This Impressions magazine is designed to be shared with your friends, family, and neighbors. When you are done reading it, please pass it on.
John Bradshaw PRESIDENT
It has been said that the most famous verse in the Bible is John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” But for many people in the world, those words mean absolutely nothing.
That’s why, in 1994, It Is Written established Escrito Está (Spanish for “it is written”). For 30 years now It Is Written has been proclaiming the gospel to the almost 600 million people who speak Spanish. Spanish is the most common non-English language in the United States.
Since 2006, Escrito Está has been led by Pastor Robert Costa. As host of numerous Escrito Está television programs, and as a tireless evangelist and evangelism trainer, Robert’s global ministry continues to lead people to Jesus and the truth of His Word.
Words That Mean Everything
“Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo…”
Throughout the Spanish-speaking world, Escrito Está is growing the kingdom of God.
The weekly Escrito Está program is viewed globally. Recently, one viewer attended an Escrito Está evangelistic series and was baptized. A diplomat for her country, she returned home and began advancing the work of the church. A couple in Colombia, who for years had listened to Escrito Está on the radio as they milked their cows each morning, were excited to learn Escrito Está was going to be in a city near them. They were baptized and are now actively sharing their faith. One of the most prominent evangelical ministers in one country heard Robert’s preaching and accepted the everlasting gospel. God is moving through Escrito Está!
Escrito Está, It Is Written’s Spanish-language ministry, is calling people to be ready for the soon return of Jesus, sharing words that mean everything to those who hear:
“Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado á su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna” (Juan 3:16).
Escrito Está staff presented Pastor Robert Costa with a book of memories from his time with the ministry.
From left, clockwise: Jennifer Sarria, graphic designer, Nestor Rasi, creative director, Junior Reis, Escrito Está video editor, and Carolina Bonilla, Escrito Está coordinator.
Evangelism changes lives. As the Word of God is presented, hearts are touched by Jesus’ love and sacrifice. The power of God pierces through the darkness of this world to break the chains of sin and set people free. Such was the experience during our spring campaign in Alaska.
The Alaska Conference partnered with It Is Written to reach their territory with the gospel in the largest evangelistic initiative in Alaska’s history. Over the course of a year and a half, planning, training, and pre-work took place in multiple churches and communities. Pastors and local elders learned church growth principles that brought revitalization to their churches. More than 200 requests for Bible studies were received in Anchorage as people expressed interest in response to the It Is Written Mega Mailer.
eye exams, which provided 300 pairs of prescription eyeglasses.
Each day, the churches in Anchorage and Bethel hummed with the sound of people finding healing and hope. “I can’t believe all of you would come to Alaska, spending your own money, just to help us in this way. I’ve been treated like royalty here, and I want to know more about your church,” said Delores, a local Alaskan who came to the clinic. “It has really moved me and given me a different picture than what I have believed about God. Thank you!” Each attendee was given a pocketbook about the hope found in the Bible, a Bible study invitation card, an It Is Written TV card, and a flier for the evangelistic meetings. About 175 additional people requested Bible studies from the clinics!
In March, a mission team from all over the continental United States provided free medical and dental clinics in Anchorage and Bethel Village. Bethel is the largest rural town in Alaska, and the help was much needed. Addiction, mental illness, and emotional health are some of the key issues community members face daily. No amount of snow or freezing cold could stop our team as they provided help to more than 400 people in clinics that included medical care, dentistry, physical therapy, mental health counseling, health education, and complete
“God brought me across the country to learn these truths!”
Our mission team prepared the way for Revelation Today: Hope for Humanity, an evangelistic series by Pastors John Bradshaw and Wes Peppers. The series was hosted live in Anchorage from April to May and streamed to more than 15 churches and small groups across the state. More than
1,000 guests attended across Alaska, most of which were at the main Anchorage site.
“I have not heard such things in all my life. This is the truth. This is truly the hope of Jesus,” commented Olin. “I recently moved here from New England, but I didn’t really know why. Now I know. God brought me across the country to learn these truths!” Olin was a Sundaybelieving pastor who learned the truth of the Sabbath for the first time. “I will share this with my congregation, and I know that many will accept it.” He was baptized into the church at the end of the series.
Another testimony is from a 92-year-old Native American woman named Irene who had lived in Alaska all her life. She was raised with a mix of traditional Native spiritual beliefs and Catholic influence. She could never reconcile Jesus through it all until she attended Revelation Today: Hope for Humanity. “I have laid aside all spiritualistic beliefs and embraced Jesus and Him fully,” Irene said. “He is my life. I give my whole heart and life to Him.” For the first time in her life, Irene was baptized by immersion at 92 years old! Many more similar stories could be told.
