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ISSN (ONLINE): 2454-9762 ISSN (PRINT): 2454-9762 Available online at

International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Architecture, Technology and Engineering (IJARMATE) Vol. 3, Special Issue 9, March 2017

Comparisonal Analysis on Effects of Processing Parameters on Microstructural and Mechanical Behaviour of Underwater Friction Stir Welding (UWFSW) Of Al6082

P. Prem Kumar1, G.K.Thirumaran2, R.VijayaRaghavan3 Assistant Professor, St. Joseph Engineering College, Chennai, India 2,3 UG students, St. Joseph Engineering College, Chennai, India Zone (TMAZ) and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ). In FSW heat Abstract— Friction stir welding is a modern welding technique to join similar and dissimilar metals, generated in stirred zone and the heat conducted TMAZ and extensively used in Mechanical and Manufacturing field, HAZ causes the precipitates to be either solutionized or whereas Under Water Friction Stir Welding (UWFSW) is coarsened. The loss of precipitates during solutionising and a latest research area. In FSW process, the frictional heat coarsening reduces the joint properties and causes produced at the tool surface causes plastic dissipation and non-uniformity along the weld region (3). In order to softening of the material which is extruded around the overcome the heat dissipation problems created in tool and consolidates to form a weld. In UWFSW the surrounding regions of weld and to improve the strength of entire FSW process is carried out in a specially prepared the weld joint, the heat should be dissipated readily using a setup where the work piece and tool are immersed in cooling method . The water cooling method is more efficient water. In UWFSW the width of the Thermo Mechanical than other cooling methods terms of uniform cooling and Affected Zone (TMAZ) and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) highly transfer coefficient (4). In Under Water Friction Stir are controlled, thereby increases the Mechanical Welding, the entire Friction Stir Welding (FSW) process is properties of the weld. Attempt has been made to conduct carried out under the surface of water (as shown in fig 1) the FSW and UWFSW processes in Conventional Milling Machine. The improvement of Hardness and compression strength of the UWFS welded Aluminium joints are studied. 1

Heat Affected Zone (HAZ), Thermo mechanically Affected Zone (TMAZ), Under Water Friction Stir Welding (UWFSW) Keywords—

I. INTRODUCTION Friction Stir Welding is a solid state joining process which is utilised to weld various types of ceramics, polymers, Aluminium alloys(1). FSW finds its applications in various areas like mechanical, aerospace, railways, automobile industries. FSW is based on friction heating and local plastic flow in the joint region by stirring with a rotational tool pin. FSW used to create high quality, high strength butt or lap joints in a wide range of material thickness and length (2). The process is carried out by plunging a rotating tool and translating it along the desired weld line. The heat generated by the friction at the tool surface and plastic dissipation in the deforming region of the work pieces soften the material to the plasticised state which is then extruded around the tool and consolidates to form a weld . From various researches it is confirmed that FSW can produce sound joints in heat treatable Aluminium alloys. However, the thermal cycles exerted during FSW resulted in the reduction of mechanical properties of the joints due to coarsening and dissolution of strengthening precipitates in Thermo Mechanically Affected

Fig 1 Simple layout of UWFSW Rapid cooling of the welded joints improves the strength of the joints by restricting the coarsening and dissolution of strengthening precipitates(6). Under Water Friction Stir Welding reduces the common weld defects like hydrogen embrittlement oxidation, porosity. In our investigation of Under Water Friction Stir Welded Aluminium alloy (Al6082) we found the improvement in mechanical properties. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND WORK The process of Friction Stir Welding and Underwater Friction Stir Welding are carried out by changing the tool and attachments in conventional CM milling machine (fig3,4). The welding machine has a table size of 100 by 700 mm . The 5.5KW 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor is used (5). The tool employed was 4mm long probe with 25 mm concave shoulder machined from HSS. The Al6082 Aluminium specimen of dimensions 120mm L X 50 mm W X 5 mm T

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