Stabilization/Solidification and Micro-Structural Analysis of Pond Ash Using Lime

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ISSN 2320 – 6020

Stabilization/Solidification and Micro-Structural Analysis of Pond Ash Using Lime Barkha Tripathi and S. M. Ali Jawaid* ABSTRACT: Recycling of waste material is one of the effective solutions of its disposal problem. Fly ash generated by coal-based thermal power plant takes huge amount of land for disposal and creates environmental problem. From each power station, thousands of tons of fly ash are pumped in to the ash ponds in the form of slurry. Solidification/stabilization of fly ash improves the geotechnical properties and reduces the adverse effect to the environment. This paper shows the laboratory test results of Class C pond ash mixed with small amount of lime, and local soil. In the present investigation, various tests were conducted on soil sample mixed with various percentages of fly ash and lime. The result reveals that the optimum content of admixture for achieving maximum strength is approximately 92% pond ash mixed with 3% lime. Scanning Electron Microscope imageries were also confirmed that change in structure due to stabilization. KEY WORDS: Solidification/stabilization, Scanning Electron Microscope, Lime, Recycling, Compaction, CBR, Pond ash INTRODUCTION In India’s power production programmed coal based thermal power plants are major player. According to Central Electricity Authority of India upto March 31, 1998 total 82 coals fired power plant existing in India. Fly ash produced by thermal power plants creates environmental problem and requires huge disposal area. There are generally three category of coal ashes are available from thermal power stations such as (1) Dry fly ash (2) Bottom ash (3) Pond ash (Bera et al., 2007). The fly ash produced from the burning of pulverized coal in a coal-fired boiler is a finger grained powdery particulate material that is carried off in the flue gas and usually collected from ESP (Electrostatic Precipitator) or mechanical device. Ashes collected at the bottom of the boiler furnace are called as bottom ash which possesses better geotechnical properties. Fly ash and bottom ash are mixed together with water in the form of slurry which is pump to ash pond area. Previous researchers studied different uses of fly ash such as bulk fill material (Raymond 1958; DiGioia and Nuzzo 1972; Gray and Lin 1972; Joshi et al. 1975), soil stabilization (Chu et al.1955; Goecker et al. 1956; Viskochil et al. 1957; Vasquez and Alonso 1981), and land reclamation (Kim and Chun 1994) Author: Barkha Tripathi currently Department of civil EngineeringMadan Mohan Malaviya Engineering College Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 273010, E-mail:

Potential application of fly ash alone or soil stabilized with fly ash or fly ash and admixtures for road construction has been reported by a number of researchers (Ghosh et al. 1973; Manjesh et al.2003; Satyanarayana Reddy and Rama Moorthy 2004; Ghosh and Subbarao 2006). Jute-geo textile reinforcing fly ash was found to be a promising technique to improve the bearing capacity of the foundation medium (Ghosh et al. 2005). Actually, two classes of fly Ash are defined by ASTM C618: Class F Fly Ash and Class C Fly Ash. The main difference between these classes is the amount of calcium, silica, alumina, and iron content in the ash. The chemical property of the fly ash is highly influenced by the chemical content of the coal burned. The free content of fly ash contributes to selfhardening, fraction of lime, present as free lime in the form of calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide, controls self-hardening characteristics of fly ash. In this paper, the strength of pond ash and ash mixed with soil with lime and stabilized soils have been investigated. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS SOIL The investigations contained in this work have been carried out using soil obtained from Madan Mohan Malaviya Engg .College, Gorakhpur. The geo technical properties and OMCMDD curve of soil are given in Table1and Graph 1 respectively.

*Co-Author: S.M.Ali Jawaid is currently Associate Professorin Department of civil engineeringMadan Mohan Malaviya Engineering CollegeGorakhpur Uttar Pradesh -273010, Email:

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