The Oxford Dictionary defines aspire as "directing one's hopes or ambitions towards achieving something." So, when we strive towards something, it is in all of our hearts that we desire and longforit.
Aspiring is rooted in every one of us. It gives us certainty and confidence when moving forward, which results in people becoming better each day. It is only plausible when the expectations and goals we set are achievable, realistic, and worthy of experiencing. Rather than ignoring these factors, we shouldembracethem,andsuchexpectationscandirectlyimpact ourlifestyleandhabits.
Dearreader, wouldyouratherstrivetoaccomplishorsimplybe?
IIT Toastmasters Club | 3835845 | Area 02 | Division C | District 82
We meet alternatively on Fridays from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM and on Saturdays from 2.30 PM to 5.00 PM. Meeting Venue: IIT School of Computing, GP Square, 10, Trelawney Place, Colombo 04, Sri Lanka.
Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders.
We provide a supportive and positive learningexperienceinwhichmembers are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resultingingreaterself-confidenceand personalgrowth.
We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders.
Integrity Integrity Respect Respect Service Service Excellence Excellence
ThePathwayslearningexperienceisan interactive and flexible education programlikenoother.
It was created to help you strengthen your communication and leadership skillsasyougrowtowardpersonaland professionalsuccess
“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”
– Phil JacksonAs mentioned by Phil Jackson, it is amazing to see the strength of a Toastmaster within the team as well as the strength of the team in each individual member. However, as the organization grows, it is easy to be misled by numbers. It is a must that we keep a close watch on time so that we can easily achieve the required five DCP points to achieve Distinguished status.
Createacommonlanguage. Clearly define key terms and acronyms your team must understand in order to communicate effectively and maximize their performance. Ask and compare your members' definitions of common Toastmasters values like integrity, respect, service, and excellence!
Equipthemtosucceed. Analyse each pending task. Create a plan that includes an inventory list of the educational goals to be achieved, membership drives, available training tools, and resources that team members will need to successfully implement the tasks, and maintain the new direction. Solicit input from the team. Then, start getting them what they need.
Start with what’s working. Too often, leaders immediately focus on the lowest scores or biggest declines. However, the highest scores of the biggest improvements can help you understand what strategies worked and where change was handled well. Replicate how these positive results were achieved in the areas that now need improvement.
It is amazing to see how we help each other in our own little clubs. We should now take one step further and succeed in reaching out to the clubs in our Area and then in the Division. All you got to do is just reach out and see the two-way process where you can uplift each other in your own club, the Area, and the Division.
Good Luck for the year 2022/2023!
As we began the tenure in July, amidst chaos all around us, with uncertainty lurking around in a politically and economically unstable country, as Toastmasters we were able to look forward with hope in our eyes as the Toastmasters movement has always helped us to cope up with many a thing. For some, it was the only source available to maintain one’s sanity and continue to move forward with hope.
Though we were pushed to meet online and connect virtually, our best efforts were put in to ensure that virtual meet-ups were as enjoyable and educative as the physical ones were. I believe IIT Toastmasters Club has managed to keep the momentum running and maintain the same energy that we would experience at a physical meeting. The first meet-up with the members was a truly memorable one, as I witnessed the saying of Ralph Smedley, “We learn best in moments of enjoyment.” being experienced in practice.
The Executive Committee, led by President TM Asiri Ekanayake, has delivered quality and fun-filled Educational Meetings to its members continuously. Their efforts in maintaining the standards throughout are commendable. Amidst facing the challenge of member retention due to external factors, they were able to overcome this challenge successfully, due to the commitment in presenting the members with a quality club meeting and enriching their Toastmasters experience. Themed meetings, Joint meetings, and Outdoor meetings are a few of the many endeavours they have embarked upon to achieve the level of excellence the club currently demonstrates.
As we have come to the end of the first half of the tenure 2022/2023, I look back on the Journey of the IIT Toastmasters Club with great satisfaction and pride. I wish to convey my heartfelt gratitude to the Executive Committee and its members for ensuring that the IIT Toastmasters club perform extremely well while striking a balance between, fun, education, and camaraderie at every meeting. I believe and wish you will continue to strive for excellence and keep the momentum until the end of your tenure and IIT will end the year with many accolades and titles under its club’s name.
