Special issue: Akinwumi Adesina’s visit to IITA, Abuja, Nigeria - October 2016

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No. 2347

3–7 October 2016


Special issue: Akinwumi Adesina’s visit to IITA, Abuja, Nigeria

IITA Nigeria (Abuja) hosts AfDB President


o see how IITA is assisting the Nigerian youth engaged in the IITA Youth Agripreneurs (IYA) scheme to generate novel businesses from agriculture, the President of the African Development Bank (AfDB) and former Principal Economist at IITA, Akinwumi Adesina, paid his first official visit as President of the Bank to IITA’s Station in Abuja on 27 September.


desina also came for discussions on the implementation of the Empowering Noble Agri-Business Led Employment (ENABLE Youth) project of the AfDB in the country. IITA, together

DG Nteranya Sanginga and the Agripreneurs welcome AfDB President Akinwumi Adesina to IITA’s Abuja Station.

with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, will implement the ENABLE project with a US$300 million grant from the Bank and will see the creation of 1000 youth entrepreneurs in agribusiness in each of the 36 states, with an expected additional 185,000 jobs created.

A smiling AfDB President being welcomed with flowers by Glory Paul, the daughter of an IITA staff member.

Adesina was accompanied by a 36-person delegation of the Bank comprising Kapil Kapoor - Acting Vice President, Sector Operations; Stephen Nalletawby - VP Infrastructure; Ag Director Sunita Pitember – Director, Social Development; Ismaila Dieng - Director of Communication; Lamin

Barrow - Manager, Office of the President; Ag VP Janvier Litse - VP Regional Operations; Ousmane Dore Country Director, Nigeria; Jacob Mukete - Former Director, Governance; VP and Chief Economist Celestine Monga; VP Human Resources Alberic Kacou; Director of Agriculture Department Chiji Ojukwu; Executive Director AfDB Nigeria Bright Okogu, and Country Director Nigeria, Chief of Staff Sipho Moyo, among others. A former ambassador to The Netherlands also represented Nigeria’s President Muhammed Buhari.

A group photo in front of the new Agripreneur building in IITA’s Abuja Station.


Welcome to Abuja! Gbassey Tarawali, Head of station and leader of an ongoing IITA-led AfDBfunded project ATASP 1 (Agricultural Transformation Agenda Support program) welcomed the dignitaries. Going down memory lane, Tarawali shared moments through which the actions and goodwill of the AfDB President had brought some positive Gbassey Tarawali, Head of the Abuja Station, welcomes the AfDB delegation and guests. energy to the station. “On 8 October 2006 Adesina, together with Bill and Melinda Gates visited the station, and since then so much transformation has been made… as the former Minister of Agriculture of Nigeria, Adesina, laid the foundation

stone for the youth training center in Abuja. Today, the center is almost ready and will be replicated in all the states of the federation including the FCT under the ENABLE Youth program in which 37,000 youths will

be trained. Thank you for adding value to the effort of the IITA DG Nteranya Sanginga by allowing the ATASP coordination office to be housed in Abuja; that has made a lot of difference,” Tarawali said.

Dr Akin Adesina of AfDB “comes home” to IITA’s Abuja Station.

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The story from the perspective of the IITA Youth Agripreneurs


ll over developing nations, stories continue to spring up almost on a daily basis relating to how and why the majority of their energetic youth remain unemployed and without sustainable sources of income. But that is not the case for the members of the IITA Youth Agripreneurs (IYA) who have been “saved”, reoriented, mentored, and soon to be financially empowered to start off their own chains of independent businesses in agriculture. The initiative is currently being implemented in five locations

From a server to a leader; agriculture made me achieve that Oyindamola Asaaju

in Nigeria (Ibadan, Abuja, Onne, Borno, and Kano) and has gained the approval of governments in 30 other African countries. At the event, some of the youth shared their experiences and reiterated their drive to be the future billionaires that will be created from the business of growing food and livestock. They also advocated for more youth to be given the opportunity to share in the dream so that agriculture will cease to be operated as “business as usual”.

cases is opportunity and I believe that with your (Adesina) unwavering support you can make their dreams come alive.”

I hated agriculture but today it has empowered me Ibironke Ifedayo

Youth Agripreneurs.

project leader, capacity builder, and entrepreneur in the sector? Through IYA I have been able to recognize an opportunity through fish farming to create wealth for myself and also employ others.

