Braima James, John Yaninek, Ambe Tumanteh, Norbert Maroya, Alfred Dixon, Rasaq Salawu , Joseph Kwarteng
ISBN 978-131-1 73-8 Printed in Nipria by Wordsmithes Printers, lagos
Starting a Cassava Farm IPM Field Guide for Extension Agents
Braima James Intemational Institute of Trop ical Agriculture, Plant Health Management Division, Cotonou, Benin
JohnYaninek Intemational Institute of Tropical Agrkulture. Plant Heakh Manage ment Division, Cotonou, Benin
Ambe Tumanteh Institut de Recherche Agronom ique et du Developpement. Ekena, Cameroon
Norbert Maroya Institut Natio nal des Recherches Agricoles du Benin. Niaou li, Beni n
Rasaq Salawu Ogun State Agricultural Development Project, Ogun State, Abcokuta. Nige ria
Alfred Dixon International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Crop Improvement Divisio n. Ibaclan, Nigeria
Joseph A. Kwarteng Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast. Ghana
What are the objectives of this guide! ----------------------------------- 4 Introd ucd 0 n ---------.----------------------------------------------------------- -4
How do I select a good site for plano ng cassaval ---------------------------- 6 How do I improve the soil for planting cassaval--------------------------- 8 How do I select the best cassava varieties to pland ---------------------- 10
How do I select healthy cassava stem cuttings! ----------------------------- 12 How do I best plant cassava! -------------------------------------------------- 16 Summary --------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
Starting a Cassava Farm
What are the objectives of this guide? Th is field guide has been prepared to help you
to: • select good sites for cassava farms. • improve soils for good cassava growth. • select suitable cassava varieties for planting. and • select. prepare, and plant healthy cassava stem cuttings.
Introduction Cassava is one of the most common food crops grown and consumed in many parts of Africa. The crop grows well in various soil types and ecologies. It can be planted alone or in association with many o ther crops, like
maizc. ground nuts. vegetables. and rice . Growing cassava is not very labor intensive and usually reqUires 75-125 person-days per hectare from land preparation to harvesting. The storage roots can be harvested 9- 18 months after planti ng. Under traditional farming practices, one Can expect between 8 and 15 tonn es of storage roots per hectare of land planted only with cassava. Even under harsh environmental conditio ns cassava will provide some foo<l when o ther crops faiL In most places there is a good market fp~ cassava. The storage roots can be processed into various food products (Figures I and 2), and starch for domestic consUmptIon , local , and/or export markets. Cassava leaves are nutritious vegeubles (Figure 3). The \eaves and storage roots can also be used as animal feed. The stems can be sold as planting material. In order to grow a healthy crop of cassava you will need to combine plant production and plant protection practices. These include site selection, soil improvement. variety and planting materia] selection, and planting and post-planting measures against weeds , pests, and diseases . The companion field guides on "Weed Contro l in Cassava Farms" ,"Pest Control in Cassava Farms", and "Disease Control in Cassava Farms" cover sped fie details of weeds. pests and diseases.
IPM Field Guide
Figure I: Assorted cassava produces
Figure 2: Gori preparation
Figure 3: Good cassava leaf harvest
Starting a Cassava Farm
How do I select a good site for planting cassava? Cassava grows best In areas with deep and well-drained loamy soils. adequate rainfall, and warm and mOist climatic conditions. The factors which gUide you to determine If an area will be sUitable for growmg cassava Include vegetation cover, 5011 texture and fertility. topography of land, and the field history of the area.
Look for an area with thick ve ge tation cover: Sites With dense vegetation cover are likely to have fertile SOils. The dense vegetation shades the 5011 from direct sunlight. reduces the amount of moisture that IS lost from the 5011 through evapor.JtJon. and minimiZes run-off
water which may otherwise cause sod erosion. The dense vegetation also drops a lot of leaves which rot and add nUU"lems to the 5011. In addition. decaying leaves encourage an Increase In me number of earthworms and other small invertebrates In the soil, which In tum help to Increase the air In the SOil and make It better for growing cassava. Look for an area with good soil t e xture: The best SOil for growing cassava IS deep, loamy SOIL Such SOlis are rich 10 nutrients, low In gravel. hold Wilter well. and are easy to work or till. The Wily to tell if the SOil is loamy IS to moisten a small amount of it and try to shape It mto a ball (FIgure 4). If you press the ball and It falls apart, then your SOil is loamy. If it feels gritty and you are not able to shape the moistened SOIl mto a ball, then the soil is sandy. If you shape the soil into a ball. and the soil does not fall apart when pressed. then the SOil contaIns a lot of clay and is a clayey SOIL Sandy and clayey soils are not the most SUitable 50115 for growing cassava.
Look for an a rea with fertile soil: Ferule soils usually have a dark color, for example. dark red or dark brown.The dark color shows that the soil has a lot of organic matter. If the soil looks gray and sometimes containS green or blue spots, It means that there IS poor drainage and waterlogging. Do not grow cassava on SOils that get waterlogged . Look for a n area w ith flat o r ge ntly s loping land: The best fannland for cassava IS flat or gently slopmg. Steep slopes are easily eroded and are therefore not very good areas for growIng cassava.Valleys and depreSSIon areas are also not very SUitable because they usually get waterlogged and do not allow cassava roots to develop well. You may. however. plant early maturmg cassava varleues on mounds or ridges In mland valleys dUring the d ry season. Know th e hi story o f t he site: Informauon such as how the land was preVIously used, and the types of weeds. diseases. and pests In the area. can help you In selectmg a Site for your cassava farm. Such Infonnation can help you to aVOid a Site With prOblems or make good plans for plant protection. Table I can be used to summarize the agronomIc and cassava
Figu re 4: Testmg SOil texture by the "feel" method
, .PM FIeld Gukle
Table I: Site description and history Site description t
Vegetation cover Scanty Dense natunl fallow Dense improved fallow
Pests, diseases, and weeds
-+-Cassava pests in I I I I
I Soil texture
Clayey Soil fertility Poor Good
Cassava diseases in the locality i I Cassava mosaic disease
I [
Hilly/steep slopes
Depression area
I Previous crop Cassava
Yam Sweecpotato Rice Maize
Sorghum Cowpea/legumes Other (specify)
the locality
Cassava green mite Cassava meatybug Variegated grasshopper Spiraling whitefly Cassava root scale Termites White scale insects Vertebrates Other (specify)
Cassava bacterial blight Cassava anthracnose disease Cassava .bud necrosis Root rots Leaf spots Other (specify)
Common weeds in the locality Spear grass I I Bermuda grass I I
I I 1I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
Guinea grass Feathery pennisetum Sedges Siam weed
Giant sensitive weed
Wild poinsettia Tridax Goat weed Parasitic weeds Other (speCify)
For Site description. tick (+) appropriate boxes. For pests, diseASes and weeds. indicate importance of the problem as: + =- not serious ++ =- serious +++ =- very serious
Starting a Cassava Farm How do I improve the soil for planting cassava? If you do not select a good site (or growing cassava you may have to spend 3 lot of time and materials [0 improve the soil. Cassava plants on good soils grow vigorously and are able to withstand some damage by pests and diseases. The following are examples of cultural practkes you can use to improve 5011 properties. M anure yo ur farm : At land preparation, you can add organic manure to the soil to increase
soil nutrients, Improve soil structure. and improve the abilicy of me soil to hold water. Organic manure can be In the form of green manure or other dead plant or 301mal manure. In green manuring. plant foliage (fresh leaves and young green stems) is ploughed Into the soil.
Green manure Improves soil properties as the foliage rots. Egusi melon and leguminous crops. for example. ground nuts and beans. make good green manure. InorganiC fertilizers can also be applied to increase soil fertility. For example. in southeast Nigeria. the recommended rate for NPK application is 400 kg. per hectare of land . P repare suitable seedbeds: Cassava fields on hilly Sites with steep slopes are freque ntly eroded. The erosion will be severe if the leaf canopy of cassava planes is not thick enough to cover the ground against rain splashes This happens In young cassava farms and if the varieties have a tall and less branching habit (Figure 5) . If you cannot aVOid growing cass..lva on steep slopes you can grow cassava varteties With early. low. and much branching habit (Figure 6) to cover the ground quickly and properly against rain erosion. You can also make ridges across the slopes and mulch the rtdges to reduce erosion.
Mulch cassava seedbe ds: Mulching involves covering the soil surface with plant materials. Mulching Improves the fertility of the soil. increases the ability of the soil to hold sufficient water for plant growth. and reduces erosion and weed problems. Mulching cassava seedbeds IS especially valuable when growing cassava In dry areas and on slopes. Mulch ing requires very large amounes of plant foliage. Dead plant foliage can be used as "dead mulch". Sources of good dead mulch are foliage from alley crops. leguminous plants. rice husk. coffee hull and general crop and weed residues. Avoid using weed residues containing weed seeds. rhizomes. stolons. or tubers as mulch because these can Increase weed problems on your farm. Straws of maize and gUinea grass (Figure 7) are bad mulch materials because they take too long to rot and use up soil nitrogen as they do so. You can grow plants as "live mulches". For example. egusl melon (a food crop) planted at very close spaCIng on cassava seedbeds IS a good live mulch. Nonfood crops can also be used as live mulches. but these are normally grown as Improved fallow plants. For example. during fallow penods you can grow Mucuna pru"ens var. UlJlls on land you have selected for growing cassava In the next season (Figure 8). Mucuna pru"ens var. UlJlls IS, however. a fire hazard In the dry season when Its foliage dnes. Plant cassava in association with other crops: Appropriate intercrops improve soil properttes In a manner similar to live mulches. Crops that are commonly intercropped with cassava are maize . rice. legumes. and vegetables. Legumes, for example. cowpea and ground nuts. are a particularly good intercrop because these plants make and release nutrients into the soiL
IPM Field Guide
Figu re 5: Cassava vanet)' with late,
Figu re 6: Cassava variety with early, low, and
high. and less branching habIt
much brandHng habit
Figu re 7: Shoots of guinea grass,
Figure 8: live mulch of Mucuna on fallow land
PanlCum maxImum
Starting a Cassava Farm How do I select the best cassava varieties to plant? The best cassava varieties are those that are liked by consumers. grow fast,glve good Yields. store well in the soil and are tolerant to major pests. and diseases.The particular variety tho· sen by a farmer depends on her/his o bjectives (or planting the crop. and the factors looked for in selecting cassava varieties usually m· dude the fo llowing.
Look for varieties with high dry matter and good food quality: Cassava storage roots consist mainly of water and dry maner. The dry matter is mainly starch and a little bit of fiber. The percentage of dry maner in the roots determ ines the quantity and quality of the products obtained after the roots are processed. Cassava varieties whose storage roots have 30% or mo re dry maner are said to have high dry matter content. Such variet· ies produce good quality products and are profitable fo r growers and market women . look for varieties with good mealiness: Mealiness refers to the cooking ability of cassava storage roots without processing. Meaty variet· ies are commonty called "sweet" cassava whilst non·meaty varieties are called ..bitter" cassava.. Biner cassava requires processing before con· sumption and this is related to the total cyanide content (referred to as cyanogenic potential. CN P) in the storoge roots. The higher the CNP of a variety. the greater the need to process its stOrage roots for safe consumption. If cassava leaves will be eaten, you can also consider the cooking quality of the leaves.
