Vanguard. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 20 12-23
Business/lndustrv How we achieved 24-hr service delivery - GAG Registrar General my only KPI. These two tMgets have been met," saJd Ma.hmud dunng the commisstorung of the 24·hour start·to·fimsh Alausa, Lagos office by the Mln1Ste~ Olusegun Aganga ICT infrastructure is the key factor to the actul!Yl!menlof 24 houn SeJV1ce delivery Ul order to actaulioze this, the Comnusslon embarked on a total upgrade of Its Wide Area Network (WAN) to VSAT-based network to a more reliable fibre based system. nus was meant to improve availability and also enhance transactioos. A p1lot scheme of SlX offices was undertaken, namely, the two Lagos Offices, Enbugu, Port Harcourt, Kaduna and
STORIES BY FR.Al",aCLIN ALLI H E Registrar Gen· eral of the Corporate AIrairs Commission (CAe) , Alha)l Bello Mahmud , bas ex· pliWled bow the Com· tnlS$lon met the 24 hours sHVice dellvery performance target, saymg It was as a result of mvestmeJ}t in ICT mfrastruc-
It will be recalled that
lour months ago, the Mlmster of Trade and Investment, Olusegun Aganga signed a Performance Contract WIth di· recton, Chief I!:!ecutive officers of agenaes and p.uastatals under his mmistry and directed them to meet the targets as contained in thelt reo. spectjve Key Performance Indicators "Apart from nIcknaming me 24 hours, the MInister also made 24 hours SeJVlce delivery
"'Ibis" profect geared towards these offices and the Head office through fibre opuc
5 ,000 rushes, 10 won In Boumvlta 'Yummy Life promotion' ByTOHEEB lORIS
was undertaken by Glo· bacom !J.d. The two La·
are regIStered Wltlun two hours m the neatest ru-
gos oUices have been connected and ready for comm1SslOning by the Mimster_ In the neM~t fu ture, lmks to all the other 32 state offic~ will also be undertaken so that they can also operate at par With the Head Office and enable them to accept documents and process same up to certificate regutration. The Mirustet, however;. deocnbed Ihe~ of corpoTilbondocuments and processmg the certiIicates from start to firush WIthin 24 hours, as a laodmarlt aduevement m
thecounuy's mvestmenl
"However. to show that we mean busmess and that we care aboul our customers, I d.uect that a complaints reguter be opened for anyone who 1$ not able to get ius company regIStered Wltlun 24 hours," he Sa1d
Cotton production: FG, WACOT sign MoU ry"H.E Federal Govern.I. ment and the West At·
n can cotton company ('WACOT] have signed a memOIandum of under· SWJcting {MaU} on ('Olton
climate reforms pro-
p roducbon.. The Mlmster
of Agriculture and Rural Development. Dr.. Akm~..un.llll Adesluna, who spoke at the event, tell· era.tnl: the Federal Govem..ment's prorruse to restore the past glory of the
'"Thls 15 eDCOwotgmg In
lineWlth global best pnICbees and useful for lOves· tors who would want to
commence business ur· genUy. 1be: target IS to ensure that comparues
IVE THO SAND consumers paruci· pated in Cadbwy Nigena pic "BoWTMta yummy We promo" wtuch saw ten people emerge wmners in the first phase of the draw held m Lagos Mr. Dele Anifowoshe saJd that the wmner won between NIOO, 000, N250, 000, toNloulhon,
Dr. Adeshma noted that employment generabon from the tatile mdustry has r~en from 700, 000 in the J980s when 1he nation Md over 175 tl!:!We mills 10 ope!"ilouon to
25,000102012. TIle Murister also add·
ed that the industry's contnbution to value ad· mUon bad dropped 519nihcanUy from 25% 10 1980t05%m2012.
respedl,,-eJ:y_ Accordlng to tum. the promOtlon 15 packaged to appreciate dIld reward the company's esteemed customers for theu pa. lronageand I~'altyto the bnwl Mr ArubwoIhescud that the promo IS to gt\'e back to our customers all aooss
the country WBut much morelDlport.anllS theneed
to gtVe back (0 out con· sumers, and today for us IS a SlgrufiCdllt day, tv.'O weeks back we brought "'" promobOn. and today. ....-e are ruomng the fiIst sd of draws. and the whole tdeas lS to come up Wllh a YeYtr.ompan'nl J""<"'S" sdectmg the WUlf1eIS 10 thIS promobOn. .. He added that J'DOI'e mi· ICailSthedaywhenwe""ill present the wmnmgs to WIJJneI' across lhe~ and we believe that you will be Wlth us on that day and be able to n!')OK'ewitb U - who will physKaIIy collect their cash reward from the Bounmta yum. my We pn>md><>n.
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