IITA Established ir 1967, t,le Internationallrstltute of Tropical Agricclture (IITA) was the firs' major African 111k in a network of international agricultural research ard training centers located In rhe developing regions of the world. IITA is an autonomous, non-profit corporation with headquarrers on a1,OOO-hectare experimental farm at Ibadan, Nigeria. Funding for IITA came initially from the Ford and Rockefeller foundations. The land for the experimental farm was allocated by the Government of the Federal Republic of Niger'a Principal financing has since 1971 been arranged through the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), an informal association of governments, international organizations, and private institutions GO-sponsored by the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAD) of the United Nations, and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Objectives The foremost mission olliTA is to ccnduct research on farming systerrs in the r,ulT,id a1d subhumid tropical zones. The general objective is to identify alternatives to shifting or "slash-and-bur1" cult'lvalion that can sustain productivity of food crops under continuous cultivation. Tre primary commodities in the IITA research program are cassava, maize and cowpeas. In addition, IITA focuses on a smal'er scope of research Q,1 soybeans, yams and plantain I~
surcmary, IITA aims to:
Develop systems for the management and oQ,1servati01 of natural resources whicl can sustain agricultural deve;opment in the humid and subhumid tropical zones.
Increase the productivity of selected food cr8ps with a view to integrating them into improved production systems.
Irnprove post-harvest tecrnologies and Ihe utilization Df agricultural products in both rural and urban areas
Strengthen national agricultural research capacities for development and use of new technologies in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in West and Central African countries, by means of training, information and ether services.
Group Courses
2 3 4 5 6 7
Colleagues on Campus
Research Facilities
Training Program Aims Areas of Research Graduate Research Vacation Student Research
Support Facilities
Living at IITA
11 12
Recreation How to Appty
inside back page
Donors' Rote
back page
Train ing Program The training program is one of IITA's principal means of achieving "transfer of technology' in agriculture from international to national levels. Training can help in building national capabilities for agricultural research and food production in Africa, by increasing the corps of competent research workers for the humid and subhumid tropics.
IITA offers several degree-related and nondegree-related training programs in research
IITA offers several degree-related and non-degree-related training programs in research. The effectiveness of these programs is testified by the fact that many former participants are staff members of regional, national, international. and state agencies and are leaders in agricultural research and education throughout Africa and other parts of the world.
This booklet provides information on the various training opportunities at IITA.
Aims The main objective of the IITA training program is the development of human resources in agricultural research in tropical countries, particularly in Africa, in order to enable indigenous scientists and technicians to solve food production problems themselves.
IITA seeks to enhance the role of women in agricultural research
IITA seeks to enhance the role of women in agricultural research , and makes a special effort to promote enrolmenl of women in its training courses. Training activities are designed to contribute to the participants' professional goals, 10 national programs, and to IITA. Train ing increases the number of qualified research workers for nalional programs, and the Irainees serve to enhance the research output of IITA through their participalion in projects during and after training. In addition, through continuing contact with the alumni of the training program, IITA keeps in close touch with agricultural problems of the lropics. The underslanding so gained ensures thai research addresses real problems and ultimalely translates into real benefits for sub-Saharan Africa and olher tropical developing areas.
Areas of research Participants range from agricultural diploma holders to graduates with advanced degrees. Their training includes "hands-on" field and laboratory work and problem-solving applied research. Participants have opportunities to work and study under the guidance of senior scientists in the following areas of research, which are related to specific food crops of the humid and subhumid tropics.
Training includes "hands-on" field and laboratory wolle
Agricultural economics/rural sociology Entomology/insect ecology Genetic resources conservation Agroclimatology Agronomy Cropping systems Nematology Plant pathology Plant breeding Plant physiology Post-harvest technology Soil chemistry Soil fertility Soil microbiology Soil physics Virology Weed science Research activity is focused chiefly on (a) resource and crop management, and (b) the food crops of cassava, cowpea, maize, soybean, yam and plantain.
