International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology (IJAIST) ISSN: 2319:2682 Vol.21, No.21, January 2014
A method for ranking based on common weights and benchmark point with fuzzy data: an application for ranking university departments B. Rahmani Parchikolaei Department of Mathematics, Nour Branch Islamic Azad University, Nour, Iran.
The highest efficiency score is regarded as the common benchmark level for decision making units. Such cases can have more than one DMU with the highest score. This can happen in DEA for the evaluation of DMUs and in methods of common set of weights for the ranking of DMUs, which does not lead to complete ranking. As defined, an ideal DMU (IDMU) has the highest efficiency score. Therefore, IDMU can be regarded as benchmark for all DMUs. This taken into account, we present a linear programming model for obtaining the common set of weights (CSWS). Since the data are fuzzy, we obtain an upper bound and a lower bound base on the best and the worst evaluation respectively for each Îą- cut. This method with upper bound efficiency score of unit less than the highest score, and with lower bound efficiency score of unit more than the least score guarantees a complete ranking of DMUs. This mode is economical, too. A comparative example of data from university department and other methods is presented. Keywords: DEA, Ideal decision making, common set of weight, benchmark, data fuzzy. 1.INTRODUCTION Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was first offered by charnes et al. in 1978. DEA is a power full tool for measurement of efficiency of congruent decision making units through mathematical programming. DMUs are divided into efficient and inefficient groups. In major models of DEA (CCR, BCC, SBM) the efficient units have efficient score of 1, and inefficient units have efficiency score of less than1. Unlike reality, DEA makes no distinction among units with efficiency
A. Payan Department of Mathematics, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran. score of 1. To resolve this problem, there are a number of distinction methods among efficient units known as ranking methods. Ranking methods are of two kinds. One includes methods of ranking of vertex efficient DMUs only, offered Andersen and Petersen (1993) and known as super-efficiency method. The other includes methods for ranking of all DMUs; these are divided into three groups: Cross-efficiency methods such as work Doyle and Green, (1994), Multi-criteria decision making methods (MCDM) such as work Li and Reeves (1999), and Periodic DEA methods such as work Wang and Yang (2007); for a complete review see Adler et al. (2002). Extension the MCDM approach has led to common set of weights (CSWs) methods. In this method, the efficiency of DMUs simultaneously with a fixed set of weights is measured. In this approach, the efficiency of DMUs is simultaneously measured by a fix set of weights. Liu and Peng (2008) presented a linear programming problem model for obtaining CSWs. Chiang et al. (2011) to obtain the CSWs introduced a linear model with separation vector. Almost, all CSWs approaches consider number one as the highest common benchmark level for the data are definite in existing models of DEA. There are, however, many issues fuzzy in nature. The theory of fuzzy sets was developed to examine the truth values extending from perfectly wrong. The fuzzy sets algebra was introduced by Zadeh Lotfi (1965). The theory of fuzzy sets has turned into a method of determining uncertain quantities and data in DEA models. DEA fuzzy models were first introduced by Sengupta (1992), which shows an increasing interest and growing number of articles in the related literature. Fuzzy DEA models can demonstrate real-world problems more realistically than