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CV of Mr. Dae Joon Hwang Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea djhwang@skku.edu

He has been with the faculty of School of ICT, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea since March 1987. He served as the president of Korea Education Research and Information Service during July 2004 – April 2008. On recognition of the activities and contributions in e-Learning he has been taking the important roles for Korea and global community; the chairman of IMS Korea and a member of the Executive Strategic Committee of IMS GLC, and the Governing Board Member of UNESCO IITE in Moscow. His current research interests include smart education/learning, open access to OER, learning technology interoperability, and design of future learning environment.

Teacher Training System in Korea Dae Joon Hwang, Ph.D. Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea djhwang@skku.edu


This presentation is focused on teacher training system for ICT use in education in Korea. Korea’s government has established teacher training institutes and e-Teacher training institutes for both ICT literacy and integration purposes since the late 1980s. The focuses of teacher training changed over three master plans from computer literacy to creative ICT based education. We also introduced National Teacher Training Information System developed for supporting teacher training based on teacher career stages. For nurturing teachers to challenge the 21st education, new teacher roles and competencies for ICT in education have been described in this presentation.

Best Practice of ICT in Education with Special Focus on Korean Case Dae Joon Hwang, Ph.D. Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea djhwang@skku.edu


In this presentation, Korea’s best practices in ICT in Education have been introduced.








experiences, government initiatives, adoption of e-Learning in education and training, and lessons from which we learned. Use of ICT in education has been systematically propelled by strong cooperation among three unique key players: MEST (Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology), KERIS (Korea Education and Information Service), and 16 MPOEs (Metropolitan Provincial Offices of Education) since establishing the first master plan in 1996. Our success in ICT based education innovation and its implications have been described for sharing and encouraging to learn each other.

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