NEWSLETTER Club News And Events 3835845 IIT Toastmasters Club August 2015
IIT Toastmaster Club
President’s message
Executive Committee Legends never retire! Too Much Expectations – The Tragic Path to Disappointment
Club Deadlines 15th August Club Success Plan Conducting MOT OTP and JTP Training
30th September Smedley Award 1st Quarter Newsletter
IIT TOASTMASTERS CLUB The Informatics Institute of Technology Toastmasters club was officially started on March 2014. The first executive committee was officially inducted in July 2014 as Informatics Institute of Technology Toastmasters club, C2 division C with 30 members including the 7 members in the executive committee. The club was guided within IIT by our lecturer in charge of Toastmasters Ms.Shyani Siriwardene. From the district toastmasters DTM Shriyanthi Salgado and DTM Namini Gunesena guided us and helped us in all possible ways to establish the club and maintain it. TM Nimila Samarasinghe was the charter president of the club. Currently the club has 30 members.
SELECT DISTINGUISHED CLUB AWARD IIT toastmasters club was able to receive this award for the year 2014/2015
GREAEST ACHIEVEMENT This was a great achievement for our club as a starter, TM Nimila Hiran was able to complete his CCs.
NEWSLETTER Club News And Events
President’s message It is my pleasure and a privilege to be the President of the IIT Toastmasters Club for 2015 – 2016. We are a team of 7 in the Exco. Other than the President, we have the VP Education – TM Vishwa, VP Membership – TM John, VP PR – TM Akila, Secretary – TM Jeshreen, Treasurer – TM Rumesh, Sargent At Arms – TM Prabash. At IIT Toastmasters we work with each other in a professional manner, and all of our members are highly enthusiastic and passionate about Toastmasters, so every meeting at IIT Toastmasters is pretty interesting.
My goal as the president is to work together with everyone and achieve President’s Distinguished Club status this year. Our eyes are even set on the Golden Gavel Award, and we will be working as hard as we can to achieve that status as a Team. As Henry Ford said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Together we will continue on our path of success. Together, we can! Join us, in our Journey at IIT Toastmasters. Checkout our Website for more information.
We follow the policy - “Together we can” at IIT Toastmasters. We work as a team with everyone. At Toastmasters meetings we come together to not only become strong public speakers and leaders but also to help others to become one. For most of us this journey starts at an individual level with soul searching, the urge to get better. During meetings we take turns at different roles, learn a lot from each other, and learn from our mistakes and those made by others. We help each other with feedback and encouragement. This creates a very supportive environment for everybody to learn and grow. We attend other Toastmaster Club meetings, and other Toastmasters events regular to grow our network, which helps us build our professional career as well.
-TM Banuka Athuraliya, President (2015/2016), IIT Toastmasters Club.
NEWSLETTER Club News And Events
INDUCTION The 2nd installation ceremony of the Toastmasters Club of Informatics Institute of Technology was held on the 30th July 2015 at 6.00 pm in the Pool side common room at Informatics Institute of Technology. The Guest of Honor for this event was Division C Director TM Ranmal Goonetileka. The Area C1 Director TM Shiek Ahmad, TM Shiham Nawaz, DTM Shriyanthi Salgado, TM Varuna Ratnaweera were present to grace this event. Other than the toastmasters, the Director of Informatics Ms. Kishani Perera, General Manager of IIT Mr. Sudharshan Welihindha and Mr. Mascarghe, Toastmasters coordinator for IIT Ms. Shyani Siriwardene and the staff of IIT were present to Grace this occasion.
- were inducted newly in to the IIT Toastmasters club by DTM Shriyanthi Slagado.
The event began with the traditional lighting of the oil lamp by the dignitaries. The national anthem was sung in order to pay respect to our dear mother land Sri Lanka. The welcome speech was delivered to welcome the guests for this event by the Vice President Education – TM Vishwa Perera. The immediate past president TM Nimila Hiranya Samarasinghe did a Throw back speech. Seven new members namely TM Akila Hettiarachchi, TM Fathima Shazna, TM Jeshreen Balraj, TM Kavishka Fernando, TM Mohamed Murshid, TM Mohamed Mustaque and TM Upeksha Liyanege
The awaited moment for the new executive committee was up next. The Area Director TM Shiek Ahamed introduced each office barer to the audience, once they were introduced they exchanged the Gaval by pronouncing their oath and accepting their role as an office barer. Once all the office bearers were inducted the past president handed over the Toastmasters President’s Medallion to the newly inducted president TM Banuka Athuraliya, and he pinned the past presidents badge in appreciation of his immense service towards the Toastmasters club. The newly inducted President Delivered his acceptance speech as the IIT Toastmasters club he briefed out his plans for the new year and mentioned that he along with the club are mainly focusing to achieve the golden gavel award for the club with this speech. The secretary Jeshreen Balraj Delivered the vote of thanks and the event was concluded with the IIT anthem.
The Guest of Honour TM Ranmal Goonatileke briefed us about the Toastmasters club and about his experience in toastmasters it was a lovely speech.