They say, “Nothing much happens without a dream. For something really great to happen, it takes a really great dream.” I believe that a really great dream in isolation cannot make things great, but when coupled with a great team, it will do wonders beyond your imagination, realize never foreseen potential and reach heights believed to be impossible. Let us continue to work towards achieving this great dream with the great team you are blessed with, and I will surely be there to help and support you in each and every way for you to reach the pinnacle of success as a club.
Greetings, fellow works-in-progress,
Do you remember giving your Icebreaker speech or your first Table Topic? That nerve-wracking, anxiety-inducing experience of speaking in public and your first step in becoming a better speaker and a better leader? If you compared yourself to the person you were then and the person you are now, how do you feel about the progress you have made so far?
It’s an honour to be penning this piece as your President for this tenure. We have had an exciting year so far, starting with our traditional Late Night Show meeting, as well as several Joint Meetings, our Halloween-themed meeting, in-person speech contests, and Visiting Toastmasters from within our District and beyond. After more than two years of connecting from our bedrooms, behind computer screens, witnessing our Toastmasters delivering their speeches to a live audience again seems unreal.
We are almost at the halfway mark, and I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to our club members, club seniors, IIT management and staff, and District and Division leaders for lending their support in ensuring we can continue holding quality club meetings every week. A special thank you goes out to my Exco, who have exceeded my expectations in performing their duties (and in poking fun at me, but I digress).
At the start of the year, I sat down with the newly appointed Executive Committee and discussed what goals they would like to achieve within the year, as a Toastmaster, as a leader, and as a club. Following that first Exco meeting (filled with awkward silences), we decided on our theme: improving the standard and quality of our club meetings, member engagement, and speeches so that at the end of the year, we can reflect and acknowledge our progress and growth, as individuals and as a fraternity.
As a member, if you have not decided on your personal goals yet, I seriously encourage you to take a moment and think about what you want to achieve in Toastmasters. Whether it’s getting the Triple Crown award, networking and building connections, or holding a club officer role, set your goals and reach out to your mentor or the Exco. The terms “better speaker”, “better leader” are abstract visions of who you want to be, but with definite goals your path to achieving those visions is clear.
Perfection is a pipe dream, but progress is a practice that is achievable and attainable with enough dedication. As Albert Einstein said, “Failure is success in progress.” Today, you might be demotivated, unsure, or astray, but what will you be tomorrow? I, for one, can’t wait to see it.
Here’s to unapologetically and continuously being works-in-progress!
TM Kimali is one of our newest members (thoughsheattendedourmeetingsforalong time), but during her short time as a Toastmaster, there’s a lot she has accomplished.ComingfromaGavelCluband theatre background, she already possesses themarkingsofagreatspeakerandaunique stagepresence.
SoonafterherIcebreaker,shetookpartinthe Humourous Speech Contest of our club, whereshegaveherfirstin-personspeechasa Toastmaster. After placing second, she represented IIT Toastmasters Club at the Area-level.
role of the Emcee throughout the event. Not only that,alongthelinesof“expectingtheunexpected”, she contributed to this very newsletter ( 17).
On behalf of the IIT Toastmasters Club, congratulations, TM Kimali and all the very best withyourToastmastersjourney!
TM Haritha Naurunna Level 1 Presentation Mastery
TM Asiri Ekanayake Level 1 Visionary Communication
TM Caucidheesan Krishnamoorthy Level 1 Leadership Development
TM Caucidheesan Krishnamoorthy Level 2 Leadership Development
TM Gibran Kasif Level 3 Leadership Development
TM Paramie Jayakody Level 3 Motivational Strategies
TM Shontaal Manuelpillai Level 3 Innovative Planning
We were thrilled to receive the Smedley Award, our 1st Milestone for theyear,fromtheD82team!
The award was received during the divisionconferencewhichwasindeeda remarkableexperience-convergingto excellence!
The Toastmasters Club of the Informatics Institute of Technology(IIT)endedatwoyeareraofvirtualmeetings by coming together to celebrate its annual Halloween themedmeetingon22October.