The impact of this series on Alaska was immediate. There were more baptisms from this series than the conference typically has in one year! This testifies to the hunger many are experiencing everywhere for a hope that is real and lasting. That hope is Jesus. Sixty precious souls have found that hope, and more will be added in the months and years to come. Alaska was an exciting endeavor that has influenced eternity, and It Is Written is grateful to be used by God on the front lines of mission and evangelism across the globe. Please join us on an upcoming mission trip and pray for us as we move forward in faith. Thank you!
WES PEPPERS is the evangelism director for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects online and around the world. Wes is married to Marion, and they have two children.
The Gospel Prevails in Indonesia
BY WES PEPPERS, evangelism director
In June, an adventurous team of 35 mission volunteers traveled to Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country in the world, on a trip that proved to be anything but ordinary for those involved. And God certainly did extraordinary things as the team prayed daily for His intervention.
Our team arrived and hit the ground running, conducting a three-day medical clinic in rural villages. The local people have difficulty accessing healthcare, so the clinics were very well received. The mayor of each village was Muslim, and they were very welcoming. In one village, both the mayor and the council members went through the clinic and received care. The people were spiritually open, accepting our literature and requesting us to pray for them. It was incredible to see our team praying for Muslim women
with burkas or hijabs and men with taqiyahs, all in the name of Jesus! In the clinics, we provided nearly 500 people with healthcare assistance. One man, a Pentecostal pastor who came late to the clinic, was highly intrigued with It Is Written. He downloaded our TV app and plans to share the programs with his congregation!
The city of Bandar Lampung proved more problematic than the villages. Political and religious undercurrents contrary to Christianity challenged the health clinics and evangelistic meetings. The clinics were reduced from six hours daily to one hour before the meeting, and the evangelistic meetings were reduced from ten nights to five in the public hall. The answer provided was, “The permits were not able to be fully processed.” However, we were quietly told that it was intentional.
Nevertheless, our team did not remain idle. The Word of God went forward in power! Nearly 10 satellite sites were preached by volunteers, and I preached at a large site in the center of the city. Over 1,500 people attended this site during the week, and nearly 2,000 on the weekends. On the first night, the city’s mayor visited and greeted all the people. The main site was broadcast across the entire country on a national Christian television channel. While subtle attempts often hindered the work, God prevailed again and again.
“We must follow Jesus no matter what the cost.”
In the mornings, our team visited the homes of people attending the meetings. They were delighted to welcome us with open arms. We did Bible studies together, answered their questions, and discussed with them what it meant to give their hearts to Jesus. Many were in tears of joy as they made their decision to follow Christ and never look back.
The choice for many did not come without a price. One young Muslim couple, who had come to know a Christian family, had begun studying the Bible with them. When the couple’s neighbors learned what was happening, they harassed them. “If you become a Christian, you will live with regret every day of your life,” they scoffed. “You will wish for mercy on your deathbed, but there will be none. You will die and go to hell.” The young lady’s father told her, “If you become a Christian, you will be cut off from the family. If you persist, then worse things will happen to you.” As I sat with the couple, and tears flowed down their faces, I prayed for the right words. Suddenly, they came, “In all the time you have followed another religion, have you ever felt the love, peace, and joy that Jesus has brought to your life?” Seeing her snap to attention and stop crying as if something had laid hold of her was remarkable. “No, never once in my entire life,” she quickly and solemnly replied. I followed with, “What do you think God would want you to do?” She looked at her husband, and they both smiled at each other. “We must follow Jesus no matter what the cost. If He died for us, we can
suffer for Him with joy. We will be baptized this Sabbath!” And, indeed, they were, with more than 80 other people, nearly all of whom had similar stories!
The joy was likely thrilling in the courts of heaven that day as the angels rejoiced around the throne of God. New life. New hope. Eternity forever. Our team returned safely home with a newfound appreciation for religious liberty. They realized that many today pay a high price to follow Jesus. Still, they more deeply appreciated the truth that it is well worth it. There is, indeed, nothing like following Jesus!
When you support It Is Written, the gospel is proclaimed worldwide in miraculous ways. Thank you for making it possible for people to hear about Jesus and providing them the opportunity to spend eternity with Him.
Honduras: Feb. 19 – Mar. 2
Ethiopia: Apr. 9 – 20
Dominican Republic: May 21 – 31
Maryland: Sep. 24 – 28
Ecuador: Dec. 10 – 21
“Jocelyn was an absolute blessing to the It Is Written family,” said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “She was joy personified, our own ministry ray of sunshine. She was fun, had a wonderful sense of humor, and, most importantly, she was a Christian who loved her Savior. We lose her with great sadness, but we look forward to seeing her again with immense hope.”
