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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 3, May - June 2016

Dual Band Inverted-F Antenna for Military and Wireless Applications

DK Poorna Chandra1, ST Aarthy2 M Vinay Kumar Reddy3, C Harshavardhan Reddy4 and Dept of ECE, SRM University

Abstract―A dual band inverted f antenna operating at 2.4 GHZ and 5.2 GHZ is designed. The antenna is designed by using Advance Design System (ADS) and dissected by the method of moments (MOM’s) in the Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC). The complete analysis of antenna parameters shows the ability of the designed antennas to operate in the above specified bands in terms of return loss, bandwidth, efficiency, gain and directivity. This antenna is proposed to obtain less return loss for multi-serving purposes such as military and the wireless communication. The antenna provides a return loss of -3.675 at 2.429 GHZ and -27.906 at 5.4 GHZ. Key words- Inverted F-antenna (IFA), return loss, arrays. 1. INTRODUCTION

Currently Inverted-F Antennas (IFA”S) are used in many fields such as communication, medical, military, scientific and commercial applications. Wireless communications such as radar, sonar, satellite communications, mobile communication requires antennas with significant gain and return loss parameters. In an antenna array the signals are combined and processed in order to achieve improved performance over that of a single antenna. It can be used to increase overall gain, provide diversity reception cancel out interference from particular set of directions, steer the array so that it is most sensitive in particular direction, determine the exact direction of arrival of the incoming signals, to improve the signal ISSN: 2395-1303

to interference plus noise ratio(SINR). Single antenna can’t handle more power, arrays will have more gain than single element antenna have direct impact on ERP. Gain of the array will improve SNR in receiving mode. Beam tilting can be done with phasing of array without mechanically tilting to some extent for fine tuning. No of arrays will have impact of directivity and use to reject the signals from other unwanted directions. Array antennas are used in various applications such as broadcasting, Beam forming, naval usage, optical phased arrays, radiofrequency identification, weather research usage, missiles guidance, fire radar aircraft. Recent years usage of array antennas has been increasing in wireless communication in the range of 2.4 and 5.5 GHZ. There is wide variety of antenna arrays designed for military and wireless platforms such as land, sea and air. Particularly antennas used in military requires significant gain and return loss with a low profile to become cost effective. Recent years many types inverted-f antennas has been proposed for wireless device because of its low profile. IFA’s have a length quarter to half the wavelength. It can be further modified by controlling the side lobes to get more gain and directivity. The major limitation of low- profile antennas is return loss. Most of the prevailing IFA’s possess more return loss. But return loss can be decreased by using array of patches designed by advance design method.


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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 3, May - June 2016

In this paper dual band inverted-f antenna is presented with significant directivity and return loss that covers 4.25.2GHZ military band and 2.4GHZ wireless communication band. In the proposed design other limitations of general IFA’s are reduced to provide better performance in these two specified application. The simulation of antenna is carried out using ADS by Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC) simulator and different parameters are regulated by trial and error method. 2. Antenna design configuration The proposed antenna is showed in fig 1 where there is array of 8 patches each one having an f slot inserted in it. A study on various parameters has been done to examine the effect of different loadings on antenna performance. to determine the arrangement of the array. To examine the antenna is assumed to be made of copper in a ferrite substrate. The performance of the antenna is improved by varying the arrangement in an arrays. Antennas has been regulated to work at 2.4 & 5.2 GHZ bands. By increasing the number of patches we are able to obtain improved reflection coefficient and directivity but few side lobes are turned out. The proposed design is an array of 8 patches consisting f slot inserted in each patch. It is an arrangement consisting 2 rows and 4 columns. Both rows are connected to each other by mutual inductance. Column wise it is connected by using insert feed technique. The overall dimension of the antenna is 8 inchx3.5 inch. Significant parameters are calculated using below formulas.

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Fig. 1 Proposed array of IFA with Optimized dimension


The array antenna is analyzed and designed using Method of moments (MOM’S) with Numerical electro Magnetic Code (NEC) in ADS. Fig. 2 shows the impedance matching of the array antenna at both the bands. It shows that proposed system provides good impedance at both the bands. Fig. 3 shows the phasor representation. Fig. 5 shows the return loss for different frequencies. It shows -3.675 at 2.429 GHZ and -27.906 at 5.829 GHZ. Fig. 5 & 6 shows radiation pattern of circular axis ratio and linear axis ratio. Fig.7 shows the 3 dimensional view of radiation pattern.


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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 3, May - June 2016

Fig. 5 Circular Axis Ratio

Fig. 2 Impedance matching at various frequency

Fig. 6 Linear Axis Ratio

Fig. 3 phasor representation

Fig. 7 3D Radiation Pattern Fig. 4 Return Loss at various frequencies ISSN: 2395-1303


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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 3, May - June 2016

Fig.9 return loss in db obtained using Network Analyzer

Table.1 Antenna ntenna parameters

for various array arrangement arrangement.

Fig.10 impedance matching obtained Fig.8 Fabricated 8 patch dual band IFA


The antenna is fabricated on ferrite

(FR4) substrate. Thia antenna is provided

using Network Analyzer nalyzer



1. 2. 3.















with two SMA connectors in order to give feeding to the antenna.

Table.2 Return Loss oss in db at different

bands by simulation and by Network Analyzer.

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 3, May - June 2016

8. Conclusion

A dual band inverted-f array antenna to significant directivity and return is designed. It is very useful in military and wireless applications. The impedance matching return loss and directivity all are at satisfactory levels for the use in both the bands. Few side lobes arises due to array arrangement which slightly reduces the gain, but it does not effects the total antenna performance. There is a comparison table displaying antenna parameters such as return loss, gain, directivity for different number of arrays. The table clearly depicts that directivity and return loss are improved significantly for the array of 8 patches when compared to single patch. The results obtained using network analyzer are also at satisfactory range. Gain is slightly reduced but it has negligible effect on the performance of the antenna. So the proposed antenna can be a more useful one in military and wireless applications. Future enhancement Micro strip antennas are one of the most innovative topics in antenna technology today because of its mechanical and fabrication features such as low cost, light Weight, conformability and easy integration with MIC.  Micro strip antenna will form a synergistic link with one or more technologies that are emerging. High temperature super conductors are one such possibilities since their materials can easily be integrated with planar antennas. Material developments in general, offer a variety of possibilities for improving the performance of the antennas, in terms of low loss substrates and improved thermal and mechanical characteristics.  A mutually beneficial result is the

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application of high speed analog electro-optic links to micro strip phased array antennas. Electro-optic technologies with fiber optic lines can be used to distribute RF and control signals to radiating modules in the array, thus simplifying the layout and construction of large array antenna. REFERENCES [1]

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Dk Poorna Chandra is currently an under graduate student in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University.

ST Aarthy is currently working as an Assistant Professor (OG) in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University. His research interests include Silicon Nanowire and Mobile Communication Systems. Her publications include International Journal  "Comparison Of Different Local Spectrum Sensing Techniques In ISSN: 2395-1303

M Vinay Kumar Reddy is currently an under graduate student in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University.

C Harshavardhan Reddy is currently an under graduate student in the Department of




Engineering, SRM University.


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