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1Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus


The paper presents a technique for construction of Cn interpolating rational Bézier spline curves by means of blending rational quadric Bézier curves. A class of polynomials which satisfy special boundary conditions is used for blending. Properties of the polynomials are considered The constructed spline curves have local shape control that make them useful in such geometric applications as real time trajectory generation and fast curve sketching


Blending Curves, Rational Bézier curves, Interpolation, Splines, Interpolating Rational Splines


Interpolating spline curves play important role in different geometric applications. This paper presents an approach to construction of interpolating rational Bézier spline curves with local control which have Cn continuity. This property makes the spline curves suitable for using in different real time geometric applications concerned with trajectory generation. A shape of the constructed spline curve can be modified by means of weights which are assigned to knot points of the spline curve. This feature enables using of the presented spline curves for fast sketching.

Segments of the presented spline curves are constructed by means of blending rational quadric Bézier curves represented in homogeneous coordinates. The blending is performed by means of special polynomials which are considered in the paper. The polynomials ensure a necessary parametric continuity of the designed spline curves. The presented approach can be considered as generalization of the approach to construction of interpolating spline curves in linear spaces considered by the author [1].

Firstly construction of spline curves by linear blending of parabolic arcs was proposed by Overhauser [2] and considered by Rogers and Adams [3]. Using linear blending of conics for construction of spline curves was considered by Chuan Sun [4]. Polynomial blending which ensures Gn continuity is considered in other articles of Hartmann [5] and Meek, Walton [6].

Some other works concerned with interpolation with rational spline curves can be mentioned. Tai, Barsky and Loe presented an interpolation method that is based on blending a nonuniform rational B spline curve with a singularly reparameterized linear spline [7]. Interpolating rational spline curves of cubic degree with shape control are considered in works [8 10]. Rational cubic spline curves with G2 continuity is considered in the work [11]. Weighted rational cubic spline interpolation and its application are considered in the articles [12 15].

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.3, No.4, October 2013 DOI : 10.5121/ijcga.2013.3401 1



(IJCGA) Vol.3,

The purpose of this section is to define polynomials which will be used for blending of parametric curves. For this purpose consider the following knot sequences (0,0,,0,1,1,,1)

and define the following polynomials: ∑ =

= 21 21, ()() n in nni wubu , [0,1]∈u , where (), bu nm are Bernstein polynomials

It follows from this definition that the polynomials wn(u) meet the following boundary conditions: (0)0 = nw , (1)1 = nw , (2.1) (0)(1)0()() == m n m n ww , {1,2,,1}∀∈mn (2.2)

The polynomials wn(u) have the following properties: ()(1)1 +=wuwu nn , (2.3) (1/2)(1/2)1 ++=wvwv nn (2.4) which follow from the property ()1 0 , =∑

bu of Bernstein polynomials. It follows from Equation (2.4) that the polynomials wn(u) are symmetric with respect to the point (1/2,1/2) Besides it can be proven that


and that the polynomial wn(u) is a minimum of the functional



Proofs of the properties can be found in the paper [1]. Figure 1 shows graphs of the polynomials wn(u).

following polynomials of lower degrees:

Computer Graphics & Animation
No.4, October 2013 2
nmm nm uu mnm nbu = !()!(1)()!,
= n m nm
lim()0 1/2 0 =∫→∞
n n
∫= 1 0 ()2()|()|
n n
nN ∈ .
wuu =()1 , 23 2 ()3(1) wuuuu =+ , 2345 3 ()10(1)5(1) wuuuuuu =++

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.3, No.4, October 2013

are often used in geometric applications.