Look for vari e ti es that bulk early: Bulking refers to the swelling of the storage roots as they are filled with stored food. VarietIes that bulk early are better able to offset losses in storage root Yield caused by weed competi. tion . leaf.feedmg pests, and disease than late maturing vanetles . Look (or varieties with good ground storability: Ground storabihty IS the ability of the mature cassava storage roots to stay in the ground for a long time without getting spOIled. Good ground storability prolongs the penod over whICh the crop can be harvested ThiS reduces the duration of postharvest storage problems of fresh roots. Look for varieti es that are tolerant to weeds, pests, and diseases: Some cassava varieties tolerate weeds . pests, and diseases better than others. In select ing a variety to grow, it is advisable to consider how well the vanety can compete with weeds, and resist pests and diseases. For example, if weeds are a problem you can look for adapted varieties which branch early. low. and often (Figure 6). Such varieties are able to develop a lot of branches and leaves quickly to shade the ground and prevent weeds from growing vig· orously and becoming a problem.You can also find out if the variety has other features you may want. Table 2 lists some features of cassava varieties commonly grown in West and Central Africa. Scientists and extension agents can prepare a list similar to Table 2 for the cassava varieties growing in the locality.
RB 89509
"Abasa ftu"
NR 8062
Good Good
Tolerance to CGM
CGM Cassava green mite CMD Cassava mosaic disease CBB Cassava bacterial blltht Source: liTA.INRAB-Benin. MoFA-CSD Ghan .. IRAD-Cameroon. and NRCRI-Nigeria
= =
BEN 86052
Ground stofabUity
Expression of selected features
% dry matter
Yield potential
TMS 4(2)1425
Table 2: Some features of common cassava varieties in West and Central Africa
Tolerance 10
Tolerance to
:n c:
Starting a Cassava Farm How do I select healthy cassava st e m cuttings?
cassava bacterial bl ight, cassava anthracnose d isease. and cassava bud necrosis.
The most common sources of cassava stem
The cassava m ealybug. Phenococcus man;"
planting material are fanners ' own farms. Occas iona lly, cassava stem cuttings are sold at vil lage and town markets. Researchers and extension agents sometimes provide their conta ct farmers with cassava stem cuttings. Many cassava pests and d iseases are stem-borne and spread by d istribution. sale. and planting of infested or diseased stem cuttings. By planting healthy stem cuttings. you can gready reduce the spread and damage caused by these cassava pests and diseases. The follow ing guidelines will assist you to avoid unhealthy stem cuttmgs and to select healthy planting material for a healthy crop of cassava.
hoti. occurs on cassava leaves. shoot tips . petioles , and stems. The mealybugs are covered with wh ite waxy secretions. Cassava mealybug damage symptoms include shortened internode lengths. compression of terminal leaves together into "bunchy tops" (Figure 9). distortion of stem portions. defoliation . and "candlestick" appearance of shoot tip. The insects survive on cassava stems and leaves and are easity carried to new fields in th is way.
Look for he althy cassava pla nts: Select healthy cassava plants in the farm. Healthy cassava plants have robust stems and branches. lush foliage. and minimal stem and leaf damage by pests and diseases. From each plant select the middle brown-skinned portions of stems as stem cuttings. These paru sprout and ensure plant vigor better than the top green stem portions. Stem cuttings taken from the top green portions of stems or extreme top and bottom of stored stems are unsuitable . They will dehydrate quickly. produce unhealthy sprouts. and are easily damaged by pests and diseases.
Avoid plants wit h pests and di se ases: In selecting cassava plants as sources of stem cuttings. you should avoid those infected with these pests and diseases. The common stemborne cassava pests and diseases are cassava mealybug. cassava green mite . spiraling whitefly. wh ite sca le insect, cassava mosaic disease.
Th e cassava gree n mite, Mononychellus lonajoa. occurs on the undersurfaces of young leaves. green stems. and axilliary buds of cassava. The mites appear as yel lowish green specks to the naked eye. Mites survive on cassava stems and leaves and are easity carried to new fields in this way. Cassava green mite damage symptoms include yellow chlorotic leaf spots (like pin pricks) on the upper leaf surfaces. narrowed and smaller leaves (Figure 10). "candlestick" appearance of the shoot tip. and stunted cassava plants.
The spinling whitefly, AJeurodk us dispersus . damages cassava by sucking sap from the leaves. Colonies of the insect occur on the undersurfaces of cassava leaves and are covered with wh ite waxy secretions similar to those of the cassava meatybug. Spiraling whitefly eggs occur in spiral patterns of wax tracks. mosdy on the undersurfaces of leaves. Symptoms of whitefly damage are black sooty mold on the upper leaf surfaces. petioles. and stems (Figure II ). and premature leaf fall of older leaves. The insects survive on cassava leaves and stems and are easily carried to new fields in this way.
IPM Field Guide
Figure 9: Cassava shoot tip with "bunchy top" caused by cassava
Figure 10: Cassava shoot tip with
cassava green mite
Figure II: Cassava stem and leaves blackened under attack by spiraling
Figure 12: Cassava white scale on cassava stem
small and narrow leaves caused by
w hitefly
Starting a Cassava Farm
T he white scale, AomdomytJlus a/bus. covers cassava stem surfaces wIth conspIcuous white waxy secretions (Figure 12). The Insect sucks sap from the stem and dehydrates it. Stem cuttings derived from affected stem portions normally do not sprout. The insects survive
Cassava anthracnose disease is caused by a fungus whICh occurs on the surface of cassava 5[ems.The disease damage symptoms are can· kers ("sores") on the stem and bases of leaf petioles (Figure IS ). The disease reduces the sprouting ability of 5[em cuttings .
on cassava stems and leaf petioles and are easily carried to new fields in this way.
Cassava mosaic disease is caused by a vi· rus which occurs inside cassava stems. Symp-
toms of cassava mosaic disease damage are patches of normal green leaf color mixed with
light green and yellow chlorotic areas In a mosaic pattern (Figure 13). Generally, plants With these symptoms should be avoided as
sources of stem planting matenal . However. the disease IS very common In Africa and it is sometimes difficult to find cassava plants that are completely free from the disease . You can, however, reduce cassava mosaic disease prob· lems by selecting stem cuttings from cassava stem branches and not from the main stems. Stem cuttings from the branches are more li kely to sprout into disease·free plants than stem cuttings from the main stems.
Cassava bacterial blight IS caused by a bac· terlum which occurs Inside cassava stems.The disease damage symptoms are angular leaf spots on the under leaf surfaces, leaf blighting and wilting (Figure 14), gum exudate on the stems, and shoot tip die·back. Avoid selecting stem cuttings from plants with these symp· toms.
Cassava bud necrosis is caused by a fungus which grows on the surface of cassava stems covering the axilliary buds or the "eyes" of stem cuttings (Figure 16). The affected buds die. and the sprouting ability of stem cuttings IS reduced.
IPM Field Guide
F igure 13: Cassava plant with cassava mosaIC disease
Figure 14: Leaf blightmg and Wilting caused by cassava bactertal blight
Figure 15: Cankers of cassava
Figure 16: Fungal patch (arrow) of
anthracnose disease on stem
bud necrosIs disease
Starting a Cassava Farm How do I best plant cassava? The impo rtant fac tors to consider when planting cassava ilre time of year, land tillage methods. seedbed type and preparauon. and preparation. handling. and planting mode of
stem cuttings.
Se lect suitable planting d a t es: You shou ld try to plant cassava early. at the beginning of the rcuny season. ThiS ensures healthy sproutIng and good crop establishment which helps the plant to better withstand damage by dry season pests like the cassava green mite. cassava mealybug, and termites. Late planting at the end of wet season exposes the crop to severe damage by these pests as the dry season progresses. However, plantmg date recommendations should fit wlthm local farming calendars and farmers ' chOIce of crops to en路 hance their adoption . Use s uitabl e la nd a nd seedbe d pre para路 t io n m e thods: In cassava cultivation. land IS usually tilled to loosen up the soil. improve 5011 drainage. make It easy for roots to de路 velop. and promote healthier storage root development. Mounds and ndges are commonly made to gather top soil matenal for cassava root development. limit prolonged contact between the storage roots and stagnant water. and protect storage roots from rodent and bird pests The soil texture at the site you select for cassava culuvation Will be an Important factor in determining the level of tillage and type of seedbeds required for your cassava farm. In deep loamy soils. tillage may be essenual but It does not matter which seedbed type IS adopted and cassava can be planted on the flat
(Figure 17). mounds (Figu re 18). or ridges (Figure 19). However. if the loamy soil IS shallow and cassava is planted on t he flat. the storage roots will quick ly reach hard ground or rocks giving poor yields. In sandy soils. minimum tillage and planting cassava on the flat are appropnate because the soil'is sufficiently loose t o allow for faster drainage and normal storage root development. At sites where the sandy SOil gets waterlogged. It--iS however better to make ridges or mounds than to plant on the flat. In clayey and poorly drained soils. tillage and planting of cassava on mounds or ridges are also essential to limit the effects of waterlogging. Pre pare and handl e ste m cuttings prope rly: When cutung up cassava stems into stem cuttings for planting. make sure each cutting is at least 20-25 cm long and has about 5-8 nodes. You should handle cuttings carefully during transportation to prevent bruises and damage to the nodes. ThiS can be done by packing them on cushions of dry leaves. Sometimes. when planting material IS slightly Infested With cassava green mites. cassava mealybugs. and other stem-borne pests. the stem cuttings can be treated by Immersing them In heated water for 5- 10 minutes lust before planting. ThiS treatment will kill pests on the surface of the cuttings.You can prepare the heated water by mixing equal volumes of boiling and cold water. Alternatively. you can dip the stem cuttings Into a dilute pesticide solution (for example. 1% Rogor solution) to kill stem-borne pests. You can also reduce the InCidence of cassava anthracnose and other
IPM Field Guide
Figure 17: Planting cassava on the flat
Figure 18: Cassava growing on mounds
Figure 19: Cassava growmg on ridges 17
Starting a Cassava Farm stem-borne fungal diseases if a solution of pesticide 芦(or example. Deds) and fungicide (for example. Benlate) is used . If pesticides are to be used. you should consult the label for guidelines on their application methods and how to avoid personal and environmental hazards associated with their use.
Adopt suita.ble planting mode: In order to get the best sprouting and growth from cassava stem cuttings. it is important to plant them properly. Cassava stem cuttings may be planted vertically, at an angle. or horizontally. When planted vertically. the storage roou develop deeper in the soil. more closely together. and are more difficult to harvest by pulling. Vertical planting is best in sandy soils.
