Vanguar~ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2012
16 -
900,000 farmers get fertilizer through e-wallet BY CHR IS OC HAYI
~ent has said
CM!r900,OOO fanners have recet\-"ed th~r fertilizers and Improved seedlmgs acroll the country through the ElectrOniC Wallet system Introduced by the admlnistrahon over ~ght months ago. Muuster of Agriculture and Rural dev@1opment, Or Akmwumi Adesina, who dtsclosed this In AbuJa, s8.ld they E·W41· let 'Yltem had suc· ceeded in e:lterminatmg
Mark, Tambuwal make case for local content in broadcasts, movies BY CALE B AYANSI N A
Ab. The Se.nate President.
HUJA- SENATE Pr6ident, DaVid Mark, and the Speaker:. H~ot Repre5entabws, Anunu'Dlmhuwal. yester· day. challenged Nabonal
represented by Stmator Eyinnaya Abaribe. noted
NBC. broedcasbng orgaru· sations and films mdUitry the country. to see what can be dope to iJnprove on kw:a1 content, Wl1h a VIew to pro;ectmg African bl!'tit·
---. is coming 41 a tune the Oirector-General of NBC. M< \bml BoIannwo.
sation as an Mlhat must be fought to a standstill. The duo threw the chal· lenge at the operung cer· enony of the 9th Biennial
~O(A!naJ. Broftd·
casten., A/rioa.<tJ 20 J2. WIth the theme Cor*"I RuJer, in
that programme conlenl: of
broedal5t stations and the type of films produced had great influence on youths. rdmg lhalsome broadcast programmes and films 4I1!i not glonfymg African c:uI. lUre.
Hesul"LetUlseewhal we can do to unprove out Joc:alconlenl.. WhaleYerwe send out m our broadcast
ortilm has a kJtolmn~ on our youths. 'Me must be careful ot the way we p...... tlus tlung Oedanng the
conference open, llunbuwal. who c:alled (or more of rommurutybroad· CMtlng m Nigena. urged broadcasters to uphold the etlucs of the prolession in carrymg out tbelr duties
PDP repositions in Ogun BY DEM O LA AKiN YEMI
LO RI N-FORMER Mmllter of 5t~ De· velopment and chieftain of Peopl6 Democratic Party, PDp, Albaji Sarala Isola. yesterday in 110rin. S8.ld plans were in place by the party tn Ogun State to wresUe power from AclJon Congress of Nigeria, ACN, in the nMt general election. Isola spoke WIth news· men shortly after he bagged Master of Busi· ness Administration, MBA. degree at the Uni· versity of 11orin. The former minister, who said the of PDP had been em· bariang on reconciliabon
moves to end the sun· mering cnsis within the slllte chapter of the party, said by the end of the year, all tbe crues in the party would have been resolved Isola, also former Sec· retary toOgun Stategov· ernment In former gov· ernor Gbenga Darnel's administration, ex· plained that there WM no doubt that CrisiS WM inevitable in any human endeavour. hence the m· sis was norm41 Hesmd "Peaceisgradu· ally commg back to the party because the three fac:tJonM m the party had been fused Into one, while the I'!!lIUWWl9 one would soon come into the fold of POP in the state."
corrupt pracllces that char.ctensed the pro· CUJement and dlstnbu· bon of fertilizers In the ".., He S41d· "At the begm· rung of Uus admtrustra· Uon, we satd the most unportant Uung WM to get farmers to have ac· cess to improved seed· lings and fertilizers, because WIthout access to fertilizer., you really can· not raise productIVIty "We are nchly blessed m thll country All we need to do IS to harness our resources "
2013 budget: PDP wades into NASSjPresidency rift BY H ENRY UMORU HUJA-WORRI ED ~ the emerging nft betw!!en the Nabonal N· A
If'!mbly and the Pr6i· dency over the 2013 budget, followmg ddl6ent positions on the oil price benchmark, the leadershtp of PeopI6 Democratic Party, PDp, disclosed, yesterday, that It has waded into the mat·
Fieldmg questions from journalists in AbuJa, PDP National Secretary, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, noted that the partycontrots the major· ity at the National ~. sembly and it has nollost control of its memMrs, adding that the bicker· ing between the two arms of government will be ~ solved through dta· logue. He said. "It is an open sead. but that is our own internal affairs and we 4I1!i gomg about n!SOlvmg the issue through." It will be recalled that Pre.ldent Goodluck Jonathan's pegging of $15
as benchmark (or the sale 01 crude ot! In the 2013 budget was ~ )ected by both the Senate and the House of Repre.enlabves p6 barteI
Ahmed Gulak, SpeoaJ Adviser to Presiden t Jonathanon Alb.tialI Mat· ten: and Dr. Dayin Okupe. the Senior Speo41 Assllt· ant to the Presid~t on Public AlIairs, wluch the lawmak@rs described as unpalatable.