Figure 1. Graphs of the polynomials ()wu n

The polynomials wn(u) were introduced by the author [16, 17]. The representation of these polynomials wn(u) by means of Bernstein polynomials was proposed by Wiltsche [18]


Consider two conic arcs pi(u), i∈{1, 2}, which are represented by means of rational Bézier curves and have common boundary points that is 2 2 0,1 2 22 2 00,1,1 2 (1)2(1) ()(1)2(1) uwuuwuw

uwuuwuw u i

ii i ++ ++ = ppp p



The problem is to construct a parametric curve p(u) which has the following boundary points: 10(0)(0) ppp == , 22(1)(1) ppp == (3.2) and satisfies the following boundary conditions: (0)(0) () 1 ()mm pp = , (1)(1) () 2 ()mm pp = , {1,2,,}mn∀∈ , (3.3)

where n∈N. The parametric curve p(u) which satisfies Equations (3.2) and (3.3) is called a parametric curve blending the parametric curves p1(u) and p2(u).

In order to solve the problem represent the parametric curves pi(u), i∈{1, 2}, using homogeneous coordinates as follows:

2 0,1 2 ()(1)2(1) xxxx uuuuu ii=++


where the points x0, xi,1 and x2 have the corresponding weight coordinates w0, wi,1 and w2 Then define the parametric curve x(u) as follows: ()(1())()()() 12 uwuuwuu nn xxx =+


u ,

It follows from this definition that the corresponding parametric curve p(u) which is obtained from the parametric curve x(u) by transition to Cartesian coordinates has the following rational representation:




∈u .
∈u ,
(1())()()() ()(1())()()() 12 12 wuruwuru wuuwuu u nn nn + +
, [0,1]∈u , (3.5)

follows form the definition of the polynomials

) that the parametric curve p(u) satisfies conditions (3.2) because

Derivatives of the parametric curve p(u) depend on derivatives of the numerator and denominator of Equation (3.5). In order to simplify further considerations introduce the following denotations:


determine derivatives of the numerator

and denominator r(u). It is obtained using Leibnitz's formula that


of Equations (2.2) into these equations yields that the derivatives have the following values at the boundaries of the interval [0,º1]:

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.3, No.4, October 2013 4 22 2 00,1,1 2 ()(1)2(1) rppp uuwuuwuw iii =++ , {1,2}∈i , 2 2 0,1 2 ()(1)2(1) ruuwuuwuw ii=++ , {1,2}∈i It
10 1 1 12 12 (0)(0) (0) (1(0))(0)(0)(0) (0)(1(0))(0)(0)(0) pp rrr p === + + = wrwrr ww nn nn and 22 2 2 12 12 (1)(1) (1) (1(1))(0)(1)(1) (1)(1(1))(1)(1)(1) pp rrr p === + + = wrwrr ww nn nn
()(1())()()() 12
nn rrr =+ , [0,1]∈u , ()(1())()()() 12 ruwuruwuru nn=+ , [0,1]∈u . Now
∑ = =+ m i imi n imi n m wuuwuu imi m u 0 () 2 ()() 1 ()()!()!((1())()(())()()! rrr , ∑ = =+ m i imi n imi n m wuruwuru imi m ru 0 () 2 ()() 1 ()()!()!((1())()(())()()! for
m∈N Substitution
(0)(1(0))(0)(0)(0)(0) () 1 () 2 () 1 () mm n m n m ww rrrr =+= , (3.6) (1)(1(1))(0)(1)(1)(1) () 2 () 2 () 1 () mm n m n m ww rrrr =+= (3.7) and analogously (0)(1(0))(0)(0)(0)(0) () 1 () 2 () 1 () mm n m n m rwrwrr =+= , (3.8) (1)(1(1))(0)(1)(1)(1) () 2 () 2 () 1 () mm n m n m rwrwrr =+= (3.9) for any {1,2,,1}∀∈mn . Now show the derivatives of the order n also have necessary values at the boundaries of the domain [0,º1]. It can be seen that (0)(0)(0)(1(0))(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0) () 1 () 22 ()() 11 ()() nn n n n n n n n n wwww rrrrrr =+++= (1)(1)(1)(1(1))(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1) () 2 () 22 ()() 11 ()() nn n n n n n n n n wwww rrrrrr =+++= and analogously

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.3, No.4, October 2013

(0)(0) () 1 ()nn rr = , (1)(1) () 2 ()nn rr = .