Born June 30, 1959, in the Bronx, New York, Jocelyn Dee Anderson spent her childhood in New York, Mexico, Panama, and Costa Rica. She returned to the States to attend college at Southern Adventist University and the University of Tennessee, where she completed degrees in Public Relations and Spanish. She began working for the Communication Department of the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, leading initiatives to reach both Spanish- and English-speaking audiences. She met her former husband Seth Mejias during this time, and they had a beautiful baby girl, Chelsea.
Jocelyn Anderson
Beloved It Is Written Staff Member Passes to Her Rest
On April 8, 2024, Jocelyn Anderson, associate director of development, unexpectedly passed away. Jocelyn joined It Is Written in 2014. During her tenure at the ministry, she was extensively involved in the planning and leading of important initiatives such as Partnership, monthly letters to It Is Written supporters, and overall donor relations. Her dedication to the ministry was unparalleled. She is greatly missed.
The family then moved to Watertown, New York, where Jocelyn worked for Children’s Miracle Network for many years. In 2014 she accepted a call to work for It Is Written in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where she worked for nearly 10 years.
I first met Jocelyn nearly seven years ago when I started at It Is Written. Ready with a laugh, an eye roll, or a sharp comeback, she was a joy to be around. We worked closely together for several years in the development department, later becoming across-the-street neighbors.
As anyone who knew her knows, Jocelyn loved to wear leopard print. Personally, I’ve never cared for the style, but when I became pregnant, she made it her mission to get me and my child into leopard print. When we found out he was a boy, Jocelyn was not deterred. She bought him a leopard stuffed
animal, and me a shirt that said “Mama” in leopard print. When I was less than thrilled about my gift, Jocelyn responded in her typ ical fashion, “Well, it was expensive, so…!” I quickly apologized and thanked her as we laughed about it together. She loved watching my son grow up, singing him a special Spanish song whenever she saw him.
Jocelyn’s care also extended to other colleagues and their children.
“One of the things that I remember and cherish about Jocelyn is that she loved our kids,” said Melissa Bradshaw, children’s ministries director. “She was always interested in them and would ask how they were doing. She made them feel loved and as if they were her very own grandchildren. We miss her being in our lives.”
Carolina Bonilla, Escrito Está coordina tor, started at It Is Written around the same time as Jocelyn. “Jocelyn was one of the first
“We miss her being in our lives.”
people to approach and greet me when I started working at It Is Written. I was so excited to meet another Latina in the building, and she immediately started speaking to me in Spanish. ‘Hey, chica!’ was how she would greet me,” said Carolina. “When I think of her, I remember how fun and optimistic she was. She made It Is Written a vibrant place. She would stop by my office for deep conversations, where we either laughed or cried together. Family was Jocelyn’s most valuable treasure. In every conversation we had, she asked me to pray for her daughter. She was so proud of Chelsea and loved sharing her daughter’s accomplishments.”
Jocelyn loved life, from celebrating birthdays to God’s adorable creatures.
As our Partners know, Jocelyn was the It Is Written program. She loved talking with Partners throughout the year and greeting them with a smile at
“Jocelyn’s laugh was truly contagious—it customer service supervisor. “I remember were evident in every conversation. She was humility and grace. Jocelyn’s presence and Jocelyn’s impact at It Is Written has been profound. Her infectious laughter and vibrant spirit, coupled with her genuine investment in the lives of her colleagues and friends of It Is Written, created a warmth that resonated with all who had the privilege of knowing her. Her absence is deeply felt. We look forward to the day when Jesus comes, and we will once again hear her joyous laughter.
CASSIE MATCHIM HERNANDEZ is the marketing & communications specialist for It Is Written. She helps to create and edit content for It Is Written audiences. Cassie and her family live in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Flight 3:16 is a complete VBS kit with all supplies needed to host 14 children: 4 children, ages 4–6, and 10 children, ages 7–12. Additional supplies may be ordered.
Over the five days of Flight 3:16, children will visit five exciting global destinations as they prepare for their final destination—Heaven!
Each flight begins in Gate A with a special message from the flight crew, an inflight travel video, a daily Scripture song, and the Flight 3:16 theme song. Passengers rotate from gate to gate, enjoying crafts, Bible study, snacks, and games, then back to Gate A for a safe landing with songs and more!
They were just ordinary men. But with God, they did the extraordinary. From championing the abolition of slavery, preaching the gospel in word and through literature, to caring for vulnerable orphans, they impacted millions. Join John Bradshaw on location in England to learn about the lives and lasting impact of John Newton, John Bunyan, and George Müller in the four-part series “Men of Faith.”
Un método innovador para enseñar las grandes verdades bíblicas con las Guías de Estudios Bíblicos de Escrito Está. Al realizar tu compra, podrás descargar instantáneamente diapositivas en Keynote, PowerPoint y PDF, que incluyen todas las preguntas y respuestas de las guías de estudio. Este recurso es ideal para grupos pequeños, escuelas sabáticas y aulas.
