnnl,
especiaUy from the north.
thaI will command aa:eptanceend g'-laranlee rapid tmns::ocmctIJon of our landscape . . 9 JOd," said
our ba1m of hope for them must be VlSible Ul action,
10 t.~ n!9lons, l llll..i..ation
he belleve ha 1 l e~ an ureparable ecO! 0Clic and poIiticall:ral.!nliUllli'Sot..lb
Seuator Okon.rwo who
srnce rehearsed Iyncs of apologles will cetainly not be music to their ears
DailY 1firres:. Fonm slams AGF BYCHAR!.E.o.; KUMO-
·lJ OUTH Cas. Forum lor EconomiC
~WrlCe .,Ul(
Empowern-en, SEFJEE. has called or PresIdent Gocodlltck J lIlf-Ol1l:.LO call
I..All.NCH- From lett: Mr J ames A1+-onij.i, It / ember, Cassava Hrlue Chain O/Dee; Mrs Folusho Olanlyan, MDt'CEO UTC Nigeria Pic; Or Paul Orhil, JJG. NAFDAC; and Mr Niyl AJabi. HR Manager, Nigeria 8rewerias Pic during the launch 01 cassaYil-based bread by UTe Nigeria Pic in Lagos, yesterday. Photo: Blot/un Ogunie,-e.
-Wants him to guard utterances BYTONY EDiKE
er caught in thecrossfire. "lhet.r Vlcbms, regretta-
"CNUGU--THE Peoplis .L:.oemocranc Party. PDP South East zone yesterday. Jamed Wier 1'I1genans ill condemning recent com!Dents by fonner mihtaty head 0( stale. Gen I, tuhammadu Buhan. in whlch he
bly. """" mamJy ""'" """"
2015 elecnons v.weagged. "'inreDdlary and !)erej\ of patnollc mtent," A statemenl by the National Vice Chamnan of PDP rn the zone. Col ALIs· un Akobundu (rtd). ap· plauded the prompt re-
b ...... It also commeoded Presidmt Goodluck. Jooalbau tor showing .. reslramt againsttbe bedd!ng of op-
!..:!. a sta~f!llt by its Ex· erutive Sec:etary. r..u Desmond Okere. :he forum condemned the! deaslOn or theJusnaMimstertom-1
cfut:racting him froJm prose=utmg tus transformation age n d a
~Utute cmunal P~-
The party said Gen Buhan'sunwarrnntedand~
a'laL1St tne.,rderoilhelTl- I c
a I len 9 e s Stl«ID:-GenenuOIPoIlce. J The stalement read , ''we -\.ccotrung to Dim, ~ .....-e I iL tb:! SOUUl East have art!qui1e..n'.Glelha1tbecase 'I g<:o;Xi reason to 1>e appre.... tocb th1!! AGF ilb-tituted beosi\-e a.nyt:iJIr political b:;r81llS1 lhe AAosikes.md leaders try to sto:<e up sec· - .AOCow:ni!rXa:inr~ lJm· -;rrt<!...'1 \iolencel uuugh ill· a::I hns bee., cbmnssed m j.r.r.m .:I.tory ;;peE'Ch. GIVen ':Ilurt becalEe Ute AGF can- 0 .r bItter expenence. those 1"'.:>1; mUSle:eno 101- 't1cts (Q I w"'o employ vulence to ":'''OS<'Cul+'''h!> Ca:;.>
"'~a apart. n 15 unpolwc [ora personoftus state-
members, church wolSluppers. business peopleor In·
'V.'e call on our palilical le6ders lOguard :.helrutter·
The party, hmo.-evet noted thaLsux:eU.e 2011 eIecbons
were OVe!; everyone must now jom hands with the man \Atilo won the popular wte. Presl.dentJonathan. to move the country forv.'afd..
FG to concession ApapcH)shodi expressway
sponse Irnm the PresIdency and the paIt)' to Gen Bubari's unfortunate out·
.i.~ Ai:b.1m? ~!:lete: of:.lk!
oINigoia. It at.o .s11eg!d Ctat the .\3F tuJ I csJ ~I th~ Fed et'al Cial.1!f un ~l ,lOO-"leo genemlpllhj C 1 tl'lesale o· Dai1)· - Ilili d '\[Igena to -\nQslk! )1"0 bt!1!i
rhetoric of VIolence from their repertoire, so that
easterners, youth corps
ly standmg and someone who has fought fortile wutyol Uus country to descend mto the arena of tenden·
saymg ius statemenl was
lI'tls ag~ -~ .~ike pableofmcitlng noreVlOh.;)\.hen: a...,a the!r ::ornpa- I len....--e ill a country a.IretKt .... n·· FOL\) Corn.:nu:ncanons ~ by seriol.s secun1}'
.Iel=; .-\i.ha,_ ~ham!Lf·.j ..t..d~ to Ofdet O"«!f hi; pn-ollon on the
ances and eLminate the
peace will rel9n We need peace lor deveJ.opment and progress "'The South East PDP leader adVISed General Buhan to coubnueto le:xllns VOice to maI1eI:s otnational imporlance but shoold. do so Wl1h the measured tact of an elder statesman.
'"""'.... 'XIlltl("alen1s~fIe\-
'TW'RE .... in<I>catiom I. that the Fed"," Government may have decided to concession the Apa. pa-Oshodi expressway lollowmq failed attempts to ensure the road is free o! traffic gndlock. The decision to concession the road leading to thtports m lngos .....C!:S as a result ollbe rost of repau and mamlenance while th~ concesswn optIOn was the onlyVlable onew. governm,",
UmgLl:Qld gathered that paucity of funds whidJ. lIM mpp1ed the reha JIlnatiron of the failed "Papa-Oshod1~ressway",,"aS also another reason wtu~ the goo. enwenl consld· 'Wd
TheFederal Government
at a time COD5idered alter· """'" Nnding apQons Or _ the pn+n ~ :t bas naTrowm. it dOW'J. to COllCeSrummg. \tmguard con!inned from sources dose to the Muu5try of \\boo thai the whole !rtreI.ch from Apapa 10 Oshoc:h and the Murtala Mohammed International Alt· port. MMlA would be handed (J'Ier to the pnvate .ectOL
The soW'C"@ '11so hmled that govemmen115 wo!lied about the state of the road d.&"KI that the on-gomg re-
"!abilitalior. has been s!owed dmYT. " It was th? ~llrwner of Vo rks who ~l_ougil' 1!1e Idea of a1lema'J,ve fundmg 'or the Prosect and I' was abled al Ule Fed~-aJ. Exec·
utIve CounaJ.
FEe. meet-
109 which has sailed through", the SOllJO:! added. He also hinted that government is howeYe; still al a loss as to how to go about It. smce the rehabilitabon work IS already being fund· edbylL Iv::cordmg to him. bongmg a conteSSlonaue at tlus poinl may pose some prob. lems.
He. ~et. speo1ically stated thalli would be executed through a Pubbc Pn· vale Partnerstup. PPp, ar· rangement derails ofwtuch are still beIng worked out. Alreadv, conslrUction giant. Jullus Bergerh6scom • menced work on :he rood which would be :landed over to a pnvate firm for proper 'DanagemP"l