Thus it is proved that (0)(0) () 1 ()mm rr = , (1)(1) () 2 ()mm rr = , (0)(0) () 1 ()mm rr = , (1)(1) () 2 ()mm rr = , {1,2,,}mn∀∈

Using obtained results compute higher order derivatives of the parametric curve p(u). It follows form Equation (3.5) using introduced denotations for the numerator and denominator that ()()() ruuu pr = , [0,1]∈u

Differentiation of the last equation using Leibnitz's formula yields that

()() ruuu imi m m m i


imi pr =

() 0

Substitution of Equations (3 6), (3.8) and (3.7), (3.9) into the last equation yields the following values of derivatives at the boundaries of the interval [0,º1]:

()() 1 m m i

() 1 0

imi r imi m pr =∑ = ,

()() 2 m m i

imi r

m pr =

() 2 0

On the other hand it follows from Equations (3.1) that ()()() ruuu iii pr = , {1,2}

i ,

and therefore derivatives of the parametric curves pi(u), i∈{1, 2}, satisfy the following equations:

() 1 () 1 m m i

1 0

imi r imi m pr =

() 2 () 2 m m i


imi r imi m pr =

2 0

Show that Equations (3.10) and (3.12) are equivalent. Consider the first derivatives of the parametric curves p(u) and p1(u). It follows from Equations (3.10) and (3.12) that the first derivatives satisfy the following two equations:

(1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 ppr +=rr ,


(1) 11 (1) 1 (1)

It follows from these two equations taking into account Equations (3.2) that (0)(0) (1) 1 (1) pp =

Now assume that the following equation:

!()!()()() !
, mN ∈
!()!(0)(0)(0) !
(3.10) !()!(1)(1)(1) !
∑ = (3.11)
!()!(0)(0)(0) ! ()
∑ = , (3.12) !()!(1)(1)(1) ! ()

also fulfilled. Then consider the m th order derivatives of the parametric curves p(u) and p1(u). It follows from Equations (3.10) and (3.12) that the m th order derivatives satisfy the following equation:

is equivalent to the equation

It follows from the last equation taking into account the assumption that

1 ()mm pp =

Therefore the last equation is fulfilled for all m∈N by the principle of mathematical induction. Analogously it can be proven using Equations (3.11) and (3.13) that

() 2 ()mm pp =

all m∈N Thus Equations (3.3) are also fulfilled.

Figure 2 shows some curves constructed by means of blending two conic arcs with the polynomials wn(u).

2. Blending conic arcs by means of the polynomials wn(u)


The purpose of this section is to obtain a rational Bézier representation of the blending parametric curve p(u) described by Equation (3.5). In order to solve the problem consider a homogeneous representation x(u) of the parametric curve p(u) which is described by Equation (3.6). Using Equation (2.3) the homogeneous representation can be transformed as follows:

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.3, No.4, October 2013 6 (0)(0) (1) 1 (1) = mm pp is
∑∑ == = m i imi m i imi r imi m r imi m 0 () 1 () 1 0 ()() 1 !()!(0)(0)!()!(0)(0)! ! pp which
+= ∑ = 1 0 ()(1) 1 () 1 !(1)!(0)(0)(0)(0)(1)! m i mimi r imi m r pp ∑ = =+ 1 0 (1) 1 () 1 () 11 !(1)!(0)(0)(0)(0)(1)! m i mimi r imi m r pp
(0)(0) ()
=+= ()(1())()()() 12 uwuuwuu nn xxx =+= (1)()()() 12 wuuwuu nnxx


follows from the last equations that the parametric curve x(u) has the following Bézier representation:




nkkkk bucccxxx

21,0,01,2,12,2 ()()

()()() xxx buccbu nnnnnn

Then transition to Cartesian coordinates yields that the blending parametric curve p(u) has the following rational Bézier representation:

()() ru u u r p = , [0,1]∈u , (4.1)