Digital • $19.99
Lecciones fáciles de entender para guiarte, paso a paso, a una comprensión más profunda de la Palabra de Dios y su plan maravilloso para tu vida.
Precio por cantidad disponible.
En esta serie de cinco partes, el pastor Robert Costa se enfocará en algunos héroes de la fe, cuyas vidas iluminaron algunos de los días más tenebrosos de la Edad Media.
OFERTA $19.99
20 señaladores bellamente ilustrados para niños. (Cada conjunto incluye 2 de los siguientes señaladores.)
Conjunto de Marcadores • $2.99
Este panfleto es un estudio bíblico en formato de preguntas y respuestas, que incluye temas tales como la Segunda Venida, el Amor de Dios, los Diez Mandamientos, y mucho más.
100 Panfletos • $4.99
Conjunto de Lecciones
Escrito Está, the Spanish-language ministry of It Is Written, marks 30 years of ministry this year. Created to reach the Spanish-speaking world, Escrito Está filmed its first program on April 5, 1994, with Dr. Milton Peverini as host. Dr. Peverini, who for many years had been a leader in media evangelism, worked with It Is Written to produce Spanish programs and songs, which began airing on cable channels in 1995 in the United States. In the fall of 1996, Escrito Está debuted nationwide in Chile to a phenomenal response, and other countries quickly followed suit. Today, Escrito Está ministers around the world through not only television and the internet but also evangelism and humanitarian work.
Pastor Robert Costa joined the fast-growing ministry in 2002 to coordinate evangelism campaigns, taking over from Dr. Peverini as speaker/director in 2006. “The 30th anniversary is a special occasion when we remember that God has led us so far,” Pastor Costa said.
“Thirty years is a real miracle, but the greatest of miracles are those hearts that are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Escrito Está is currently the most widely aired Spanish-language television program of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, with a prominent presence on national television stations in several Latin American countries. A major television network in a populous South American country airs no religious programming, except for Escrito Está. When Escrito Está was aired in one Central American country, the owner of the channel was so impressed with the programming that he expanded our broadcast to be nationwide and increased it from once a week to twice a week—at no extra charge. The resulting increase in Bible study interests meant the church had to employ additional staff to process the requests!
“Media has no limits, and the gospel has no barriers,” Pastor Costa said. “So far, we have
The first Escrito Está program is filmed on April 5 with Dr. Milton Peverini in California. The program begins airing in the fall of 1995.
is launched on 3ABN.
debuts nationwide in Chile by La Red network.
Enlace TV begins airing Escrito Está weekly to all of Latin America.
Pastor Robert Costa joins Escrito Está as evangelism coordinator.
“Descubrimientos en Profecía” satellite series live from Caracas, Venezuela, in July.
Pastor Robert Costa becomes speaker/ director of Escrito Está.
viewers from 142 countries. As the Bible says, this gospel will be preached to all nations, all languages, all people. I’m so glad that Escrito Está and It Is Written are part of the fulfillment of this prophecy.”
In addition to its flagship program, Escrito Está produces two other ongoing programs and conducts about 15 evangelism campaigns worldwide every year, resulting in thousands of baptisms annually. Additionally, Pastor Costa participates in camp meetings, rallies, and evangelism training for pastors
“Media has no limits, and the gospel has no barriers.”
—Pastor Robert Costa
and lay members. Meetings are held in venues of all sizes, from small churches to stadiums, where the messages are livestreamed across the country. In some countries, Pastor Costa joins a caravan, where he preaches every night in a different city.
channels when he came across Lecciones de Vida, the weekly Sabbath School program. He’d been looking for answers to his questions about spiritual beliefs, and after listening to the messages, he realized he needed to be born again. Gerardo located a congregation, studied the Bible, and is currently an active member of his church.
Claudia in Bolivia said, “Last year, my mom found the program Lecciones de Vida and its message of hope and reflection motivated us to study the Bible more deeply. We immediately subscribed to the YouTube channel and have always tried to watch it since then. Almost simultaneously, we found out about the Nuevo Tiempo television station, where we learned more about your church. We received the gospel message with overflowing joy and much hope at a time when we needed it as a family. This encouraged us to study the Bible to learn more about our Heavenly Father. Finally, we decided to be baptized in the Seventh-day Adventist Church and are very happy!”
Through the years, God has reached people at every level of society through the ministry of Escrito Está: government leaders, pastors from other denominations, television personalities, people living in the Amazon jungle, and even those in typically closed places like China and Muslim countries. After listening to Escrito Está for nine years, one Orthodox priest decided to be baptized! Another example comes from Gerardo from Puerto Rico. He was flipping through
Pastor Costa believes that it is the clear presentation of the full message of the Bible that appeals to so many people. “We are committed to presenting the whole message—not just motivational talks, but the whole prophetic, doctrinal, Christ-centered message,” he said. “We learned that when we are committed to doing that, God is more interested than anyone else that everyone will be saved, and He will open doors.”
