International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 3, May - June 2016 RESEARCH ARTICLE
Accessing Cloud Services Using Graphical Password Authentication S. A. Gade, Puja Bomble, Suraj Birdawade, Alpesh Valvi
(Computer Department, Pune University,S.V.I.T College and Nashik)
In todays modern world the need of security is increasing day by day. To provide security to the system we need strong passwords such as alphanumeric or graphical passwords. Alphanumerical passwords are not more secure than graphical passwords. Hackers can easily guess the password with the help of tools such as dictionary attacks. Information security is the most important factor now a days. To provide security for the cloud we are using graphical password authentication. Graphical password is the alternative solution for alphanumeric passwords to provide more security. Graphical password are more secure than alphanumeric passwords. It is quite difficult for the users to remember the alphanumeric passwords. According to psychological studies the human mind can easily capture images than alphabets or digits. In this paper we are going to give authentication to cloud services by using graphical password authentication. We are providing an algorithm which is based on selection of username and images as a password. In this paper we are to trying to give set of images on the basis of alphabets sequence position of characters in username. In this paper we will access cloud services using graphical password authentication.
Keywords - Graphical password, cloud security. I.
INTRODUCTION In graphical password authentication process we are going to give security to protect the cloud. When any user wants to access the network, for security purposes every web application provides user authentication. Graphical password are more secure than alphanumeric password because they provides images as password. The resources are rapidly deployed with great efficiency and minimal management overhead. Cloud is an insecure computing platform from the view point of cloud users, the system must design mechanisms that not only protect sensitive information by enabling computations with encrypted data, but also protect users from malicious behaviours. Graphical password provide a programming alternative traditional alphanumeric password. There are many security issues that are arises for accessing the services in cloud. To remove these issues the graphical password security system is provided with powerful and more secure authentication techniques.
ISSN: 2395-1303
Three Types Of Authentication Methods –
A) Token base authentication: In this system user have to enter their username and password in order to obtain a token which allows them to fetch a specific resources without using their username and password once their token has been obtain. The tokem contains the information of the user. B) Biometric Base Authentication: This method of authentication offers several advantages over other authentication methods. The biometric based authentication methods are thumb recognition, eye recognition. C) Knowledge Base Authentication: Most of the web applications are the knowledge based authentication. Graphical password authentication is the knowledge based authentication. In this paper we are presenting effective algorithm which is based on selecting user names and images as password to provide security for the cloud. We are trying to give images as password according to the selection of username alphabets position.
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Finally, we have provided strongest security for the cloud. Why Graphical Passwords ? In this paper we are going to give images as password for the cloud. Garphical passwords are more secure than alphanumeric password. According to scientifical studies human mind can easily remember images than alphabets. Hackers can easily guess the alphanumeric password. Graphical passwords are not easy to guess, if the attacker tries to guess the password it will take millions of the years. That’s why to provide more security for the cloud, we are using images as password.
corporation. The password is the collection of k faces ,each selected from a distinct set of n>1 faces.We used k=4 and n=9. choosing her password images are unique and do not appear more than once. A password is a sequence of k unique images selected by the user to make a story from a single set of n>k images, each derived from a distinct category of images types.
Recognition based technique -
In this recognition based techniques user is provided with collection of images, icons or symbols. At the time of authentication user can select images, symbols as passwords.The majority is 90% of user to remember the password after one or two months. Based on the Hash Visualization technique Dhamija and Perrig proposed a graphical authentication scheme. In which user have to select no of images from the set of images generated by the algorithm. Below figure shows the random images.
Fig. 1 Passface
Advantages – 1. User can easily remember password. Disadvantages – 1. It is very long process for selection of images as password. 2. Require more time. 3.
Triangle Based Scheme
In triangle based scheme the user is provided with crowded images. From that images or symbols user has to select password as forming triangle. It is very hard to guess the password from crowded hall of images. Fig. 1 Recognition Based
Multiple Image Based
In this multiple image based technique user is provide multiple images to select any one of them. Passface is a technique developed by Real user
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Finding the set to be assigned Calculation of result: S+V+I+T=19+22+9+20=70
Fig. 3 Triangle Based Scheme
Advantages – 1. The display is very crowded so no one can easily guess the password. 2. No of image shown are almost same so,it is difficult to distinguish. Disadvantages – Convex surface assigning process takes longer time. III. PROPOSED SYSTEM: Proposed system of our project will be explained in detail with the help of following few steps. Step 1: How to start: when any user wants to start the cloud service they will be provided with options to select username and password. If the user is new, user have to create its username. According to that username selection images are provided as password. After login into account user can access cloud services. Step 2: Calculations on the basis of username There are total 26 alphabets in the alphabets series. At the server-side position of username’s alphabet in alphabet series will be calculated. After that the addition of all the position is done. First digit of that sum will be considered and forwarded further calculations. Example: Username is ‘SVIT’. Alphabets Position
S 19
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V 22
I 9
T 20
This first digit is 7, forwarded for next calculation. Step 3: Assigning set of images: There are total 26 alphabets present in alphabet series. We know that any two digit number can start with number between 1-9 itself. That’s why Server has made 9 set of images. According to the username the set of images are assigned. A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
F 6
G 7
H 8
I 9
According to username if the first digit is 1,then set A is assigned. Step 4: Selection of password: The last step is selection of password, complete password is divided in two sections first section is based on user selection, second section is based on server provide images. For user selection server provided set of images using the first digit of calculation of usernames position. Using this set of image user can select any two image as a password and after user selection server provide another two image to user and password complete. Flowchart of Proposed System: In this method registration process is first and important process. In registration process there are two main process required sign in and sign up. If user in new then sign up process required and if user is already existing then sign in process required. In sign up process user have to enter its user name first. using the calculation of position of username server provide the image set to user. user can select any two image from this set and another two image will be provided by server but at
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registration time user cant see this two image .this two image automatically send on users mail id. And then registration process is completed. After sign up process user can sign in using its username and password. When user enter its username then server using the position of username provide the set of image to user. then user select its two image password from given set and another two images who’s send by server user can select using browse option and then user can access their account with uploading and downloading process.
Fig. 4 Flowchart
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Image Based Scheme Vs Graphical Password-
In image based scheme user can use many images as a password or some part of image use as a password. In graphical password user can use different images as a password. Image based scheme is a very long process. It consumes users time also. Graphical password is faster than image based scheme.
Triangle Scheme Vs - Graphical Password
In triangle scheme user is provided with convex surface. user can select any three image from this convex surface that forming a triangle. In graphical password two images select by user and another two images provided by server using the calculation of usernames position. In triangle scheme there are many images shown are almost same, so user may confuse to select its password. In graphical password all image are different so user can not confuse for select its password. Signature Based Scheme Vs Graphical Password-
In signature based scheme user can use its signature as a password. In graphical password user can use any image as a password. Disadvantage of signature based scheme is remembering the grid of signature is not simple task.
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Graphical password is easily remember. In psychological study it is proved that image is easily capture by human brain. RESULT
Fig. 5 Result
CONCLUSION The new system graphical password used for solving many problems or many drawback of existing system. Graphical passwords provide more security than alphanumeric passwords. Graphical password is easy to remember.It will reduce the burden of human brain. REFERENCES [1]
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