Training is also offered in research support services such as laboratory techniques, library science and documentation, editing and publication, and others.
Training Is also offered In ftIStIarch support serrlellS
Three types of training are offered: 1. Graduate research (MSc/PhD). 2. Vacation student research. 3. Group courses. In addition to the formal program, graduate students and course participants have opportunities to broaden their knowledge of agricultural research through exposure to the varied activities of an international organization. They have access to the library and documentation center, and they attend seminars, conferences, and symposia held at ItTA and the nearby University of Ibadan.
Graduate research A numbe, of MSc and PhD ftIStIarch fellowships are aral/able at anyone time
Candidates must be in the process of completing their course work at a reputable university, anywhere in the world, and be planning to conduct research in an African environment. Before they can be conSidered, candidates must have decided on a research project that meets the approval of their university and of an IITA scientist. The research normally takes place at IITA or one of its substations. A graduate research appOintment at IITA does not normalty exceed one year at MSc level and two years at PhD level. A limited number of MSc and PhD research fellowships are available at anyone time. They are normalty offered to students from sub-Saharan Africa, in particular from the countries of West and Central Africa. Applicants who are not seeking an IITA fellowsh ip can be considered for a graduate research appointment if they have already secured financial support which covers their research work at IITA and the course work of their degree elsewhere. Applicants should write directly to the address given on the back page, and enclose a letter of recommendation from their university supervisor as well as two other letters of support from professors of the same university.
Vacation student research IITA has a unique research training program. Those selected will work on a project during their final long vacation
For participants who are within one year of completing a first degree course at a university, IITA has a unique research training program. This program started with Nigerian universities but has been extended to university-level schools of agriculture in other African countries. Deans of agriculture are invited to nominate outstanding students for this program. Financial support should be secured before commencement of Ihe research. Those selected wilt work on a project during thei r final long vacalion as undergraduates, usualty from three to four months. A small number of scholarships are available.
This program has yielded benefits of several kinds. Young people in Africa with potential as research scientists have been identified and motivated in this direction. In the past, many of them have returned to liTA for postgraduate research, and others have become staff members of universities and agricultural agencies.
Group courses Announcements are sent out twice yearly, about special subject maHer courses organized by IITA for groups of up to 30 participants and lasting for various lengths of time. The courses are designed for senior agricultural technicians, research workers, and trainers of technical and research staff whose work concerns such crops as cassava, cowpea, maize, soybean, yam, and plantain. In addition, courses are offered on such subjects as alley farming , soil and plant analysis, seed technology, weed science, human nutrition and utilization of food crops, and others. Most courses are conducted in English and French. Candidates are usually nominated and sponsored by their employer or a development organization. Candidates are also identified by IITA research liaison scientists in cooperation with national agricultural research systems of West and Central Africa.
Courses are carefully planned to ensure a balance between lectures and hands-on laboratory 1II0rlr
Courses are carefully planned to ensure a balance between lectures, hands-on laboratory work, field work and problemsolving applied research.
Colleagues on Campus There are approximately 55 sCientists, some of whom are among the internationally topranking specialists In their respective fields
The research staff includes approximately 55 scientists, some of whom are among the internationally top-ranking specialists in their respective fields. Supplementing this collection of experts are visiting scientists from various parts of the world. Many of the scientists are relatively young with diverse backgrounds, providing an excellent opportunity for trainees to broaden their knowledge and views in a congenial working environment.
Research FaciIities MOle than 300 hectales of land have been developed fOI research on the main lirA campus at Ibadan
lraining participants have access to extensive, modern research facilities at lilA, including: Research stations. More than 300 hectares of land have been developed for research on the main lilA campus at lbadan. A research station of 80 hectares lies in the highrainfall , humid coastal zone at Onne, Nigeria. Another research station is located in the People's Republic of B~nin . One substation is planned for a high rainfall area and another in the moist savanna, in different countries of West or Central Africa. laboratories. Well-equipped laboratories at lilA provide excellent opportunities for participants to become familiar with the use of modern research technology.
