Divya Verma, Ajay Kaushik / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.391-394
Analysis of RF MEMS Capacitive Switch based on a Fixed-Fixed Beam Structure Divya Verma*, Ajay Kaushik** *,**MMEC, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Haryana(India),
ABSTRACT RF MEMS has evolved over the past decade and it has emerged as a potential technology for wireless, mobile and satellite communication and defence applications. RF MEMS provides an opportunity to revolutionize the wireless communication. This paper describes the Performance of low loss FixedFixed RF MEMS capacitive switch . The RF MEMS capacitive Fixed-Fixed switch exhibit lower losses, better reliability, and good performance at higher frequencies. RF MEMS switches can be classified based on their actuation mechanisms into categories such as electrostatic, electromagnetic and thermal. Most of the RF-MEMS switches reported to date have used electrostatic actuation , which normally requires high actuation voltages. In this paper a fixed-fixed RF MEMS capacitive switch is designed to achieve low actuation voltage and to analyse their performance parameters. Keywords: Capacitive, electrostatic actuation, pullin voltage, RF MEMS switch.
Wireless communication has made an explosive growth of emerging consumer markets, as well as in military applications of RF, microwave, and millimetre-wave circuits and systems. These include wireless personal communication systems, wireless local area networks, satellite communications, automotive electronics, etc. In these systems, the RF switch is one of the essential components to handle RF signals [1,2]. RF MEMS is an emerging technology that promises the potential of revolutionizing RF and microwave system implementation for the next generation of telecommunication applications [3]. Its low power, better RF performance, large tuning range, and integration capability are the key characteristics enabling system implementation with potential improvements in size, cost, and increased functionality. The term RF MEMS refers to the design and fabrication of MEMS for RF integratedcircuits. It should not be interpreted as the traditional MEMS devices operating at RF frequencies [4].MEMS devices in RF MEMS are used for actuation or
adjustment of a separate RF device or component, such as variable capacitors, switches, and filters.There has been great research effort on Radio Frequency Micro-Electro- Mechanical Systems (RF MEMS) switches because they have many advantages over p-i-n diode or field effect transistor (FET) switches [5]. RF MEMS switches show attractive electrical performance characteristics that are critically needed in the next generation RF switches with high isolation, very low insertion loss, wide bandwidth operation and excellent linearity [6, 7 and 8]. This makes it ideal to enable a plethora of wireless appliances operating in the home/ground, mobile, and space spheres such as handsets, base stations, and satellites. The main existing challenge in use of RF MEMS switches is high value of actuation voltage. As the high actuation voltage requires high voltage drive circuits which degrades life time and induces malfunction by charge trapping problem. So, in this paper we have focused in the reduction of actuation voltage by studying the various parameters which effect the actuation voltage. In this paper proposed RF MEMS capacitive switch based on fixed-fixed beam structure which shows an improvement in characteristics at higher frequencies. Here, we propose a switch which uses fixed-fixed shape beam and its parameters are analyzed. It has wide potential with multiband support for different applications like K and Ka band which is to be sight for different satellite communication. It is also supposed to support next generation mobile terminal applications.
Switch is the basic element that connect or disconnect the electrical connection. There are two basic switches used in RF to millimeter-wave circuit design: the shunt switch and the series switch. The series MEMS switch is excellent for RF-40 GHz applications with a typical isolation of 50 dB at 1 GHz, and 30 dB at 10 GHz [9]. The shunt design is excellent at 10-100 GHz applications, with a typical isolation of 17 dB at 10 GHz and 35-40 dB at 30-40 GHz for a capacitance of 4 pF . From a mechanical point of view, MEMS switches can be a thin metal cantilever, air bridge, or diaphragm, from RF circuit configuration point of view, it can be series connected or parallel connected with an RF
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