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Vanguard. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19, 2012-13


Imo govt to build seven new cities reprfllenled by the Com-



State governor, Dwelle Rocha. Okorocha. hal mt~ted his resolve to develop

leven new dties in the .tate before the end of his adminislnllloo The gOVHnOf gavI!: the

.lIur.nee while addressing the people of EmNblam in Azarobiato community in Mbaitolu LGA. the nalive: iand ~ofOkwuegbua­

a land (measuring about 50 hectares) designated lor a Rescue Mission 01elllte town Okorocha. who was

missioner (or lands Surand Urban Planrung. Uche Nwosu. said the Mmistry of Lands mOlt acqUire the land first and duly hand over the ColO and other related documents to the nat relevant ministry for Imooth and immedi8te tateotf of the project. He commended the peoples dvtllty and wisdom on the appointment of Barr Chima Anoue and Co. as their attorney. stresling that with Ban AnozJe, their compensations would get to them without hassles


Senate lauds Ebonyi SUBEB on project implementation

Anambra PPA kicks against imposition of caretaker c'ttee chair A the state have been lobbying the nationalleBd-

concerned, he remAined Anambra State chalnnan


ership and former gover-

tracted crisis in the Progressive Peoples AIHance., PPA. in Anambr. .tate bas taken a dramatic twilt as various f«. tion. within the party have united to t..Ule the acting National Chairman, Chief Sam Nkirl!, over alleged imposition

nor of Abia State and

of PPA. following a federal High Court ruling that the statuI quo .hould remain. He.aid: "I read in one of the daily o@WSpapers that one: Emaa Orawike u; clalm1ng that he is the



of caret'a W committee while liUgatioDlil among

the f.ctions .tiU pending in court. This followed allega. tiOni by party ml!mMn that .ome gubernatorial •• pirants lor the 2014 gOV@J'DOrsrupelecuonin

founder of the party, Dr Qrjt Uwr K&lu. for PPA ticket.

Following the allega. Uon and recent appointment of • new caretaker executive (or Anambr. State. the two factional chainDen beaded for the court to demand that contl!m pt of court charges be preferred against Nkire.

One of the lactional chainnen. OUr{ Anthony Ftank JgbokA. told reporten that be was not aware 01 the appointment, add-

Ing that as (ar &I he was

some Iteml have skyrocketed in markets in Umuahi. and environs foUowing the rismg demand 0C'CMi0ned by f1oodIng In oome,..;g!i>ounng

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rrom ~uch

comes from."

the two and haII~ lMMure now sells for N 100. "Outt'lldamcD from Rivers, Bayelsa and Akwa Ibom Itates. who compIaInod !hot _ bod

made ther cassavB to rot,


News Agency 01 N'JgC!ria.

ALH 111 1'.n Dl'n S I'll S I

known in the party. He is not a member of the party and I do not !mow him as a member of the party and where be

Prices of food iitems rise in Umuahia UMUAJllA-PRlCES of N<OO_, NJOO,-

....... """"Y"""'""'"


Itate chairman of the

PPA in Anembra. First and foremost, be is not

mented ecrou tbe Itate Chukwumerije. who BAKALIKI CHAIRMAN. Sen- made the commendatioD ateComrruUeeoD Educa- during the visit of the tion, Senator Uche committee to the state. as Chultwumerije. yester- part 01 its oversight funcday commended Ebony! tion to educaUon institu· State UDive:rsal Basic tions, recalled that durEducation Board • ing Its visit to other Itates I 1 h I n SUBEB. for its compre-- w hensive aDd detailed the South Ealt , only documentation of educa· Ebony! and Abla states tion protects being imple- wen able 10 give and lend detailed eccount of all tbelr upe.nditures and pro;ecI.s to UBEe. He stated that the tHson for tbar visit was not witch hunt anybody Within theeducation lecare the ones causing de- lor, but to create a forum mand lor gam to go up for m:ch6nge of Informa· here. - she said. tion and ideM that would Ikorosaid thIIl-as:l:uti!lble assist the committee conbunchclpWMn"w.rDN tribute its ~ NI.JOO end Nt. quota towards the ad700. depending on the a»- Yan~ment 01 education tomer'l bargaining paw'f!t' in the country BYPl-.IEROKUIlJ

NAN. yelterday in Umuahla Main Market. Orie Ugba and Ahiaukwu 0I0It.0t0 rnarke:ts. shoow8::l thIIl piceol gam and p.n.lain haft increased. Mrs Eucharia Ikoro, • guri dealer, laid thet • mMlwe 01 garrl, which Jckt b N9. 000 about two wee:b -va. was now NtB.

We're detemined to acNeve zero ac:ddent rate In N'!geria -Aviatlon minister

" BUJA- AVlATION accident happened notft.M inllter, Prince.. Withstanding all OW' past Stella Adaa.eOduab. bM eHoru to promote safety. rate1ed gcmmmenri de- ThiI deesty underscores tennination to achine • the Cad that Nletyi& a joururn rate 01 air KCidenb in ~. not a destinIDon. 000. "'Then: is onty a depar-Since. the suddl5l hike. She made the pk!dge in a lure. there is new:r an arwe now tell the custard rival with safety. We tnUlt bucket meMUJe 0( gan:i lor keynote eddrea: at the 6th J>.8--"'''-onOW mnain focuIed and c0nWiationand Dn!dars~ tinue in our determination ealM_In _ _ to achieve the goal 01 urn n. it D WomI .. ,....


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11M! Minister lamented thalln at. "",In"""" all the cur_ _spile __


HovM I, Road 111. Er..


1E OEATIi has been T. announced In Lagos of Princess Ruth AnJola

Olutuwa flya 01001) She died peacefulJy in bel Agbowa-Ikosi home at the age 01 M . A devout Christian and trader: She is survived by her chUd~n and other relations, Including Prince OlUlegun Olutuwa and Engr. Oayo Oluluwa.

-- • She inbnned her guem that theCXl'Dry tIM warUd _ bani !o .."..;-

to e:nhanc:e air salety in the tim the induItry in the past country. the Dena CRlSh 0( six)'elllS Uwough a c0mpreSunday. JWlr!I 3, 2012 un- hensive lafety reform dencored the r.ct thalsakty agenda which Iocused on WM: a journI!y and not a des- the~olthein­ duatry and resuscitabon of 1 be minister said: "This aviation infr.uucture.

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