The meeting was held at the Ibsons Choice Café in Nawala and was overflowing with much enthusiasm, interesting characters, and the Halloween spirit. Toastmasters International is a global organisation dedicatedtoimprovingitsmembers’publicspeakingand leadership skills, with Sri Lanka and the Maldives belongingtoDistrict82.
What better message of the heart than that of a cause? And what better way to spread and deliver themessageofacausethanpublicspeaking?
Public speaking may not be a skill one would consideranecessarypartoftheirrepertoiretobea volunteer. That is partly right. Volunteering does notrequireaparticularskillset.Itisaboutapplying your own unique abilities and doing what you can, anywhere you want to help. That said, there are a few blanket skills that will greatly assist your volunteering efforts, as well as various other aspectsofyourlife.Publicspeakingisoneofthem.
I am an avid volunteer, and an avid Toastmaster. What sounds incompatible (one focused on giving back to others and the other towards personal and professional development) was in fact a perfect formulaformylife.
Toastmasters International is an international educational organisation that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of promoting communication, public speaking, and leadership. Members across the globe can work on developing these skills through specific projects and pathways, andnetworkamongaglobalfraternity.
In Pathways, a series of projects a member must completetoachievemastery,Toastmastersoffersan elective project to its members called ‘Leading in your Volunteer Organisation‘, in which they volunteer in a leadership capacity at a volunteer organisationfor6months.Ichosetoundertakethis project, and it changed my life. As a Toastmaster, I realised I was bringing to the table a specific set of skills not everyone else was bringing in terms of public speaking, leadership, and organisational capacity.
Leading a volunteer team enabled me to use my individual strengths, which developed and evolved through Toastmasters, in a meaningful way, particularly as I value communication and encouragement above anything else. Contributing to the organisation (which is focused on mental health, and needs a wide array of highly-trained volunteers) as a trainer was also a unique way I couldeffectivelyoffermysupport.Intheshortspan of a few months, I became the friendly face and supporteroftheteam.Ifanyonecameinquiring,due to my prowess and confidence with speaking and pitching the organisation to people, I was the one giving constructive and precise answers with a smile.
Asidefromteachingmealotaboutpublicspeaking, communication,leadership,andbestowingonmea lifelongpassionforvolunteering,theexperiencealso taught me a valuable lesson in what a Toastmaster (andapublicspeaker)candowherevertheygo.
“The more you can think of your job as making it possible for others to succeed, the more successful you’ll be as a leader of volunteers.”
– Toastmaster Shar McBee
“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.”
– John Ford
Many people may only realise once they become involved in a cause as a volunteer that it is a great place to build skills. For example, I learned digital marketing, report writing, blogging, event management,andevensomebasicdesignthrough volunteering, which would be costly to learn throughprofessionalcourses.
Apublicspeaker’sskillsarenotlimitedtothestage. Rather, they are useful in day-to-day life communicating, leading, supporting and guiding. Skilled speakers and communicators are valuable assets to volunteer teams, especially for smaller organisations that frequently function without qualified team leaders. Not to mention, if you work forataxingcausewhichdrainsyourenergyattimes, a meaningful and well spoken pep talk among teammates is always a plus. The ability to connect andmoveotherswithwordsisapowerfultool.
Similarly, communication, leadership, and public speaking skills are a natural product of active volunteering.Regardlessofwhatyourspecificroleis, chances are you will be required to speak and coordinate with a team, lead others in certain aspects, convey your message effectively, and educate others about your cause/organisation. The ability to articulate the cause and educate others is importantbecauseassoonasyoustartvolunteering at a certain organisation, your friends and acquaintances will peg you as the resource person tolearnabouttheplace,andyouwillbeasked! Whether it is your plan or not, you will finish your volunteer term as a much better speaker, ambassadorandleaderthanwhenyoustarted.
If you have already honed your public speaking skills, these attributes can be a massive aid to your volunteering and will allow you to make a great impactforyourchosenorganisationormovement.A skilled public speaker and communicator is always neededandappreciated.
