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Don tasks engineers on building C BY tAlA T H OMAS H E Vice Chancellor,

T University of lAgos, Professor Adclokunbo

Babatunde Shofoluwe, has challenged Ibe Nigerian Society at Engineers,NSE, to initiate Ideas thai will reduce



problems being faced by the staff of the univemty.The "'-ce ChancdJorstatedthlswhm the NSE, L!gos branch emcutive visited him to thank h.irn for glVlng the Society II piece of land to buUd illl secretariaL Professor Shofoluwe, who said UNtLAG ~I be

celebrating her 50


anniversaryin 20 L2. satidted

the collaboro1.tion of th e Nigerian Socieryd. Eoginem: In the dfeM of building residenti;,d houses IOf 1l4ff within thccampus and guest h.ooses Ic..visiting pUlfeuors. According to him. ''one of the challenges on campus is accommodation for members of staff and visiitng profeuol$. Yk all knowwhll.l Lagos Is In terms of "ccommodll.tion. I ezpecl your Society, being II reputable professional body in the building indusny, 10 come up with propcrs:al on building project. The university is ready to partner with yow associ4tioo on this


project so thai out st4ff and guestscanbavedecarthouses to liveon C4fDpuS. Even your society will make more mmey through this scheme,". The Chairman of Lagos branch of the Society, Engt OlatundeJaiyesimi, SaId the sodetywassetup toadvan~ the practice of engineering in the COWltry, ''We. 5ee part 01 our objectives being IultiUed h~ ~ a prOfessionlll body, wewanl tocontinuetopaltner with UNn..AG. because most of our me~bers In Lagos practi~in thlsuniversity, We are also using this medium 10 appeal to the Vice Chancellor lor Jobs for our members, he said N

LIM ATE ada ptation offers competitive advantages to busine:;ses worldwide, This was contained in a report on Adapting tor a G reen Economy: Companies, CollUIlwUties and Climate Ctange,joint.lyreleasedl4St week by the UN' Global ,S:ompact, th e UN Environll!ent Programme (UNEPJ, Odam and the WKld Resources Institute. In response to a SUIVey of global bu~tne':sse$, 86 percent described responding to cUmate risks or investing In adaptation il$ d buslne:ss oppoflUnity路 "Bw:loess can only thrive in stable aod enabling environmenlS," said Georg KdI. Executive Director oJ the

Climate adaptation offers competit.ive advantage -Study UN G lobal C ompact. "Climate adaptatiOQ offers a pathway $0 h elp communities that ale dlready feeling the devastating tmpact s 01 climate change, At the same lime, it creates a wealth of new opportunities for the private sector." Drawing on the re!i'Ults of a 20 lOawvey among companies eng8ged In Caring lor Climate, the loint climate action p18t:fonn of the UN Global Compact and UNEP, the study makes the business cuefor private $ector adaptadon to climate changeinwaysthalbuildtbe

resilience of vuln erable In deveiollU19 coWlIlies. Already, bumtesses worldwide are beginning to see the risks and economic impact:o; at. mme frequent and intensestOlTllS, water scarcity, declining agricultural productivity and poor health. Achim Steiner; UN Under路 SecretalyGene:ralllJld UNEP Executive ~ s.<Iid: "\-"'e live in a world where extreme weoJ\herevmtsononeddycan movefoodandfuel pnces the next. Impacting vulnerable and poor communities and a company'ssupplychain.


Osita sues for peace 8VKINGSLEY ADEG80YE NSPITE 01 his ~ulsion trom his professional body, the Nigerian Inrntution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV), Mr, Olwli cmta, a fellow of the in$titution and former national publicity 5eQ"etaJy 01 the professional body has noted th;J.1 h e u $!ill IuUy committed and dediC4ted to the: institution whida b e wanbiseegrowtromstrength tostrength. Mr. 05it4 \OIho ro.ule this known at a preu briefing in Lagos IdSl week a.dded that .u d man of peace, h e believes lhat peace, if truly embraced by everybody involved in tbeseveral case!; pending in courts between him and the lea.den:hip 01 NIESV, the profes.sioo of estate surveying dnd valuation to lhecoWlOYwill bebettu fOl It. Acc:ording 10 him, "there is need lor everybody involved in (:45e5 before coutU between me and the leadership 01 NIESV to $Incuely embra~ peace $0 thai the prolasion can move forward and .uswne its nghtful place locally and Internationally, The crisis rocking theinstirutiOll in the past fewYeaBhas atlected a lac of things particularly in the acea of international affiliatiaru; to relevant professional organiz.ations. However. becaUlle I am still very commined to my pl'ofC!;Sionai body, that is wby I am caJ..ling foc peace as the only way forward for the iru;titution. In his reaction. NIESV's pre!i'ident, Mr. Bode Adediji s&d Ius office is open as a God learing fellow to everybody that want!; to !mbtace peace becaUlle he is alW8YS on the side of


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