IYA revived the businessman and leader in me Festus Okunlola

According to Oyindamola Asaaju, female Agripreneur, she may never have escaped menial employment if Adesina had not charged youth in Ibadan to create a business niche in agriculture. “As a server waiting on tables, serving drinks and food, and cleaning tables in 2013, I was struck and saved by Adesina’s motivational speech to staff when he visited Ibadan in 2014. That speech changed my life and led to the establishment of the IYA scheme. As an Agripreneur, I have honed my skills and today lead a team producing cassava, rice, plantain, and catfish in Rivers State, Nigeria. Yesterday I was a server; today I lead a team of young entrepreneurs. I do not think there is a better way of describing the transformation. The only difference between me and other youth in similar

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An Agripreneur producing catfish, said that even though he never envisaged that he would earn his living from agriculture he has absolutely no regrets being a fish farmer today. “I have experienced unemployment, seeing master’s degree holders working as casual laborers for a measley N460 per day wage. That experience challenged me to join IYA where with my team we have transformed four erstwhile abandoned fish ponds to 17 massive ponds with a capacity of 150 tons of catfish. Who would have thought that I, who didn’t like agriculture, am now a

“The IYA built the entrepreneurial spirit in me, leading me to identify a goldmine in the tomato value chain. With the training I have received I can confidently grow this business and also employ other young people, said Festus Okunlola. Advocating for the President to fast track the implementation of the ENABLE Youth activity in Nigeria, Okunlola said “If the ENABLE Youth project had been signed in Nigeria, people like me would have been employers of labor by now.”

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Women can be good entrepreneurs if they are properly mobilized

knowledge I acquired from the youth-in agribusiness scheme of IITA to establish an oil cottage industry of my dream where I process groundnut and soybean oil. For me, this shows that women too can make money from agriculture if properly mobilized.”

Mercy Haruna Wakawa

IYA will champion AfDB’s cause of Africa feeding Africa Zaccheus Izuwa

From Borno was a beneficiary of the capacity building and training program of IYA about two years ago in Borno State, Nigeria. Wakawa shared how her experience has helped her grow the business of her dreams. “As a graduate of Food Technology, I am happy that I have been able to use the

Zaccheus Izuwa spoke for the Agripreneurs from the five operating sites in the country who attended the event. He hailed Adesina as a champion of the cause of eradicating food insecurity, hunger, and poverty in Africa and reiterated the preparedness of IYA to commence independent agribusinesses. “IYA has put on their caps of passion for agribusiness, fully kitted with experience and training across the agricultural value chains to embrace the challenge of food insecurity in Africa. We will fight and win the victory as champions that we are. We are missionaries of agribusiness preaching the gospel that farming is cool after all. We are not afraid; neither are we confused because we are a testament that with proper training, such as we have received from IITA, youth without prior exposure to agriculture can be gainfully engaged in the sector.”

AfDB delegates respond to the youth


peaking at the event, Chiji Ojukwu said the Feed Africa strategy of the Bank, under which the flagship of ENABLE youth is domiciled, will support young people in Nigeria and 31 other African countries. He also pledged his unwavering support to the cause of the Agripreneurs. “With the approval of the Feed Africa agenda of the Bank by its Board of Trustees, young farmers in Nigeria and 31 other countries will be empowered so IYA is on the right trajectory to take the dream of young farmers across sub-Saharan Africa; we are on course and together we will conquer,” he said. Okogu, on his part, assured the youth that the work started by the AfDB will not stop until it is completed.

Director of Agriculture Department Chiji Ojukwu.

Executive Director, AfDB Nigeria, Bright Okogu.

“We will discuss how to scale up what IYA has on ground when we get back to Abidjan,” he said and called on the private sector and venture capitalists to key into the initiative so that more ground can be covered.

“What these budding young entrepreneurs need is about US$137,000 thousand to meet the food demands of all the Nigerian states. Support them as much as you can,” he pleaded.


IITA 50th Anniversary Kick-off Event: Lecture by IFAD President Kanayo Nwanze, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 19 October. First Regional Cocoa Symposium, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 8–10 November. More details available here.

Marketplace Event, Humidtropics, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 15–17 November. P4D (Partnerships for Delivery) Week, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 21–25 November.

7th International Nitrogen Initiative Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 4–8 December. More details available here.

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Africa’s future is bright because of IYA - Adesina


being a way of life to a business. If we do nothing, Africa’s food import will rise from today’s US$35 billion to US$110 billion by 2025.

desina expressed optimism that Africa will indeed soon begin to feed itself because of creative entrepreneurs like the IYA. According to him, the drive with which the youth are fashioning business ideas from the sector makes him see a new Africa. The President recognized the visionary leadership of DG Sanginga and noted that the progress of the IYA and IITA is a result of the DG’s pragmatic style of leadership. “I am delighted to see the IYA and every time I see you I get a new drive, vibe, and energy and it assures me that the future is bright for Nigeria and Africa because of you. Listening to IYA has convinced me that Africa has truly embraced agriculture as a business and you (IYA) are the icons of agribusiness today and will be the millionaires and billionaires from agriculture tomorrow. I am very encouraged, because I see a better future, a new kind of Africa, a new kind of youth coming up that are going

AfDB President Akinwunmi Adesina commend DG Nteranya Sanginga for his leadership.

The President identified access to finance as the greatest hurdle that African youth face in their quest to grow their businesses and assured the support of the AfDB to ensure that young people experience a smooth business sail. AfDB President Akinwunmi Adesina.

to take Africa out of the misery of being unable to feed itself. I see a new dynamism that will allow Africa to develop with pride.” Adesina bemoaned the dependence of Africa on imported food, spending US$35 billion yearly on food importation. “What this means is that we are making others richer and impoverishing ourselves, exporting jobs elsewhere, our rural areas are becoming decimated, making billionaires elsewhere and creating poverty back at home.”