Apublicspeaker’sskillsarenotlimitedtothestage. Rather, they are useful in day-to-day life communicating, leading, supporting and guiding. Skilled speakers and communicators are valuable assets to volunteer teams, especially for smaller organisations that frequently function without qualified team leaders. Not to mention, if you work forataxingcausewhichdrainsyourenergyattimes, a meaningful and well spoken pep talk among teammates is always a plus. The ability to connect andmoveotherswithwordsisapowerfultool.
As a public speaker, you will be able to translate thoughts and ideas into words in an articulate and captivating manner, enabling you to get your organisation’spointacrossinawaythatcounts.This comes in handy for tasks such as fundraising, sponsor hunting, and stakeholder interest, as you canuseyourskillstocapturetheattentionofothers andgainsupportersandworkersforyourcause.This can also help you to build partnerships and long termcollaborationsonbehalfofyourmovement.
“Public speaking is the ability to communicate clearly and effectively in front of both familiar and unfamiliar people.”
– Milena Sapey
Weallplaydifferentrolesinourday-to-daylives,and we are perfectionists when it comes to playing our assigned roles. But sometimes, we can’t portray certain roles in real life or speak of our true perspectives due to the fear of being shunned or outcasted.
However, there is one place I have found where all thesebarriersarebroken,anditisaplacewhereyou can be anything or anyone and speak your mind freely. But most importantly, it is a place where we canshareourstoriesandhelpotherstosharetheirs.
Dramaandtheatrealwaysgohandinhand,anditis considered to be one of the earliest modes of entertainment. The word "DRAMA" originated in Greece,andinGreek,itmeans"actionorplay."They performed these dramas to please their gods, specifically the god Dionysus. But today, we use dramas as a platform to share our stories, and to makeanimpactonsocietyforthebetter.
Dramas can be performed in many ways, but the crownjewelofthemallisStagedramas.Somecallit the most difficult implementation of drama, but somefinditthemostentertainingandfulfilling.
Some might even say that stage dramas are similar topublicspeaking,foryouhavetopracticemultiple times before you perform it in front of an audience. The main difference is that you have to express emotions and sometimes be a completely different person from your original self. But I am certain that it’snotashardasitsounds.
Staging a stage drama is no easy task, but with a dedicated team, anything is possible. The key elementofastagedramaisitsscript,andifthereis agoodscript,theaudiencegetsachancetoexpect theunexpectedfromtheplay.
To write a good script, you need exceptional scriptwriterswhocanbreakdownsocialnormsand stand against injustice. Most importantly, they shouldbeabletotellastory,andmakeanimpacton societyforthebettermentofallhumanity.
Actors can also be considered an extremely important element in a drama. They are the ones that give life to the characters in a script, and they shouldbeabletostepoutoftheircomfortzoneand step into the shoes of the character they are portraying. They should also be ready to expect the unexpected when performing in front of a live audience.
Another crucial yet unpredictable element that can determine the success of a stage drama is the live audience. If the audience is fully engaged and experienced,itwouldbeeasyfortheactorstocarry onwiththeiractingwithoutanydisturbance.
But stage dramas are all about expecting the unexpected,andlivinginthemomentandenjoying. So,ifyougetachancetobeapartofastagedrama, bereadytoexpecttheunexpected!
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
-William Shakespeare
With society becoming more and more dependent on technology, it has become mandatory for educational leaders to grasp the power of digital technologies in order to create school cultures and environments that are transparent, relevant, meaningful, and engaging as well as aspiring. However, in order to create an environment which allows increased achievement as well as establish a sense of community pride, the ways of educational leadersmustchangeaswell.Inordertoachievethis, leaders within the education sector must understand the fear and misconceptions that often surroundtheuseoftechnologysuchassocialmedia andmobiledevices.
Once these fears and misconceptions have been confronted and dealt with, educational leaders can then begin to establish a vision in regard to the effective use of technology to improve the numerous aspects of leadership. The one main challenge for educational leaders is “why, how and where to begin?” However, it is important to note that digital leadership is not about flashy tools, but rather a strategic mindset that leverages available resources to improve the current work done in schools and educational institutions while anticipating the changes that are needed to cultivate a school culture which is focused on engagementandachievement.Thisisanewformof leadership that grows out the leader’s previous symbioticrelationshipwithtechnology.
