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UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education
The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education was established as an integral part of UNESCO by the General Conference of UNESCO at its 29th session (November 1997) and is located in Moscow, Russian Federation. At the same session, the Statutes of IITE were adopted. According to its Statutes, the Institute contributesto the design and implementation of the programmes of the Organization in regard to application of information and communication technologies in education.

Noe Lumby

RedPEA UNESCO - Costa Rica

Sara Oliveira



Lei Fan

Mohammed Hassim

Lord Cultural Resources

Arif Comek

bob bob

Tony Nwachukwu

Peekaboo Toei

Oana Simionescu

Girish Rathod

UNESCO Initiatives Centre

Quyen Bui


Aiga Galvāne


Daniel Teng

Oliver Elraco

Celina D Ávila Samogin

Cristina Lourenço

Salsa Vida


Ken Berman Gorilla Trades


Samy Abedeen