The global ministry of Escrito Está is made possible by a dedicated team.
On May 1, It Is Written staff celebrated the occasion. Here, Pastor Robert Costa and Carolina Bonilla, Escrito Está coordinator, express their gratitude to God and the staff for their support.
Escrito Está participates in a 41-day caravan called “Caravana del Pacífico” in Peru, covering 84 cities.
“Un Día de Esperanza” live from Chile.
Una Mejor Manera de Vivir, a short daily video devotional, begins.
Escrito Está participates in the “Un Nuevo Amanecer con Jesús” caravan in Mexico, resulting in 1,050 baptisms.
Escrito Está participates in the 90th celebration of the SDA church in Bogotá, Colombia.
It Is Written/Escrito Está headquarters move to Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Escrito Está begins to air on TV Azteca in Mexico.
Carolina Bonilla has been with Escrito Está for 10 years, where she does everything from coordinating with Pastor Costa for filming to editing programs to answering messages on social media. Junior Reis joined the team as a video editor in 2016. They are ably assisted by an intern and the larger It Is Written team.
People from all walks of life have been won as the Holy Spirit has worked through Robert’s ministry with Escrito Está. His relentless commitment to sharing Christ with others continues to make a major impact. I thank God for what He has done—and continues to do—through Escrito Está.”
“I have never served alongside a harder-working group of people than our Escrito Está team,” said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “Their whole-hearted commitment to giving people the opportunity to be ready for the return of Jesus inspires and encourages me.”
“I have never served alongside a harder-working group of people than our Escrito Está team.”
Every year, Escrito Está produces 72 halfhour programs (Escrito Está and Lecciones de Vida) and 365 daily devotionals (Toda Palabra). These programs are distributed through television networks, YouTube, and other social media channels. As a result, an average of 1,100 new subscribers join the Escrito Está YouTube channel every month.
During his time with Escrito Está, Pastor Costa has participated in 510 evangelistic series throughout North America, Latin America, and Europe. Still to come in 2024 are evangelism trips to Argentina, Illinois, and Pennsylvania, as well as television filming.
—John Bradshaw
Throughout the years, Escrito Está has also participated in humanitarian projects to facilitate evangelism in remote locations. In 2008, a boat was donated to evangelize the Uros people living on the floating islands in Lake Titicaca in Peru. Bicycles and motorcycles were also given to pastors in Peru needing transportation to reach their church members and Bible study contacts. In 2021, water filters were presented to families in Guatemala, and solar-powered radios were donated to the Kekchi community, enabling them to listen to Christian programming in their native language.
Escrito Está is an integral part of the ministry of It Is Written. “I honestly find it difficult to express the depth of my appreciation for Escrito Está,” said Pastor Bradshaw. “Our Spanish-language programs have a vast global audience. Escrito Está evangelism has brought thousands upon thousands of people to faith in Jesus and into the church.
“As we look forward to Jesus’s soon return,” Pastor Costa said, “It’s great to be part of the final movement to tell the whole story to the whole world.”
Thank you for praying for the ministry of Escrito Está. To watch programs or learn more about Escrito Está, visit
L to R: Intern Cecilia Moreno, Video Editor Junior Reis, Carolina Bonilla, and Pastor Robert Costa
Escrito Está assists people affected by the Fuego volcano in Guatemala.
Lecciones de Vida is produced by Escrito Está, a weekly Sabbath school program.
Water filters and solar-powered radios are donated to communities in Guatemala.
Escrito Está’s daily devotionals begin to air nationwide through City TV in Colombia.
Escrito Está participates in the “No te rindas, aún hay esperanza” caravan throughout Colombia.
Escrito Está celebrates 30 years
Escrito Está reaches 100,000 subscribers on YouTube in October.
Being Thankful
“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Pause for just a moment and think of three things that you are thankful for. Just three things. Take your time.
Now that you’ve made a list, let’s continue. Scientists have found that being grateful is good for you! People who are thankful enjoy better health, sleep better, and feel better about themselves. They also take better care of themselves and find it easier to get along with other people. Did you know there were so many benefits to being thankful?
It is common to think negative thoughts. However, you can train your mind to be positive!
The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” It might seem difficult to give thanks in every situation, but it is possible.
Think of some examples in the Bible. Joseph’s brothers sold him as a slave, then he was falsely accused and sent to prison. But this didn’t keep him from praising God. When Joseph saw his brothers again, instead of being angry with them, he told them it was God who sent him to Egypt. He realized that everything that had happened to him ended up being a blessing.
When Daniel was cast into a den of lions, he was already in the habit of giving thanks
to God. Even that frightening experience did not cause Daniel to lose his faith.
