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Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 ,



Climate change may kill 184 m people by 25th century-Nwangl

LENTEN TALK Have you repented this Lent? 8YVERY REV 1SCR


_Says African govts 've not done enough to mitigate effects BveHI e OZOR





KENYAN don has

estimillt~ that climate cbangeproblem would till _ _ 184 million po<>pIeby the 25th centurywllh Africa recording the h i ghest vIctims Prof John GoWhllD Nwangi of the E(lertion U~Kenyadl_

this is an intervie'Y with \bngucud alter del.lvmng II key note addrEss t ~tlUed


ext ~ nsion

strategies for elJeclive nubgabDnagamst tI.e~ of chrnate change.' £t the 17th annual confet~ce of

Agricultural oc e y of Nlgena. AESON. tnJiloo by Uruverslty of r- ~ena, Nsullila. UNN I-Ie exphuned that Ihe 184 million people would become VlctimS l ( such changes through alT extant dI s a s t e r .

He noted that Afncan

good breedmg grounds for

government. have nol

mosquitoes causing malana. a Iriller disease in Africa. Hecalled oo.Atncan governments to rise to the chaUenge by taking apprnpiatesteps tommbal climalechange. SUasing

shown enough interest to provide and encourage strategies that could mibgate dlmate change eftects, though Africa W1I5 molt vulneI'ab&e to efIocts at c I I mille chill n 9 e Nwangi stressed that Africa had the largest number of poor people in the world, saying that cti.mate change has killed so many people in the recent past through displacement, drymg of rivers and Jakes; natwaJ water SOllJCe$, degradation and envirunmentlll pollution

lmpo rlan ce of Iree planting Prof Nwangl, who is a cons u ltant at Egerton UnlVer5uy on agncultural eI1enslOn. edUCllluon and research. explluned that stagnant waten were very

that stakeholders should do something positive to mitigate the calamities I!IISSOdated withtheprob1em through tree planting. deaningerMrolUllentand collaborndon wrth peopje in advanced countnes .

.... Expert wants Abla govt to revive fanning MUAHIA -


U agnculturai extension transformation agent. Mrs Julie Aham, yesterday, called on Abla Qovemment to reYlYe its famers ' field school 10 promote the oguon', food secunty agenda. Allam madethecaU_ extersion experts W1der the NatlOnaJ AgncuHural Extension -nansformabon Agenda VlSlled the state. She sald the Federal Government had earlJer Ultroduced the 6ekl schools

as part of the national programme lor food security. "We introduced the farmer,' field school approach under the nallonal programme lot foodsecunty

"Some states started It and wereabletounpkIDent someUung A fev.' others. partlcularly those who do not have tllel1 counlerpart fund for the National Programme on Food Secuntypoxl. W<eAb... dKI no< do anytlung"

'Tl"IIS illhe Good News .I. about Jesus Ouut. Ule SonofGod. lt beganas the prophet Isaiah had wntten: "God said. ') •will send my messenger-ahead of you' to

prepare the way for you. Someone is shouting in the desert. Prepare the way of the lDrd. make a stnlight path for him to lnweU"

Matthew 3:3. So John the Baptist appeared m the desert and he preached a baptism o( repentance (or the brg1veness 01 sins. ')\fler me comes one who is more powertul than ) am. ) have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you WIth the HolySpmll am not worthy to unLle the strap of tns sandals" - Matthew 311. A<;, a (orenmnerofOtnst. John the &ptl5t baptJzed Jesus (Mall. 3~ 13; Mark t:913; Luke 3 ~ 21-221 · And when Jesus had been bapttzed 10 the River Jordan. heaven opened ((or him) . and a vOice came from heaven. saymg


are my Son. the Beloved m whom I am well pleased" Matthew 3.17. Mer Jesus

lwichooen""_ ....

after John had been arre>ted and put in prison. Jesus went to Galilee and began preadung the Good News of God. "7be tune has come, the 1angdom of God I' dose at hand . O\angeyourwoys (.-.pent) and beUeve In the Good

News" - Matthew4 :t7. Jesus came to reveal the mystery of God. the my:stuy of the love of God - Fal.ber. Son and the Holy Spuil \Vhat does 7'he tune bas come' mean1 It means that the time fixed by God has come to an end (Cal. 4:4; Eph. 1: 10), the Utne of preparation (advent) has ended. and the manifestation of God anrowxul by the """""'" has already begun 'Change your ways (repent) and belleve the Good News' mellnl that God does not expect works on your part but calls you to have faith. Be nd of all that hampersyou. of all thaI prevents you from seemg andbebevmg l Bel.J.eve that It IS he. and he alone who IS ab'e to save you! And the (ruth to believe comes after re~ntance, change Jesus called born agam




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I~/I: AIrs Bimpe Benson, Regionlll lIud. Dom6 11c I!iln.k ing, Ecob.ank Nig PLC AIr. Jibrll Aku, AID; Als. Nlke KalaK'o/e, liNd. Sales lIub. and Air. Kingsley Algbokhftt'be, Customer Heild, Dom estIc BilnJdng dunng Iilundting of Em Bank AdviHJce Acroun t In Lagos.. Photo: Joe Akintola, Photo Editor.


Joumalists make case for state creation in s.East




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OALITION of Journalists for oeation of the proposed Adada State, has urged President Goodluck Jonathan to tniUate an executive bill lor creation of a new state out of the South- East geopolitical zone to bring the Igbo at parwtlh other zones In the country The group which bemoaned wtliIl it desoi:Jed as conspuaty of 5llence by

Nigerians towards the alleged lllJustice towards the Igbo. said the people of the area needed an addibonal state to develop bke UerCOlmlerpal1S in Ole

Odumegwu -OJukwu • saying that creation of addillonalstate wa.lhe best way to end the


Journalists m a statement by the CoonIlnalo< """""' Ugwokesaxl. "lhereseems tobeaconspuacyofS1lence by Nigenans toward state aeatlon. parttcularty m the South East. tobnng It upto other geo-political zones We Uunk that this IS long

nus was even as the Igbo Unity Congress also disputed claims by Governor Peter Cl>i UVlI the wounds of the Nlgena Bulfra war had ended WIth the bunal accorded late Ikemba Nnewi. C hief C hukwuemeka

~"Nd>gbo. H~ theCoahbonot


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