++ ()()()() 21,00021,10,1001,11,11,1 rppp ubuwbucwcw nn

bucwcwcw 2 21,0,001,1,11,12,22 ()() ppp


nkkkk bucwcwcwppp

21,0,001,2,12,12,2,22 ()()

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.3, No.4, October 2013 7 =+= ∑∑ == 21 21,2 1 0 21,1()()()() n kn nk n k nk buubuu xx =+++ ∑ = 1 0 21,2,002,11,12,22 ()(()()()) n k nk bubububu xxx +++= ∑ = 21 21,2,002,12,12,22 ()(()()()) n kn nk bubububu xxx =++ ∑∑ == 1 0 21,2,11,1 21 0 21,2,00()()()() n k nk n k nk bubububu xx ++= ∑∑ == 21 0 21,2,22 21 21,2,12,1()()()() n k nk n kn nk bubububu xx =++ ∑∑ = + = + n k nkk n k nkk bucbuc 1 21,1,1,1 21 0 21,0,0()()xx ∑∑ + = + =+ + ++ 21 2 21,2,2 2 1 21,1,2,1()() n k nkk n kn nkk bucbucxx Where 2(21) (2)(21) 0, + + = nn nknk c k , 021 ≤≤kn , (21) (21) 1, + + = nn knk c k , kn12 ≤≤ , 2(21) (1) 2, + = nn
c k , 221 ≤≤+ kn . It
=+++ ++ ()()()()
xxxx ububucc nn ++++ ∑ = + n k nkkkk buccc 2
()() xxx ++++ ∑ =+ +
n kn
++++++ .
where =+++
++++ ∑ = + n k nkkkk
++++ ∑ =+ +
n kn

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.3, No.4, October 2013

21,21,22,12,12,22221,2122 ()()()ppp bucwcwbuw nnnnnn ++++++ (4.2) and =+++ ++ ()()()() 21,0021,10,101,11,1 rubuwbucwcw nn

nkkkk bucwcwcw 2 21,0,01,1,12,2 ()()

21 1 21,0,01,2,12,2,2 ()()

nkkkk bucwcwcw 21,21,22,12,2221,212 ()()() bucwcwbuw nnnnnn ++++++ (4.3)

For example, the numerator and denominator of cubic and quintic blending parametric curves have the following Bézier representations: =+++ 3(2) 1 ()()()3,0003,1001,11,1 rppp ubuwbuww

3,22,12,1223,322 3(2)() 1 () pppbuwwbuw +++ , 3,003,101,13,22,123,32 3(2)() 1 3(2)() 1 ()()() rubuwbuwwbuwwbuw =+++++ and =+++ 5(32) 1 ()()()5,0005,1001,11,1 rppp ubuwbuww

10(36)() 1 () 5,2001,11,1225,3002,12,122 pppppp buwwwbuwww 5,42,12,1225,522 5(23)() 1 () ppp buwwbuw +++ ,


5(32) 1 ()()()5,005,101,1 rubuwbuww

10(36)() 1 () 5,201,125,302,12


purpose of this section is to introduce analytical expressions for construction smoothly joined conic arcs. The expressions will be used for construction

three distinct points

is to construct two


at the


curves in the next section.

corresponding weights

by means of

++++ ∑ = + n k
++++ ∑ =+ +
n kn
+++++++ 10(63) 1
buwwwbuwww 5,42,125,52 5(23)() 1 () buwwbuw +++ respectively.
p0, p1, and p2 with the
w0, w1 and w2. The problem
conic arcs pi(u), i∈{1, 2}, which are represented
curves 1 2 01,1 2 11 2 001,11,1 2 1 (1)2(1) ()(1)2(1) uwuuwuw uwuuwuw u ++ ++ = ppp p , [0,1]∈u , (5.1) 2 2 02,1 2 22 2 112,12,1 2 2 (1)2(1) ()(1)2(1) uwuuwuw uwuuwuw u ++ ++ = ppp p , [0,1]∈u (5.2) and are smoothly joined
p1 that is