“To support Nigerian youth, the Bank has launched ENABLE Youth and is delighted to implement the project with IITA and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture in Nigeria. The focus is to directly support 37,000 businesses and each one having 35 people under them can create about 180,000 jobs…this will greatly reduce unemployment prevalent in Nigeria today. The Bank will also provide finance for youth beneficiaries to run their businesses, set up a business incubation support and access to finance for young people, and enable financial institutions so that young people can access the funds that they need to grow their businesses.”

The President charged African youth to He called on a concerted and collective arise and be counted at this auspicious will to rise up to the challenge and moment when the Bank is trying to help put to best use Africa’s greatest potential. “Africa feed itself”. He expressed hope that “The biggest business in the world is the by the next time he visits Nigeria he will walk food business and agriculture is the biggest into the businesses of the Agripreneurs and potential that Africa has but we have to see that the ideas that were incubated at change our mindset about agriculture from IITA are helping the continent.

IITA’s work and progress on display


he communication team together with the Agripreneurs and different projects of the Institute based in Abuja showcased outputs of ongoing research as well as value-added products derived from the mandate crops of the Institute. The visitors were led by DG Sanginga to the different exhibition stands where they not only looked at publications but also had a taste of the food products on display.

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Top: The communication team shares a historic moment with the DG. Bottom: AfDB President Akinwunmi Adesina visits exhibition stands.

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Sowing a legacy


major input being injected into the youth program in Abuja is sustainable farming systems. The focus is to ensure that the agroecology of the location is maintained. To promote this goal, President Adesina of AfDB, DG Sanginga, and the IYA planted three trees to commemorate the visit of the AfDB principal officers to the station.

Tamarindus indica (Tamarind tree) -

Planted by President Adesina

Gambeya cainito (White Star Apple) Planted by DG Sanginga

The tamarind tree is a leguminous and evergreen tree which is common all over the tropics. Unfortunately, deforestation and exploitation for wood and charcoal is resulting in its degradation in the forest. Tamarindus indica is the only species in the genus, and very frequently it is seen in many African villages where it is planted or protected for shade and food. Its fruit has some sticky pulp rich in sugar and tartaric acid. It is a major source of vital nutrients and vitamins.

income to rural farmers from the sale of its fruit. A tree can produce over 4 tons per annum at maturity.

Artocarpus heterophyllum (Jackfruit) - Planted by Agada Theresa Ene (Agripreneur) The jackfruit is a very important fruit tree and a major component of many gardens in Asia. Fruit produced have

Gambeya cainito, the tropical star apple tree is native to the warmer parts of Africa, Asia, the Americas with samples in Hawaii and even North Australia. It is a close relative of our famous West African Star Apple Gambeya albidum (Agbalumo – Yor). It is a large tree, with golden, shiny leaves, making this tree one of the most beautiful trees in the tropics. Its fruit is very sweet and delicious. In the garden, or within compound farm systems, where they are commonly planted, this tree can provide additional

very high commercial value, as it is well known for the production of commercial fruit juices. In addition to this, the fruit flesh is eaten fresh, fried with flour or mixed with dough. Its leaves can also be fed to livestock.

Support the IITA Youth Agripreneurs, DG Sanginga pleads


he Director General of IITA, Nteranya Sanginga has stated that the IITA Youth Agripreneurs have brought dynamic change in the history of the Institute. DG Sanginga who said this during an interactive session with IITA staff in Abuja on 28 September said that through the support of IITA to the youth-in-agribusiness program and the unrelenting efforts of the youth, IYA has gained worldwide recognition which has placed the institution in a better place among its peers. DG Sanginga stated that following the presentations and experiences shared by the youth during the visit of the President of the African Development Bank Akinwumi Adesina to IITA’s Abuja

African Development Bank to Abidjan to present their case and enlighten the board of the Bank on the IITA Youth Agripreneurs model.

DG Sanginga

Station on 27 September, there have been lots of investors both from the public and private sectors who have indicated their interest in partnering with IITA on the youth-in-agribusiness component. He said following the presentation, 10 Agripreneurs have been invited by the

DG Sanginga also said that the cabinet members of AfDB who visited the station with Adesina commended IITA for championing the cause of the African youth and threading their path towards a profitable sector. He however called on the staff and the IITA community to support the youth especially in the forthcoming ENABLE Youth Program. He added that the program which started without a definite road map has been adopted by 31 countries in the continent.

Got a story to share? Please email it with photos and captions every Wednesday to Katherine Lopez (k.lopez@cgiar.org), Jeffrey T. Oliver (j.oliver@cgiar.org), Catherine Njuguna (c.njuguna@cgiar.org), or Adaobi Umeokoro (a.umeokoro@cgiar.org).

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