International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 4, July – Aug 2016
Modeling and Analysis of Machining Characteristics of Metal Matrix Composite in Milling Process 1, 2, 3
N.Keerthi1, N.Deepthi2,N.Jaya Krishna3
Mechanical Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and sciences Autonomous and Rajampet
In the area of globalization manufacturers are facing the challenges of higher Quality and productivity are two important . Productivity can be interpreted in terms of material removal rate in the machining operation and quality represents satisfactory yield in terms of product characteristics as desired by the customers. but conflicting criteria in any machining operations. In order to ensure high productivity, extent of quality is to be compromised. It is, therefore, essential to optimize quality and productivity simultaneously. Dimensional accuracy, form stability, surface smoothness, fulfillment of functional requirements in prescribed area of application etc. are important quality attributes of the product. Increase in productivity results in reduction in machining time which may result in quality loss. On the contrary, an improvement in quality results in increasing machining time thereby, reducing productivity. Therefore, there is a need to optimize quality as well as productivity. Optimizing a single response may yield positively in some aspects but it may affect adversely in other aspects. The problem can be overcome if multiple objectives are optimized simultaneously. It is, therefore, required to maximize material removal rate (MRR), and to improve product quality simultaneously by selecting an appropriate (optimal) process environment. To this end, the present work deals with multi-objective optimization philosophy based on Taguchi-Grey
ISSN: 2395-1303
relational analysis method applied in CNC end milling operation.
II. STIR CASTING PROCESS: In a stir casting process, the reinforcing phases are distributed into molten matrix by mechanical stirring. Stir casting of metal matrix composites was initiated in 1968, hen S. Ray introduced alumina particles into aluminum melt by stirring molten aluminum alloys containing the ceramic powders. Mechanical stirring in the furnace is a key element of this process. The resultant molten alloy, with ceramic particles, can then be used for die casting, permanent mold casting, or sand casting. Stir casting is suitable for manufacturing composites with up to 30% volume fractions of reinforcement. The cast composites are sometimes further extruded to reduce porosity, refine the microstructure, and homogenize the distribution of the reinforcement. A major concern associated with the stir casting process is the segregation of reinforcing particles which is caused by the surfacing or settling of the reinforcement particles during the melting and casting processes.The final distribution of the particles in the solid depends on material properties and process parameters such as the wetting condition of the particles with the melt, strength of mixing, relative density, and rate of solidification.The distribution of the particles in the molten matrix depends on the geometry of the mechanical stirrer, stirring parameters, placement of the mechanical stirrer in the melt, melting temperature, and the characteristics of the particles added.
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