VanguardrMONDAY. JANUARY30,2012-
Join the Nordica Team possess BIchIIof cI lIbcnIory SoInce (B MLSj willi bias "
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VACA~CY! VACANCY!! VACANCYt!!! A soMt minef. 1I 'lWlIng company based 10 !he Northern pan or Edo Stale. Nigeria requ SUlldb 'I quaJified candidates in the fo/kIoMng fields for immediate employment.
GeolOVists and Mining Engineers with: • An H N D ho6d8f in Geotogy 01' Mining Eng;neenng • With 8 mmrmum oI5yecnworil ell:petience in !he mining II"IduStry 2
AccO-utll ants,lnlemal Control Staff and Admin omc.r• . • AbachelordegreeorH N 0 InSdenceAccounlJng • AddrtionaI QuallflcatlOnv.1l be an added advantage
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CURRICULUM V1TAE witb .dive telephone numbers 01 suitably qualified candidates 5hould be forwarded til .I.rltd ~ro'ketmail .com within two week! of this publication.
Nigerians need fortified food -Food expert ood expert, Dr Kenny cholonu, has disclosed that food foru6catioD, which adds essential vitamins and minerals to foods, is an important s trat egy to figbt malnutrition. Acholonu, Cblef Executive, Bio·Organics Nutnent Systems limited, who made this disclosure at a forum organize d by his company In Lagos recently, called lor a national campaign to ~e t farmers to use bto-fortification to increase the nutritional value o f harvests Acholonu said there Is growing Interest in the role agriculture should play in im proving nu tritiona l quality 01 food produced . He explained that 810fortification is a method of breedin9 crops to mcrease their nutnl10naJ value. "Through btofortJ..fJcallon, lanners can adopt selective breeding of plants fortified With hlgh-unc content, which bas an inherent quahty to control abnormalities such as stunting, poor immune response and pregnancy comphcatlons Across the country, he noted that, women, mcn and children lack
adequate amounts of vital micronutrients In thetr diets, resulting In slow learning, reduced producltVlty and deaths from dlSeases . To add ress thiS, he said h1S company IS working with food processors, to ensure that their food IS fortified with low-cost, life-saving vitarruns and minerals H e said fortified locally produced food crops could significanUy Imp rove nutr illon lor people who eat these foods dally The Executive Director, Food Basket Foundation International, Prof Laolu Ak inyeJe, said to control mlcronutnent deficiency and anaemia. it requires Vltamm and m t n era I supp':lementation, food fortification and dietary diverslhcahon _ Smce 2002, he said Nigeria has bemg championing food forllfical1on He said hunger has enormous coos':9uences, not only to UldlV1duals, but also to society through reduced economic productJvlty Akmyele called on the government to help secure regulatory approvals and pursue production and dlStnbulton plans lor
fortified foods AkIDyete said ImproVIng the nutrition of staple crops has the potential to change the lives of many Nigenans . H e satd Nigeria will see the returns on its food fortification IOvestment in increased productivity 10 t he labour market, decrease tn health care COstl. AJonye1e scud fortifytnQ foods with "key mlcronutrlents, includtng vitamin A. will have the most unpact for those who are most vulnerable. H e commended BIOO rg amcl Nutrient Sys t ems Ltmited for promoting the use of nutrients, nunerals, and mlcro-nulnents in mass production of foods. adding that the effort has red uced nutritional defioenoes He called for approaches for direct nut 11 t ion -s peci fic mterventlons (NSIsJ, and developments to reduce and counteract the devastatIng effects 01 under-nutntion speclhcally by promottng agnculture and food 1m prove the avaliability, access 10 and consumption of nutritious foods
IITA to backstop Nigeria's national cocoa transformation initiative
ITA wtll be providmg Vital support to Nigeria's cocoa lransformallon cHorts, as the covntry embarks on doubhng produclton of the crop in the next few
SpeCifically, the institute plans to help the country in the
development of IlIgh quality and clean planUng matenals uslll9 Improved breeding techntques . I n the actton plan presented to the members of the Cocoa TIansformalion Agenda in ItTA- lbadan, TlTA Intend s to deploy
Business Guide
Mar. el~'"
An integrated FarmlFactory In Delta State requires the services of DedIcated and Passionate Professionals to til the followlflg VIlC8llCleS
Food Technok)gisl BSclHNO, male! Female. With food pr0ce5SIf'lg expenence to difeclly SUperVIse a 20 IonIday cassava processing factory (gam sachets. Fufu and Cassava Flour). To be based 11'1 the Factory In Delta State
2 Veternary OoctOfI An+ma! SpedallSt- First Degree. must be experienced in PI9Q8IY. Pouttry and 8ntmal breading and fannlllg Kindly
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~h;ttngl@:gm ....!J£2m Wlthln two weeks of this advert.. Only shortItsled canc:bdates wiI be cootac111td
a d van c e d mlcropropagation techruques for rapid and hi~h rabo propagation of tmproved cocoa. The obJeclive IS 10 produce clean and disease-tree cocoa trees With high yteld that Will unprove the mcomes of cocoa farmers and ensure envllonmentai and sooal sustatnabtltty 01 cocoa-based production systems The technology, which 11 currently being applied 10 Cote d'ivoue, has helped that country in rehablhtattn9 Its cocoa farms , making II the world's largest producer Although Nigeria accounts lor about 5 percent of the world 's cocoa production, the government's eHorlS to Increase produclton are bemg hamperf!d by old and unproduclive cocoa trees, poor tnfrastructure, pests, diseases, low fa r mer educallon, and Inadequate supply of farm Inputs, among olhers