NEWSLETTER Club News And Events
Executive committee PRESIDENT
Banuka Athuralliya 2nd year Computer Science Undergraduate VP PUBLIC RELATIONS
Akila Hettiarachchi 2nd year Computer Science Undergraduate
Vishwa Perera 2nd year Computer Science Undergraduate
John Sriskandharajah 2nd year Software Engineering Undergraduate
Jeshreen Balraj 2nd year Software Engineering Undergraduate
Rumesh Thiruchelvam 2nd year Information Systems & Business Management Undergraduate
Prabashwara Seneviratne 2nd year Software Engineering Undergraduate
NEWSLETTER Club News And Events
LEGENDS NEVER RETIRE! Cricket has been the gentleman's game through the years, past present or future, and in this game only a handful of true gentleman has actually achieved that title of the "BEST" among the best. Exceptional talent from almost every corner of the planet have emerged not only to the peak of their game but even paved the way for new and younger generations to follow on. Cricketers from the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, Europe and even as far as Oceania have truly been Masters of the game and captured the undeniable love of their fans. They all go to the most honored category of Legendary Cricketers that graced the game of Cricket. Henceforth one such Legend who retired from all 3 International forms of Cricket is Kumar Sangakkara "The Gentleman" happens to be from the pearl of the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka. Not only did his retirement open up the opportunity for new talent but it came at the peak of his game. Bringing an utmost disappoint for all his fans in his last innings which was played against India, in the 2nd Test Match played at the R. Premadasa Cricket Stadium 2015. When Sangakkara couldn't make a worthwhile score for both of his innings in this game, and was dismissed for 18 runs in the second innings while SL had a massive target of 400+ to win the game. All hopes of the fans were diminished with his dismissal since it was a tradition to make a big score "a century or more" in any cricketing legends last game despite any of the 3 formats. While some have achieved to make a worthwhile final score in their respective last games, some couldn't achieve that feat. Sangakkara fell to the latter of these two. And thus ended the last innings for the legend bred and who shone out in Sri Lankan Cricket era. Cool as he ever is, he walked out of the field that day with grace and sportsmanship. It was a very rare sight to see for any cricket fan. Soon after Sri Lanka did lose the game with a huge margin.
Soon after he gave such a heart-warming speech with all his gratitude to everyone single individual who had helped him throughout his colorful career (family, friends, cricketers, fans etc.). It was such an emotional farewell speech that, if anyone did mention it was not enough to make them shed a tear, they would have definitely lied. That's how a great cricket legend retired from the game, but not retire from every fan's heart, because true talent is never forgotten but is always there to lend a helping hand like a towering guardian protecting a mere sprouting. To this Legend are the last lines of gratitude I present in spite of every fan out there. You started your game, tender and young You failed many a times, but never gave up You rose through the ranks, and perfected your strokes You stood behind the wickets, and held onto the loose balls You become an idol, to many passionate youngsters You made history in the game, with your partner at the crease You lead the team, when your career was at its best You inspired many cultures, with your grace and words You become hope for many a game, when everything seemed lost You started a cause, for hidden talent to rise out You are multi-talented, apart from your game You are a Gentleman, at his best You are a Legend, in Every Sri Lankan's heart Your style and story will be, forever in your Hearts Thank you Sir very much, for the memories you gave us!
TM Tharindu Silva
NEWSLETTER Club News And Events
Born or Made? Interest in leadership has become a bit of an obsession. In recent years there has been an explosion of newspaper articles, books, research papers and business cases written about, or by, renowned leaders. Leadership is also big business, with a thriving multi-billion dollar industry in identifying, recruiting, assessing and developing leader talent. So then, what “does it take” to be an effective leader; and are leaders “born” or “made?” Well, we know that effective leaders are born to some extent, with genetic and dispositional tendencies that are a “good fit” for the role. More important, they are also made through life experience and formal developmental efforts. Successful leadership means effective decision making and priority setting in uncertain environments, even in the face of economic and technological change; all this while balancing a myriad of often conflicting demands from their subordinates, bosses, and customers. On the “leaders are born side” we know that extroversion, conscientiousness (i.e. planful, achievement-oriented, reliable, persevering), openness to new experiences, emotional stability, and general intelligence all contribute to a foundation for leadership effectiveness. These characteristics have been shown to be helpful across organizations, sectors, nations and organizational levels, and are often the focus of formal questionnaire-based assessments of leadership potential. On the “leaders are made side”, in-born characteristics make it easier and more natural to seek out experiences that build a repertoire of leadership competencies. These include the development of written and oral communications skills, the confidence required to inspire and influence others (“charisma”), social adeptness and cultural intelligence. These talents are most often measured through interviews and simulations of typical leadership tasks (e.g. conducting a mock performance review, conducting a coaching session; prioritizing and delegating a set of projects; making an inspirational speech; and resolving scenario based management dilemmas). So, putting the “born” and “made” side perspectives together, people who are conscientious, extraverted, open to new experience, emotionally stable, and intelligent (quick to learn) also tend to proactively seek out competence-building experiences. This happens through formal education, such as the MBA, targeted leadership development workshops, and accumulated career-building work experience. It is found that Borns and Mades both believe that leaders should be:
Participative (e.g., collaborative, inclusive, and involving others) Team Oriented (e.g., encouraging collaboration and team unity) Charismatic (e.g., inspirational, visionary, and wanting to strive for excellence) Humane Oriented (e.g., compassionate, generous, and sympathetic) It is also found that: Borns and Mades are ambivalent about whether they think leaders should behave Autonomously (e.g., be independent, self-reliant, self-sufficient, and individualistic) Borns and Mades both believe that leaders should not engage in Face Saving behaviors (e.g., being evasive and indirect) As long as there are leaders, people are going to wonder whether they were born to be leaders or made into leaders. All groups overwhelmingly agree that people become leaders in large part as a result of experiences that help them learn how to be a leader.