In such soils. plant stem cuttings vertically with 213 of the length of the cutting below the soil. When planted horizontally. the stor路 age roots develop more closely to the sur路 face and are more likely to be exposed and attacked by rodent and birds. Also. in hod路 zontal planting several weak stems develop from the stem cutting. Horizontal planting. however. has the advantage of killing insect and mite pests which occur on the surnce of stem cuttings. In loamy soil it is probably best to plant at an angle . The spacing between plants will depend on whether you are growing asuva alone (sole crop) or with other crops (intercropping). If asuva is being grown alone, plant I meter iipart from each other. If casuva is being grown u an intercrop. consider the branching habit of both the cusava and the other crops and make sure there is enough space for the plants. You should also nuke sure there is enough spa.ce for you to work between the plana during weeding lnd other activities.
IPM Field Gulde
To select a good site for a CUS3Yi. fvm. look for an area with dense vegetation cover, good soil texture, fertile soils. and flat or gently sloping land; also examine the field history to ptan for plant protection measures. Improve the soil by manuring. mulching. and intercropping to encourage cassava plants to grow vigorousty and offset damage by cassava disuses. To select good cassava varieties for planting. look for varieties with high dry matter, good mealiness. good ground storability and which are well adapted to your area; the variety should also bulk early and be easy to process.
To select healthy cassava stem cuttings. choose healthy cassava plants as sources of planting materials: use stem cuttings taken from the middle. brown portions of the stem and free of stem-borne pests and diseases. To prepare cassava stem cuttings for planting. cut each stem cutting to a length of at least 20--25 em; use stem cuttings with about ~ n~es ; tr9t stem cuttings
slighdy infested with stem-borne pests by immersing them in heued water for 510 minutes. dipping them into a dilute pesticide solution. or by plilflting them horizontally. To ~ant cassava stem cuttings properly consider the type of soil; ridges and mounds in areas where soil gets Wilterlogged; use minimum tillage in sandy soil; plant cassava stem cuttings vertically in sandy soil; plant cassava stem cuttings at an angte In loamy soil; plant cassava stem cuttings I meter apart from each other in sole cropping; and in cassava intercrops make sure there is enough spilce for the plants.
Starting a Cassava Farm
Acknowledgements Special thanks co the United Nations Development Programme and the Austrian government which provided funds. and to the following institutions which provided materials. information and services (or the production of the set of cassava IPM field guides:
Agricultural Development Programmes (AD Ps) in Abia. Akwa Ibom. An3mbra. Benue. Cross Rivers. Rivers . Delta. Edo. Enugu , Imo. Kogi, Kwara. Ogun. Onda. Osun.
Oyo. and Plateau State Governments. Nigeria Centre d'Action Regionale pour Ie Developpemem Rural (CARDER) . Benin
Centro International de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT). Cali. Colombia Crop Services Department (CSD). Department of Agricultu ral Extension Services (DAES). and Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Department (PPRSD). Miniscry of Food and Agriculture. Ghana
Federal Universiry of Technology. Owerri. N igeria Fourah Bay College. Uniyersiry of Sierra Leone. Freetown. Sierra Leone IITA Eascern and Southern African Regional Centre (ESARC). Uganda Instiwc de Recherche Agronomique ec du Deyeloppemenc (IRAO). Cameroon Inscituc National de Recherche Agronomique du Benin (INRAB). Benin National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI). Umudike. Nigeria. Rural Training Cencre (RTC. Presbyterian Church) in Fona and Kumba. Cameroon Sasakawa Global 2000. Benin Service de Procection des Vegeaux et du Contrale Phytosanitaire (SPVC). Benin Southern African Root Crops Research network (SARRNET). Malawi Universiry of Agriculture. Abeokuta. Nigeria Uniyersiry of Buea. Buea. Cameroon Universiry of Cape Coast. Cape Coast. Ghana /
This involves: â&#x20AC;˘ transforming plants with 8+ gene â&#x20AC;˘ other genes being developed and tested â&#x20AC;˘ National biosafety committees are yet to be formed in Nigeria. IAR Lerume, and ail ,.."earch The Ecologically Sustainable Cowpea Pest Management Project (PEDUNE)
This project is jointly executed by JAR and the Plant Health Management Division of IITA. It started in 1994 and the objective is to develop and test technologies that put less emphasis on the use of pesticides in cowpea production. The project covers Kano and Jigawa states. It consists of 3 parts: I.
Preliminary and diagnostic survey of the two states to provide benchmark information
2. On-station development and testing of technologies 3. On-farm testing of technologies. Preliminary and diagnostic surveys The preliminary survey showed that both states grow improved and local varieties of cowpea. The crop is planted in June/ July and harvested in October and used for both grains/ seed and hauls. Sales were mainly at harvest while storage was for a shorter duration and sometimes with the use of the poisonous chemicals. The diagnostic survey identified the major constraints to include high cost and nonavailability of chemicals and sprayers; lack of capital; nonavai\ability or late arrival of inputs (fertilizers and improved seeds), poor performance of the sprayed cowpea fields, adulterated chemicals, and StTiga in the case of Jigawa State. Technologies tested on-statIon
Use of botanicals (Phyta-pesticides) for cowpea protection on the field The results from this trial showed that grain yields from the 5
application of neem extracts were higher than those from the untreated control. The neem seed extract gave higher grain yield than neem leaf, but none of the neem extracts performed better than the synthetic insecticide.
Control of storage of cowpea by single, double, and triple bagging storage
Highlights from this trial show that after 3 and 6 months storage, all three bagging methods were better than actellic and the control in protecting cowpea seeds from insect damage. After 3 months, the double and triple bagging show similar results and are superior to the single bagging. After 6 months, the triple bagging is superior to other methods.
Screening of seed-treatment chemicals for the control of bacterial blight in cowpea The trial which involved evaluation of seven antibiotics showed that tetracycline and bronocot treatments gave the best results in terms of lower incidence of the disease. However, the antibiotics were found to depress cowpea germination . Assessment of the efficacy of local blade soap for the control offungal diseases and bacterial blight in cowpea
The results show that foliar application of local black soap was more effective over the water check for the control of scab and blight and had a yield advantage of 14-58%. It was, however, not effective in the control of septorial leaf spots.
Fungicidal seed treatment for the control of seed-transmitted seedling scab and Septaria leaf spot The results from this trial show that regardless of the method of application, benomyl seed treatment was generally superior to Apron-plus速 and Femasan-D-treatments. It was however observed that treatment with an aqueous suspension of benomyl depressed seed germination.
On-farm testing of technologies
On-farm testing of improved Strigal Alectra resistant cowpea varieties The results from the two varieties tested, IT 90K-82-2 and IT 88D867 -11, showed that both varieties outyielded the farmer local variety in both states. The mean grain yields were 343, 353, and 168 kg/ha for IT 90K-82-2, IT 88D-867-11 , and the farmer variety, respectively . Minimum pesticide application trial The results from the trial show that in both states, the highest grain yields were obtained when the seeds were treated and there were two insecticide applications. The yield gain advantage over the check were 24% and 46% in Kano and Jigawa states, respectively . On-farm testing of double bagging technology for cowpea storage The technology was superior to the farmer practices when it is used for storing cowpea for 6 months. Besides , it was safe, cheap, and very effective.
Integration of herbaceous and forage legumes in the maize-based cropping system After three years of screening of about 18 different species of centrosome legumes, five : Pascuorum, Mucuna pruriens, Cajanus cajan, Crotolaria ochilenca, and Lablab pU7pureus were selected based on characteristics such as ground cover Iweed suppression, biomass production, and seed production. These were then used on-station and in maize-based cropping systems. The legumes were intercropped with maize using different arrangements. Effects on yield and soil properties are yet to be assessed as the crops are still in the field. Reliable results are expected. An MSc student is about to complete his work under this collaboration. He worked on the effect of legume species and N fertilization on maize performance and soil properties.
Collaboration between Lake Chad Research Institute (LCR!) and UTA has improved remarkably over the years. Between 1992 and 1995, LCR! conducted the All Nigeria medium and short duration variety trials. In the medium duration trials, mean yields ranged from 593 to 9 88 kg / ha with IAR 48 (SAMPLE 7) giving the Illghest grain yield of 998 kg/ha. Under the short duration variety trials, the yield ranged from 482 to 844 kg/ ha with It 90 K-5a topping the list with 844 kg / ha. Currently, LCRl has five collaborative trials on cowpea under r esidual moisture during the dry season with lITA.
Rice West Africa Rice Development Association (INARDA)
V"rl"",,' improvement Collaboration between WARDA and NCR! has led to the identification of five new rice varieties which have passed through Coordinated Rice Evaluation Trials (CRET) and are now undergoing on-farm testing by NAFPP in Nigeria These are : • Cisadane: for irrigated and rainfed lowlands in ARGM outbreak areas • WITA I: for irrigated lowlands affected by iron toxicity • WlTA 4: for rainfed lowlands and inland valley swamps • ITA 321 and WAS 35-2 : forrainfed uplands. Other materials such as WlTA 3 (lowland) and WAS 36-34 FX (upland) are current entries in CRET trials, as are a number of TaX lines. The impac t of UTA's past research on rice improvement continues to be felt as progenies from earlier UTA crosses are selected by WARDA and NARS breeders and also used as parents in ongoing breeding programs.