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.3, No.4, October 2013


(1)(0) () 2 () 1

In order to find control points p1,1, and p2,1 which ensure the necessary smooth junction represent the conic arcs arcs p1(u) and p2(u) using homogeneous coordinates as follows

01,1 2 1()(1)2(1) xxxx uuuuu =++

12,1 2 2 ()(1)2(1) xxxx uuuuu

The conic arcs arcs x1(u) and x2(u) are smoothly joined at the point x1 only provided that the following two conditions: (1)(0)12xx


, (1)(0)12xx



are fulfilled. Resolution of these equations yields the following values of unknown control points x1,1 and x2,2 of the quadric Bézier curves x1(u) and x2(u): 4 20 1,11 xx xx = , 4 20 2,11 xx xx=+ .

The values of knot points p1,1, and p2,1 can be obtained from these equations by transition to transition to Cartesian coordinates as follows: 4 2200 1,111 pp pp ww w= , 4 2200 2,111 pp pp ww w =+ (5.5) 4 20 1,11 ww ww = , 4 20 2,11 ww ww=+ (5.6)

Show that in this case the conic arcs arcs p1(u) and p2(u) are also smoothly joined at the point p1 For this purpose represent the conic arcs p1(u) and p2(u) as follows: () ()() ru u u i

i i r p = , {1,2}∈i (5.7) where

001,11,1 2 1()(1)2(1) rppp uuwuuwuw =++

112,12,1 2 2 ()(1)2(1) rppp uuwuuwuw =++ and

01,1 2 1()(1)2(1) ruuwuuwuw =++

12,1 2 2 ()(1)2(1) ruuwuuwuw =++

It follows from Equations (5.4) that the first two derivatives of the numerators ri(u) and denominators ri(u) satisfy the following conditions at the common point p1:

12 rr

and (1)(0)12 rr

(1)(0)12 rr

(1)(0)12 rr

It is obvious that any of all other higher order derivatives of the numerators ri(u) and denominators ri(u) is equal to zero. Now transform Equation (5.7) as follows:

= , nN ∈ . (5.3)
1 2
, [0,1]∈u , 2 2
=++ , [0,1]∈u
11 2
, 22 2
1 2
, 2 2
′ = ′ ,
′′ = ′′ (5.8)
′ = ′ ,
′′ = ′′ (5.9)

the first

from these equations taking into

it can be proven that



Now notice that all higher order derivatives of the conic arcs pi(u) at the common point p1 depends only values of these parametric curves at the common point and the first two derivatives of the numerators ri(u) and denominators ri(u) at the common point. Then taking into account the last two equations it can be stated that Equations (5.3) are also fulfilled. Thus it is obtained that the conic arcs p1(u) and p2(u) are smoothly joined at the common point p1. Since spline curves will be constructed by means of blending conic arcs it is reasonable to consider shape modification of the conic arc by means of changing weights of its knot points. This modification behaves just opposite to the modification of a weight of the conic control point. That is if a weight of the conic control point increases then the conic pulls toward the control point. Otherwise if a weight of the conic control point decreases then the conic pushes away from the control point. Figure 3 shows modification of a conic shape depending on a weight of its control point. Values of the weight are depicted near the knot points.

On the other hand if a weight of the conic knot point increases then the conic pushes away from the control point. Otherwise if a weight of the conic knot point decreases then the conic pulls toward the control point. Figure 4 shows modification of a conic shape depending on a weight of its knot point.

Now it is clear how weights of knot points influence on shape of two smoothly joined conics. Figure 5 shows modification of two smoothly joined conic shape by means of the weight which is prescribed to the knot point.