It is interesting that Paul tells us to be thankful, considering everything he had gone through. He was beaten, put in prison, stoned by wicked men, shipwrecked, bitten by a snake, and in constant danger. On one occasion Paul escaped being captured only because his friends lowered him in a basket over the city walls of Damascus!
Yet Paul could tell us that it is important to be thankful. Why do you think Paul was able to be thankful, even after everything he had experienced?
Paul believed the promises of God. Even when he was hungry, tired, cold, or treated badly by others, Paul knew that God loved him and was good. Paul’s trust in God didn’t change when things went badly. He trusted God no matter what was happening in his life.
Can you practice being thankful to God in all things? Remember, being thankful is healthy for you! Each time you face temptations or difficulties, trust God, and your faith in Him will grow stronger and stronger, preparing you to be ready when Jesus returns. Take time today, and every day, to praise God for His wonderful goodness and mercies.
I am grateful for...
Leaves of Gratitude
Take a moment to read David’s gratitude toward God in Psalm 145.
Write down what you are thankful for on the leaves of gratitude.
MELISSA BRADSHAW is the children’s ministries director for It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee, area.
Churches with Soar
Fallbrook, CA
It all started in 1894, when Mrs. Miles, from Hopedale, Illinois, started a daily Bible school during the summer.
As a public school teacher, she felt the school year limited her opportunity to teach the Bible to children. Wanting to go beyond Sunday school, she decided to begin what we know today as Vacation Bible School. After discussions with the American Bible Society, they donated Bibles for the 40 students who attended the first summer. Parents happily paid the one-dollar fee for each child they enrolled in these four-week Bible classes.
Later in 1898, Eliza Hawes, director of children’s ministry of a New York City Baptist Church, noticed that when school was out for the summer, the streets would fill with children. Most of these children were idle and only had time on their hands to find trouble. She rented a space at a tavern and started an “Everyday Bible School” for these children. During this six-week-long VBS, she used Bible studies and stories, music, crafts, and more. The first year she taught fifty-seven children, and that number doubled the following year.
As the concept of Vacation Bible School became widely accepted, the very first VBS curriculum was published by Standard Publishing in 1920. Today churches around the globe minister to children and families through a VBS outreach program.
In April, we announced our new Vacation Bible School program: Flight 3:16—Destination Heaven. This summer international flights left churches from coast to coast as children traveled around the world and through the Bible. Lexington, KY
Dunlap, TN
Flight 3:16 Feedback
“The volunteers enjoyed dressing up like airline attendants, TSA security, and baggage claim personnel.”
“A security checkpoint for parents and children was set up at the entrance to the sanctuary. We decorated the sanctuary to look like the inside of a plane. Even the parents got excited about Flight 3:16. This was an awesome VBS!”
“I usually create the VBS program on my own. I love how thoroughly everything was laid out and easy to use.”
“I loved the Scripture songs! They were easy and fun to learn, and my kids still sing them!”
Fallbrook, CA
Flight 3:16 is a unique experience that gives children the opportunity to travel to five different countries, learn Scripture through song, make crafts, and have fun learning how to prepare for heaven, the ultimate destination. We have received a lot of positive feedback from both adults and children who love Flight 3:16.
Over the summer a mother told me that Flight 3:16 made such an impression on her son that he still talks about it. This was a year after he was in our testing program! She said that her son still uses the 10 commandments card he made during the crafts and that he learned many important lessons that still impact his life today.
While sharing Flight 3:16 at a convention, I met children who had attended Flight 3:16 in their local churches. Their eyes lit up and smiles came to their faces when they saw the Flight 3:16 banner and were reminded of their unforgettable summer experience.
Flight 3:16 is more than a Vacation Bible School. It is an outreach that prepares children and families for an adventure of a lifetime. As you look towards your next VBS, let Flight 3:16 take you on an adventure that leads to our ultimate destination—Heaven.
MELISSA BRADSHAW is the children’s ministries director for It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee, area.
A Message Three Angles Politics & What Really Matters
were at any time exercises of cordiality and fraternity, it is true that national elections have become rancorous affairs. Rather than bringing out the best in human nature, they frequently bring out something otherwise. Whether the infamous Willie Horton television ad of the 1988 presidential campaign or attacks on the character of Thomas Jefferson in the early 1800s, politicians often bank on creating controversy rather than merely campaigning on issues. Such controversies are distractions, inducing voters to focus on matters of minor importance, rather than focusing on the issues that matter most.
From our vantage point close to the return of Jesus, it is important that Christians live their Christianity based on the actual issues and not on distractions. We are currently facing the weightiest matters ever to confront human beings. Daniel wrote that we will soon be plunged into
“a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation” (Daniel 12:1). And while we cannot imagine what that is going to be like, we can know that it will require a genuine connection with Jesus.