The successful development by WARDA of fertile hybrids between Oryza sativa and the indigenous African cUltivated rice O. glaberrima represents a strategic breakthrough in rice varietal improvement. It has opened up the prospect of combining the weed competitiveness and resistances to key stresses (such as RYMV , ARGM, and drought) of O. glaberrima with the high yield potential and good agronomic characteristics of O. sativa. In collaboration with NCRI , WARDA hopes to start testing some of the interspecific progen ies in Nigeria soon. Mana&,ement afthe African rice &,01/ midie (ARGM)
The WARDA/ CABI Project 'Management of the African rice gall midge in West Africa' involved collaboration between WARDA, Commonwealth Agriculture Bureau International (CABI), national scientists in WARDA member countries, and UTA, which provided essential office, lab and field facilities, and administrative support at Ibadan. Activities were undertaken in five West African countries, but the bulk of the work was carried out in central and southern Nigeria with Dr M.N. Ukwungwu, senior rice entomolOgist at NCRI, as the project's main NARS partner. Some of the main findings with relevance to Nigeria are summarized below. Dimibution and economic importance The first detailed field data on the effects of ARGM on yield have been obtained from on-station and on-farm yield loss trials and farmer-managed variety trials carried out near AbakaHl<:i, Ebonyi State. The results show that losses due to ARGM are sensitive to agronomic conditions. On rainfed lowland rice fields in Ebonyi State, yield losses are as high as 2 to 3% per 1% increase in tillers with galls, over the range 0 to 30%. Ecology. altemative hart plants. and cultural cancro/ The host range of ARGM has been determined using a combination of field sampling and insectary tests. Despite contrary
statements in the literature, the pest is restricted to the genus Oryza (wild and cultivated rice) , Host plants and habitats important for dry season survival and early wet season population build-up of ARGM have been identified from year-round, bimonthly sampling in three Nigerian outbreak areas (Hida, Abaka1iki, Uyo) , The annual cycle of the pest has been characterized, Rice fields are the most important habitat, The perennial wild rice Oryza /ongistaminata and volunteers and ratoons of cultivated rice are the key alternative hosts, Their roles vary according to agroecological zone and rice cropping pattern. In outbreak situations, wet season population build-up takes place to a very large extent on the crop itself, rather than on alternative hosts. This information has assisted decisions on research strategy and allowed new options for managing ARGM by reducing alternative hosts to be devised , Trials of these have been started. A detailed survey of rice fields in Ebonyi State, Nigeria, has demonstrated the primary importance of early planting as a cultural control method in this outbreak area The results also suggest that other pOSSIble measures, such as synchronized planting and the removal of alternative hosts, will not be effective here if they are only implemented within individual valleys, A better understanding has been achieved of the roles of weather factors , host plant availability, and natural enemies in the seasonal population changes of ARGM, through a combination of on-farm sampling, a rice garden experiment, and field experiments on egg survival. ARGM egg survival in irrigated plots is insensitive to rainfall or dew and surprisingly high even in the dry season. Natural enemies and Wo/oflatl control
Parasitoid species attacking ARGM have been identified and their importance as biological control agents assessed, using the
results of on-farm sampling in Nigeria and four other countries and a rice garden experiment at Ibadan. Three genera previously unrecorded from ARGM were found, but these were too rare to have a significant impact. Two well-known species, Platygaster diplosisae and Aprostocetus procerae, are the most important natural enemies of ARGM. In an outbreak situation, parasitism builds up to high levels too late to prevent heavy ARGM infestation. But data from a rice garden experiment suggest this is due to a lack of good sources of parasitoids close to the crop, rather than an inability of the parasitoids to find ARGM at low population densities. A new possibility for improving the natural biological control of ARGM has been identilled: a gall midge which infests the co=on weed Paspalum scrobiculatum has been confirmed as a distinct species which cannot attack rice but is an alternative host for at least one of the two main parasitoids of ARGM. Simple interventions to increase the carry-over of parasitoids from this species to ARGM should improve the biological control of the pest. An assessment has been made of the prospects for the classical biological control of ARG M using natural enemies of the closely related Asian rice gall midge . From the information available , it seems there are no very promising candidates among the natural enemies of the Asian species. But if progress with other ARGM control options is below expectations, further research on this approach is worthwhile.
Assessments have been made of the impact of predators on the survival of ARGM eggs and pupae, using 'prey enrichment' experiments and gall dissections, respectively. Predation of both these life-stages is relatively low. Predators have been identified which invade the crop early enough to be of potential importance against the exposed life-stages of ARGM (eggs and adults). Some of the potential egg predators have been tested in the laboratory and confirmed to feed on ARGM eggs. 11
Varietal resistance
Collaborative screening and yield trials with NCR! and WARDA LBU carried out in Ebonyi State have reevaluated most of the best O. glaberrima and O. sativa lines from earlier screening by NCR! and lITA. The results under heavy natural infestation in Ebonyi State are broadly consistent with those from the earlier field and screenhouse tests. Fanner-managed trials at 47 sites in Ebonyi State, Nigeria, have provided accurate data on the yield benefits from the use of the variety Cisadane, which was first identified as a promising variety for ARGM outbreak areas by NCR! and lITA in the 1980s. The average yield benefit over all trial sites, when compared with fanners' check varieties, was 26%. When sites with less than 10% ARGM infestation were excluded, the average benefit was 42%. These benefits appear to be mainly due to the variety's tolerance to ARGM rather than antibiotic/antixenotic resistance. WARDA has developed facilities and methods at lITA, lbadan, to allow year-round screening of rice germplasm for ARGM resistance under near-field conditions and artificial infestation. About 1000 rice lines can be tested per year. The method is an adaptation of that used by Dr Ukwungwu at NCR!. So far, 672 lines have been screened at lbadan. Most of these were traditional Mrican lines of O. sativa provided by lITA's Genetic Resources Unit (GRU). This screening has identified the first O. sativa line to show strong resistance to ARGM and several other O. SatilXl lines with resistance levels similar to the best from earlier screening. WARDA selected an additional 651 traditional Mrican lines from IITA GRU for screening by Dr Ukwungwu at NCR!, Badeggi, and Drs Nacro and Dakouo at INERA, Burkina Faso. They have identified additional partially resistant O. sativa lines and strongly resistant O. glaberrima lines from this material.
A collaborative 'biotype study' involving WARDA, NCRI, and WARDA IPM Task Force members in three other countries has shown that varietal resistance reactions to RGM are highly location specific. This is the first clear evidence that ARGM exists as distinct biotypes differing in their abilities to overcome host-plant resistance. The result has important implications for ARGM resistance screening and breeding. A tria l on four varieties caged separately revealed that the weak resistance shown by some traditional 0. sativa lines can persist in a 'no choice ' situation and produce potentially useful reductions in ARGM infestation levels.
NCRI Rice arronomy Research activities have shown that early planting (May~une) for upland rice and (June-September) for lowland rice increases grain yield. Transplanting 21-28-day-old seedlings at 20 cm x 20 cm seedlings per hill in lowland rice farms have been recommended, thus, replacing the agronomic farmer practice of transplanting old seedlings (4Q-{)()-day-old seedlings) at irregular spacing with low plant population. In large-scale farms , seed drilling at a seed rate of 60-80 kg/ha has also been recommended. Soli and fertilizer monagement The Rice Research Program has developed technologies for improving the yield of rice and productivity of rice soils. Research fmdings have shown a high response of rice to nitrogen; 30-60 kg Njha for upland and tall lowland varieties and 80-120 kg N Iha for the dwarf to medium height lowland varieties have been recommended. While there is erratic response to P and K fertilization by tall photoperiod-sensitive rice varieties, 20-40 kg P,O, /ha and 3080 kg )(,O/ha have been recommended for high yielding rice varieties.
Some soils have been found to be zinc (Zn) deficient while iron (Fe) toxicity has been reported in the lowlands . The use of tolerant varieties (Tox 3ll8-6-F,-3-2, Suakoko 8 , FAROs 8, l 5, and 31) to alleviate Fe-toxicity stress, h as been achieved. Resul ts further show that balanced fertiliza tion including micronutrients (NPK, Zn) also improves grain yield of susceptible rice varieties. Application of 2 kg Zn j ha j crop has also been recommended on Zndeficient soils. In order to r edu ce dependen ce on inorganic fertilizers, the program initiated studies into t he u se of organic materials as manure for rice. A significant increase in grain yield of rice due to green manure incorporation (Sesbania ros trata) as an alterna tive source of plant nutrients has been achieved. Incorpor a ting (S. rostrata) as green manure produces comparable r ice yields. Crop protection More than 50% reduction in labor costs have been achieved by using herbicides. Promising herbicides such as propanil, bentazon, and oxadiazon and the combination or mixture of some of them have demonstrated a wide spectrum of effectiveness on major weeds of rice in both upland and lowland conditions. Ronstar PI (2 kg a.i./ha), and Tamarice super (3 .5 ka a.i./ha). have been found to take care of broad leaves and grasses in upland rice. Propanil at 7.8 Llha has been found to be very effective against weeds in.lowland rice. Alternatively, two hand-weedings at 14 and 40 days after transplanting have been found to control weeds on rice farms. Studies on the biology and control of stem borers and Mrican rice gall midge have identified some resistant lines, particularly from indigenous Oryza g/abenima lines and breeding work has been initiated . Application of granular isazofos (Miral) (75 kg a.i./ha) or carbofuran (furadan) (1-2 kg a .i. /ha), has been found effective on both insect species.
Root-knot nematode (Me/oidogyne spp. and Hirschmaniella spp.) are major problem nematodes in the upland and lowland ecologies, respectively. Effective chemical control includes the use of carbofuran (2.5 kg a.i.jha) and phorate (2 .0 ha a.i. jha) . Rice processing
The improvement of the quality of marketed milled rice is an important aspect of the program's activities. Nigerian consumers show a preference for parboiled rice. The program has introduced improved methods of parboiling rice to farmers. The process consists of soaking rice paddy in hot water at 70째C for 5-6 hours and then steaming for 15-20 minutes. The rice is dried gradually under shade and milled. Milled rice from such an exercise is odorless and has translucent kernels. The prograro has developed simple rice parboiling hardware designed for small-scale millers and can be enlarged for largescale milling. Designs for frrewood, electrical, and gas operated versions are available.
Soybean UTA
The Institute is looking at varieties that give a higher contribution to the farming system. These varieties have a higher percentage of nitrogen derived from the atmosphere, higher fodder yield, increased tolerance to low soil phosphorus, and can tolerate Striga hermonthi= The collaborating Nigerian institutes are NCR! and Institute of Agricultural Research and Training (IAR&T). !ITA is also working on increased utilization of the crop. The IDRC project that ended in 1994 provided a big boost in the promotion of the utilization of the crop.
NCRI Genetic; Im1>rovement
Some of the progeny lines acquired from UTA in 1990 had been used for hybridization work at NCRL Bulk populations of crosses obtained from [i) SAM I x TGx 536-02D, (ti) SAMSOY 2 x TGx 9952E, [iii) Bossier x TGm 737P, and [iv) TGx 536-02D x Bossier were advanced to F4 in 1993 at Mokwa and [badan. Ten individual plant selections were made from the bulk population in 1994. These selections are early to medium maturing [98-125 days) , have an acceptable creamy colored seed coat, are moderately resistant to pod shattering, and possess yield potentials of between 1.9 and 2 .5 tonnes/hectare . The NCRl-SOY selections have been increased and are now being tested alongside other varieties in multilocational trials since 1996 cropping season. Soybean f>ert and disease mcma,ement
Collaborative research is being conducted by NCRl , !ITA, and other national research institutes with the aim of proffering solutions to pest and disease problems that have been found to limit soybean production. Notable among these diseases are the Cercospora leafspot, bacterial pustule, and red leaf blotch . Except for the red leaf blotch, sources of resistance have been identified and/or developed for these economic diseases. Regular surveillance is however being maintained to identify breakdown in resistance due to the development and/ or selection for races that are pathogenic and resistant varieties. Surveys were conducted by NCRl and !ITA to investigate the occurrence, distribution, and population density of plant parasitic nematodes associated with soybean in Nigeria !ITA provided a substantial part of the material resources and finance for these surveys. Eighteen and 11 genera of plant parasitic nematodes were recorded from the savanna and rainforest agroecological
zones, respectively. Three known plant parasitic soybean were recovered: Meloidogyne spp., Praty/enchus spp., and Hop/olaimus spp. Future collaborative studies will be targe ted at the economic importance and management of these plant parasitic nema todes of econom ic importance especially the root-knot nematodes.
Nationally Coordinated Research Program on Soybean (NCRP路S) This is a collaborative program between NCRI and other national research institutions/universities working on soybean in Nigeria. UTA plays a major role in the program. The National Coordinator for the program is located at NCRI. The objective is to identify soybean varieties that have wide adaptation and high yie ld potentials across the various agroecological zones of the country. Two trials are now conducted namely: I. Early Maturity Trials (EMT) 2. Medium Maturity Trials (MMT).
