International Journal of Engineering Inventions e-ISSN: 2278-7461, p-ISSN: 2319-6491 Volume 3, Issue 11 (June 2014) PP: 17-21
Applications of Factorial Function in determination of n 1 Specific Reaction Rate and Half Life Period Anshaj Ronghe th
B.Tech 5 Semester, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Guru Ghasidas University Bilaspur (CG) India
Abstract: In this research paper, specific reaction rates of first order, second order; third order and m th order reactions are represented in terms of factorial function. These results would be further applied to obtain half life period as a particular case in application section. Keywords: Factorial function, Order of reaction, Specific Reaction Rate (or velocity constant or rate constant), half life period.
I. Introduction The factorial function is defined by Earl D. Rainville [4] (P.22) in following manner n
k 1
k 1
1 2 ........ n 1 , n 1
… (1.1)
So that,
II. Specific Reaction Rate In this section we shall give specific reaction rate of first order, second order, third order and order reactions in terms of Arrhenius hypothesis.
Specific reaction rate for first order reaction Here rate of reaction is determined by change of one concentration term only.
A Pr oducts
Let a be the concentration of A at the start and after time t, the concentration becomes (a-x), i.e., x has been changed into products. The rate of reaction after time t is given by the expression,
dx a x dt Or
dx k 1dt ax
… (2.1)
Where, k = First order velocity constant (unit being s 1 ) 1 Specific reaction rate for second order reaction Here rate of reaction is determined by variation of two concentration terms.
A B Pr oducts
Let a be the concentration of A and b be the concentration of B at the start and after time t, the concentration becomes (a-x) for A and (b-x) for B, i.e., x of both reactants has been changed into products. The rate of reaction after time t is given by the expression,
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Applications Of Factorial Function
n 1 In Determination Of Specific Reaction Rate And Half
dx (a x)(b x) dt Or
dx k 2dt (a x)(b x)
… (2.2)
Where, k = Second order velocity constant (unit being 2
lt 1 mol s
Specific reaction rate for third order reaction Here rate of reaction is determined by variation of three concentration terms.
A B C Pr oducts
Let a be the concentration of A, b be the concentration of B and c be the concentration of C at the start and after time t, the concentration becomes (a-x) for A, (b-x) for B and (c-x) for C i.e., x of all three reactants has been changed into products. The rate of reaction after time t is given by the expression,
dx (a x)(b x)(c x) dt Or
dx k 3dt (a x)(b x)(c x) Where,
… (2.3)
k 3 = Third order velocity constant (unit being
lt mol
s 1
Specific reaction rate for reaction of order m Here rate of reaction is determined by variation of m concentration terms.
A1 A 2 A 3 ........ Am Pr oducts Let a be the concentration of A , a be the concentration of A , a be the concentration of A 1 1 2 2 3 3 and
be the concentration of
Am at the start and after time t, the concentration becomes ( a1 -x) for
A1 , ( a 2 -x) for A 2 ( a 3 -x) for A 3
and ( a
-x) for
Am .
i.e., x of all m reactants has been changed into products. The rate of reaction after time t is given by the expression,
dx (a1 x)(a 2 x)(a 3 x).......(am x) dt Or
dx k mdt (a1 x)(a 2 x)(a 3 x).......(am x) Where, k = m
m th order velocity constant (unit being lt
m 1
… (2.4)
s 1 )
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Applications Of Factorial Function
n 1 In Determination Of Specific Reaction Rate And Half
III. Representing specific reaction rate in terms of factorial function for n=1 (i)First Order Reaction From (2.1)
dx k 1 (t)n 1 c1 (a x)n 1
… (3.1)
k 1 = First order velocity constant
(ii)Second Order Reaction From (2.2)
dx k 2 (t)n 1 c 2 (a x)n 1 (b x)n 1 Where, k = Second order velocity constant 2
… (3.2)
(III) Third Order Reaction From (2.3)
dx k 3 (t)n 1 c 3 (a x)n 1 (b x)n 1 (c x)n 1
… (3.3)
Where, k = Third order velocity constant 3 th (iv) m Order Reaction From (2.4)
dx k m (t)n 1 cm (a1 x)n 1 (a 2 x)n 1 (a 3 x)n 1 ......(am x)n 1 … (3.4)
Where, k = m
order velocity constant
IV. Half Life Period of Reactions In this Section we will discuss some particular cases of section 3 in form of determination of half life period of reactions of various orders by using factorial function only.
n 1
(i) Half Life Period for first order reaction In eqn (3.1) put t=T and (a-x) = a , where T is half life period, Thus we obtain. 2
(T)n 1
1 k1
dx a 2 n 1 … (4.1)
1 x k1 a 2 n 1
Where, k = First order velocity constant 1
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Applications Of Factorial Function
n 1 In Determination Of Specific Reaction Rate And Half
(ii) Half Life Period For second order reaction In eqn (3.2) put t=T, b=a and (a-x) = a , where T is half life period, Thus we obtain.
(T)n 1
1 k2
dx a a 2 n 1 2 n 1 … (4.2)
x 2 a k2 2 n 1 Where, k = Second order velocity constant 2 (iii) Half Life Period For third order reaction In eqn (3.3) put t=T, b=a=c and (a-x) = a , where T is half life period, Thus we obtain.
(T)n 1
1 k3
dx a a a 2 2 n 1 n 1 2 n 1
x 3 a k 3 2 n 1
k 3 = Third order velocity constant
(iv) Half Life Period For m th order reaction In eqn (3.4) put t=T, a a a 1
...... am and a1 x a1
where T is half life
period, Thus we obtain.
(T)n 1
1 km
dx m times a a1 a1 ........ 1 2 2 n 1 n 1 2 n 1
1 a 1 2 n 1
x km
k m = m th order velocity constant
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Applications Of Factorial Function
n 1 In Determination Of Specific Reaction Rate And Half V. Proof
Equations (2.1), (2.2), (2.3) and (2.4) may be established by using factorial function of (1.1).
VI. Summary In this research article we have obtained the values of velocity constants and half life period of a reaction by using factorial function which is true for fractional part of reactant and minute fraction of time. This serves as a new technique to obtain values of velocity constants and half life period of a reaction against the previously used integration method or logarithmic method to obtain the values of velocity constants and half life period of a reaction.
Acknowledgement The author is thankful to HOD, Chemical Engineering and Technology, GGU Bilaspur (CG) for his valuable suggestion regarding the article.
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