IJIRST窶的nternational Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Vol. 1, Issue 1, June 2014| ISSN(online): 2349-6010
Investigation On Material Removal And Tool Wear Rates Of Tib2 Ceramic In Electrical Discharge Machining C. Sekar PG scholar Department Of Mechanical Engineering K.S.RangasamyCollege of Technology, Tiruchengode, India
Abstract Ceramic composites are considered as the next generation of advanced materials due to their high hardness, excellent chemical and mechanical stability under a broad range of temperature, and high specific stiffness. However, these materials are difficult to machine in conventional machining because of their high strength and complexity in shapes. Electric discharge machining (EDM) has been proven as an alternate process for machining complex and intricate shapes from the conductive ceramic composites. In present study, process parameters namely current (I), pulse on time (ton), and pulse off time (toff) are optimized with the considerations of multi responses such as Material Removal Rate, Electrode wear Rate. The experiments were conducted according to an L9 orthogonal array. The parameters are optimized using Taguchi method. Keywords: Electric discharge machining (EDM), TiB2 ceramic, Performance characteristics MRR, EWR, Taguchi L9 orthogonal array. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.
A. Literature review Silicon nitride based ceramic composites have been recognized as promising engineering materials because of their outstanding mechanical and thermal properties such as high strength at high temperature, oxidation resistance, thermal shock resistance, wear and creep resistance, etc. Therefore this material is especially used for high temperature applications in mechanical and aerospace engineering[1-3]. However, it is difficult to machine these materials in conventional machining methods. It limits their applications. To avoid these problems, Non-traditional techniques such as Ultrasonic Machining (USM), Laser Beam Machining (LBM) and Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) can be used[4,5]. Out of these, EDM is extensively used in machining hard, high strength, complex geometry shape and temperature resistant materials in a contactless manner. The material is melted and evaporated by the heat between tool electrode and workpiece[5-8]. B. Principle of EDM Electric discharge machining is a controlled metal removing technique whereby an electric spark is used to cut the work piece, which takes a shape opposite to that of the cutting tool or electrode. The electrode is made from electrically conductive material. The electrode, made to the shape of the cavity required, and the work piece are both submerged in a dielectric fluid. Dielectric fluid should be nonconductor of electricity. A servo mechanism maintains a gap of about 0.01 to 0.02mm between the electrode & the workpiece, preventing them from coming into contact with each other. A direct current of low voltage & high amperage is delivered to the electrode at the rate of approximately 50 KHz. These electrical energy impulses vaporize the oil at this point. This permits the spark to jump the gap between the electrode and the work piece
Fig.1: EDM Setup All rights reserved by www.ijirst.org