- TM Fathima Shazna
NEWSLETTER Club News And Events
Too much expectations – the tragic path to disappointment Are you a Dreamer? A pessimist or an optimist? An individual aiming for nothing less than the best? In contrast do you have very high expectations to whatever your mind sets off towards? If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, then you’re not alone. Because a majority of individuals have too much of expectations to achieve in spite so of these expectations being dramatically impossible to achieve.Now a pessimist would mention that too much of expectations or dreams are not feasible and even pose a threat to your well-being in overall. Or in a more deep negative aspect that expectations are never going to be met, simple because of bad luck which crosses your path (a bit of a superstitious mindset). Mostly because of their unvarying aura of thinking in simply negative terms rather than being or seeing the good which occurs from anything, to an individual. In contrast an optimist would just focus on the mere positive outcomes of an event or in the circle of life itself, despite however small it is. (Which is basically what all of us want now, don’t you agree?) Well, yes having an optimistic mindset over a pessimist mindset is much more attractive. But then again it’s not always this way in the society. Why? Simply because there are different levels of intellectuals and beliefs and even the cultures itself which pose the boundaries to just be stuck to one scope or mindset in how an individual visions the typical problems posing and ongoing in the current society. (Not going to stress on this because it’s totally something else from the topic which is being interpreted in this article).So with the emerging rise of the very high level of expectations society and individuals desire which never ceases to stop, is a major reason for disappointment or even the worst casesutter depression. Just imagine, you wanted to buy this really large and sophisticated automobile with all the latest technologies, and keep on making a really high expectations to buy the car sooner or later and work towards achieving it. (Well yes, it’s a very good positive aspect and dedication to work towards a feasible goal). And one day you may reach the goal, and it would make you proud about your achievement. Or you keep trying many times and just fail tragically to achieve this goal and you ultimately give up and what happens next? A thorough disappointment in most instances (not always though) mostly in yourself and the ability to NOT achieve something with time, hard work and dedication. Well then you have try to achieve your goal in unethical, illegal ways and still fail, and ultimately become really depressed.
Now this is all because of too much of high expectations to achieve a goal. In spite of understanding the way of life and being humble enough to comprehend and accept that not all your expectations can ever be met, you go on lamenting, and getting disappointed with people around you and even yourself. Very Tragic Indeed isn’t now? Moving on, since having very higher expectations towards something you desire to achieve, no matter the cost, or the means in which you try to achieve it is rather intriguing and can end up in you be all disappointed about it if you do fail to achieve the goal, then they are certain group of individuals who doesn’t strive to achieve too far than what he/she can achieve and be satisfied with it. If observed in an abstract point of view these individuals are the best type of people who exist in the society (even though proportionally they are a handful to the former). (Just my opinion) Moreover they are somewhat of a combination of a negating pessimist and all Thumbs Up optimist. (Closer to a realist but in all the balanced features of the two). The feasible minded individuals over one way biased mindsets. There should be more of these individuals in the future (or maybe they will vanquish and cease to exist within this selfish society). Only time will decide this. So in contrast of the article, try to be a understanding individual, who can adhere to the circle of life and how things are if your expectations do not come true always! But don’t give up because when one path is blocked there are many more waiting to be discovered and travelled upon. And most importantly don’t Stop Dreaming!
-TM Tharindu Silva
NEWSLETTER Club News And Events
Contact us EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT TM Banuka Athuraliya 077 – 7781061
When do we have meetings? The IIT toastmasters club meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Informatics Institute of Technology, No. 57 Ramakrishna Road, Colombo 06.
How can I join IIT TMC? VP EDUCATION TM Vishwa Perera 077 – 9852194
You can speak to our VP Membership John Sriskhandharajah.
VP MEMBERSHIP TM John Sriskhandharajah 077 – 3748674
You can give a speech anytime you want. But it is recommended that you complete your speeches asap!
How often should I give speeches?
VP PUBLIC RELATIONS TM Akila Hettiarachchi 071 – 5403096 SECRETARY TM Jeshreen Balraj 077 – 0152822 TREASURER TM Rumesh Thiruchelvam 077 – 4008837 SERGENT AT ARMS TM Prabashwara Senevirathne 072 - 1071437