Vanguard, TMURSDAy" JUNE 23,2011 -
Corona Schools call for awareness on climate change BY DAVO ADESULU &: EMMANUEt,ELEBEKE
mental day was introduced twoyeaJsagobythe school management,
part 01 its contribution to compliment the e(forls 01 e school premis the government in keepes of Corona Sec ing a safe and friendly ondary school, environment and foster Agbara last Saturday witawareness (Jrl how to disnessed an unpreceden ted courage further degradaaudience, as tlie school . tion 01 the environment. management, staff and. For the school, inculcatstudents marked theirsecIng the cultule of keeping Dod health safety and - a safe and fiiendly envienyironmental day with ronment hi路the students al members of the public. early stage, holds the key The Corona annual to gtplranleeing a safe heallhsidety and environenvironment' for the un-
born generation and also help the students and the
entire school community develop positive attitude towards the environment, that will make them become change agen t to the re!St 01 the society. SpeaJdng at the occa路 ~ion, the Executive Director 01 the school, Mrs . Olutunto 19un said that the annual environmental daywas specifically meanl 10 sensitize both the studenls and the slall, and slakeholders of the including other memben of the public aboul the reality 01 climate change and 10 educate them on how to control it "We want to sensitize them that climate change is real and on what they can do to stop the ills of climate change. There has been flooding hom ocean swge in Lagos, tsunami and earthquakes in some countries and we cannot continue to fold Olu hands, doing nothing. Corona. as a school, has a culture of inculcating these habits into the students at the tender age, for them to know more about conservalion of the environment. We need to conserve the planet, so that we can leave a legacy lor generations yet unborn. A3 part of our curriculum, we are t.ugeting at what individuals can do to save the situation. We now have students, who are more awru:e of what climate ch~ge Is all about and what they can do to improve on it," she explained. Slie called on govern ment at allievets to Inten路 sit}' campaign on sensi tizing Nigerians on the dan ger 01 climate change and how to control it. saying that parents, teachers and studenls mm;t be involved to make It work. While commending the sponsored 01 the event. Mrs. 19un said that children, and corporate bodies must Join hands with the government to make ow environment a safe place to live. ~lnthenearestfutwe. we aped increased sensitization and awareness among the people and our students,ru we do it annually, we also think thai people can on their own do the things they can to stop environmental degradation, she added Alsospeaklng, the Director 01 the school, Mrs. foJasade Adelisayo de-scribed the anniversary as an important day in the lives 01 the studen15 all it offer them the opportunity -to learn and share experience on how best to curb the negative effects 01 climate change. ft