Side issues will not matter when God’s people find themselves living in earth’s last days, just as a person who knows he or she is dying typically forgets about petty issues. What becomes important when the last grains of sand pass through the hourglass of life is usually relationships with others and one’s relationships with God. One’s imminent end has a way of bringing focus and perspective.
From Angles
So what really matters as we press up against the final moments of time? We’ll consider this from three angles.
Clearly (I would hope), a vital relationship with the God of heaven must head the list of priorities for anyone calling himself or herself a believer in Jesus. Paul’s perspective must surely be ours. “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
Second, God’s people must take the great commission seriously. All around us are people who are, to put it bluntly, going to hell. It’s hard to understand how any church can not take seriously the command given to us by Jesus to proclaim the gospel. The book of Revelation presents us with messengers “fly[ing] in the midst of heaven” preaching a message to “every nation, and kindred, and
tongue, and people” (Revelation 14:6). “Go therefore,” Jesus said, “and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). To do anything less is to demonstrate absolute contempt for humanity.
Third, we have to know who the enemy is and who the enemy is not. Even though you might disagree with people in your church, those people are not your enemy. Church leaders who make decisions you might not agree with are not the enemy. The devil is the enemy. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seek-
What really matters as we press up against the final moments of time?
ing whom he may devour.” And Revelation identifies him like this: “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (12:17). Caught as we are in the midst of a great controversy, wasting time on grievances, real or imagined, is a recipe for spiritual disaster.
Towards the end of World War II, the United States military assembled a team of artists and audio experts to create a fake military unit. Inflatable tanks, sound effects, and phony radio transmissions fooled the German army into diverting resources to engage an enemy that didn’t exist while US Army resources could be utilized elsewhere.1
The devil is doing the same thing today, creating issues that are not issues and causing spiritual resources to be diverted. The more time we waste on Satan’s diversions and distractions, the less prepared we will be for the real spiritual crisis looming ahead.
Line Upon Line is a blessing to us thank you for what you do. ❤ —B.N.
I really love Line Upon Line. God bless ❤
I love Line Upon Line so much! I really look forward to it. I appreciate the dedication of these programs week after week! ���� —R.G.
Every Word
At first, I missed the old intro and music, but after a few weeks, I appreciate the new format. What hasn’t changed is the wonderful daily biblical insights to which I have grown accustomed to starting each day for over a decade. Thank you. —K.H.
I LUV what your organization is doing…I also LUV that you make these short BIBLE BITES… as I call them…to SHARE. —B.F.
Sabbath School
I’ve been following you for years and I see growing in knowing the Word of God...may God be with you always. —B.S.
I am indeed blessed studying the living Word of God Almighty with you, Pastors. —M.N.
This is my first time here, thank God I found some things I was missing all along. ❤ Praise the Lord. —D.A.
Seven Churches of Revelation
This has been the most informative teaching I have heard on the seven churches, taught with clarity…thank you, thank you, thank you. God bless you in your ministry as you open the minds of many. —B.W.
Another award winning series. I watched each one twice. —J.R.
Do you have a story about how God has touched your life through the work of It Is Written? Tell us! Simply email
In his role as a video editor for Escrito Está, Junior brings creativity and dedication to It Is Written.
With eight years of experience, Junior plays a vital part in producing Toda Palabra (“Every Word”), Lecciones de Vida (Sabbath School program), and various flagship programs. His team works hard to create sometimes over 100 devotionals in one week. “His talent and creativity allow for people to have access to Spanish-language content that can inspire them to learn more about God,” said Junior’s supervisor, Carolina Bonilla.
Junior’s journey to It Is Written began in his teenage years when he used his first digital camera to help his local church by recording sermons and creating promotional videos. This experience ignited his passion for media ministry, leading him to pursue a film production degree. Remarkably, the same year he started film school, It Is Written moved its headquarters to his area, prompting him to apply for an internship that later evolved into a full-time position.
Facing challenges such as managing a heavy workload and connecting with an international audience, Junior thrives thanks to his organized team. This allows them to brainstorm creative and effective ways to share the gospel. Starting the workday with worship reminds him that this is more than just a job. “We are here to serve the community and show God’s love to all around us,” he shared.
BY ELYSE BALTODANO, marketing & communications intern
His creative mind extends beyond editing. Junior has composed music for the ministry, including the new devotional introduction song along with Alexia Benardo, and produced several music videos, enhancing the content It Is Written provides. As a trilingual individual from Brazil, he has helped create Spanishlanguage content that resonates globally.
Junior makes our workplace “a friendly, welcoming environment where Jesus’ name is worshiped with joy,” said Carolina. “His happiness is contagious, and he enjoys celebrating people’s accomplishments.”
Not only is he a blessing to his small team but also to the ministry as a whole. “Junior is one of those mild-mannered individuals whose quiet demeanor would allow him to fly under the radar, if his talents were not so obvious,” said John Bradshaw, president of It Is Written. “We are extremely blessed to have him on our team.”