Most of the entries currently evaluated are bred by UTA. UTA also contributes substantially to the packaging and monitoring tours of NCRP-S trial sites and also to collation and analysis of research data. Based on the results from the multilocational collaborative trials, the following soybean varieties were released between 1990 and 1996 by the Nationally Coordinated Research Program on Soybean for cultivation in various Nigerian agroecologies. Variety
Maturity grouping
TGx 1485-1D TGx 1019-2EB
Very early Early Early
TGx 1019-2EN TGx 1448-2E TGx 1440-IE
Medium Medium Medium/Late
Maize UTA
IITA is working on integrated openpollinated and hybrid development under a comprehensive breeding program. This is aimed at producing varieties that exhibit: • resistance to S . hennonthica • low nitrogen tolerance • resistance to stem borers in collaboration with JAR&T and NCR! at Amakama • resistance to downy mildew (with IAR&T) . Also, WECAMAN, through 1AR, is looking into the production of varieties that show extra early maturity. In addition, Sasakawa Global 2000, through JAR, has sponsored some research with interesting results as shown below. Malae
Il8ba yield 1996
Kaduna Kano Jigawa
or villain 44 Z2 34
lIeaD ,ield
«x I
5635 4640 4066
Soybean is also being used for crop rotation with maize to increase soil fertility and suppress S. hemwnthi= World Vision International (WVI) is also supporting IAR&T in looking at downy mildew resistant varieties in Ogbomoso. A constraint has been the varietal release process at the national level.
IAR&T Maize breed;",
EIX1/uation and characterization of Nigerian maize gennp/asm Maize germplasm collected from all over Nigeria were evaluated at Moor Plantation, Ihadan, Nigeria in 1995. Twenty-t hree parameters including vegetative, pathological, and yield-related characters as well as six qualitative characters were assessed. There were wide variations in most of the parameters assessed. For example, three types of midrih color-white , purple and green-were identified, six types of leaf margin color-white, purple, green, cream, yellow, and hrown-were distinguishahle in the accessions. Based on the possession of desirahle attrihutes, 20 accessions were selected and the performance compared with the hase population. The selected lines recorded increases of 8.8, 8.9,11.4, and 25.0% in cob length, plant height, grain rows/cob, and ear aspect, respectively, when compared to the base population even he fore genetic manipulation. The 20 selected accessions were evaluated in 1996 using augmented design with five blocks of eight plots each. Four improved varieties comprising two hybrids (8233-3 and Oba Super 2) and two outstanding openpollinated varieties (Suwan-I-SR and Ohatanpa) were used as checks in the 1996 evaluations. The accessions were assessed for maize streak virus, Helminthosporium leaf hlight, Curuularia leaf spot, Fusarium leaf whorl blight, stem borer, as well as yield-related characters. Five accessions--Ondo 15, Rivers 4 , Lagos 9, and Kwara 10 and 24 appeared to be resistant/toleranllo maize streak virus infection . Accessions from the northern part of the country appeared more susceptible to this disease. Bauchi 2, Sakata 7, and Niger 1 were least affected by bacterial blight while the established varieties (Oba Super 2, Obatanpa, 8322-13) were moderately affected. Imo 7 and Benue 5 were most susceptible to Curuu/aria leaf spot while Fusarium leaf spot was more prevalent in
Benue 5 . Three accessions, Niger 1, Adamawa 7, and Bauchi 4 appeared resistant / tolerant to stem borer infestation. While supplementary germ plasm collection particularly in some specific states of the country is in progress, outstanding lines identified in these evaluations are already in use as gene sources in the breeding programs.
Performances of commercial hybrid maize varieties evaluated in southwestern Nigeria Many farmers in southwestern Nigeria prefer open-pollinated (o.p .) varieties to hybrids. The increased cost of production of hybrids, in the opinion of such fa rmers, may not be justified by the commensurate yield increase. There was therefore, a need to evaluate commercial hyb rids in this agroecology so as to be able to advise farmers appropriately. Three new maize hybrids (8322-13, 8644-27 , and 8644-32), a popular commercial hybrid [Oba Super I) as well as an outsta nding o.p. variety [Suwan-1-SR) were evaluated in lhadan, lkenne, Orin Ekiti, and Horin (savanna ecology) in 1996 . The hybrids performed fairly well in lbada n (average yield 4 .06 t / ha) and llorin (4 .79 t / ha) but poorly in lkenne (2.11 t / ha) and Orin-Ekiti (l.75 t / ha) . Even though the poor performance at lkenne and Orin Ekiti may be due partly to early cessation of rains and late fertilizer application , the need to develop forest adapted hybrid maize varieties cannot be overemphasized.
Development of maize topcrosses adapted to the rainforest ecology of southwestern Nigeria The yield superiority of hybrids over open-pollinated varieties has been proved beyond doubt. However, current hybrids perform better in the savanna ecologies. This may be due, partly, to the fact that these varieties are more adapted to the savanna ecologies. Since maize production is a major preoccupation of farmers in southwestern Nigeria, there was therefore an urgent 20
need to develop forest adapted hybrid varieties to boost maize production in this agroecology. Five topcrosses (Coca- SR x TZMI 102, Coca-SR x TZMI 103, Coca-SR x EV25-SR, Coca-SR x TZMI 104, and Coca SR x EV8725-SR) were evaluated for yield, disease / pest reaction, and adaptation to the forest ecologies of southwestern Nigeria during the early and late seasons of 1996. Three check varieties-Coca-SR, Oba Super 1 (a popular commercial hybrid), and Suwan-I-SR (an outstanding o.p. variety) were included in the evaluations. Four (of the five) topcrossses Coca-SR x TZMI 103, Coca-SR x EV29SR, Coca-TXMI 104, and Coca-SR x EV 8725-SR) outyielded the highest yielding check by 20.07 , 25.45, 32.65 , and 50.90% , respec tively. The y ield of genotype Coca-SR x TZMI 103 was 94 .29% h igher in the early season. All the topcrosses were fairly tolerant to the prevailing diseases and pests of maize in southwestern Nigeria under natural infestation.
Response of some maize uarieties to infestation with Striga asiatica The menace of Striga asiatica, a parasitic weed in many parts of Oyo and Ogun states, necessitated the urgent need to develop Striga resistant varieties for use by farmers in these localities. Therefore the first logical step in this developmental process was screening of available varieties for resistance/tolerance to this pest. Twenty-four accessions including nine inbreds, six o.p.s, five hybrids, and four synthetics were evaluated in 1996. The varieties were evaluated in 64 x 26 cm plastic pots infested with Striga inoculum. Uninoculated pots served as the control. Grain yield, Striga emergence count, tolerance level (yield of infested/yield of noninfested x 100), etc., were noted and/or computed. Mean Striga emergence counts (SEq varied between 0 .0 and 3.7. A cursory look at SEC may give the impression that varieties with very low SEC values are tolerant/resistant to this parasitic weed. This may not be true. Variety P22 SR-9-2 STR with SEC of 0.0 yielded 0 .85 t/ha with Striga inoculation, but 3. 10 t/ha in the control 21
resulting in 27.42% tolerance level. Similarly, variety TZL Comp l-C3 yielded 0.48 tfha when inoculated with Strigaand 4.21 tfha in the uninoculated control. The tolerance level was one of the lowest (11.40%) . On the other hand variety EV 25-SR- 100-1-2-STR had SEC of 1.3 but yielded 1.30 tfha when inoculated with Striga and 1.4 tfha in the control. The tolerance level was 9.20%. Thus emergence count alone is not sufficient to assess Striga tolerance. Maize yields in Striga-infested plots appear to be directly correlated with tolerance level of the varieties. Two hybrids (9044- 27 and 8425-8), an inbred line (EV 25CR-100-1-2 STR), and a synthetic variety (STR- Syn-W) have been identified to be tolerant to Striga asiatica. The tolerance level of these four accessions ranged from 60 . 10 to I 15% and the yield from 0.90 to 2 .26 tfha.
Comparison of component yield and sensory properties ofolJ). and eko deriuedfrom eleven Nigen"an maize varieties
Ten o.p.s and one hybrid (8705-4) obtained from IAR&T and IITA were used in this study. The highest ogi yield was obtained from hybrid 8705-4 (62.3%) and variety EV-8744-SR (62.46%). These values were significantly different from the yields obtained from DMR-LSR-W (57.51%), ACR-8363-SR(56.77%), and TXB-SR-SGY (UTA, 52.01%). Differences in ogi yields may be attributed to differences in grain morphology. It is known that grains with a greater proportion offloury endospenn are desired for efficient wet milling, greater recovery of flour , and higher ogi yields . â&#x20AC;˘ Recovery of bran was highest in TZB-SR-W, ACR-8363 ST DMR-LSR-Y , andTZSR-Y . High bran yield is economically undesirable as it leads to low monetary returns on ogi sales from these varieties. VarietiesTZB-SR-SGY (IAR&IlTA), and DMR-LSR-Y gave the highest total solids in liquor and it is therefore desirable to add their liquor to preparation mixtures of both ogi gruel and eko gel to consume nutrients.
In general protein and ash in ogi were lower than that in maize. The loss in protein content during production of ogi from maize ranged from 18% to 64% . â&#x20AC;˘ The bran contains a higher proportion of the germ than the ogi and consequently had a higher protein perc ent than the ogi for each variety. The bran, which is rich in protein and other nutrients, has been found suit able as a component of livestock feed to improve the nutritional content of feed mixtures . â&#x20AC;˘ There were significant differences among the mean scores of varieties for color. taste, texture, flavor, and overall acceptability. The white varieties were generally given higher scores for ogi color than the yellow varieties. This is a reflection of the usual co~sumers ¡. preference for white ogi. The yellow variety Suwan-l-SR was given high scores for eko color in contrast to the usual consumers' preference for white color in eko. A similar observation was reported by Alika. It could be that some of the assessors were attracted to the unco=on yellow color in eko. In terms of taste, texture , flavor , and general acceptability, all the varieties except TZSR-Y and EV-8843-DMR-SR were acceptable (score ~ 5) when prepared as ogi. TZB-SR-W received the highest rating for ogi (8.2). This variety and closely related varieties are widely grown throughout the savanna region of northern Nigeria. Differences observed in ogi yield, protein, and ash content, and of ogi and eko between the samples ofTZB-SR-SGY obtained from different sources (lITA and IAR&T) indicate that production environment and condition of the sample can greatly influence ogi yield and quality.
