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English and Communication Skills Documenting Success Stories: Style of Reporting

Meena Malik



Strong and effective communication has a great role in translating research to reality. Every scientific endeavour/project in terms of technology or field application has a story to tell. In Institutions of higher learning, the science communication is mostly perceived as shortcuts, bullet points, technical terms, and formulaic expressions. To move from information to knowledge, from empirical facts to rationale interpretation of facts, we need language to express. For creating impact of the new knowledge in science, we need to lay emphasis on the art of scientific communication, in general and documenting success stories, in particular. These success stories have to be clear, simple and well planned to have direct impact on the lives of the people. Strong and effective communication in the form of success stories helps bridge the gap between new developments and the stakeholders and makes innovations accessible to the target group that traditionally remains excluded from the process of science. The art of documenting success stories is one of the important professional skills for every science and extension professional. Success story, if it is to be effective and efficient, must be designed for the needs and the understanding of targeted end-user or group of users. It should be carefully planned and documented keeping the reader in mind. The success stories impact individuals, families, organizations, start-ups, local governments and economy at large.

Key Words: Science documentation, Science communication, Success stories, style

Communicating science through success stories is as important to the scientific process as designing, conducting and analyzing the experiment itself. Any research, irrespective of its spectacular results, is not complete till the results are published and translated into reality. In fact, the foundation of science is based on the premise that original research knowledge and innovations must reach the end-user. Every scientific endeavour/project in terms of technology or field application has a story to tell.

The Success story is an important marketing tool for any project/program that is noteworthy and significant. The program completed or in its earlier stage of development may have

important accomplishments to depict in the form of a success story. These stories are usually directed towards prospective end-users who seriously consider using that project/technology/product for their organization. The success stories may be about an innovation, emergency response or outstanding effort. They provide the end-user with reallife solutions and help them to set expectations in terms of required inputs/outputs, results, outcome, implementation time, budget etc. They could even be written in series describing significant but different changes occurring over the years or after the program‘s completion after due assessment of its long-term impact. Whatever the case may be, the story should portray a picture as to how the project has made a difference in the lives of the people. In other words, the success stories impact individuals, families, organizations, start-ups, local governments and economy at large.

Relevance and Significance of Success Stories

Documenting Success Stories enables scientists to reach out to broad and diverse categories of stakeholders. It helps build up a broad base to their scientific endeavours and encourages more informed decision-making at all levels. Strong and effective communication in the form of success stories helps bridge the gap between new developments and the stakeholders and makes innovations accessible to the target group that traditionally remains excluded from the process of science. Thus, it can help make science more credible, visible and inclusive. Besides educating the stakeholders, documentation of a success story enhances visibility and publicizes early successes, and serves as an important tool for self-evaluation and accountability. More than a list of successful events or activities, it describes a positive change and shows how that change benefits the people. A success story acts as a catalyst and creates a difference in people‘s lives.

The Art of Documenting Success Stories

The art of documenting success stories is one of the important core professional skills for every science and extension professional. The stories should be specific and should narrate specific challenges, actors, solutions, and outcomes. They should describe one compelling event or an interesting series of events. Stories can be of different types. The story illustrates the benefits of the ―systems approach‖ in bringing about tangible outcomes and positive change. It should be written in one‘s own words conveying the facts, figures and implications of the research, one‘s passion and enthusiasm.

It does not matter so much what we say. It matters a lot how we say it. Success story, if it is to be effective and efficient, must be designed for the needs and the understanding of a specific reader or group of readers. Their needs, interests, or concerns may differ and may vary from audience to audience. One must have adequate knowledge of the educational and professional background of the readers. We need to have an idea of what the reader expects from the story and his level of understanding.

A good success story writer needs to be authentic and need to use authentic language. He/she needs to emphasize on what is to be told instead of looking for elegant formulation. The success story needs to be interspersed with high-resolution images and logos. Low resolution images will be perceived as unprofessional by readers.

What Goes into a Success Story: SRRE

Typically, for extension purpose, a success story is primarily an exercise in organization. Each story should, in proper order, describe Situation, Response, Results and Evidence (SRRE).

SRRE pattern is an effective way to proceed to answer these four questions  Situation: What prompted the program?  Response: How did Extension respond? (inputs and outputs)  Results: Who benefited? What resulted? (outcomes)  Evidence: What’s the evidence? (evaluation)

Situation: The opening should make the case for why Extension stepped in. It should clearly describe an important issue or concern - why we should care. It shows that issue or need is appropriate for Extension response.

Response: This section describes Extension‘s response. i.e. its role and contribution including inputs (staff, funding, volunteers, research, expertise) and outputs. Outputs include activities (teaching, facilitation, product development) and people reached (number of people and demographics). It also describes partnerships and external funding sources. Results: This section uses quantitative and qualitative data to describe important outcomes (changes and benefits) achieved as a result of Extension‘s response. Outcomes include

changes in knowledge, skills, motivation, behavior, decision making, practices, policies, social action, social, economic and environmental conditions. It describes outcomes in terms of value or meaning. It tells about the beneficiaries and links story to research, if appropriate. It also states future plans based on results.