Figure 3. Modification of conic shape by means of a control point weight

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.3, No.4, October 2013 10 ()()() ruuu iii pr = , {1,2}∈i , and find
derivatives of the equation parts. It is obtained that ()()()()() ruuruuu iiiii ppr ′ = ′ + ′ , {1,2}∈i It follows
account Equations (5.8)
(0)(0)(0)(0)(0) (1) (1)(1)(1)(1) 2 2 222 1 111 1 p rprp p ′ = ′′ = ′′ = ′ r r r r Analogously
(1)(0)12pp ′′ = ′′

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.3, No.4, October 2013

Figure 4 Modification of conic shape by means of a knot point weight Figure 5 Modification of two smoothly joined conic shape by means of weights

More detailed considerations concerned with modification of rational curve shape by means of weights are presented in the works of Piegl [19], Sánchez Reyes [20] and Juhász [21].


The purpose of this section is to present a technique for construction of a rational spline curve p(u)


N, which interpolates a sequence of knot points pi,

{0, 1, 2,..., k}, k

N, with the corresponding weights wi. In order to solve the problem construct a segment pi(u), 0 < i < k, of the parametric curve p(u) by means of blending two conic arcs pi,1(u) and pi,2(u) as was proposed in Section 3. Figure 6 explains construction a segment pi(u) of the spline curve p(u).

Figure 6. Construction of a spline curve segment

n , n∈

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.3, No.4, October 2013

In order to ensure Cn smoothness of the spline curve p(u) it is necessary to ensure that that the conic arcs pi 1,1(u) and pi,2(u) are smoothly joined at the common point pi. This can be obtained by constructing the conic arcs pi 1,1(u) and pi,2(u) as was proposed in Section 5. Taking into account these considerations define the conic arcs pi,1(u) and pi,2(u) as follows:


i∈{0, 1,..., k 1} and

uwuuwuw u ppp p





i∈{1, 2,..., k} where the control points pi,1 and pi,2 with the corresponding weights wi,1 and wi,2 are defined using Equations

,1 ++ = iiii iii ww w pp pp ,

,1 + = ii ii ww ww ,

=+ iiii iii ww w pp pp

,2 +=+ ii ii ww ww

Then a segment pi(u) of the spline curve p(u) can be defined using Equation (3.5) as follows:

nini i + +

,1,2 wuruwuru wuuwuu u nini


follows from Equations (3.3) and (5.3) that in this case segments of the parametric curve p(

) satisfy the following condition:

Figure 7 shows how a shape of the spline curve depends on the weight prescribed to the knot point of the spline curve. Weights of all other knot points of the spline curve are equal to the unity.

Figure 7. Modification of a spline curve shape by means of weights

1 2 ,1 2 11 2 ,1,1 2 ,1 (1)2(1)()(1)2(1) + ++ ++ ++ = iii iiiiii i uwuuwuw uwuuwuw u ppp
, [0,1]∈u for
1 2 ,2 2 11 2 ,2,2 2
(1)2(1)()(1)2(1) + ++ ++ ++
iii iiiiii
∈u for
4 1111
4 1111 ,2 ++
. 4 11
4 11
(1())()()() ()(1())()()()
= rr p , [0,1]∈u , where 11 2 ,, 2 , ()(1)2(1) ++=++ ijiiijijii uuwuuwuw rppp , {1,2}∈j , 1 2 , 2 , ()(1)2(1) +=++ ijiiji ruuwuuwuw , {1,2}∈j It
(1)(0) () 1 () n i n i + = pp , nN ∈ .

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA) Vol.3, No.4, October 2013


The approach to construction of Cn continuous interpolating spline curves by means of blending rational quadric Bézier curves is introduced. Spline curves are constructed locally which implies local shape control of them by means of weights which are assigned to the knot points of the constructed spline curve. Bézier representation of the considered spline curves is introduced. The presented technique can be used for fast prototyping rational spline Bézier. Besides since the spline curves are constructed locally the presented technique can be also used in real time geometric applications connected with computer graphics and animation.


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A. P. Pobegailo graduated from Belarusian State University in 1981. Then he obtained Ph. Degree on system analysis and automatic control. Currently he is an assistant professor at Belarusian State University. He teaches courses on operating systems and systems design. His research interests include computer graphics and geometric design.


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