Home level preparation, nutrient content, and acceptability of soy-com milk The main objectives of the study were to develop home level preparations of nutritionally improved beverage and to assess the qUality of product in terms of nutrient acceptability and digestibility. Green maize is available in abundance at regular periods. A substantial proportion is usually wasted due to nonavailability of storage systems as well as processing methods. A blend of lysine from soybean and methionine from maize will provide a nutritionally balanced product which will combat malnutrition currently ravaging children from low-income groups in Nigeria. Blends of maize to soybean at 1:5(AJ, 1:4(B), 1:3(C), 1:2 (D) and sole-soybean(E) were used in the study. Percent recovery (liquid yields) of various blends (56-{)4% compared favorably with that of the control (E, 60.7%). Residue yields from the control (26.7% ) were lower than those of the treatment (2 3 .3-73.3%). The high dry-matter content of maize is responsible for the high yields of the maize-based residue. The blend containing the highest weight of maize and lowest weight of soybean (blend D) contained the lowest level of protein since the higher the inclusion of soybean the more the protein extracted into the medium. The blends which contain higher levels of soybean contained higher levels of fat and ash. The pH of the medium increased with higher levels of soybean indicating the presence of more basic protein from the soybean. The level of tota! solid measured indicates efficient extraction of soy-milk. There were no significant differences in the sensory evaluations of all the blends. Blend D ( 100:200) gave the highest in vitro digestibility (89 .6 %). Utilization of maize-based composite flour in biKuit preparation Nigerians are used to the consumption of biscuits on a regular basis. However, due to importation of the major ingredient (wheat flour), for this snack the cost of this food item is on the increase 24
and is gradually getting out of the reach of the average Nigerian. Thus, if locally developed flour could replace wheat flour in local confectionery, foreign exchange expenditure on wheat flour importation would be drastically reduced and biscuits will become easily available and affordable. Flours were made from cocoyam, banana, and cassava and these were combined separately with white and yellow maize flours to produce sweetened biscuits. The resulting biscuits were compared with those biscuits from whole wheat flour. Even though biscuits from wheat flour recorded the highest acceptability, there were no significant differences between the rating and those obtained for white maize cassava based ; and white-maize banana based biscuits. Yellow maize cassava based and yellow maize banana based flour produced the least acceptable biscuits.
Cassava .ITA IITA is looking at Nigerian landraces as additional sources of resistance to Mrican cassava mosaic disease (ACMD) and cassava green mite (CGM) . These are being used as parents to produce improved genotypes with high yields, good quality, and high levels of resistance to ACMD, CGM, bacterial blight, and anthracnose. The Institute is also working on six-month cassava fOT the inland valley with yields of.20-25 tonnes/ha. For the savanna ecology, the results so far are: • derived savanna 25-45 t/ha • southern Guinea savanna 2()-40 t/ha • northern Guinea savanna 15-30 t/ha • Sahel savanna 15-30 t/ha In addition, the technology for producing high quality cassava flour has been developed. The technology was introduced to farmers' organizations, women's groups, and extension services.
IITA, along with NRCRI and IAR is also participating in the International Fund for Agricultural Development-sponsored cassava project for the semiarid zones. NRCRI
The colla borative efforts between NRCRI and IITA on cassava cente red on these areas: • Regional Research Project on Maize and Cassava (RRPMC) • Ecologically Sustainable Cassava Plant Protection (ESCaPP) . RRPMC Development of national c:assova germ plasm
• The collection of cassava varieties from all over Nigeria has j ust been concluded . A total of 1030 accessions were collected over the period 1992-1997. • A set of the a ccessions is being maintained in the field at Umudike with a duplicate set maintained at Otobi; this is done annually . • Evaluation and classification are in progress. So far, out of the total number of accessions collected, 524 have been characterized based on 16 discriminate characters including pest and disease resistance, yield, and some morphological markers. At the completion of c haracterization, all distinct clones shall be conserved in vitro: Ultimately, a monograph to serve as an identification guide for cassava clones in Nigeria will be produced. Loc:otJonoi evaluation ofnewly developed c ......... done.
To date, 5 sets have been eValuated for the mandatory 2 years each at IS locations of varying ecological characteristics. IITA runs the trials at Mokwa and Ibadan; NRCRI runs those at Umudike , Igbariam, Otobi, and Jos while collaborators from
universities and other research centers run those in their respective locations. The result of the above activities is the release to farmers of 17 new and superior cassava clones. These have high root yields (17-43 tlha as against 4-10 t/ha for local cultivarsl. are resistant to major biotic stresses, and are also widely adapted. Clones with reduced cynogenetic potentials are also included. Evaluation of cassava varletles for product development and diversification of end uses Twenty-two varieties from NRCRI and UTA and one local cultivar (Nwugo) were evaluated for production and qualities of gari, instant cassava flour, and odorless fufu flour. All the improved varieties produced high enough quantities and acceptable qualities of the products. Nineteen improved clones were used in the determination of metabolizable energy in Nigerian cassava varieties using broiler chickens. The apparent metabolizable energy values ranged from 11.0 to 11 MJ/kg as compared with 13-4 for maize. This indicates that cassava could be successfully used to substitute for maize in the formulation of livestock feeds in Nigeria. This finding is particularly welcome as cassava is usually produced at a lower cost than maize and other cereals. Preliminary results indicate that dipping cassava tubers in the fungiage thiabendazole (TBZ) at a concentration of 2000 ppm (44.4 mill of water) and storage in polyethylene bags was the best treatment as it reduced rot incidence to 8% after 4 weeks in storage. An electric power driven prototype dryer has been developed. It has a capacity of 470 kg of peeled roots and can dry the products to an acceptable moisture content in 1 ~ hrs, depending on the moisture content of the cassava varieties and the end-products of the processing.
The ESCaPP Project ESCaPP has successfully diagnosed plant protection constraints in the different agroecologies in the country. The database of the survey results form a basis of R&D priority setting. Nine collaborative research projects were established with national program scientists and funded by ESCaPP to address some of the constraints earlier identified during the 1994 surveys. Classical biological control of the cassava green mite (Mononychellus tanajoa) has been successfully implemented. This was done through the introduction and release of Typhlodrarrw.lus aripo, a predator of the mite. This predator is now widely distributed in 8enin, Delta, Edo, Kogi , Kwara, Lagos, Niger, and Ogun states. The releases in Abia, Anambra, Cross River, Enugu, and lmo states will be done while follow-up surveys are scheduled for the latter part of this year. The impact evaluation of this predator shows a 30% increase in cassava production as a result of the introduction. Farmer Field Schools (FFS) were established in 11 different locations in the country and serve as loci for farmer/researcher interaction and for training and technology transfer at the farmer's levels . ESCaPP offered postgraduate training leading to an MSc to 2 Nigerian women during the period of operation. These ladies have since successfUlly completed their overseas training and returned to Nigeria. ESCaPP developed a CD-ROM of hyperlinked cassava information resources. Included in this feature are the personnel and institution's directory and gray literature on most aspects of root and tuber crop production and protection. ESCaPP Nigeria, NRCRI, Umudike, acknowledges with thanks, the contributions of !ITA towards the successful execution of the project in Nigeria.
Yams UTA
The thrust of UTA research into this crop is on hybridization which is a big problem in D. rotundata. Seven hundred seeds are produced for the mid altitude zone while 1000 seeds are produced with good cooking quality and agronomic traits . In 1996, the first nationally coordinated research project (NRCP) variety trial was carried out in 5 locations . This also marked the first formal release of yam varieties in Africa. IITA is also looking at high yielding water yam (D. alata) with no fertilizer and no staking. Preliminary yield results from two locations , lbadan and Abuja, are 48 and 45 tf ha, respectively. In addition, isozymes electrophoretic patterns were established for popular local yam eultivars from Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo as well as advanced breeding lines from IITA. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with staining for at least three enzymes (aryl esterase, 6-phosphogluconic dehydrogenase , and shikimic dehydrogenase) was carried out using leaf extracts from 296 local cultivars and 47 advanced breeding lines of D. rotundata, 49 local cultivars, and 8 breeding lines of D. alata, 24 local eultivars of D. cayenensis as well as a few accessions of D. abyssinica, D. burkilliana, D. dumetorum, D. liebrechtsiana, D. mangenotiana, and D. praehensi/is. This has provided a useful basis for identifying accessions with unique isozyme patterns or combination of patterns as well as groupings of similar accessions. NRCRI
Collaborative research on food yams between the Yam Program of NRCRI and TRIP of IITA was intensified in 1992. Before then it had been limited to the occasional exchange of yam germ plasm accessions . Because some of these exchanged materials bore different code numbers and accession names in both institutes, it became necessary that names and numbers be harmonized. The
two coordinators meet annually at the beginning of the cropping
season to map out areas of activities on yam research. The major thrust has been in the area of crop development.
Yam characterization studies In 1992, the two institutes pooled their germplasm accessions and planted out 1000 accessions in three locations in major yam ecological zones for characterization (Ibadan, Uturu, and Mokwa) . The characterized materials included 634 accessions of Dioscorea rotundata, 14 D. cayensis, and 81 D. a/ata planted out at Uturu while 1000 each of the above species were planted out at Ibadan and Mokwa.
Achievements Characterization at Uturu in 1992 and Umudike in 1993 resulted in the following observations: Flowering
For the same material , accessions planted at Uturu exhibited more flowering than those at Umudike. In both locations, male flowers appeared earlier (July) than female flowers (AugustSeptember) . DIsease resistance
Most of the materials at Uturu were highly susceptible to anthracnose and virus diseases. Anthracnose was more severe on 路Dioscorea a/ata than D. rotundatu while virus attack was more severe on D. rotundata than on D. a/ata. About 92 accessions showed high resistance to virus attack. The following accessions of D. uluta conspicuously resisted anthracnose and viruses: TDA
These resistant varieties are potential materials for further breeding work. Since 1992, the characterization materials have been taken to other locations and genetic x environment interactions monitored. These have led to the selection of materials with outstanding acceptable yield and consumer qualities and long storage potentials.
Ecological adaptations trial (1992-96) In 1991, 24 accessions (17 of D. alataand 7 of D. rotundataseries) were evaluated by TRIP and NRCRl at 6 locations (Onne , Umudike , Ubiaja, Ibadan, Igbariam, and Otobi) representing the various ecological zones in the yam growing areas of Nigeria. The evaluations were based on crop establishments, growth, vigor, resistance to pests and diseases, tuber yields, and shape in the various ecologies. Achievements
Some promising hybrids of D. alata from the trials at Umudike , Igbariam, and Otobi were noted. A more comprehensive conclusion on the qualities of the materials will be drawn when results obtained at UTA locations (Ibadan, Ubiaja, and Mokwa) are incorporated.
Yam clonal evaluation trials 1992-96 These trials were conducted in Ibadan, Umudike , Abuja, and Otobi. The trials started in 1992 at Umudike with 468 clones of rDr (Dioscorea rotundata) series. As a result of industrial unrest in the country that year, more than half of the materials were lost with the result that in 1996 only 160 clones from the original 468 were planted. Achievements
Some female plants that flower in the same month as the males (September) were identified. This finding is important because
lack of synchronization of flowering of male and female in yam has been a major factor militating against normal breeding work and production of hybrid yams from known full sibs.