Evidence: This section describes briefly as to how the program was evaluated to attain the reported evidence. It also includes the data collection method (pre-or post-test surveys, interviews, testimonials), sample (number and how selected), response rate and the date of data collection. It may also include customer quotes collected during the project.

Typically, a good success story depends on credible information. Administrators, program leaders, communications specialists, Extension agencies and Extension staff periodically review success stories on the Planning and Reporting System.

Some Important Language Points and Skills

The ability to produce a clear, concise and professionally presented success story is a skill that one is required to develop to be successful both at the Research/Academic institutions and Extension Organisations. A clear, concise and well written story saves a lot of time of the users, be it researchers, students, teachers, managers or the clients. In other words, the value of accuracy and precision is not only important for researchers in scientific education and research but also for professionals in all sorts of work situations.

Successful communication depends upon the correct use of language and a good style of writing. One may learn the correct use of language, but has to cultivate a good style of writing. The former concerns grammar, usage, spelling, capitalization and punctuation, the latter concerns the organization of ideas through proper choice of words, arrangement of words into sentences and grouping of sentences into paragraphs. The use of abbreviations, the approach to the reader, use of idioms, use of visual aids, the format and layout of the report are all aspects of style. It‘s one thing to have a good story to tell. It‘s another to write it so that people will want to read it. Following are some of the some of the language skills that make a success story effective:

Choice of words: The primary objective of scientific communication is to transmit information briefly, clearly and efficiently. This can be achieved only through simple, direct and plain style. The first step towards a simple and clear style is to use simple language. One must choose a short word rather than a long word, a plain and familiar word rather than a fancy or unusual word and a concrete word rather than an abstract word.

Conciseness: Conciseness describes writing that is direct and to the point. Writing that is not concise is wordy. Wordy and indirect writing irritates the readers. In contrast, concise writing appeals to readers because it is direct. Hence, all efforts should be made to eliminate from the writing every word that does not contribute to the meaning or clarity of the message. Conciseness makes the writing clear and effective.

Use Active Voice: Avoid using passive voice and be clear about who is doing the action in every sentence. As the passive voice is sometimes vague and less economical than the active voice, good writers tend to avoid it except when it is genuinely useful. The passive voice may be preferable, for example, when the real doer of an action is either unknown or, in the context of a discussion, relatively unimportant.

Discreet Use of Jargons: Jargon is specialized vocabulary of a particular group- words that an outsider unfamiliar with this field would not understand. Jargon encompasses all technical terms. Such terminology is useful and often necessary in technical communication restricted to people working on the same or similar subjects. Technical terms become jargon only when carelessly used for wider audience. The Jargon of any given field is often the most efficient means of communication within that field. It becomes offensive when handy English equivalents are available or people outside the field are expected to understand, what is said. In other words, using jargons unnecessarily is pretentious, showy, and artificial.

The Verb ‘Be’: The verb ‗be‘ is often a cause of stylistic problems. Eight basic forms of verb ‗be‘ are: am, are, is, was, were, be, being, been. Avoid verb ‗be‘ followed by adjectives or nouns that can be turned into strong, economical verbs.

Appropriate Use of Coordination and Subordination: A common failing of technical writers is the expression of ideas of unequal importance in constructions that seem to give equal

weight. Appropriate use of coordination and subordination should be made by carefully examining which ideas are important and which are minor, reworking them into simple, compound and complex sentences. Meaning can be grasped more quickly and more easily if subordinate ideas are indicated and put in subordinating constructions. A sentence should express the main thought in a principal clause. Less important thoughts should be expressed in subordinate clauses. Length of the sentence should be kept as short as far as possible by using not more than one or two subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns in a sentence. There is a greater risk of grammatical error in longer sentences.

Overall Style Reminders

 Choose simple words.  Style should not be verbose.  Keep messages simple and concise.  Use active voice.  Jargon should be avoided.  Limit use of acronyms. If you use acronyms, spell them out on first mention.  Reads like story.  Give compelling and significant facts.  Write in paragraph style in complete sentences.  Keep paragraphs short – no more than 5-6 sentences.  Keep story to not more than two pages.  Avoid broad, sweeping statements.  Include direct quotes if they strengthen the story.


Success stories create a link between scientific endeavours and stakeholders in order to make

them more relevant to society, and encourage more informed decision-making at all levels. To help make science more credible, visible and inclusive, we need to lay emphasis on imparting skills in communicating science in the form of success stories. The success story has to be authentic, clear, simple and well ordered communication to transmit the significant achievements. It has a specific purpose and a specific audience. It should be carefully planned and prepared keeping the reader in mind. It is the art of making the subject intelligible to others, which requires invaluable mental discipline and in turn enhances clear thinking.


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 Malik, Meena ―English for Empowering Science and Engineering Graduates‖,

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 Malik, Meena and Malik Ravinder, The Art of Technical Reporting and Writing,

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SRM University, Chennai, pp. 256-258.  Plain Language: Improving Communication from the Federal Government to the

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