The end result will be a sustainable change in educational programmes, instructions, behaviors, and practices with technology as a crucial element withinschoolsandeducationalinstitutions.
However, in order to achieve this end result, there are several specific areas embedded in the cultures of all schools that can be improved or enhanced through the use of available and new technology, especiallysocialmedia.
Thefollowingareseveralspecificareaswhichcanbe improvedorenhancedwiththeuseoftechnology,
1. Communication
Communication is the basic method of exchanging informationbetweentwoormorepeople.However, with the advancement of technology, communicationhasbecomeeasierthanever.Inthe context of improving school cultures using technology, leaders of educational institutes can now provide stakeholders with a variety of informationinreal-timethroughavarietyofdevices, without using one-way methods such as websites and newsletters. Important and urgent information can now be communicated through various free social media tools and simple implementation strategiesinordertomeetstakeholderswherethey areatthecurrentdigitalage.
2. Public Relations
Tellingacorrectstoryregardingaschool’simage oraschool’sachievementisnecessaryinorderto prevent outside influences from tarnishing the school’simage.Duetothistheleadersincharge ofacertaineducationalinstituteorschoolsneed to be the “storytellers-in-chief” where the foundation of positive public relation platforms can be developed using free social media tools wherecontentismanagedandcontrolledbythe educationalleadersonly.Bydoingso,thepositive content associated with the particular school or educational institute can be shared thereby, creating a much-needed level of transparency in theageofnegativerhetorictowardseducation.
3. Branding
Businesses have long understood the value of the brand and its impact on the current and potential customers in the long run. Educational leaders can now leverage social media tools to create a positive brand presence that emphasizes the positive aspects of school culture,increasethecommunitypride,andhelps attract parents who are looking for a suitable institutionfromwhichachildcanreceiveagood education from and retain students who are already enrolled with the school or educational institute.
4. Student Engagement
An increase in achievement cannot be observed if student engagement levels are poor or low. Educational leaders need to recognise this and need to come to an understanding on the fact that schools and educational institutions should reflect on real life and should allow students to apply knowledge learnt through the use of tools that are needed outside the school or learning environment. This is an important pedagogical shiftasitfocusesonenhancingessentialskillsets such as communication, collaboration, media literacy, global connectedness, critical thinking, andproblemsolvingwhichareskillsthatsociety demandsandneeds.
5. Professional Growth/ Development
With the advancement of technology and the rise of social media, schools and educational institutions no longer have to be towers of information and leaders do not need to feel the lack of support and feedback within the school environment.EducationalLeaderscanformtheir own Personal Learning Network (PLN) to meet diverse learning needs, access knowledge, receive feedback, connect with both experts within the field of education as well as practitioners, and discuss proven strategies to improveteaching,learning,andleadership.
6. Re-envisioning learning spaces and environments
Once educational leaders have understood the pillars and have grasped the knowledge on how to use them to initiate sustainable change, the next stepwouldbetobegintotransformlearningspaces and environments that support the essential skill setsandarealignedwiththerealworld.Educational leaders must begin to establish a vision and a strategic plan in order to create an entire school environmentdedicatedtolearninginamoredigital world. However, in order to do so, leaders must be knowledgeable of the characteristics and dynamics which embody innovative learning spaces and environments.
7. Opportunity
Finally,itisimportantforleaderstocontinuallyseek out ways to improve existing programmes, resources, and professional development. Digital leaders leverage connections made through technology and increase opportunities to make improvements across multiple areas of school culture.
Leadersneedtobethecatalystsforchangeandthe pillarsprovideaframework.Eachiscriticalinitsown right to transform and sustain a positive school culture. By addressing every one of the abovementioned pillars, educational leaders can begin changingandtransformingschoolsandeducational institutions into one that prepares students with essential digital age skills while engaging with a variety of stakeholders. Digital leadership begins withidentifyingobstaclestochangeandaddressing specific solutions to overcome them in order to transform schools and educational institutes in the digitalage.