IFAD Nationally Coordinated Research Project on Yams under the Root and Tuber Expansion Program With the expiration of the original IFAD-sponsored Cassava Multiplication Program (CMP) in June 1995, yam has been approved by lFAD funding under the Root and Tuber Expansion Program (RTEP) in the Nationally Coordinated Research Project (NCRP). NCRP is the prerelease procedure of multilocational evaluation of selected hybrid crops before release to farmers. Achievements
Multiplication plots were set up at Umudike , Ibadan, Abuja, and Katsina Ala for the 1996 cropping season, using 5 hybrid yams nominated by leaders of yam programs in lITA and Umudike. The materials came from the collaborative trials from 1991 to date. For 1997, the trials were set up by NRCRI at 4 locations (Igbariam, Umudike , Katsina Ala, and Lafia and by lITA at Ibadan, Ubiaja, Abuja, and Zaria.
Plantain and banana IITA
New secondary triploids (plantain) are being produced. These have high yields, (about 22 kg bunch in 365 days) with large fingers and yellow flesh and are also resistant to black sigatoka. The Institute has also built a well-equipped and functional biotech laboratory at Onne . In addition, the IITA and Nigeria Banana and Plantain Development Program has been initiated. What is now needed is a good delivery system of improved germplsam to farmers. (NIHORT, NPQS, and others are to coordinate this effort).
!\esource and crop management research ITA
rhe resource and crop management research at lITA is under:aken within the framework of the research projects aimed at poverty alleviation and sustainable development of the agroecosystems. Collaborative activities with Nigerian research institutes include the following: â&#x20AC;˘ Maize and maize-based systems The overall goal of this research is to curb the vicious cycle of plant nutrient depletion in maize-based farming systems in the moist and humid forest zones of West Africa through an integrated nutrient management system geared to land use practices which are economically viable, eCOlogically sound, and socially acceptable. Research has started in the northern Guinea savanna zone in the country using the ecoregional approach (EPHTA). Benchmark areas are sufficiently large to capture major gradients such as population density, soils, and rainfall. â&#x20AC;˘ Farmers' attitude towards soil conservation and degradation in a maize-based system. An evaluation survey was conducted with 150 farmers in the northern Guinea savanna to understand farmers' attitude and obtain an inventory of farmers ' soil conservation methods. Preliminary results show that farmers are aware of soil degradation such as gullies on their fields and infertile soils. â&#x20AC;˘ Integrating leguminous cover crops for maintaining soil fertility and sustaining crop/livestock production. The objective of this activity is to evaluate the adaptability of leguminous cover crop based cropping systems to various ecological zones of the moist savannas of West and Central Africa. 33
• Production ofCOSCA national reports. • Fanners' perception and action on resource management constraints in the yam based systems. A survey has been undertaken in the yam gro,""ing areas of the middle belt of Nigeria to assess farmers' perception of resource management constraints and farmers' action to overcome these . The results are being analyzed. • Training and information russemination
Group Training Training workshop on measuring the benefits of legumes in croplivestock systems (May 1996, Ibadan) . Selected Nigerian NARS (ATBU , IAR, NAPRI , IAR&T / Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Federal University of Agriculture/Umudike) participated in the course along with other participants from West Africa. Biometric applications in crop-livestock systems (April 1997, Ibadan) . Seven participants out of 19 were from various Nigerian institutes (NAPRI, IAR, IAR&T, and Federal University of Agriculture, Umudike). A second training session on geographic information systems (GI S) was organized in January 1995 at Ibadan. Five participants from Nigeria were present. The course was followed by in-country workshops for the 14 member countries (Nigeria included) of West and Central Africa. About 350 scientists/ extension workers participated in the workshop. SPALNA (Soil and Plant Analytical Laboratories Network of Africa) organized seven training courses either intetnationally or incountry. Two out of the seven courses were held in Nigeria (Agronomy Department, University of Ibadan and Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nsukka). SPALNA also donated soil laboratory equipment to five universities, two of which are in Nigeria. between 1995 and 1997.
Individual Training Dioclpline
Soil Science Weed Science Econo m ics Agronomy
6 1 3
Youth Corper
Indu.trial TralnlDI
Information dissemination and technology transfer • LEXSYS: new version of the software and a handbook were released • SPALNA issued its fifth edition of the newsletter • Publications of scientific papers.
IAR Balanced Nutrient Management System (BNMS) for mal:l:e-based systems In the moist savanna and humid forest zones of West Africa The overall goal of the research is to cut the various cycles of plant nutrient depletion in maize-based farming systems through integrated nutrient management systems geared to land-use practices which are economically viable, ecologically sound, and socially acceptable. The objective is therefore to develop and test management practices which aim at maintaining or improving the soil nutrient balance by promoting utilization of locally available sources of plant nutrients, maximizing their nutrient use efficiency and thus reducing the need for external costly soluble fertilizers.
The on-station research aspect of the study includes: 1. Pot experiment for measuring response of maize to Nand P
This experiment was carried out to test if experimental fields for subsequent trials show response to Nand P. This has been completed.
2. Studies on organic and inorganic interactions Here the substitive value of residues of varying quality as source of N I studied, The effect of incorporation vs surface application of these residues were also studied.
3. Studies on rock P solubilization Here the potential oflegumes to increase the solubilization of rock phosphate through rhizosphere mechanisms is studied,
4. Field and laboratory incubation experiments on ability of area to increase the solubility of rock P These studies were successfuUy established at the beginning of the 1997 season. They are being well managed and reliable results are expected.
Village survey in benchmark villages 1. Soil survey in benchmark villages Kaya and Danayamaka have been carried out to identify the major soil types and their position in the landsc'a pe, in view of selected fanner's fields representation of major soils in the area. 2. Monitoring nutrient balance in farmer fields In this study all field operations in the selected 6 fanners' fields at Danayamaka were followed up, Input and output of nutrients were monitored through quantification and subsampling of organic and inorganic amendment and harvest products.
3. Survey on the avm7abr7ity and use of organic QJ1d inorganic inputs of farmers This was conducted in the two villages using 200 farmers. Soil samples in I are being analyzed, data from 2 are being stored on the computer, while data from 3 are now being analyzed. Reliable results are expected.
Evaluation of collections of herbaceous legumes In this study. different accessions of three species Eschunomene histrix, Centrosema pascuorum, and Mucuna pruriens are being evaluated with the objectives of identiJYing those suitable for croplivestock systems and farming system niches. The accessions are being evaluated with and without phosphorus in order to select for tolerance to low P. This project is also in collaboration with lLRl. All experiInents were established at the beginning of the 1997 season in Samaru. Trials are doing fine and observations and measurements are being taken. Reliable results are expected. Other aspects of this collaboration involve screening some herbaceous legumes and mixtures of legumes for crop-livestock systems. The objectives are to identiJY legumes or combinations suitable for crop-livestock farming systems and farming system niches. The other aspect is the seed multiplication of herbaceous legume germplasm for use in other studies'-on station or on-farm and distribution to interested individuals and farmers.
Plenary In the ensuing discussion, a number of issues were raised: â&#x20AC;˘ There is a low adoption rate of the yam minisett technique and the technique results in small tubers which cannot be exported.
NRCRI indicated that the smallness of the size of the tubers from the minisett is relative as minisetts result in tubers of 750 g-1.5 kg whereas full tubers give 2-2.5 kg. Besides, the minisetts produce uniform tubers which are easier to handle. For planting, 45 g setts are now recommended. • Promotion of D. bulbifera which is high in protein content is being hampered by inability to do research on it as a result of lack offunds. • Banana materials are not being distributed because the distribution plan is not being implemented. • Cassava cutting distribution was hampered in the LCRI area because ofa temporary problem of fuel distribution. • IAR is interested in working on the lesser legumes but it is
low on the priority list. • The ginger program of NRCRI is being hampered by inadequate marketing for ginger. • The national variety release mechanism needs to be reviewed. At present, it is slow and appears to be cumbersome. • Mucuna and suppression of spear grass.
Adoption studies reveal that adoption of Mucuna is primarily to suppress weeds. However, Mucuna does not eradicate the rhizomes in one to two years. Further research is being done on this.
III Future Collaborative Activities A. Cowpea IAR requests for continued collaboration on cowpea in the areas of yield maintenance and integrated pest control. IAR is also interested in weed management, utilization, and soil conservation. lITA will continue to work on dual-purpose varieties and those that are Striga resistant. lITA welcomes the hiring of the IAR breeder and will work closely with him. lITA looks forward to the formation of the Biosafety Committee . LCRI will want closer collaboration on dry season cowpea production and integration of legumes into cereal-based cropping systems.
B. Maize and maize-based systems IAR will continue to focus on Striga resistant varieties while lITA will emphasize the systems approach in the benchmark areas. liTA is also exploring the potentials of using NNPC gas for the control of &riga. If output of maize is to improve , fertilizers will continue to be needed.
C. Rice and rice-based systems Rice-PHMD will continue to work on biological control of stem borers and also on resource management. 39
Rice-based systems---{:ontinued research on resistance/tolerance to biological constraints and non toxicity. NCRI will work with WARDA on improving grrun quality and processing. WARDA's presence in Nigeria is undergoing a transition and very shortly , an agronomist will be posted to t he country while varietal improvement work will continue .
D. Roots, tubers, and plantains and banana system All of the present areas of collaboration will continue . It was agreed that mechanisms for collaboration could include the following: • policy level discussions at the top • technical level discussions between scientists • attendance at annual review meetings • exchange of strategic plans/reviews for input • joint sourcing of funds for collaborative research projects. On soybean, continued research will be directed at reducing pod shattering while improving processing and utilization .
Technology transfer activities NAERLS-Nationwide coordination The agency is currently reviewing its activities nationwide and seeks closer collaboration with zonal research institutes and IARCs. It conducts training courses and workshops and carries out research on the technology adoption process , e.g. , evaluation of the monthly technology review meetings (MTRMs) and the training and visit (T&V) system . It solicits media, e.g. , radio and television support for the process. It does not currently work with IITA but had worked on the IORC supported soybean project.
FACU Farmers have greatly benefited from technologies transferred to them but there are constraints. These include : • Financial constraints experienced by ADPs. • NARs failure to honor some of their MTRM dates which means that technologies to be transferred are missed. More importantly, the opportunity to dialogue with farmers provided by the meeting during the pre-MTRM trip is missed. • Input availability and distribution are still bottlenecks in technology adoption. 41
Fertilizer: Now that the price of fertilizer has been deregulated , it has become important for NARis to seriously consider the following:
â&#x20AC;˘ Revisit the recommendations on fertilizer rates with a view to possibly reducing rates . â&#x20AC;˘ Mode of a pplication with a view to improving access of crops to the fertilizer and waste reduction. â&#x20AC;˘ The development of simple and appropriate tools / machine for fertilizer placement as broadcasting tends to be wasteful , especially now that fertilizers have become more expensive .
JAR IAR and IITA collaborate in the following areas of on-farm adaptive farmer managed trials in 1997 .
Cotton/cowpea intercrop technology This was carried out in Katsina, Kaduna, and Zamfara states. The objective is to evaluate the performance of cotton and elite cowpea mixtures at farmer level , using IAR cotton variety and UTA cowpea variety. This technology is being tested for the first time and looks promising on the fields. Good results are expected at the end of the season.
