40-Vangu a rd. TUESDA Y. APRIL 24. 2012
Chairman, RivutlriO Group, Prince Ton ye PrincewilJ. of Jf'Orb, AIr MIke Ono/ememen Insp ecting Apa-
his wile. RoselliV)' and former Iller Presiden t. AJhajl A tiltu Abubakar a l the w'Cdding of Dr. l U ll N dukwe's daughter in MalJoru. Sp ain.
War against fake drugs NAFDAC identifies obsolete laws, insecurity of staff BYTAYE OBATEIiI U &0
Head of the North-West
Zone 01 NAFDAC. Ot Eric
~~ implementation of Laws
lful disclosed Uus while delivering a lecture organised by the advancement office of the University o[ Jos entitled
and threat to Ule ~ef'urity or staff arxI their b.allies have been idenMf..-d as challenges to the do-ie by the National Age'K y for
Food. Drugs Canto and _NAFDA<:. to rid the countzy 01 fake and counterfeit drugs . Deputy Director and
·Phanna<yeare..: _
and Drug Regulation in Nigeria" He said the continued ensteoce of "open drug ~ .. wasarnherma,or
challenge but added that a lot has been adueved. by NAfDAC in standaIdizing the produclion and
distribution of drugs in the country . According to him, intematiaoaJ. consciousness
had been created that Nigeria was no longer a dwnping grotmd wtnlethe """""""'dnq< in circulation which dropped from 41 per cent in 2000 to 16.7 percent in 2006 bas 10 rerent Wiles dropped to less than live per cent. "Vice Olancellor of the University, Prof Hayward Mafuyai described the
lecture as significant as it is a proof that thealwnnus appnrillild theinputolthe university 10 making him become what he is today. He said the wuversity would conlinuetoCOWlt on the contribution of alumni to the development of the institution adding, "the conlrlbutlOn olthe alumm of this institution 15 central and critical to my adnunistIallon's quest to reposillon the school to meet the challenges of the 21st C@ntury."
SON boss urges Nigerian coys to get international certification•.. presents ISO 9001 to IDL BY IAJA THOMA S
Nlg..,., SON. Ik Joseph Odumodu. at the official presentation of NlS ISO l\,. llGERlAN companies 900 L 2008 certi.ficate to 1 " have been urg~ to lntermntinental Distillers "", ... ISO _tonof Ud, IDL. in Lagos, their prod ucts, which weekend. ultima tely rep~ellents WbilecoograluJating IDL quality mana~eJnen t on the feat. Dt Odumodu system stan .1 This said. "by this achievement. advice was g' by the this mmpany bas JOi.ned the Direclor..Q!n ~f the lofty dass of quality Standard . tion of management system
certified companies in Nigeria. 11tis is a giant strid@ in the pursuit of excellence to provide quality prod uru to consumers", adding thal, "the NIS ISO 900 1: 2008 quality management system approach provides a globally recognized and acceptable solution to the challenges quality managemeiL """"""'"•-
Abla govt to disburse Nibn loans to farmers
agricull:uraI loan :wed from the CeoI:raI Bank of
Orji aplained that the gOYemlDent hlKI paid Its counterpart funds for the FADAMA III , [fADNDOC-FCiN-mmmWlitybased natural resources management project and agocullural development
Nigerla. CBN,Io&afmersin
U S tatesoon gov~roent would begin disbwsemenl otN billion
ea..mor this ~~re announced d . Chji the launc hing or lh 20 12 aoPPn9 season ' Eende
~ GoY1!mmeJI
were part of govemmeot's efforts to assist the stale in the attainment of rapid economic and rural transronnation through the promotion of agriculture. TIle governor stalEd that ~bod~"
Represented by hLs deputy, Cluef Emeka
undertake within this c ropping season, programmes and adlvities
""""""" 0.;; '""""'" that tbe 55 tractors recenUy
thai agcicul1ura1 production. bUi.
procured by the government to be sold to far:meB at slbndized price,
also create employment and redlD! poverty in the
The SON IX; cautioned
thai "intercontinental Distillers Ud. would have to note tba.l this journey to e:ttelleoce enbarlted upon does not have an end as quality is a moving target. Our cballenge to you today is to keep the system healthy and up to date to reap the run belefit of ISO 900 1: 2008 approach to managemenI. •
H e a d ded : MThes e systems having been certified will be placed on six months surveillance audits to ensure continuing stability arxI eft'ectiveless of the implementation of the quality management system. In the murse of the audit exi!l"dsel. where non-
conformances are observed and are eIIediveIy CDr'reded
wttlrin_limehame. the system will retain the
certificate. However. lJle certifical.ewill bewiltdJawn if the structures in place for certificationbreakda.vo and
necessaryconectiveactions are not taken on observe:I. noo~."
lbom industrial city to employ 10,000 'T'1":IE proposed Ibom In .I. dustnal aty at Ibaka in Mbo Local Government Area of Akwa (born State is
to employ more tban 100,000 people when fully operational ~rGodswillAkpa.o
b1o, who stated this during ",,2012 __ and graduation oflhe M ar-
itime Academy of Nigeria,
pl1l)eds, petrochemicallndustnes, pov.oer plant and deep seaport. among oth-
.....Represented by h1s dep-
uty. ~ Nmna Ek:ere. the governorsaid theU¥lustriat aty. which would ent1l(Opass a seaport. ",maid also increase the export base of the state and put the state on the oil and gas map of
MAN, Oron. espJained U1ill
thewodd whiletheseaport.
theindustrial citywill bean industrial. mix ofm arxI gasbased support services, dockyard and watercrall repair!acililies. _ planl oll refinery, gas-to-liquid
one of the deepest U\ Nigeria. would open up the staleasooeofthegateways to the v."Odd 1D the Gull of Guinea and the \o'kst Afncan Sub-Reglon.
NOA launches digital screen in Minna BY OOTUN IBJWOYE
HE digital screen _ o l ... NaIionol Orientation Ageocy, NG\. for public aW'ill"l!De$S arxI value reorientation has been latmehed in Minna. Niger State . The initiative which was the fi rs t of its kind i n Nigeria s howcases t he nation's cuJtures, tourist attmctions and corevalues as a way of promoting
naIional pride and idenl.1ty.
Lawrling'" lull """"' motion picture, digital display screen al a dinner
organised by tbe Niger State Government in honour of the Director GenealofN~ Mr. Mike Omed, lbe Niger State, GM=o,Baban!J""Ahyu commended Uleingenuity of the agency in coming up with such initiabve wtucb he said would enrich the state in a variety of ways.
NGO to hold Investment forum for entrepreneurs potential of tlu!! internet to crea1e jobs for the people gove r nment a l and translonn the nation cuganization. is organising into a knowledge-driven an internet for jobs sc:x::iI4 where business and irMmn. tagged.: 14J bum' government services are sWednesday at Golden available on-line . Gate Restaurant, Ikoyi. Banjo said tbe objectives lagos, whe re of creating internet entrepreneurs would entrepreneurs through present their proposals to posltive engagement of potential investors_ Nigenan youth... According to a statement bridging the digital byUle President of the Nle. divide between Nigena Mr Adebayo Banjo, the and the developed 14J-iniUative is a world, as well as , programme designed by creating local Internel the NlG to explore the content among olhers .
'T"H E Nigeria lnternet
.I. Group, Nle. a non-