Much of the library collection can be accessed through an online, computerized, bibliographic service
Controlled environments. Greenhouses. screenhouses. photoperiod chambers, and growth chambers make possible the study of plant growth under a variety of controlled conditions. Library services. liTA has a modern library and documentation center. Much of the library collection can be accessed through an on-line, computerized, bibliographic service. The collection comprises 31 000 books, 7 000 reports, 4 500 microfiches, microfilms, 900 current periodicals and 33 000 back volumes, including many French language scientific publications. In addition, the nearby University of Ibadan offers a wide range of resources on non-agricultural subjects.
Support Facilities The physical planl services department enables liTA to be largely self-sufficient for minor construction work on campus, maintenance of buildings, vehicles, farm equipment, and laboratories. Standby facilities for water and electricity supply also exist. Medical clinic. IITA has a medical clinic with two lulltime, highly qualified physicians and several nurses.
Living at IITA living in an international community is, in itself, an education. Graduate students and course participants are housed in hostels with single or double occupancy on the liTA campus, where they associate with people Irom many nations around the world.
Students are able to associate with people from many nations around the world
Participants eat at the International House, which has a cafeteria, snack bar, private dining room, lounge, and television room.
Numerous facilities are available on campus for recreation during free time
Graduate research fellows may apply to bring their families. Simple accommodation is assigned to them when possible. Group course participants and vacation students may not bring family members with them because of the limited facilities.
Recreation All graduate students and course partiCipants are automatically members of the International Club. Numerous facilities are available on campus for recreation during free time - tennis and ping pong, swimming, squash, badminton, volleyball, golf, billiards and fishing. A limited amount of sports equipment is available. Video films are shown twice weekly in English, and French films provided by the Alliance Francaise are shown, usually once per week.
How to apply Prospective candidates are encouraged to seek nomination through their own organization (a university, ministry of agriculture, research institute, or private agency) or through one of IITA "outreach" scientists attached to a national agricultural research system in sub-Saharan Atrica. Prospective candidates should prepare and send a detailed resume or curriculum vitae. Those interested in a graduate research appointment should send a research proposal of up to 10 pages Candidates who meet the requirements are sent application forms. Before final appointments are made, candidates must take medical examinations to certify that they are in good health. All queries about applications, tuition and living costs, stipends and other aspects of training should be addressed to: Director of Training International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Dyo Road, PMB 5320 Ibadan NIGERIA
Director of Training International Institute at Tropical Agriculture c/o L. W Lambourn & Co. Carolyn House 26 Dingwall Road Croydon CR9 3EE ENGLAND
IITA will send a letter of notification as soon as the candidate is selected for appointment to a graduate research or research training position, or for admission to a course. The letter will state the basic conditions of appointment or admission. It should be kept for further reference.
Nigerian entry visa. Visas are required for entry into Nigeria by non-Nigerians who are not citizens of ECDWAS countries. The IITA letter of appointment will indicate the procedure for obtaining an entry visa. Visas are not granted at Nigerian international airports Application for a visa should be made at the Nigerian Embassy serving the country where the applicant resides, as early as possible, and should be accompanied by the IITA letter of appointment
DONORS' ROLE Universities and governmental and international agencies are encouraged to provide funds to cover the costs of training at IITA. The preferred arrangement for the financing of any type of training is for the supporting organization to make a grant to IITA. By making outright grants to IITA for the training program, private and governmental organizations and interested individuals can contribute significantly to the quality and quantity of tropical agricultural research for the developing countries of Africa. All correspondence about providing grants for training in general or for individual trainees should be addressed to:
Director General International Institute of Tropical Agriculture c/o LW. Lambourn & Co. Carolyn House 26 Dingwall Road Croydon CR9 3EE ENGLAND