Get to know Junior:
What is your favorite meal?
Brazilian food
What was your first job?
What is one thing most of your co-workers don’t know about you? I enjoy rock climbing and swimming.
Imelda Hatchett-Mitchell has left It Is Written. Kristin Beaven replaces her as Administrative Assistant for the Planned Giving and Trust Services Department. Dan Woodruff has joined as the Planned Giving Consultant for the northwest United States.
We thank God for leading us to the right staff at the right time.
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w An income tax deduction this year for part of the funding amount.
w If you fund it by transferring stock, some of your capital gains are eliminated, and some are spread over a number of years.
w After a lifetime of payments to you, any remaining funds will automatically go to support the mission of It Is Written.
Call or email us to learn what your payment rate and tax benefits will be. When you do, ask about deferred charitable gift annuities and other options that may give you greater payments and tax benefits.
Tributes & Memorials
If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone, please visit or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation.
Anderson, Jocelyn D.
by Liatricia Williams-Louis, Harry
Nord, Wayne & Verlyne Starr, William & Karen Cote, Donna Griggs, Diane Zemsta, Rusti Sax, Verna Parchment
Breetzke, Denis Upper Room Sabbath School
Brown, Jim by Diana Cowan
Cheryl by Lisa Reviere
Deynes, Eugenia & Juan by Samuel Deynes
Duke, Susan Lynn by Patricia Small
Fernandez, Anita by Amelita Green
Goodwin, Norman & JoAnn by Chris & Karen Johnson
Guerrero, Bobbi by Antolin Guerrero
Hall, Crystal Rae by Darin Martin
Hawks, Pastor Paul by William Schey
Kampmann, David by Shelley Patterson
Kelly, Virginia by Linda Thomas
Linton, Daniel by Wanda Cantrell
Linton, Lolly by Wanda Cantrell
Livingston, Uncle Ron by Brenda, Daryl, Cheryl, and Brian
Lockaby, Phil by Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Littell
McAlister, Neva by John & Beverly Walker
Mills, Margie by Vicki Hahn
Mohr, June by Theodore Mohr
Thank you for the gift of sight. by Injoo Lim
Nancy by Linda Thomas
Rocco, Stephen by Catherine Rocco
Schooley, Paul by Fred & Arlene Webb
Schribner, Sugar by Jonathan & Tamera Smith
Starr, Neal by Kenneth Colburn
Urban, Pauline by Marjorie Plumley
Vercio, Joanne by Susan Seery
Wilson, Bill by Larry & Pia Soule, Rob & Carol Raney, Joan Blair, Louesa Peters
Yingst, Bryan Clinton by Julie Yingst
Yingst, Bryan Kelly by Julie Yingst
IN HONOR OF Eley, James by Denise Escola-Rene
Gilbert, Natalie by Lynne Sheldt
Lutz, Evelyn
Happy 100th birthday! by Mary J. Bruckner
Matthews Family by Camille Smith
Meyer, Frances by Linda Thomas
Schaff, Bill by Sylvia Wagner
Slaughter, Rose by Linda Thomas
To see the complete list of tributes and memorials, please visit
Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written.
Your memorial or honorary gifts help share the gospel with the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be listed on the Tributes web page and may be printed in future Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient’s name and address.
The oldest book of the Bible begins like this in Job 1:1: “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil.” Although it’s clear that God has finished writing the Bible and the sacred canon is closed, I sometimes wonder if God were writing the Bible today, how would He record my name? I mean, if there were a passage that said: “There was a man in the land of Maryland, whose name was Robert…” I wonder how the next text would read. Would I be described as blameless and upright? Or as someone who feared God and shunned evil? I’d like to think so, but don’t forget that this opinion did not come
PASTOR ROBERT COSTA is the speaker/ director for Escrito Está, the It Is Written Spanish ministry. He also serves as associate ministerial secretary for global evangelism in Silver Spring, Maryland.
from Job or the judgment of his peers. It was God’s opinion, and apparently, Job’s character was so impeccable that God chose to begin this book with that description. If you reflect on Job’s credentials for a moment, you’ll realize it’s a fantastic summary, especially since it describes how God perceived Job. Now, God didn’t include this story in the Bible for us to marvel at Job’s virtues. He did it to show us the example of a real human being who experienced major losses, doubt, illness, loneliness, and the apparent silence from God. Yet one takeaway from Job is that God remained faithful and eventually provided the answers that Job most needed. Today I invite you to take the same stance as Job and trust in the Lord. Even though your story will never be recorded in the Bible, it is being written in the courts of heaven. May we learn to cultivate virtues like honesty, strength of character, trust in the Lord, and faithfulness for every situation we may be confronted with.