CereaUcowpea strip cropping This technology is to evaluate the performance of lITA cowpea grown in strip crop with IAR cereals. The cereals were sorghum, millet, and maize depending on the state where the trials were located. The states are Katsina and Kebbi states. The trials started in 1997 and the filed reports indicated that the crops are performing well. Again the evaluation of the performance and acceptability will be done at the end of the season.
Elite cowpea variety trials These trials are designed to evaluate the perfonnance of elite cowpea varieties from UTA at fanner level and also their acceptability . There are five varieties involved; IT90K-277-2, IT89 K-374-57, IT88D-867-11, and IT 93 K-452- 1 and the states are Sokoto , Bauchi, and Gombe. Again these trials started in 1997 and are still in the field. Reports however indicate that there is a high prospect of the success of the trials.
Maize-IAR& T Evaluation of improved downy mildew/streak resistant maize varieties In OM endemic statH of Oyo, Osun, and Ondo Since the incidence of downy mildew (OM) disease was first noticed in southwestern Nigeria in the mid-seventies, the devastating disease has spread to virtually all the southwestern states and even beyond. The problem was aggravated by two major factors: (I) nonavailability of resistant varieties and (2) ignorance on the part of local fanners. Following concerted efforts by !ITA and the national agricultural research system (NARS), some resistant varieties were developed and released to farmers. To promptly arrest the spread of this disease there was, therefore, an urgent need to introduce the new varieties to farmers in the endemic states. Consequently, fanner managed on-farm trials consisting of three improved DM resistant varieties and a susceptible local check were established in virtually all the states concerned.
Five strategically located, reasonably enlightened, contact farmers were picked per state for the exercise . Fanners' field days were organized during which farmers in nearby local government areas were invited to assess the perfonnance of these improved varieties. The yield superiority of OM resistant varieties was never in doubt. In most instances, improved varieties outyielded local varieties by over 100%. This impressive result was due mainly to the very low OM rates in resistant varieties. Over 45
fa rmers have partici pated in these trials while more than one thousand farmers visited the trials in t he three states. Quite expec tedly, the re was a n upsurge in demand for these improved seeds. High quality breeder and foundation seeds h ave been produced on a regular basis by the Institute for the National Seed Service for dis tribution to farmers . Introduction of improved crop varieties in maize/cassava intercrop
Peasant fanners hardly grow any crop sole. Thus , maize/cassava intercrop is a very popular crop mixture. Many local farmers however, still cultivate local varieties of these crops. The objective of this study was to introduce low-cyanide varieties of cassava (TMS 033 , TMS 0447, and NR 8895) and an improved downy mildew resistant maize variety (DMR-LSR-Y) to local farmers in selected local government areas of Oyo State. Three villages (Ologuneru, Akufo, and Faleke) were selected in lddo Local Government area. The farmer-managed trials were established by the fanners . Field days will be organized at the appropriate time to avail nearby of farmers the opportunity to assess the performance of these varieties. Determination of optimum plant population in downy mildew/streak resistant maize based crop mixture
As a result of the recent outbreak of downy mildew and streak disease, maize production virtually grounded to a halt in about ten endemic states of the country. Consequently, resistant varieties were developed to combat the menace . These varieties have been introduced to farmers and are being popularized through on-farm trials, agricultural shows, radio/1V jingles, etc. By nature, our peasant farmers practise mixed cropping. However, different plant populations are adopted by the farmers while intercropping these improved varieties. Experiments were therefore designed to determine optimum plant populations for the component crops in the mixtures.
Promotion of improved maize-based producu
Efforts to develop nutritionally improved maize foods will be wasted if the recipes are not popularized for mass adoption by farmers . Target groups in villages, women's groups in urban areas , religious groups, children welfare centers, etc., are being used to promote the adoption of important research results. This will create awareness on the tremendous opportunities for improved nutritional status of the people as well as increased income generating activities for the women. Three villages: Imasai (Ogun State), l\ale, and Emure-Ile (Ondo State) were selected for this exercise. The technologies transferred include: • Preparation of kokoro using maize flour • Supplementation of kokoro with soya-corn flour • Preparation of soya-corn milk • Supplementation of kokoro with soya milk.
NRCRI Research-Extension-Farmer-Input Linkage System (REFILS) in the SE Zone NRCRI, Umudike as the institute with the mandate for improving the farming systems of the southeastern zone, transfers improved agricultural technology to farmers through : • Research -Extension-Farmer-Input-Linkage System in collaboration with ADPs and universities. This includes workshops, meetings, and OFR activities • Ad hoc short courses in specific areas in collaboration v.ith NAERLS
• Excursion visits by students of secondary and postsecondary institutions and farmer groups
• Training of middle level agricultural manpower at the Federal College of Agriculture, lshiagu (formerly at Umudike), accredite d by NBTE t o award the National Diploma in General Agriculture and the Higher National Diploma in Crop Production and Agricultural Extension and Farm Management. This also includes training of extension workers and contact farmers on rapid multiplication of cassava planting materials through the use of 2 node cuttings. NCR! NCR! conducts on farm demonstration on:
• Rice-to replace farmers varieties with improved varieties targeting specific stresses, e.g., ARG M, iron toxicity blast and assignment soil fertility in lowland rice with Sesbania rostra/a. • Soybean-to introduce improved varieties and popularize soybean recipes. • Mechanization-to demonstrate the prototype machines of NCR! for soybean threshing/winnowing rice parboiling. • farming sYstems research-to popularize varieties and introduce fertilizer and soil management.
Plenary The following issues were raised during the discussion. • The role of the National Seed Service (NSS) should be strengthened. NSS is to ensure that quality seeds are produced for farmers in adequate quantities. To facilitate this role, seed technology units are being established in research institutes. • It was suggested that NAERLS could take some leadership role in the bridging of the communication gap between the research institutes.
• Sasakawa Global 2000 works on wheat, maize, and cowpea in collaboration with lAR, LCR! , and NAERLS but within the context of what each institute is doing. • The incidence of downy mildew infestation has been reduced because of the introduction ofDMR varieties. However, farmers do not get these seeds in good time. • One of the aims of the National Agricultural Research Project is for all research institutes to collaborate and assist in promoting technologies generated by other institutes apart from theirs. • Use of Sesbania spp. in the farming system is restricted by lack of good seeds. NCR! is taking the lead in addressing this problem. • NCR! is also looking at rice varieties that will require less fertilizer. • IITA has made some progress in the development of a fungus that can control grasshoppers instead of the use of insecticide . IITA is prepared to assist LCR! with the technology.
v Closing Session • It was agreed that both parties (the Nigerian research institutes and UTA) were moving in the same direction in their research agenda.
The direction is now towards a systems approach to research, combining the work on crops in the systems and working in partnership. Research is moving away from on-station to on-farm to make the research more relevant and in line with the systems approach. Research should also look into sustainable production systems, soil conservation strategies, plant protection, and use of the linkages within the structures (e.g ., use ofNSS) . Ongoing work on utilization should also be continued. • The issue of how to forge collaboration on research into other crops (not in UTA's mandate, e .g ., wheat and millet) could be resolved through inviting other IARCs concerned with these crops to participate in the meeting. • Need for improved communication between the institutes was also stressed. • It was agreed that there is a need to improve the varietal release mechanism. Scientists were requested to do their part by providing appropriate data in time.
• Collaboration could also be strengthened through joint project preparation for fund ing under the regional projects (bilateral funding will not be available because of the sanctions). • There is also a need to define the mode of partnership in terms of who should do what and how to maximize use of resources . This will entail the definition of the details of collaboration and identifying ways of improving existing relationships. Initially , NARS scientists had felt unrecognized but the situation has since improved . • The Nigerian agricultural universities representative on the Board of Trustees for IITA is yet to be nominated from four years ago. • It was agreed that the forum should be expanded to include
NSS, NIFOR, or any other organization that can contribute to the agenda items. • On the issue of access to IITA campus, it was agreed that as part of the normal ongoing collaboration, the directors are welcome at all times. They should either indicate ahead of time or complete the entry formalities at the gate and ask to see the ICD director.
Date of next meeting It was decided that the next meeting will be held on 20-22
September 1999 at the IITA station in Kana. It was agI'eed that the NARS directors should endeavor to be personally present unless it is absolutely unavoidable. The host director, Dr S . Misari thanked all the participants present and urged them to try and join in the visit of NCR! the next day. Dr Imolehin thanked everybody for the useful contributions during the meeting. He especially thanked the liTA Director General, Dr Lukas Brader, and the team for attending and providing the financial support to the meeting.
list of Participants Ero, !. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria Jericho,Ibadan Tel: (02) 241086, 241441 Fax: 2410515
Misari, S .M. National Cereals Research Institute Badeggi PMB 8 , Bida, Niger State Tel: (066)461 233, 462172
Imolehin, E .M. National Cereals Research Institute Badeggi PMB 8 , Bida, Niger State Tel: (066) 5462172, 461 23 3234
Ojo-Atere , J .O. IAR&T PMB 5029, Moor Plantation, Ibadan Tel: (02) 2321523
Owonubi, J .J. Institute of Agricultural Research Ahmadu Bello University PMB 1044, Samaru-Zaria Tel: (069) 50571 45 50681 Fa,,: 50563 or 51355
Oanyaya, A. Niger State Agric. Dev. Project PMB 132 Minna, Niger State Tel: (066) 221896
Jibrin, A. Niger State Agric. D ev. Project PMB 132 Minna, Niger State Tel: (066) 221896
Makanju, I.S. POBox3353 Minna, Niger State Tel: (066) 22 10235 Nuhu, A. Ministry of Agric . & Nat. Res. Minna, Niger State Tel : (066) 224975
~bodede , B.A.
PMB 5029, Moor Plantation Ibadan Tel: (02) 2321523
Muhammad, A.G. Ministry of Agric. & Natural Resources Minna, Niger State Tel: (066) 221184
Odurukwe , S .O . National Root Crops Research Institute PMB7006 Abia State Tel: (088) 220188
Ukwungu,M. National Cereals Research Institute PMB 8, Bida, Niger State Tel: (066) 461233, 461234
Olaniyan, G.O . National Cereals Research Institute PMB 8, Bida, Niger State Tel: (066) 461233, 461234
Fademi,O. National Cereals Research Institute Badegg;, PMB 8 Bida Niger State Tel: (066) 461233
Salako, E .N. Federal Agric. Co-ord. Unit Headquarters, Abuja Tel: (09) 882 1033
Ikwelle, M. Lake Chad Research Inst. PMB 1293 Maiduguri Tel: (076) 231188
Ishaya, S. POBox 3353, Minna Niger State Tel: (066) 0221035
Kolo,J.N. Ministry of Agric. & Natural Institute Minna, Niger State
Abubakar, S . NAERLS/ABU Samaru-Zaria Tel: (069) 50589
Intemationallnstitute of Tropical Agriculture Bra der, L., Director General Booth, R. , Depu ty Director General Bassey, M.W ., International Cooperation Division Dashiell, K., Crop Improvement Division Berner, D., Plant Health Management Division Manyong, V.M., Resource and Crop Management Division Ogunyinka, 0. , International Cooperation Division Wi1liamsC ., WARDA at IlTA, Ibadan Etim, E., Conference Center