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International Journal of Current Medical Science and Dental Research (IJCMSDR) Volume 1 Issue 1 ǁ May-June 2019 ǁ PP 01-05 ISSN: 2581-866X ||

THE RED FRUITS (Pandanus conoideus) EXTRACT IMMUNOMODULATION ON THE MAMMARY TUMOR BEARING MICE T LYMPHOCYTES AND MACROPHAGES Yulhasri1, Kusmardi Kusmardi2*, Aryo Tedjo3, Eva Zakiyah4, Suprianto5, Novianto5 1

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia 2 Department of Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia 3 Department of Medical Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia 4 Laboratory of Yasmin, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta 5 Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. HAMKA Muhammadiyah University, Jakarta

ABSTRACT: Objective: To investigate the effect of the red fruits (Pandanus conoideus) oil extract (RFOE) on activities of T lymphocytes (TL) derived from spleen and peritoneal macrophages (PM) of mammary tumor bearing mice in vitro. Materials and Methods: The RFOE was obtained by ethanol extraction consists of fraction 1-5 and used at 2 ppm concentrations. TL and PM were isolated, stimulated to proliferate while 24 hours of in vitro cultures. TL and PM activity were studied with the fraction 1 to 5, β- carotene, tocopherol, linoleic acid, RFO and negative control. Results and Conclusion: our study showed that fraction 2 and 3 of RFOE, β-carotene and tocopherol have effect in enhancing the CD8, CD 25 expression on T lymphocytes cultures; and fraction 1 on the CD 54 and CD64 expression of PM cultures.

KEY WORDS: T Lymphocytes, macrophages, red fruit, mammary tumor, Pandanus conoideus I. INTRODUCTION Herbal preparations are effectively and extensively used for their medicinal properties, and have become [1,2] increasingly popular worldwide. Herbal medicines generally have fewer side effects than synthetic [3] compounds, and their effectiveness can be improved by modern pharmacological methods. Several plants used [4-5] in the traditional system of medicines, have been shown to modulate immune response. Pandanus conoideus, commonly known as red Papua fruit, belongs to family Pandanaceae and is a well-known as traditional medicinal herbs from Papua. Various workers have studied the effector mechanism of Pandanus conoideus [4,5] (PC) extract using different models. Extract of this fruits is reported to possess anti-inflammatory, [4,5] antipyretic, antioxidant and antiulcerogenic properties. However, no studies have been reported on the effect of extract Pandanus conoideus on the activities of T lymphocytes (TL) derived from spleen and peritoneal macrophages (PM) of mammary tumor bearing mice in vitro.



Preparation of extract: The Extraction of the red fruits (Pandanus conoideus) oil (RFO) was performed using 0,5 grams of RFO, was added by 6 ml etanols and Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT) with comparison 1:1, shaked 10 seconds, incubated in 85 oC temperature in water bath for 6 minutes. Samples were shake 3 minutes, vortex for 10 seconds. Saponification are conducted by enhance KOH. The supernatan were adding Petroleum Ether (PE): Diethyl Ether (DE) = 2:1, continued by chromatography analysis. Carotenoid identification with thin layer chromatography (TLC): Carotenoid that has been rather seen condensed then carried over TLC plate. Eluent PE:DE: Acetone (40:10:10) (v/v) was transferred into chamber, incubated 10 minutes. After seen some layers at plate, lifted and dried, Rf are calculated, conducted preparative method by isolating every layer, carried over centrifuge tube by enhance PE:DE: Acetone (8 ml:2 ml: 2 ml), [6] centrifugation at 1500 rpm for 10 minutes. Supernatant are dried, the weight was deliberated. . Isolation of TL of mammary tumor bearing mice: The spleen should be place in a sterile 60 mm culture dish containing 5 ml of serum free medium. The spleen is gripped at one end with sterile fine forceps and, using

|Volume 1| Issue 1 |


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