Ondo guber On zoning OyinJola also told jow· nalists that PDP will not throwaway wrung .ys.
While the Senate ap· proved $78 per baJTel.lhe House of Represenlllllves pegged the ot1 benchmark at $80 petbarteL nus hlll since created some tensions between members of the National Ass@l'Dbly and the Presi' dency, especially With comments from Alhaji
He also spoke on the Just.concluded Ondo State gubernatorial elec· tion, where POP was de.
""ed by l.abou< Party. LP 0ylnl01a, who noted that some lessons have been learnt, disc:loA:ed that lila party, it would do an appnusal on where on what happened, where it got It wrong and rontmue to work hard enough to con· vince the people of Ondo Slale. or any other state in which tt would contest. an eleclton, that It can 41ways do better.
NUC blames rot in varsities on state governors BYO (!MOLA AKi N YEMI LOR I N - EXECU·
I TIVE Seaetary of Nabonal Uruvemties Com· minton, NUC. Professor J ulius Okojie. has Mid the curr@nt challenges con· fronting terbaryeducation in the countly Vo"en! a re.ull ot the poor rundmg of state WlM!DbeI by illite ".,.."....
'"There IS lack 01 mtegnty to the system." he sald, addmg thlIt the issue of part.time pmgramme was a fflaIOr dlstntctJoIt to the
')'1m>. The NUC scribe. who noted that then!: was need for capeaty blllkhng in the
educaboMl system to M· courage r6earch, eJ:· pressed concern that 60
"'""""""" teom-
ing staff were WIthout Pb.LO Okopeabo .... _
should be done on tutherto negl«.ted trlIdJttonaJ oaror 'bt Iood' bk.e red yam. fjebu snake ~ns, yam from stem, wgetftbles. ani· mals such as bush rats and A!nc:an gw1t rabbit. stress· mg that reseo:ud1 should IlDt only be focused on cassava and"""",-
Speaking on the second day of Univemty of Donn convocation, yesterday,
Nigerian tech volunteers arrive Sierra Leone
enworunent in pubbc in· stituUons had been ad· judged better than pnvate
1 ~ sent 19Thduual1Aid
PrnI.Okope ..... _
tern. He s8.ld the system had endeared Nigerians to the party, eY~ as he eJ:platned that when medione is good for you. you don't throw it away "We will conlmue WIth zoning," he added
He Sllld "With 50 much mfIuenceof gcMnlOfS. they would want to mG\~ state WUYftStbe. to thar hometown or the vice ch&ncd. lor's. They won't dlSdose
the number of students, while some governors would say they can't fund the instittJticq if they don't know the number 01 stu· dents the vc bas
last Fnday,
Corps. TAC, volunteers, in· c1uding teachers, mental
heolth."..,..- _
nurses, medtcallaborntory scentists, among other tectuucal stalf, to help the Stena Leone g~ent develop techrtlcaI areas - . " , the TAC vol· unteers at the Nlgenan High Comnuaion at Hill Stabon 10 Freetown, the Nigerian Htgh Comnus· SIOflef to StemI Leone. Mr.
Eyo Asuquo laid the vol· unteers would help strengthen the bllalera.i ~ labonltup be:weren SJeI'R Leone and Nig<na and will further tmde Nigena to the
He S4ld N"19ena sees SI' erra Leone as Its fin1 SIS· ler country and will do all 10 III capacity to contribute to the country's devel· opment, dttng the de· ployment of the TAC vol· unteer'll alone of luch contribUUons