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It-.Y.anguard,. WEDNESDA"(.JUNE 29. 201 1

NEWS Plateau govt spends N695m on security .lyTAYE OBAnRU OS- THE Plateau State Government bas said it spent~ N69S million on security last year as a result of the crisis in the state. Permane nt Secretary, MioisUy of Finance, Mr. Davou Mang, dis closed thb; wblle giving the budget brealahnm for the year. Governor Jonah J ang s igned the 2011 Appropri. ation Bill of N86.5 bUlion e arlier passed by the State HouseolAssembly into law last week.. According to him, "The recent crisis that engu lfed the state bas led to tbe di\'ersion of resources to tbe maintenance of peace and security. The crisis a lso af· fected thege.oeliltion of revenue with the Jos·Bukuru metropolis." He said notwith5tanding the security challenges; the state government was de· tennined Lo fulfill its proro· ise to deliver democracy gains to the peo ple.


2 cOpS held over robbery in YoIa - -

Abubakar 11mob, MD/CEO of Anoela'ed Discount House iilld bls tl'lfe Shade (middle)

flanked hy ExecuU"e membel'S of ADH fro" lelt: Toye anlughes,u"

By UMAIl YUSUF OLA- A police 10 spector and a corporill (names withbe ld) 111lached to the Adamawa Police Command , bave been anested for armed robbery. The arrest of the policemen followe,d a robbery attack on Monday at an NNPC mega stalion on Army Barrack Road in Yoia, during wh ich a police constable was killed. Adamawa S tate Police Command spokesperson, Alline Daniel, said, yesterday, that the arrested poUcemen and the late police were on duty at the mega station when the robbers attacked. Daniellarnented tha t the Inspector and the Corporal had taken an excuse from the constable and lelt their two AK 47 rines witb the constable on the pretext that we re going to buy sachetwateL ~ Not quite t ..... o to three minutes alter the departure of the Inspector a nd tbe Corpo ral , the bandits Slruck killing the abandoned ronstable !lnd carting away the two AI< 47 riOes." The PRO noted thai the two detllined officers were to be cbarged 10 court lor disobedience to lawful or-


nhu Akinlolii,

FlsiiTO O/ow. lIlJd Joseph a~e.e ., 'be MO 's love.sllllU'l! ilS .Iellow

of Charlered In sUlul e


Bamers of NIgeria In Lagos.


Group pushes for transparency In governance T AGOS-A socio-po .l..titical pressure group, the Patriots' Forum, bas ~ stated its commitment to the e nthronement oftnlnspatency and Ilccounta bility in governance. The con~ner of the foruro , Mr. Feml Adeoya, who said th is in Lagos, noled that. MNlgerians botb bome and a broad lire united by the passion to demand accounlability from Its leaders, a nd are d'ete rmined to see that sodalllls are investigllled, appropri. lite action taken against vinlators, and victims provided witb effective reme· di es and reparation.-Change Clln not happen by mere expressions of resentment and antagonism Ilga.inst th e system, but by l<1-king concrete and decisive steps Lo walk our talk and engage the establishment appropriately.• Meanwhile, Mrs. Victoria Ibezim·O baeri, a buman rigbts lawye r and the protem Secretary of the Forum, lisle d the objectives of tbe forum , to Include · upholding and d efending the Constitution of the F~em1 Republic of Ni· geria a nd other la ws in th e federation, promoting the demands for visionary and responsible leadersbip for the country founded of the prindples 01 integrity, dilIgence and the rule of law'-

~~~~~~~~~!;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~::~~::~~::~::::~~I ders and Uaproperconduct.

Minimum wage: It's fight to finish, says labour By VICTOR AJUUMAYOUNG ' UADUNA-NA1l0N ~ Union of Textile, Ga rm ent and Tailoring Workers o f Nigeria, NUT· GTWN, h as slli d labour will battle governors and other employers wbo refuse to pay the NtB,OOO new minimum wage to submission. General Secretary of th e un ion, Com r ade Issa Aremu, said the call b y the Nigeria Gove rnors' Fo· ru m, NGF, fo r the removal 01 subsidy o n petroleum products as a precondition fnr the Implementation of th e Minimum Wage Act bad taken the nation back to the era of military d ictatorship. Memu, who is also Via Pres ident of NLC, in a statement, titled -No· to policy dlctatorsbJp by governors," said: 'Tbe goftf'-

no rs und e r th e aegis of NGF s houJd face up to the cballenge 01 governance whicb the new minimum

wage poses fn their respective s tates instead of arm· twisting a newly-elected President to pursue unpop-

ular policies capable of pro m oUng instant mass disaffection."

Don to FG: Give priority to science & tech ByDEMOlA AXINYEMI LORIN- FORMER I Chairman, Assocla !Jon of African Universities,MU, and Vice-Chan· cellor; University of Dorin, Professor lshaq Oloyede, hilS advised the incoming cabinet of President Good· luck Jonathan, to make d evelopment and inn ovations in sdence aDd tech· nology its priority. Tbe Vice-C bancellor spoke a t tbe opening cere-mony o f lst Joint International Conference of the Um-mty end Cape Pm·

insula University of Thc:h nology, South Afr ica in. 1I0rin. Pro f. O loyede, represented by the DcputyViceCbancellor (Academics), Luke Ayorinde, said the theme of the conference; "Tecbnology, Inoovation and Sustainabie Develop. ment-, was appropriate because it was re levant as a way forward to the problems of the underdeveloped counlIies. His words, '" must commend the organisers of the international conference from the cboice of tbe theme which I considered

very apt , appropriate, relevant and timely colllliidering the level of poverty, sufferings, bad govemllnce, hunger, strive, war, underd evelo pment, diseases , natural and man·made dl sasters and other unpleasan t b appenings pervading our dear continent. Alrica' . " It is important, therefore, Ibal all hands musl Dot only be on deck but be busy 0 0 'deck U these vices are to reduced." Oloyede added th at tecbnology iLOd innovaUons W~ key to successful sustainable development.·

Jigawa . allocates fertilisers to fanners . By TINA AKANNAM UTSE - J I GAWA D State Government has said will a llocate It

t 1,880 melIic tons of ferti liser to farmen; io tbe 27 local government areas of the s tate, to boost agricu lture in the state. The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Albaji Muhammad Idlis Danzomo, the decision to release the fertilisers was part of govern· ment's d etermination to revamp the agricultural seclor. Oamomo listed Buji, Birnin-Kudu, Gwaram, Kiyawa, Du Lse, Thura, Kalin Hausa a.nd Auyo as the eigbt local government area that bad been s upplied 396 with trucks to boost lanning.

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