20 - Vanguard. MONDAY, OCTOBER 29,20' 2
Federal, State Govts are committed to agric transformation -Programme Manager he Agricultural Transformation Agenda lATA) hlll all the potential 01 transforming Ihe agncullure sector gIVen
the federal and state governments' commitment to the success of the
Mr Samuel
th~ system, whlch WM part of the Growth Enhancem~nl Support (GES) sch~me, sulfered some setbacks They Included the inability of some deSIgnated agrodealers 10 supply fertlhser due to theu Inability to access credit from commercial
Manager. Plateau Agncullural Development Programme (PADPI saId this In an mtelVlew WIth the Nf!w&
Agency of Nigeno (NAN) in Jos Dung SBld. "'Then· is no doubt tMllht> unplementabon
many challenges 10 the pllot --rnese challenges are bemg revIewed with the 111m of ImproYlrtg the Implementation In 2013 lIOd beyond so that farmers can redeem their fertiliser and other Inputs promptly
He tdenUtied the
challenges to Include .kephel,m. leading to some d~Tee 01 TeslstoftnCe to the n~w f~rtlhs~r dlstnbutlon mechanum through an electrOniC system known lIS ' E·waU~1' lIeexpll.llned that
setback suffered by the ATA was flooding that ravaged parts of the state, espeCially III thl" SouthE'rn S~natoTlal zone thi'lt destro),l"d crops, killed thousands 01 ilvl"stock, damaged farmlands, road~ lind bridges ~
laoltty from commeroal banks to supply the lerliluer as envuaged You will recaU that PlatNiu flllgged off the sale of fertiliser In Jun~ 2012, but larmers only started getllng the product In late August 2012 when farming season was almost over Another
Smaller enterprises grow economies faster - World Bank BY PROVIDENCE 08UII
01 the ATA was faced with
banks and the fact that some humeri could not afford mobUe phones and network problems, among others "Agro-dealert' inability to proVIde farmers With fertllisM under the GES on bme was yet another problem, as they could not easily access credit
maller enlerpnses In the developing world have greater scope to grow economie.5 faster, thus, proVIding beller investments than a larger company, says World Bank report . The report contained III the World Development Report fWDRI 2013, released by the World Bank, sta ted lhat In some cases, nllcro· enterpnses prOVide 10 limes the return on investmentlhan
their larger counterparts In thl" ~merglng world The WDR which focused more on the d~l':lopment 01 Jobs With smaller enterpnses, states. "poverty fall. as peopll': wptk tht!1r way oul 01 hardship and as Jobs empower womf':n to mvest more III t h('1f children EffiCiency IIICtl"aSes as workers get better at what th~ do, lIS more productl1l'e Jobs appear, and as less productive ones disappear Soct~es 80umh as JObs loster diversity and prOVide altemall\'csto connlct."
than 100 poorest cOlJlllnes 01 Ihe world. while It found Ihlll larger I':nlerpnses are more likely 10 develop new produch. Increase f"lIIployment opportunilles, creatl" hlghN wages, and foster expolU "That', gr~at lor the bUSiness commullIly but Investors may do w('11 to seek out smaller ("ompanlrs Smaller enterpnseJ; outpt"rformed 20 JW"f ("f"nt 01 Ihe larger ("ompame>s III terms of r('turn on mVMtmf"nl by a factor of 10
WDR noted that pll"nty of small comparues slay smaU. no maliN where thl"Y operate In the world, hencl':. the hope for growth lS what keeps many of Ihrm In bUSiness Descnblllg what the WDR calls reluctant entrepreneurs. tI stated thai the olily way small enterprues would grow Into muibnllllonal concerns lS by gelllllg bigger and bigger "Oftell, thiS necessitates capital IIIvestment ThiS IS whallmpact Investors " However, the WOR looked at 54,000 enterpnses In more
FOR 24 MONTHS Wrth just 2tN Down P.ym!!nt YDU elln Dwn II NISSAN URVAN and PlY Ine balance over a surlithle period of trme al ~ IIIlensl lor 12124 fIlonths M1d o"ly
9' irrtm'wst mr 36 months tenor
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