V. ngu.r~
WEDNESOA,( FEBRWUrY 22.201 2 - 21
Business ~ Rice fanners task FG on rice processing ICE Farmers AssOClatlon of R Nigcna on Federal Gove.rnment to (acihtale (RIFAN) Ms called
the the
processmg of nee in the country The MSOCJabon futthe' advlsed thai tlus coukI be done Uuough the mstallabon at small
and mcdJum..otle procewng madunes Alhap. Ablbakar Wxh. NatJooal President of the associaUon gave the advice on Monday in Gwagwalada m the Fer m an mtClVlew Wlth the News Agency 01 ">gena (NAN). 1Mxti. who advised that UW! maclUJle'> be installed m each of the senalonal distnds acJtISS the counlly, said that Ute IlJOV!! would attrad. more Ialmers into nee production. Aa:ortIing to tum. the Federal Government's programme on se.U· suflioeDcy In rIO!! producbon can onlybe achieved when small-scale fanners are """""-' 10 fann.lhrough the pIOYISIOn of faolIbes The RIFAN boss also called tor the fao.iItaUOll of ungatlon fac.JJbes across the country to enhance all season production. From l efl: OIUS"J1UD Agifflga. Alinisl t!r ol7r.Jd e and In"eslm ~n /; Vidor Os/bobu, ChaJrmiHl, GUiITiIlJ'(, Afsurance Trusl Pic IUId Run ;, Alam, MO, J).e ' -t!l oplIJ_' ?-drlner:r International fOPI} U K.. during an ad1'Ocacy ,is lolllle 'e w Board of Oirector:r 01 CTAMur to Ibe Minisler 01 Tr.nJe and 181 eslment ln A.buja,
Electricit y: NERC warns DISCOs against unapproved charges ...Says no tariff increase yet HY OSCA RLI NEONWUEMENYI THE Nigerian Electricity Regulatory CommLSsion INERq on Monday warned electricity distributton rompruu not to charge theltC\J!l1OtIJcrs
was appnM.'d by 11 last
1he on thr beds of "'" lDcreasing number o( pclitioru a nd
through the media, to put both the customers and operators on nobO!.. The emting tariff regime is Ule last schedule o( Multi Year Thrill Order
(MYfO l) that WM annowlCed last year and will pave way for MYlU U Uus year. The Multi 'rear 'UtnlI Order Il'l Ute model used U1 cakulabng pnces or electncity
Transcorp partners Symbion to boost Nigeria's power supply
rornplamts f'Ca!M.'d by U'le Com.nussioo thai JCme of the 0IstribW0n Companies are cashmg In 00 the reant media reports CNU pbwe:1 incnnoiein theelcrtr:icitytruUI and dwying Uer customers rates othef than those elJPfO'l\'ld by the Ovnm lSlOOU.
Reacting to the development, the Olairman Dt Sam Amadi said. "No tariff increase has been announced. cruel Executive OfHcers o( dislrlbuuon COIDpanIe!I \vtDcoUect Iari1Is bqvnd 1Nbat was approved last year are operallng in duobe(hence of the mdustry's regulabons. " "Uis an oUence: to charge rates outside the ap~ tanft' regune. AIry emng dlstribuUOD. company will be made to refw:Id its customers money collected in eICC5lotUW'appm.m larimi," AmadisaJd. He said that !he Cmnmissjon will not sparearry dlief ~oftice"d. emng electnctty distnbuuon company as applicable sanctions stipulaled In the Elednc J\M'er Sector Reb:m J\d 2005 will be meted out on those acting in defiance o"the ActThe C hajrman said tbat tbe CommisSion was harmonizing submiulons made In the ('ourse or stakeholders consultations held towards Ih'3 pllllU1ed tanH regune, and that the t naJ figuret will be announced
RANSNATIONAL CorporalioQ oC N"JgCM (TRANSCORP) said tI IS with a U .S based efterg)' firm, Symbion Power to etBure that Ule
Federal Government of Nigeria's inttiative of prnvkling collSlSlcnt power HI thecowltryberomes a reality. The pruU~\\'aB a nsuI.t 01 a nx:enly moduded U.S. Eneryy'ItadeMissJOn to N'.ageria that started Wlth talks between tbetwoo.-garusabom: 1Il101I, wtuc:hwas fonned wiUllhe mtent to "lJght upAlnca" bysigni.ficanUy tncIeaSU'9 inV\'51mentS in the energy sectOL According to a statement hom TRANSCORP made ftvallable to Vanguard. the relalionslup between Ule hIIO mmparues was taal.atated by I-Iem Holdings, an African investment company that l5 committed to the eaxunictmrsbmatJon otAfrica Uuough long-tenn inYeSlments in a vanety o( sectors that oeate econonuc prospenty andwaal ........ The U.S Energy ll'ade MisSion to Nigeria, Mozambique. Thnzarua and Glana,led by Aulstanl Secdary of Slate JohnnieCarson and co-spoosored by the Corporate Counal on Africa. auns to mcrease U,S. pnvale 5f!ClOr mvesunent
HI power mfrastruclure prDJOClS on the """bne,,!. Com.menUDg 011 Ule partnerslup, lbny O. E1umelu, MFR, who doubles as Ute Ownuan o( both lleirs Holdings and 1tansc'Ofp saKI: "Afnca Il'l endowed Wlth resources vast enough to meet all her power needs t-Iowever, for vanous reasons, Nrica lacks adequate power supply. Power IS crucial 10 the devdopment of Nigena and Alr:ica - this is why I am exated to partner Wlth Syml»on I\Jwer to 'lIglll up Alnca', a ~ that J belIeve will help catalyse the econOmlC transrormation of not onlY Nigeria but the entire conlinent." Speaking further. he said : "Power anJraslructure projects succeed when fuelled by execution, IIlvestme.nt, lllIlOVl!Iliou and scale. lbe partnefSlup annol.lJKed today provides immense
IlM5tml'nlca~ lnC1!dib~scaIe,
vast expertlse. and Symbion has pf'OVeO Its
execute. "
Local ly prod uced
and processed rice Wodl SAId that "onc e thlS 15 donf'", Nigenan market will be Oooded Wlth locally prod ........ """"""" and """'.... nee" lie said that the Federal Government comrrutment to boost nee produc1lon was m CORSOfWlCe With the fact that "Nigena has the capacity to be seIl,suI1k!,and also to produce (or
'"The problem we are havmg With some government offiaals IS that they be.lleve U1 giant nulls and our fCdr about UW! gt.omt mills IS that there are no large«aIe farms to feed such mills. My mterest in the mstallatlOn 0( small and medium-KaJe processmg ruactunes across the country IS to encourage grassrooll fa.rmeB lJ1 rIO!! productIOn, W:! WiUll goyenmed to adopt
COllage Industry approacb to nce proce;stng because 11 we areable to dJvet demand (rom unporled nee to Nigcnan nee, farmers will be prcpa.rt'd to produce more. " he said
lie said that the only way to give unpetus to N'tgenan nee was to have It processed to a good qualIty in order to discourage N"tgerians (rom unported tire.
O1Uf:.\O'Ml....G (E\'IlAl. SBJJNG C..
Symbion, Paul I-hnb, said, "A lransfonnaUon 15 currently underway in Nige.na, and across the African continenL Wearehonouredtojoanfon:es Wlth 11anscorp and be part of energll'lmg what experts descnbe as "the final econolluc rronua"
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